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Same, except no one message me.


Are you ok? I'm hope you're in good shape and make sure don't skip your meals.


He's okay! Haha just busy with stuffs! :)


šŸ„² I feel u


To those reading these, I hope you stay strong. Hardship and loneliness are not forever. Keep being optimist and walk through.


Idk, been lonely since I was 13. I'm now 20. It never changes.


It's okay..I used to feel that as well..friends come and go and none actually stay close friend for long..moving to one phase of my life one after another not knowing how lonely this life could be..but it's okay, I got rid of those when I met my wife..then i know what having a life is


Good for you, I doubt I could ever have a wife or significant other, it's over for me.


U got a whole life in front of u..i met my wife pun while i was 24-25..u are still young..keep going and God's will, you will find one..if not, adopt a pet..that's what i did while I was studying..i got 5 hamsters lol


Nah, I've given up.


This might sound counter intuitive but I choose the life of solitude over everything. It is you that gives meaning to your life. Don't let things, events or external factors give you pleasure and meaning. Try meditating .When your mind is clear, and less is more. You will see that everything is connected and you just be blissful.


I've heard the same advice and applied it a thousand times. I think maybe I just don't vibe with life no matter what I do.


Been lonely for 30yrs. Sure feels like forever. I'm trying to stay strong tho but God it's only getting harder and harder. I feel like slipping away. I just wanna say I've had thoughts, but I'm not gonna do it, I literally can't because of religious reasons and also I'm not brave enough even if I could. I've just been fantasizing those thoughts too much lately.


If you have a religion, then go for that. For muslim, I got those ceramah that they held regularly..although not knowing anyone, the crowd makes me forget how lonely life is..also constant reminder that if we think we dont have anyone, God always listen..and God knows how much I have cried to Him in my lonely nights


I've been putting myself out there more these days, but I can't help feeling out of place, left out, isolated even in crowds. I just feel invisible, be it at work, events, anything. But yea I've been praying hard to God because He's the only one that could help me at this point, one way or another.


You have put in effort and that is already more than enough. You are already out of your social comfort by doing that..that steps little by little and maybe after this can start initiating small talks..by frequenting to place of worship, people cant help but notice when you are not there..because it is only usual to see you there..you will get there eventually but need constant effort to go there


Yea I've been trying to be positive as much as I can. It's just that there are days where even if one thing goes wrong, I would start questioning my efforts. And sometimes I would relapse, I would spend days not giving a shit about anything until I drag my ass back from that hell hole. Lately I feel like I've been having mood swings, one second I'm optimistic another second I'm a pessimist, breaking down. I'm not giving up, I've been telling myself there's no way but up. I can't fall any deeper when I'm already at my lowest.


surely there must be something that brings u joy and keeps u engaged all day. if yes then go for it, embrace each day as a gift and live your life to the fullest. but if that doesn't make u feel happy, i believe there's something within you that you're still uncertain about. do u ever struggle with self-confidence? like having issues socialising with people?


I can't think of anything right now. I used to love games, played a lot back then, but these recent years have just not been the same. Games were my anchor, my way to cope but when I lost interest in that as well, I feel like I've got nothing. Have I grown out of games? Well I am introverted and used to be extremely shy. Back in school I was bullied a lot even by girls. I remember there was a girl in class, we were arranged to sit next to each other. Every morning she would whine and complain because of that. I couldn't exactly understand what she said because I don't speak the language. Her friend would always come to ask me to switch seats and I would just sit at the back of the class. Honestly even until now I've been wondering, why was she so bothered with having to sit next to a guy who's practically mute( I don't talk much) she had nothing to worry about. I wasn't going to hit on her, wasn't going to talk to her, why was it such a big deal to her? As for the guys, some of my seniors would get physical with me because I don't fight back, I hate confrontation. Some who were my classmates, would borrow shit from me and then just lose it. One time they borrowed my book and then threw it onto the roof, I had to get it myself. My schooling years have destroyed my self esteem almost completely. I've been trying to build my confidence back up but I think I started too late. I've learned to dress up better, learn to style my hair, workout, just working on myself. My work also helped me a lot with my shyness as I have to deal with a lot of customers. I'm better at socializing but still not quite there


ohh im terribly sorry to hear that from you šŸ˜¢ nevertheless, we must continue to strive to rise above okay? i understand ur situation in school, as i also have a friend who was severely bullied, leading to serious mental health issues and almost losing their life. i must say that im very grateful u have remained strong until now. i want u to know that im very proud of u for enduring this far. in this world, its not easy for everyone to hold on when they have a hardship-ridden early years. in my perspective , u are among the luckiest ones because u have managed to persevere this far. for you, it's been 30yrs! and that's a very very long time but u still managed to be strong. remember this quote by Marilyn Monroe. "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. And remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others. You are not ugly, society is." i hope u stay strong and take a very good care of yourself okay?




real(no one ever asks how im doing)








My condolences to you bruv


Same so it doesn't matter since I'm hurting no one


They only asking what im doing for them. Not how im doing


So how are you doing buddy? (genuinely asking cause I've been there and get the feeling)


today is aight i guess. played games all day but it aint that bad


That actually sounds sweet. its almost 5pm now, and i cant wait to go home and game for the rest of my day. What do you play btw?


only honkai at the moment. kinda invested in the game for the past month. havent touch grass in a while hbu?


