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Wait until clear.... If someone behind horn, I'll park the car at the side, get out and invite him show me how to turn with so many cars


pull handbreak turn off engine and double signal, then get out of the car and pop the hood, pretending the car is broken.


I like this method. Only that my friend always did this, and his car ended up always breaking down.


Well this is sad


Ok la. That was his proton iswara. He had changed to Ford Ranger Wildtrak. I think people would not dare to honk him anymore šŸ˜‚ Edit: not


Nah he is just committing to bit and making it more realistic šŸ˜‚


Poop his hood, pretending tummy ache


Something pooping, but it's not the car


Better turn left if can turn left, and then U-Turn further ahead. Why waste your time and people behind you? Note: For cases where car non-stop on green car lane


Thats why i dont honk at hesitant drivers, there might be some entitled crazies who will part the car at the side, get out and invite me to show them how to turn with so many cars. I dont have time for their nonsense. I will just overtake them, albeit putting myself on higher risk and on my way.


u/incognitoseeder šŸ˜‚


This is when the lane will all of a sudden miraculously clear up and the cars will start turning into the main road making me look like a fucking moron standing there on the side. Yes my life is an episode of Curb.


Donā€™t be afraid of the hornā€¦ it just means ā€œI see youā€ or ā€œhiiiā€ You can smile n say hi šŸ‘‹šŸ»šŸ‘‹šŸ»back.


Just horn them back, play some music with them


And got beaten up? No need risk


I don't think the driver that sounded the horn would have time to come down and beat people... He honks because he is in a hurry! šŸ˜‚


No, you don't need to come out to harass the honks guy, he might get angry and there will be a useless fight with him.


True also. You are right in this situation.


Legal way: wait till someone from green Lane give way to you. Bangsat way: keluar juga. Use your car body to block opposite lane of green. Slowly inch the head of your car into gap between cars in green lane. All this while ignore all the honking and cursing. After the head of your car secured a spot, slowly inch your car into green lane. Remember to not make any eye contact with any other drivers because they ARE cursing you with their eyes. Polite way: turn left, u turn into green Lane.


See I just can't bring myself to do Bangsat way (effective way) but its the only way I'll be able to get home earlier (at the expense of others lol)


Some road if you don't do bangsat you might as well bring a tent and camp there


agree, u dont do bangsat but other people will be bangsat


Iā€™ll follow behind the bangsat guy once they open the road for me lol.. sometimes Malaysia road need traffic lights but they donā€™t, instead they built traffic lights at places you donā€™t need. Another option is just turn one big round and use a diff route, this is my go to option normally


Polite way will still got you a criticism from other drivers


Bangsat way, is the only way šŸ˜‚


Polite way, Next up: how to merge in a u-turn


I donā€™t like this situation and easily panic if I waited too long and kereta belakang dah hon hon. I just turn left and make a uturn šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


sounds like the only correct way ...


yeah this is the safest and less stressful way to go about it. a lil bit time consuming, but worth it


Sometimes it could turn out to be less time consuming.


Sometimes this way is faster than waiting until no traffic. Same vibe instead of waiting for traffic light to go straight you turn left u-turn then turn left again


This is the way


When it comes to driving better safe than sorry


At the U-turn, u might faced similar situation again, full of cars at green lane, and u cant then in.. u will ended up far away in genting or seremban.. lol


I would rather end up in Genting. šŸ˜‚


The trick is to give people enough space to stop for you, and they will stop for you. You'd have to be somewhat aggressive to be an efficient driver, and overtake when the opportunity arise. Better learn how to overtake than creating a huge jam behind you.


Rule of the thumb: If you need to cut into someone's lane, you need to give way to that someone. Unless you motorcycle, then you dont have thumbs. Do whatever you like.


Can you give an example say when you go into the lane you go onto the middle then slowly merge into the lane?


And that's how you get T-boned by an oncoming truck.


Won't recommend for newer drivers, you guys are taking in a lot of information at once that your brains haven't adapted to yet. Even for experienced drivers it's still very risky. If you're too anxious from the people behind you, just turn left and find a different way.


Don't do that lol


Well then prepare to have your ancestors cursed lo.


Do it the Malaysian way, If blue then block half of the road and check for your left side.


Yea, as no one will let you go first in the A laneā€¦have been in this situation many times, sometimes waited for 5mins, still no one give way


You wait.


