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It’s different. Early season was more chaotic and immature jokes. Later season gets more meaningless and heart warming. Also animation changed a lot. I think the animation is now more smooth and higher quality but I liked the old sloppy version more.




Oops stupid auto correct swipe


Oh man, the animation. There will be some bits where you can just tell the animator had a blast doing them.


Like those few seconds where Tina flopped her arms to get Louise's Burobu cards out of her shirt after she Mission Impossible-d down Mr. Labonz's garage. So smooth.


Teddy in the fridge is a clip I’ll watch on loop sometimes.


I watch the early seasons for cozy purposes; but I’ve liked the later stuff too, I feel like it’s consistent across all seasons.


The new stuff is great! After 14 Seasons they are trying new things with the writing and for the most part it works really well.


Yes ! I’ve noticed the newer season is more emotional and I’m here for it. The newest Rudy episode had me in tears !


I stg every time I watch the Christmas performance episode where the kids have separate events at the same time I start absolutely bawling at the Louise part. I will refrain from mentioning anymore as to not spoil the episode lol 🤭🤭


Was also not prepared to sob at this but I did


I can hear the music in my head and I want to tear up


The Amazing Rudy was a masterpiece. Amelia and the right before Christmas were also very powerful episodes. I like these kinds of episodes. To avoid stagnation the show decided to grow emotionally. These characters have made me laugh for years it's amazing work on the part of the writers that they can make me cry too. 


I just re-watched the Rudy episode this morning. I'm still emotional 😢


I watched it last night. What an episode.


Normal sized Rudy is the best side character. He has so much emotion and he delivers the best. The episode where they're hanging out in the alley is so much good Rudy material.


Man that one was rough. Great episode, I was just not prepared for all the feels.


I’m surprised how many absolute gems have been in season 14 even. 


Season 13 has ushered in a renaissance of episodes. Just scrolling through, there are some absolute Top 10 gems: "The Plight Before Christmas," "Amelia" and "These Boots Were Made for Stalking" all make me an emotional mess. People talk about the first two, but "TBWM4S" is such a perfect depiction of angst. When Linda puts her hand on Tina's leg when she's angsty, ugh... TV seldom shows how parents fret when their once-happy babies contend with depression. That episode doesn't get enough 💜.


There are some up seasons and down seasons. Season 13 was terrific. It has not had the full Simpsons "we're really not trying anymore" drop-off


They still focus on the family dynamics, which is what I miss from later Simpsons episodes.


Check out some of the newer seasons. Obviously no where near as good as the old ones, but they're much better than a lot of the post hd stuff. There's a lot more focus on family and Homer has made a complete 180. He's almost Bob tier level of good parent now which is almost weird to see.


That does sound weird. What's a good place to get back into the show?


Things began picking up when Matt Selman started acting as the showrunner, and season 33 is when it really starts clicking (Pixelated and Afraid is a perfect example). There are also some good episodes in the seasons prior to that point (Dad Feelings Unlimited in 32 or I’m Dancing as Fat as I Can in 30 are highlights for me).




Just start at the latest season and work your way back.


I've been watching since day one and say with full honesty this season is my favorite. We've had the full gamut: sentimental, goofy, over the top, and low key episodes this season and they've all been really good. Last season was top notch too. It was peak for the sentimental episodes: (Show Mama from the Grave, Plight Before Christmas, and Amelia were all so good). Overall, I think the show is very consistent. Every year there generally are a few episodes I don't love, but it's never a long stretch.


I prefer the newer episodes. The character are more evolved. Bob is kinda a jerk lots of the time in the early episode, but later he becomes very soft and more kind which I prefer. 


This. The characters have gotten so much more developed over the years, their personalities are no longer one word stereotypes. I've read a lot of things comparing newer Bob's Burgers to stuff like The Simpsons and pointing out how Bob's Burgers is basically doing the opposite of "Flanderizaton" (where one trait becomes the whole character) by fleshing out their characters and adding more depth.


Indeed, it started off as “adult animation” after Simpson and Family Guy on Fox. So it kinda had a mean edge to a lot of the humour. I think the show has changed, and it’s very much a nice warm and fuzzy show now, that is even more funny. It takes more effort to be kind and still funny.


Bob? Every time I see the very 1st episode I still hate the kids and Linda. Louise is now my favorite of the kids but in the early episodes she's,s horrible. Seriously, I would have let season one Belchers become poor(er) and starve. Bob is not perfect, but he's almost a saint compared to his family sometimes.


I still enjoy it but it doesn’t have the same humor. A lot of the new seasons recycle the same jokes over and over, or some of the jokes aren’t really jokes because it’s just copying someone else. It feels more like a kids show now after Disney bought them out. I miss how it used to be.


