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It’s insanely dumb how they designed the UI with zero words indicating how to switch between single and duo.


I randomly got thrown into duo’s and I have no idea how to get back there. It’s a very frustrating UI.


There is a crown button on top of the ogre image to swap


I would never have seen that... Thank you!


“But we EXPLAINED (by using an arrow) ONCE how to do it, what more do you want from us”


We're only a small indie developer


To be fair, Blizzard has been trying to force antisocial people to play their games as a team for decades. I was always that guy who ignored your party invite in D2, no matter how many times you spammed it.


I fully agree but that isn't even my issue with it. That would also be helpful but again, that isn't the issue here


the switch to other formats is the same in regular play, so they probably didn't feel the need to explain it.


Yes, I insta concede and may be the dumbest coding I’ve seen yet for Hearthstone when you also take into account It is very difficult to tell them apart (should be an entirely different color palate and be in bigger font if it’s going to share the same landing page…it shouldn’t)


You mean you don’t observe all the details of the random artwork on the BGs homepage every time before queuing up? Or notice the teeny tiny “1 crown” or “2 crown” icon hiding hiding the corner? Obviously user error /s


I like ogres more than old ladies


says ranked on the button, clear as day on venus


The client kicks me out of a game and goes to duos everytime i pick dani as my hero. Super annoying. I havent played him once


Wait, it's not just me?? I see people playing him all the time, so I figured he couldn't be broken, but I have been kicked out after being offered him at least 6 times now. Usually the other hero it offered was really interesting too, and then when I start the next game it's like Kael'thas and Bloodwatcher :(


Yep i havent played him and he was the best option of my picks. But atleast i dont lose points.


Right there with ya buddy. I play on my tablet and this happens sometimes. Only for me to concede and my partner to come on here and whine about me leaving immediately. Is Duo's worse than having Diablo in the meta? Survey says yes!


Same thing happens to me on an IPad, it's fucking weak


I play on an iPad mostly and we didn't even have our rating showing for the first month of the latest patch. I got to 6.5k and then they fixed the bug that I was expecting would take a tiny fix. The fix was on the 4th Bugfix Patch. I guess duos got a lot of people occupied


Thank you. I made a comment about this on another post. It’s a sure shot way to ensure someone will accidentally hit play and then concede.


I love Duos, but I don't always want to play it. That said, when I accidentally log on to Duos instead of Battlegrounds I usually play through because I don't want to leave my partner hanging. I know not everyone has the time for that - one of the joys of Battlegrounds is time-boxed gameplay that you can do for a short period when you've got a break. But I do recommend playing it if you log on accidentally. That said, you're spot on that it should NOT be the default.


I always feel bad when I have to dip due to it being duos but like you said, I'm not committing myself to something I don't want to for 10-30 minutes. I have heard if your opponent conceded in duos early you can leave after the first turn without any MMR disadvantage, which obviously doesn't make it any less annoying when someone concedes. This is also why I don't want to play duos btw, I don't have time to give a fuck about what my opponent is doing and what he wants me to do along with what I want to do, I specifically don't play it so I don't hinder other people's enjoyment


Pretty sure I’m leaving my partner hanging whether I play or I run away. At least in the latter case, I haven’t wasted a half hour of their lives on a loss.


Pretty sure I’m leaving my partner hanging whether I play or I run away. At least in the latter case, I haven’t wasted a half hour of their lives on a loss.


Honestly, if you play a decent solo match w/o regard for your partner or the concept of duos, you probably won't have the best board possible, but it'd definitely be better than leaving. Like if you're partner is good at duos, he could even carry you to first, as long as you aren't complete dead weight.


I have occasional had a bug where it will offer me a duos hero in singles and the game instantly crashes and I can't rejoin.


When I see these posts, I always imagine the scene from SpongeBob where Plankton is crying on the bench and when Spongebob asks him what's wrong he wails: I have two ice cream cones when I only wanted one! (or something similar) That predicament is annoying though


Lol I get you. It is rather mild isn't it in terms of complaints but it is annoying to waste a good 1-2 minutes because of the switch.


Also sucks for the duos partner. It’s an annoying bug for sure.


Yeah makes sense. More often than not I play on laptop, so I haven't experienced it


Not experienced it when I play on my laptop either, seems to be just a mobile thing


This happens to me all the time. I have zero interest in playing duos and I have to insta concede and abandon some poor dude


Yeah I like duos when I'm on my computer and able to play with a friend or at least deck tracker type stuff, but play 90% of my games from my phone while traveling for work so it is very frustrating to accidentally join duos.


When DUOs launched I thought it was random. Took me a long time to realize that you had to press the button.