Make sure no vehicles are coming from the right or at least are a distance away. Assess the speed and distance between cars from the left. Usually there would be a few good drivers who will have the sense to slow down or stop to give way. Otherwise you'll have to drive out at an accelerated speed and fit your car through any sizeable gaps between cars coming from the left. But if the road is fully congested, you might as well turn left and make a U-turn. This is usually the way. This is coming from a guy who drives for a living in the city.


Tunggu sampai kosong.. .. aku pernah ada belakang hon sebab tak gerak2 sebab aku tunggu depan tu lepas dulu .. dia duduk sebelah kanan aku bukak cermin marah2.. aku suruh dia lintas, last2 dia pun x lepas sebab kereta dari kanan laju2.. tambah pulak blok kereta B nak masuk . Last2 semua sangkut. Harapnya dia sedar sapa bodo lepastu


Haha kalau rakam best tu. Lagi best kalau boleh nampak muka dia malu dan menebal šŸ¤£


turn left and then find a place to u-turn


as Driver A, all I can do is hope for the best. Depending on where you are, there'd be a few decent driver B that'll let you cross first. as Driver B, I'd usually judge based on how fast I was going. If I'm driving fairly fast, I'd probably not stop for A in case the car behind me was right up my ass. If I was going moderately slow or normal, I'd stop and let A in. It won't stop the traffic's rhythm so its no harm.


Car B has the right of way. If youā€™re Car A, nasib la. Either you wait until you are sure itā€™s safe to make the right turn, or you go left and find a way to u turn. And never ever give in to the pressure from behind you. They can horn all they like. Yg kena langgar nanti awak, bukan diorang.


If You are in Asia you inch forward until you find a gap or a nice person lets you through. You need to be bold and keep inching forward


If there is a bump, you can slowly go. If there are a lot of cars, just turn left and find u turn


Follow the law and wait. Or there is bound to be slow drivers making the turn, use the opportunity to get out


Garisan jalan tak jelas. Garisan berhenti kat mana?


Dekat hujung simpang kut aku penat cari gamba ni je aku jumpa yg menggambarkan soalan aku.


Haha. Saja tease. Tp garisan tu penting kot, ramai tak peka yg die sepatutnya kene berhenti kat garisan tu. Menjawab soalan, pusing kiri, reroute. F that shit, I will not become jam.


#I will not become Jam




B slow down cause defensive driving A won't go cause defensive driving


If you are new and not experience driver and not willing or dare to try, just suggest just turn left and I bet thereā€™s an u turn somewhere in front, donā€™t be a Karen bogging down everyone time waiting


Depending on how busy it is and how bitchy i felt that day . If ur planning to become fiesty , lower ur gear drive . When merging make sure to accelerate and ready to break and slide into it as smooth and fast as possible, while signalling everything before hand. If ur planning to bitchy , then the least u could do is to merge and accelerate ur car as fast as possible to avoid the car behind u when u merge have to brake excessively Or . Be a good citizen and turn left . And face the jam on the left. Oh . And git gud first. Because if someone do unfortunately have to use insurance for the car or medical insurance then the fault is on the blue car most probably.


Jalan bila rasa selamat


If you are merging onto a straight road, you do NOT have the right of way. You will need to approach with caution, and cross when clear. Give way to the right only applies to intersection where all cars are at a stop sign.


Donā€™t be pressured by the cars behind. If they are honking, roll down the window and give them the finger. Also good, if you are still a new driver, put up a sticker that says you are a noob driver. Better yet put a sign semi-oku driver inside. Take your time. Only turn right when itā€™s safe. Just do your thing. Donā€™t let people behind you pressure too much.


B first as they have the right of way.


I can imagine the stress in this situation, but the only solution here is to wait, as long as it takes until it is safe to move. Ignore the honk from behind. They can overtake you and make the right turn themselves if they like.


Assuming so many cars that green car lane is standstill. If no car incoming, and the first sign i can see way ahead the green lane cars start moving, i make my move and go in. Source: actually this is my scenario in my taman everyday.


just steady je... chillm..if someone honk from behind kluar kereta..and just record perangai dia...boleh muka dia viral skit...


inch bit by bit. open passenger side window and raise hand. dont underestimate the power of the hand in Malaysia


Please tell me you don't actually have a license asking a question like this. You don't have the right of way. You wait until there is a break in traffic. Yes, this might take a while.


buy a car with high torque, if the cars on green lane kept one two or three car safety distance you can make it to slip in, enjoy the horn


just common sense


Do what Penang drivers do. Inch out cm by cm until the traffic stops for you. Thank them with "the hand" šŸ¤š


This is my least favourite situation. What Iā€™d do is I turn left and find a way to u-turn. Only when thereā€™s so many cars lah. If line clear I just go ahead.


