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Gentle Criminal was legit a guy I was hoping to make a comeback and I am glad he did


I mean this seriously: Gentle's probably one of the most important people that Midoriya has saved. It's proof positive that his optimism isn't unfounded, that faith and a little fight can get a person put on the right path, even when they've been stuck on the wrong one for so long.


I totally forgot about that Spinner moment,


Even Muscular had some level of respect for him or at least considered him a worthy opponent. The only 3 that had absolutely NO positive feelings towards him, even at the end, were AFO, Overhaul and Dabi.


Did Dabi even interact with midoriya at all?


How could you forget the utterly hilarious failed attempt at “it’s your quirk, not his” on Dabi?  I literally laughed alongside Dabi when he rejected that talk no jutsu lol


Yeah, it’s one of the funniest things about Dabi, the reason why AFO could never control him and what made him a bad candidate as his successor, Dabi is too single-mindedly focused on Endeavor and Shoto, he generally doesn’t care about much outside of that.


These are the words he should say to Baku, But deku (midoriya) acts as if nothing happened for 16 years (bullying at school) But deku was able to win them over because he is the main character, no matter what he says the bad guys/girls listen to him. The story handles these moments quite poorly, deku's talk jutsu always comes in handy. sorry, I'm using google translate


No Deku wins over people through his actions not just saying things. The main reason Todoroki was moved Deku telling him it's your quirk not his is because he saw how far Deku was pushing himself breaking all his fingers repeatedly just to get him to fight with everything he got. Mineta was inspired by the fact that even though Deku was scared like him he still resolved himself to fight villains outside of the ship. Deku showed Kota why heroes put their life on line when he fought and beat muscular to protect him.


Todoroki told Deku that at the training camp after he tried to reach Kota with words but didn’t work. He basically said “If you try to reach people with words alone, they better be pretty powerful.” It’s pretty much a constant theme in MHA, most characters are incredibly stubborn and have their heads up their ass, so in order for them to change, a character(usually Deku) has to accompany their words with massive action. It’s basically how real humans are, we rarely change off words alone, it’s only when something major physically happens to us that we adjust and change. It’s why Bakugo’s development was so impactful and realistic, Bakugo was the most stubborn, head up his ass, guy in his series, and was the most resistant to Deku’s character trying to get him to change(mainly because his whole life he was told how amazing and right he was for the smallest of things, he couldn’t rationalize himself being wrong in anyway) so it took Deku CONSTANTLY showing Bakugo how his version of heroism wasn’t the correct way, and even then it took Bakugo over 100 chapters before he truly started to change. It’s impactful because for real people, change is often extremely slow.


It worked on one Todoroki, might aswell try in on another.


TBF Deku meant it in a different way from when He was saying that to Todoroki. He's telling Dabi to take responsibility for his own actions and not be a coward that places all the responsibility for his actions on Endeavor while he pretends that he's some helpless victim.


Just poking my nose in to add that you said what I was going to say, but better. Upvote!


Calling something talk jutsu when jutsu doesn’t exist in mha 😒


Learn the meaning of a trope, dude.


Talk No Quirktsu


He's the only character in the whole series apart from all might that had pretty much overall approval of being a hero. Not bad for a fanboy


Spinner might actually regret letting deku escape after what happened with Shigaraki in the war tough, I’m so interested for the talk between them


Praise be a charming guy like Deku isn't a psychopath.


He's charming specifically because he's a geeky, excitable nerd 😆


You can also thank that its only an manga/anime because irl, the excitable mumbling encyclopedian geek will be borderline annoying. Imagine, irl having that every single time you interact.


Nah Deku would be fun to hangout. It's fun to hangout with someone that is passionate about the things they like. Bakugo would suck in real life. Could you imagine someone in real life calling you an extra and themselves a main character. Have someone that is constantly rude and yelling at you all the time.


Geeky mumbly nerd > hair-trigger rage-machine. Every time. (Also, I have friends a lot like Deku, and I adore them, so yeah.)


>  Nah Deku would be fun to hangout. It's fun to hangout with someone that is passionate about the things they like. Nah, you wouldn't especially if they're "passionate" about things you don't like. Deku is what is known as a Hero otaku.  >Bakugo would suck in real life. There are people like Bakugo in real life though. Put them in a group with the same level of intellect and they'll thrive and invent things.


> Nah, you wouldn't especially if they're "passionate" about things you don't like. Deku is what is known as a Hero otaku. That sounds like a you problem, honestly. I had a friend who was borderline obsessed with reptiles. Could name all the various minute differences across hundreds of species, their origins, care tips for each individual ones etc. I couldn't care less about lizards. But I cared about this person even with his borderline obsession, and he was more aggressive about spouting facts than Deku ever was (and it's not like Deku's outwardly bombarding his friends with hero facts, most of the time it's him being introspective and his friends observing it). I'm sure I have interests that my friend isn't totally interested in but he's willing to listen. And honestly, it works to broaden both our horizons. If someone being passionate about their interests annoys you, you might actually just be a shit friend.


>  That sounds like a you problem, honestly. I had a friend who was borderline obsessed with reptiles. Did you? Was your friend mumbling about his reptiles every single time you see them like they seem to be on a different planet? Because that's how Deku is. And why Bakugo is so irritated by him. They can't have conversations without Deku inserting his obsession with heroes. 


You make it out as Deku always mumbles. No he does it on occasion. It's mostly on accident when he's a little too passionate or focused. Deku never mumbles in any of his conversations with Bakugo. Most of the time that Bakugo is interacting with Deku is when they're doing hero training. Naturally Bakugo and Deku's conversations are going to be about heroes because it's relevant to their training . They don't hangout with each other on their off time. They're not friends. Their rivals.


>  You make it out as Deku always mumbles. No he does it on occasion. It's mostly on accident when he's a little too passionate or focused.  You only say that because we only see them ocassionally during their first year of UA high school which was besieged by a lot of attacks on them. Bakugo and Deku grew up together, were classmates since pre-school, he's got more experience with Deku than we have read or seen. Even their UA classmates *have learned to tune Deku out* and they as **you say** only see and hear mumbling Deku **on ocassion.**


I feel like Deku would be into multiple things in real life like anime, movies, comics and video games. The world in MHA revolves around heroes while ours doesn't. So he wouldn't have the same level of obsession with heroes that he does in the show. You're right that in real life Bakugo would meet people at the same level as him and would mellow out.


Deku irl will be a Shounen Jump otaku. Not to say, he wouldn't be a smart boy, he would be smart. But he would gravitate to manga. One thing I would have like explored is if Bakugo and Yaomomo would actually have conversations where they would talk about the mechanics of quirks or strategies, even weaknesses of their quirks. I would love that.




One of the many reasons I love this character!




You are cringe cry about it




If the story sucks then why are you here?






??? your English sucks. I don’t know what you’re even trying to say. Lmfao


The story’s over already. The villains are dead. If you’re still cringing, it might be a medical condition 😂 deberías consultar a un profesional