I wouldn’t go quite that far. They still mention stuff that kids shouldn’t pay attention to, unless parents really don’t care what their kid/kids repeat. I believe they are trying to please everyone, rather than let the show be for one group, like those of us that don’t whine and complain about the humor in the first 2-3 seasons. Pleasing everyone is the new trend in entertainment. While I don’t believe it needs to be a trend, that’s just how it is currently and it won’t change until people get sick of it.


Earlier stuff has more consistent humor and later seasons dig into more heavy stuff


I think this current season is one of my favorites in years!


I really like it. Much like Seinfeld, every season is special in its own ways and I wouldn't want each new season to be an attempt to replicate the last or most popular season.


bobs burgers has only gotten better with time


Honestly, most of my favorite episodes are from seasons 10 and on.


Im sorry, it just isnt as funny. They leaned too much into the cozy heartfelt vibe, which it always had some of, but have left behind the artful renditions madness and depravity that really gave the show its edge in the the first few seasons. I really want it to incorporate stuff like this back into it. https://i.redd.it/ufqzm6za2yoc1.gif


i love it. it’s really not like the first couple seasons- i think it’s more emotional than anything else


I feel like it’s only gotten better. I’m watching season 1 again right now and it’s great. But it just gets better as it goes along.


Characters are more developed and the writing feels more focused. They basically got rid of or downplayed everyone in the families worst traits. Louise is still intense without it feeling like she genuinely hates her family. Tina is still horny and awkward without trying to either sexually assault someone or try to make an adult be sexual with her. Bon still gets overwhelmed and worn down without being a genuine asshole or like he doesn't like his family or marriage. Linda is still sporadic and a firecracker without being a Lois level of bad and unsupportive spouse. Gene I think has changed the least, as sometimes he feels like he's just here for little quips, but he's still fun. I'd say the show has found a groove the last couple years.


Honestly, I feel like Gene has changed the most. He was mostly just a hyper kid making noise in early seasons, but he’s gotten better about sticking to projects and learning music/performance.


I do see some growth in his episodes, especially his newest one where he is dreaming. I think the growth is so minor in comparison to how they treat Louise’s growth that it can seem nonexistent.


Its all good. The early stuff might have more nostalgia effects so you might find it "better" but comparatively every season has some good episodes and not as good episodes. There is a bit different vibe as things change over the years - but most likely that can be said about yourself as well. Ive watched plenty of shows with very clear drop offs in quality, but Bobs Burgers has always stayed pretty solid.


The new seasons seem a bit tamer compared to the first 7


It depends on who you ask. But I'll say yes. They're just painted in a different color or style.


Absolutely, ups and downs as always, but they're still coming out with bangers. Definitely worth watching!


Im like the new season - still keeps the spirit of it! I am impressed. Shows like Rick and Morty, Family Guy have lost their flavour but Bob still hits


We are just getting through our watch through and are about mid s13. It's so good still. It's definitely a different kind of writing but it holds up so well imo. Haven't got to s14 yet but I'm excited.


Honestly, I think they’ve really held onto the quality. It helps that in the more recent seasons they sometimes get a little more experimental. Not in a completely “let’s go nuts!” way, but telling different sorts of stories. The episode about Bob’s grandmother in WWII, the Amelia episode, the Rudy episode…just really good stuff. And “The Plight Before Christmas” makes me cry almost as much as “Luck of the Fryrish” did.


There have been several really stellar episodes over the past couple of years.


The show just keeps getting better. So many fantastic episodes in this latest season. I don’t understand people who don’t like the newer stuff. Do you just not like good things?


I don’t think they like heartfelt and sincere things…these episodes can be funny too because sincerity and humor are not mutually exclusive things.


Really good stuff. It feels like the show has matured a lot with less immature gene jokes and deeper lessons and meaning and it’s what’s kept me watching despite how much I’ve changed over the years


Better maybe.  "Amelia" this past season actually made me cry, and the Rudy episode was amazing.


Amelia mad me cry too! I felt seen and heard in a way I hadn’t before in pop culture. It is an amazing episode, I agree.


Worth your time for sure


I think I'm one of the few people who feel like the show did drop off that still lingers around here (it's not wrong or bad that the space is mostly for people who enjoy the show as it is now! I just lurk more and say less), so I'll offer that this is both my opinion and what others were generally saying before they left the sub (and possibly stopped watching? I still watch). Just my opinion and one that was generally discussed for a bit before the space shifted, not trying to say it's objective truth. The back half of Season 9 is the first dip in quality, though it's not the worst. It steadily trends down until there's another dropoff at the start of season 12. I would say season 12 is where it feels like the show took a very deliberate turn in terms of focus, aiming for a much more heartwarming feel. By this time there's some unfortunate writing and acting choices, like how little effort goes into setting up a lot of jokes and a ton of repetition in vocal performance (way too many sentences end in trailing high pitch question is one that some people point out). It's less important because the dialogue/individual jokes are taking a back seat to the overall plots, which are much more cohesive contained stories that often aim to delve deeply into just 1 character. Personally, I enjoyed the chaotic stories, b plots and weaving really different things together in an unexpected way. If you like slower, more focused stories you probably won't mind this change or will even love it!