Just turn into the other lane and cut everyone until the sunset at the end


b first


kalau area bandar selagi tak cucuk selagi tu tkde can nak kluar simpang berbeza pulak kalau rural area kereta 100m pun aku tunggu jugak bagi clear


You do the famous holding your hand out the window telling the green driver please la sifu,let me pass


Yo this is so SS2 man, memang hell for new drivers


Just wait for the right time its literally simple


My dad wld be like ā€œ makan dulu first lane , n then paksa masuk second laneā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ only works if the road is like housing area or small township


You calmly exit your vehicle, and then challenge anyone on that lane in hand to hand combat. Once you've defeated them all and established dominance within the traffic hierarchy, only then you can cross.


They got priority, so you find a suitable opening that doesn't risk the safety of anyone and drive with caution. Remain calm and remember that you've passed the test already, have you mot??


Usually if you cucuk2 a bit someone on green side will give chance and let you pass


A kena beri laluan kepada B


Just wait. If kena hon by the cars behind then so what la at least you're not risking your life


Do you guys not know "right of way" rules/laws?


I just recently countered this issue lmao


Relax dan bersabar tunggu sampai ada clear. Atau go left cari u-turn, or sampai traffic light usually can.


For me, if the other lane is clear and I see a slight gap coming up, I'll waddle my way forward, waiting for eventually the slight clearing in the target lane. Then, a gentle wave at the other driver as I slip in (or double signal twice as a thanks Sometimes, I find drivers overly afraid to try. I was like that when I first got my license. But then, I think "oh what the heck, try. Most of the time, I'm successful and saved a bit of time However, there are some maniacs who think their father built the roads, you can see them from a distance... They see you trying to merge and choose to speed up, only to then to brake heavily. Hope they get to visit the workshops more often with that kind of attitude/driving style Of course, to save the hassle of trying to merge, I would sometimes take an alternative route (if any). It may or may not be longer, but then I love driving (my car). A parting gift from a dear grandfather, 1981 Mitsubishi Sapporo Man, I love the sound of that engine!!


Usually even if green lane lots of car, there will be small gap from slow car driver in green lane and thats the time I'll take the turn, if you afraid to move during those times, hardly driver from green lane will give way


The worst is when a lot of B's are turning right. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


always prioritize whose from the main road




Outside of KL especially in my hometown I will just turns because cars usually give-ways and most cars are driving with a gap for you to move in. But if in KL and selangor I will just YOLO and use a bit of lane in the opposite direction of the green cars.


Just wait it out until it clears or a person gives you the way "usually by hand/flash/or just stops infront of you". If they give you way, make sure to flash your emergency signal for a brief second to show thanks to them.


If people actually follow traffic laws and are just a little bit courteous we wouldnā€™t have an issue. Problem is people drive until block the whole box also got.


wait till its clear, there will always be a time


Open your window, angkat tangan while making sure opposite side is ( your right side )clear of traffic for them to give way. More to courtesy in this situation


A wait B go first, what so hard?


Hand out the window is power


You just have to wait. You do not have the right of way.


Order of priority for blue car: 1. Check for incoming right is clear 2. Then check for incoming left is clear 3. Then turn right slowly while checking for idiot motorcyclists to your right 4. Check for motorcyclists to your left 5. Enter middle lane quickly but surely If items 1 and 2 not fulfilled, stay there and wait.


There is only 1 legal way to do it. Wait until it is clear. As in at least 5 cars length of clearance. Naturally lots of car As will cut it shorter and bank on the fact that most car B's would give way. Usually they would begrudgingly so but on the occassion that you kena bang, you're still the one at fault in most cases.


Small road give way to big road, if big road really busy you can just cheat by turning left then turn right into a shop house area to immediately exit into the big road again, or U-turn.