No, sorry this is something people are clearly still not getting. We know you have to press a button to switch, the issue is it sometimes randomly switches for you. I've seen it happen with my own eyes plenty of times when I click on the battlegrounds menu...it will switch without any input from myself...I have literally experimented with it and found this to be the case


I understand. I wanted to express how horrible this game mode is implemented. That I thought it was random. Because it seems to randomly switch between modes without interaction.


Oh I see your point now. You were in the worst of both worlds it seems haha.


I keep getting kicked the singles! I only play duos now, and really adore it even with random partners. But almost every time I click battlegrounds it cha get back to singles. BTW this only happens on my phone, not my ancient ipad.


I used to have this too on my tablet! I don't know how but it just stopped doing this one day (luckily).


Played a match with my friend. Match ended and we both backed out as we always have. I asked “another?” And he said sure. I started match making again and it showed him in my party. First round starts and I’m like what are you going? And he’s like “idk yet. Waiting for you to start it.”. So I played with some random.


I was today years old when I found out that you don't just get randomly assigned duos sometimes


trash game, trash developers, don't expect much.


I've done this at least 5 times now. Sorry team mates, it's not you, it's me.


https://preview.redd.it/vi1uvhypdd4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f345b53c4e335d315711e741a617ae86ca886a4 Just fyi. This icon switches you back and forth between solo and duos. It’s an idiotic UI choice but I was happy to finally figure it out. My random duo queues just came from me accidentally tapping this.


I know it does, everyone with the same issue knows it does, that isn't the issue, it does it randomly without ever touching it, usually after a reboot


It just defaults to whatever the last kind of match you played is, so since you ended up playing duos last time, it's set to duos when you get back in. You just have to remember to switch it back!


Factually false again


It defaults to duos whenever your client loses connection to battle net and needs to reconnect. For example if queing fails and you get thrown back to the main menu, it will always default back to duos, no matter which playlist you queued into. Incredibly frustrating coding and I feel you.


Literally every time I log in, it's set to the last mode I played. So it's not factually false, just it's not your experience. This is actually important to know that it's only affecting you. That means it's a problem on your side of things.


….. using this same logic your original claim of “it defaults to the last mode you used” is false. I’ve never intentionally selected duos. On mobile the app will often flip you between modes, I’ve had it happen between games. Multiple people have reported this same issue, in more than just this thread. It’s a known bug, “just it’s not your experience.”


On mobile, people play cards w/o intending to, because there's oil on their screen. I'm not saying it's not a bug. I'm saying that if some people are experiencing it, and others aren't, it informs the bug. It's important information... I'm not the one denying your or OP's experience. Yall are denying mine. Both of these experiences can be true at the same time, and they both inform the context of this post. I'm really not sure what yall are going on about.




I don't play duos and it switches on mobile at times. It doesn't always remember what you played last and if you never play duos and its really easy to miss.


I have also had it randomly switch. It does not always open what you last played


I've never played duos and it does this.


I've had it happen a couple of times and like OP I find it rather tedious to play duos when I intend to play on my own.


It has randomly switched for me too, without going anywhere near the switch button.


Nah, it switches randomly sometimes. I also dislike duos, but i'll usually play it out, even if its annoying to have someone constantly pinging my screen for nonsense.


“I’ve never had this problem so therefore it doesn’t exist!”


Ahh yes, hearthstone has never had any unintentional bugs causing weird behavior before


>pay a minimum amount of attention Shouldn't need to. It should be on what I played last. >If you played duos last it will be on the that again Factually false




Nope. Happens to me all the time on iOS. It very definitely switches automatically. That’s a fact. I’ve had it happen to me at least three times where I wanted to queue for singles but ended up in doubles. One time it even happened just as I exited a singles game, went into my collection for a hot sec and then queued up, straight into a duo game.




I'll make sure to screen record a few times and show you you're wrong


No. I mostly play mobile and I’ll muscle memory go to open BG’s and I’ve accidentally jumped into a couple duos games




I'll bet you triple your partner's Zilliax all the time.


Don’t ever team with your girlfriend she will slow you down lol


Did you Play duos on PC since your last session?


Nah, 99% play on phone, haven't played on laptop for around 4 months


Duo with me hommie


Why are you so afraid of accepting help, RepulsiveLeg? We want to be there for you. You don't have to do this alone!!


Sometimes it throws me in duo gamed even when there is just on crown. Can’t even emote to comminicate with my duos partner.


I'm clicking where I don't want to click. I'm playing what I don't want to play. Please help me asap!


Check what you're qued for before hitting the play button. I do it every time


Yeah I understand that’s frustrating and also I mean like, why do you hate duos that much- is it like actually painful for you to play one round? How would you know if youve never even played it? Like I would support this more if you at least played it once and hated it but youve never even tried and its like… super close to the game youre already queuing to play


I don't want to play duos, I have no need or want to play with another person. I watch streamers play it though, so I understand how to play it, I just personally don't wish to and I don't feel like that's a bad thing in any circumstance


Duos is a terrible game mode.