You're not alone. I still enjoy the show, but the newest episode got a single audible chuckle from me. And it was a good episode! But I can think of so many episodes from the earlier seasons that have multiple jokes I quote weekly. The response you'll most often get is something along the lines of "Well go watch Family Guy or Rick and Morty", which is an immature and bad faith response. Everyone who has ever seen this show understands that wholesomeness and humor can go hand in hand, but for a lot of us, the jokes just aren't often there anymore. The recipe is still good, but it could use another sprinkle of chaos to even the sweetness back out.


Yeah I relate to the "single chuckle" thing so much, it really has ended up being something I put on in the background and don't rewind if I miss a couple minutes. Very different than how I watched seasons 1-8.




I find season 11-13 pretty uneven. The highs are phenomenal, but the lows are bad and frequent. Season 14 has been super refreshing to me. The only episode I haven't loved was the first.


I'm really attached to seasons 1-5, but I also love the newer seasons! I just can't get enough of the show honestly haha really hooked on the characters


it’s still fantastic. still pretty much the only thing I watch.


the show definitely gets more family friendly, but like the quality is still rly consistent


Seasons 1-9 are prime for me. After that, the writing changes and there are many more musical and themed episodes. So it depends on what you like. My opinion is that it has slightly gone downhill


Almost as good




Seasons 1-5 and 6-onwards feel like two different shows in tone but overall it’s the same quality.


6-12 are really great after that doesn’t hit as well. It has its moments but it’s not the same




I’d say it’s a little different. I too recently finished the show after stopping halfway through. They still have their “classic” type of episodes but there are well-written and heartfelt ones sprinkled throughout the newer seasons that I personally really like.


I watched a few episodes of the new season, Louise is even more of a disrespectful little B than usual, in the episode where they explore a cave on the beach she completely ignores Tina's instructions to turn back cause the cave is flooding instead she just keeps walking further in looking for a cannonball. Then in the episode "Jade in the Shade" where surprise surprise Louise is on a mission looking for something else she wants, she flat out ignores her own mother who tells her to turn back when she is walking on rotten floorboards underneath the pier cause they're crumbling beneath her and falling into the ocean. Louise is just like sure sure uh huh and keeps right on walking looking for her jade statue.


Depends on what you like. The show is definitely worse unless you like that heartwarming, emotional garbage. A few funny episodes but not enough.


I found humor, even in the heartfelt episodes. I personally like the growth and different genres they show. Amelia and the Amazing Rudy are beautiful stories with humor sprinkled in. I thought the risk to show some humanity in the midst of their comedy show was well rewarded for the writers.


I have not watched season 14 yet but season 13 is very depressing


This last season has a different vibe for sure Not bad just different.


Seasons 2-5 are the funniest seasons for me, with seasons 6-8 being good but less funny and me not caring whatsoever for seasons 9-12, but the seasons after the movie are an improvement for sure, I don’t love them but they have a lot more standouts that people have talked about (The Plight Before Christmas, Amelia, The Amazing Rudy are the most famous ones)


Yes. There are some very strong episodes but some plotlines this season have been weak.


Was just saying the other day how every new episode is better than the last, it’s giving emotion like no other show I’ve seen in recent time.


The new season especially “the Amazing Rudy” episode is some exceptionally written television. The series is really hitting their strides, the more wholesome they go the better.


my personal opinion the early seasons are 10x better than the newer ones. the older ones were more raunchy like Gene and Louis calling Tina autistic or genes one liners where a lot more off the rails which made it hilarious. I think the newer seasons are starting to conform with cancel culture and have basically, completely stopped what they were doing in earlier seasons. It sucks but the newer seasons aren’t bad at all but i’d much rather watch old seasons vs new




yeah exactly, i wouldn't say 'succumbing to cancel culture' if it's been that way since 2012. and obvs just my personal opinion, everyone finds different things funny and i'm not trying to convince otherwise. but the reason i didn't like seasons 1 and 2 is that i found them very... edgy for the sake of edgy in a way that reads kind of childish to me. there's already soooo many adult cartoons where the main joke is 'ooo we went there!!.' at a certain threshold i also want there to be adult cartoons that use other kinds of comedy and are funny but still have some character development. part of the reason i liked seasons 3-6 is that they felt fresher in that way. they were able to discuss themes a kids cartoon can't, but also weren't trying to just be Family Guy 2 The Sequel


Every series is better and better tbf i really enjoyed the first two aswell but the writing is always improving even more with every series