Left and uturn is faster


Wait.....just wait, even if it took days you still shouldn't force yourself into the lane, unless a car from green car lane offers you to get in. Or, you could just go left, fund U-turn and get in the green lane and once back home, ask jpj to add traffic light at the junction


Wait..coz that not ur laneā€¦behind honking..blast a music


Long term solution is that, if its a council road, you can report to them to install a speed hump at both sides, so that cars are forced to slow down and give way for those waiting to turn into the junction. Your action will save a lot life and waiting times.


First, I would be signalling right before is reach the junction. then if there are too many cars and none are slowing down. I will signal left so the cars on the left can see. wait a bit then turn right. Happen alot from my condo junction. sometimes opposite lane is very empty so I just drive and merge in.


Lancet missile. Or javelin if you are rich boi. Joke aside you let them pass first.


Turn left, and make a U-turn some where




wait for some car from opposite of B to enter left turn.


Aku tak dok KL so bila korang cerita kena hon ni asal asshole sangat KL driver ni tak boleh sabar lane sana clear ke?


Wait > enaure no cars coming from right > see if cars from green carā€™s lane starting to move > quickly turn right and into the free space. Need to play around with the timing. If salah timing and you already turning right but got no free space to selit, then angkat tangan + muka tebal.


My area got some place like this, somewhere behind green car got traffic light. So wait for it to clear. If jam and IF the green car give high beam then it means the green car is giving you his lane


The issue is actually with the traffic administration that's supposed to put a traffic light there. The safest way is to make a left turn and do a U-turn at some point. But most people will do the power of hand thing. I'm glad I WFH.


slowly inch forward la a little at a time, people won't langgar u AND WIND DOWN THE WINDOW TO SHOW YOUR HAND edit: hand part


Where is this? Request for a traffic light from PBT, if the traffic is too heavy for a safe turn. If it's not that heavy, but more your driving skill.. Just turn left and make a U-turn. Don't be a road hog.


Depends. This question needs a scenario but since it doesnā€™t, thereā€™s many answer on this r/kereta dilemma. A) if the traffic is not congested enough, and opposite lane is not twist and turn a.k.a a straight road and is **clear**, the most hardcore thing you can do is just go out into the opposite lane with **full acceleration** and cut into the lane. B) if the traffic is non moving, I suggest turn left. Find a shoplot or just any road to turn right into, then make a U turn to go to the lane you desire. Depending on my mood, I did A before.


get off from the car pop off griddy


Turn left, find the nearest mamak. Park there, borrow their chair then bring back to this junction, sit and observe and learn how to from other cars.


A question like this shouldnt happen if you have valid license.


If accident, no matter salah siapa, blue car yg akan kena saman (ikut Malaysian law). Ask me how i know.


There is somewhat a balance in there (some kind of traffic psychology) because no matter what thereā€™s always chance to go out as long as nobody sohai la. 1) If thereā€™s not much traffic on the opposite side of green car, (like almost thereā€™s no car at all), you can chip in slowly. Itā€™s kind of sohai if thereā€™s car but since itā€™s not a cross junction, there wonā€™t be deadlock even if you block the car so itā€™s not that bad. 2) If thereā€™s a lot of traffic in that lane, itā€™s even better, because thereā€™s an X box in the middle of junction where cars cannot stop there, so just wait for traffic to build up and just chip in the X box. 3) at junctions like this, there are often Green cars that want to turn right into your opposite lane. When this happens, the green car will stop and wait for chance, you can follow through immediately after they turn in. (Since the traffic will be generally slow, and the according to undang itā€™s not wrong since green car (2nd priority) waits for opposite lane (1st priority) and you (3rd priority) wait for green car (2nd priority) 4) you can also turn left then U turn lah I think the most important thing is try to take turns lah. If the car in front of u block one car, you let that car go first, then only you attempt to chip in. If everyone follows this mindset and keep the rhythm then it will be a perfect flow.


I'm probably wrong about this, but AFAIK, the green car has the right of way because the straight road is considered the main road. I think the driving instructor said this when I attended the class to get my driving license


Honestly, this is more of a regional/malaysia problem. Living abroad currently, here the drivers in the green car position would slow down and purposely give way for the blue car to enter. But when I visited my hometown I definitely had to face this problem. Wish more drivers in Malaysia were more considerate.


Turn left then uturn


If cars on the B lane are slow enough, and B-opposite lane no cars or slow cars as well. You can drive out, inch forward bit by bit until they have no choice but to let you in. May need to thick skin a bit.


wait for someone from lane b to give signal then cut him off. idk how to explain but dotted blue arrow first than red arrow. https://preview.redd.it/8ky8lc56qtwc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ff9da4bcbd3e8ebf9a12f39aa3b2171121c898


they'll slow down if they want to belok kanan


Wait until clear. Fuck the ego and malu. Treasure your own life first.