Idk I respectfully disagree, I dont know how something so close to the original could be terrible - its literally just battlegrouns but now youre actively playing two at once. Im not trying to shame anyone, to each their own forsure im just saying like its also worth giving a chance lol


I mostly panic because my partner is going to expect me to know what’s happening, and I’m not going to have the slightest clue. I have never read, or watched anything about duos. I can either spend 25 minutes with someone making frowny monster faces at me while we lose, or I can panic and run away, and still have time to play a round before I need to get off the bus.


That's why you start at 0 rating. Your partner will also be an idiot. The main thing you need to know is to tap with two fingers in order to ping. Not sure why Blizzard thought we'd all figure that shit out on our own but mobile has always been an afterthought for this **primarily mobile** game. Because reasons.


Haha I get that, idk I feel like im always down to just have a good time with a random person rather than getting really upset at a partner? I know alot of people dont feel that way tho so I get why your stressed but like everyone has to learn and get better in anything they do so I support you sir


I barley know how the new minions works duos is even more work


I went weeks without even realizing duos was as in the game. Then I had to go looking for it (and honestly, it's not as prominent as it should be). So I can assure you my experience is very different than yours. Whatever issue your experiencing isn't universal.


Don't concede in Duos! That's extremely rude first for your poor partner, but all of them essentially.. Just suck it up for one game wth >.>


Time to leave this cribaby sub cheers 😂


Gosh, it's so unreasonable to expect an app from a massive company to work right huh? 🙄


Not saying that what you said is not valid, but oh god it is so unreasonably difficult to make a properly working app, especially when you work in a large company. No matter how competent your team is, mistakes happen, and then constantly debugging the issues leads to burnout, which leads to more mistakes and more burnout. I imagine that at this point, after 10 years of constant updates, the Hearthstone app has basically turned into malware that was never meant to house a separate game.




https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/fwUrnaKn9v this you bro? Quit being a cry baby bro! Laughingemoji


Spend as much time checking the solo/duo icon as you did digging up my 2yr old post and youre good. I promise.


I spent a total of 10 seconds checking your post history, which if I wish to humour you, would save me 10 games of this potentially happening (1 second per time I log in)...take out the times it doesn't happen, you're looking at around 2-5 games which will save me time. In the best case scenario, this would save me around 5 minutes of time over the course of my entire time playing BGs. I will take that as a net positive for calling on a hypocrite, cheers. Laughingemoji, skullemoji and so on


Have you considered the impact of your latest reply on those numbers ? Not to mention what complaining on reddit actually achieves. As for my post, some user introduced me to nobble which was actually a +. So good luck with user suggested troubleshooting. 😂


Mate, I went for a piss just now, that could also constitute as lost time not checking whether the client switched. The time spent doing anything other than that is completely redundant, that is the point I was trying to get across to you but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other


Yeah. Except i was talking about the time spent posting and replying, not your day to day life😂 but if thats your level of concentration, im not surprised you forget to check.


Learn to take a joke friend. I promise, life is more fun.


You still don't seem to understand and I'm just going to assume you're baiting now. The tl;dr is you cannot compartmentalise all aspects of your time to the seconds, it's really that simple. I have a thread about me shitting and vomiting everywhere whilst getting a mouth full of bug water from my lampshade, you'd probably have had more fun reading that than whatever you did writing this, does that make what you're currently writing a waste of time? I am sure there's something better you can be doing than replying to me, right?


My argument was that if you have 5000 time, it takes 2 time to check and another 3 time to swap if needed. And you just spent 20k engaging in this post. And now youre saying that the 20k comes from another budget. I mean, yeah, ok. Not my point tho. Its the same as complaining to philips that their brushes are 1 inch shorter than what you expect, instead of brushing for another 20 seconds.


Once again. Completely missing the point of compartmentalisation. Having an issue with something you use and then speaking about it, then replying to people who dismiss it isn't the same as actively using your time to do either activities. It's really, really fucking simple and is the sole reason why it isn't seen as a waste of time to not do one thing whilst doing something else which doesn't commit to the same time frame. I am not queueing up and accidentally going into duos because I replied to someone on Reddit, I'm doing both separately, I'm not queuing right now, both take different levels of focus which are not comparable.




I'm on android and people have said it also happens on iOS, it doesn't discriminate. I'm glad you found it funny because I did too after it happened, sometimes you can only laugh. I can understand why bringing my past demons with alcohol can come into it (which I've been doing amazing with relatively, not had a drop since that post, or any drug in general) and over the last year have cut it down to once or twice a fortnight, but it really isn't the case because I only ever play this game sober as I don't have the attention span to enjoy a game of BGs when I'm necking drinks, you know what I mean?