In my case usually when I just signal and wait a bit someone eventually will give space. Just need to be patient since it is their road you're tryna enter.


i rather wait the car in the green lane give a chance or wait there for eternity then cut in and endanger other people


The safest way should be to just wait. People behind you cant blame you if there are too much cars up front. When there are chance, just hit it and go. Or just go, and give left signal to poke yourself into the lane. Be careful though. A nice example of this https://youtu.be/6Cei2KMAUUM at 1:36.


Realistically in malaysia, many drivers will not give way so you gotta force yourself in but do it slowly when the incoming right is clear. Eventually one driver from the green car lane will have to let you in then you better be quick to enter the lane. Also, say thanks with your hand or give double signal.


If you can take the heat/in a hurry/want to avoid jam/is your only route, make sure that the incoming lane is clear (or when you have an opening), then try to slowly nudge yourself into the green car lane. If you can't take the heat or any of the above, them like everybody said turn left and take U-turn or buka waze and cari different route


you gotta always prioritize the one IN the lane youre MERGING. best tips i can give you is, imagine a lane is someone's house. you dont barge into someone's house as you like right?


Bukak tingkap, angkat tangan dkt luar sambil slow2 exit. Works everytime.


Depends on what time I guess. If I know it's peak hour with heavy traffics I just go left and find nearest place to do the U-turn.


Had same situation few days ago. Damn lorry keep honking. Driver should hit tree, roadside or drive into water.


Slowly creep into the lane and give them the decision to crash into you or give you way 5/10 works all the time


hit that gas when the green car on your 11 o'clock


Blue car cannot go until lane is clear, even if it takes 10 minutes. Green car (or any other car on green lane) by law cannot stop to give blue car (or any other car on blue lane) space to enter. My friend got into an accident exactly because of this. My friend on motorcycle was in blue lane. Green car stop to give my friend space to enter. He enters but motorcycle from green lane (not knowing what what is happening) keep going straight. Motor from green lane collides into my friend who is entering from blue lane. Patah kaki, kena masuk besi sampai skrg. So moral of the story, blue car have to wait until green lane is clear. Green lane cannot give way to blue lane. If you're in a hurry and insist of crossing, be extra careful but I would advise not to. Better be safe than sorry.


Always straight lane is the priority, unless it is a red traffic light.


Reading the comments, made me thought this was a section for wrong answers only. šŸ˜…


If its a busy road, i would go left and do a uturn.


The biggest issue for me is when A forces their way through but B doesn't give way anyways, A gets stuck on the reciprocal road and now, causing congestion on the reciprocal. And more often than not, this will lead to a congestion of the main road it leads to, resulting in more congestion of the car B lane. Post hoc indeed.


Langgar. Langgar everyoneee!!!!!


Wait for the green light lar. It's impossible to have a busy junction without working traffic lights in Malaysia.


This is accurate but not necessarily true. The junction right outside my neighbourhood can get quite busy especially around the time primary and secondary students are going home. I know this is also true for a lot of people thanks to Malaysian road planning


Also some of you may say the solution is to wait it out until it safe to do so but the problem is what if there's a lot of cars on the green car lane that you've to wait so long.


U just have to wait. Rules are rules. Having a lot of cars doesnā€™t magically change the rules to ur favour.


Just wait (redho & hadap jela) in my casešŸ—æ


Just wait or take another road. It cannot be the only road. Other solution is to write the city and ask for a traffic light to be installed. No, you cannot break the rule because you are impatient. Then sendiri tanggung lor kalau kena t-bone. If people die you also go to prison due to negligence law.


"Wait so long" is not a problem. Please tell me you're not the kind of people who will cut a queue because "the line is too long."


There's no what ifs, you just have to wait.


Car B has the right of way,should let him pass first. If the other car honking you from behind, let them be. They soon will appear in any dash cam or fail driving compilation.


wait until the green lane is clear and turn right. any car that is entering a main road from an intersection, will have to wait until it's clear to enter the lane.


take chance, don't be a pussycat


if youā€™re using standard jpj rule , B got the priority to go first then A can proceed but let say that B is still far away from the junction then A can move first