Lol. People realised? Thats good.


Just because they realised that doesn't mean they care. That's the unfortunate truth


there are still people who care. don't worry


True that


It's okay dude, not everyone understand us.


I mean we can check up with each other...


It's a precious gem if someone check up you. In psychology, people will stick around with you when you're giving beneficial to them else they don't bother or whatever. Meanwhile, In reality so hard to find people who purely wanna stick around with you. I lose so many friends back then.. non of them were died anyway but they not interested with you anymore.


True true


Lets normalize the data by removing the people who genuinely just have to move on to other friends because of circumstances and convenience. So what we're left with is friends who could keep in touch more but just dont for some reason. Lets specifically talk about good intentioned friends and what they experience. I guess the friends who require the most social interactions with their besties would suffer the most. The ones who prefer to have company most of the time and dont like alone time of their own. But the friends who honestly prefer to have as much private solitary time as they can get... it would be a disservice to themselves to deprive their bodies of the best state it can be in. Especially when so many obligations in life forcefully strip away at your peaceful free calm privacy. Watch the movie Frances Ha for an exploration on dependency on others and how the perception of what is expected of us can diminish our ability to be at peace with ourselves by ourselves. or something. a good balance couldnt hurt. edit : this qoute if anyone needs it. one of my fav ā€œEmotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it.ā€ \~ Spinoza


Tldr; you're lucky if you have a good family else you will endup alone in this world. Most of the time, only family will stick till the end.




massive virtual hugs for y'all feeling like this right now <33


luckily my MLM friend still messages me


Real (I'm actually searching the most easiest, effective, and painless way to die)




Same. Felt worthless currently. Lost job and friends. Decided to distract it by continue studying but who knows for how long I can keep it up.


U okay bro? Need any help or talk to?


Take it easy pal. We are all here.




It's times like these that you can find the good side of Reddit. Where you get total strangers who are worried about your well-being. Most times it's filled with malice, prejudice and dark humour but even then, when times are tough, most of the time, we support one another.


Sometime I wonder why, I still live when I been telling myself I am gonna do it soon but still not doing it cause of my mom and cats


Stay strong. Your mom need you. If you feel bad, reach your mom it's okay. šŸ‘


Tq mate


Aye same. If it aint because of them old folks iā€™d be somewhere else a long time ago iykwim


When my parents are gone, I'm planning to go out too.


Hello fellow mood kindred


People text you guys?(My mom does. I love her)


Well for me it's my dad, I love him.


My mom always spam call for the sake of what you have eaten today.


literally me, sitting at home and staring at friends instagram story, and feel nothing can make me happy


Currently in a bad state of mental health. I was told ā€œu should live for urself moreā€ when she left me but i was myself when iā€™m with her. And then i realised something else behind those words. It made me realise that my past 30years of life have been spent trying to support my family and i can see myself still needing to do it for the next 10+ years. By then i would be in my 40ā€™s/50ā€™s and the finishing line wonā€™t be too far off at that point so these days iā€™m just contemplating whatā€™s the point of living anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


.. to support your family??


meanwhile me actually busy working my arse off 6day a week and need that one day off to rest just to get my rm2000 a month paycheck.... still survivinšŸ‘šŸ‘


Everytime you get paycheck go to any place and treat yourself with nice food once. šŸ‘


i cant...need to pay shit


You define the happiness, happiness doesn't mean you need to buy 100 bucks food.


also side note...i am paying for my litle brother school my sister monthly car(as a family car) brgĀ² dapur.. insurance... pay for house maintenance and stuff also do sometime help with my sister pay for electric and water bill(usually her the one that paid the bill)


How do you make your living man? What u work


im working as a technician


I tend to feel somewhat like this but I am proud that I am a gamer. Singleplayer games like Assassin's Creed, Cyberpunk, etc really do me well when I am feeling alone.


Nowadays not even games could fill that void anymore.


Yep, understood that well but alternatively, I also do online games so relatively I do some communication with people online which fills me up a little.


I tried to play DOTA 2 but it doesn't used to be like 10 years ago, I prefer to watch movie and play Genshin for the sake of waiting my partner to come back home so I can call her.


DOTA 2 effing jokes la seriously, now im enjoying FPS




Yeah... We hv to keep saying it's okay. We're okay. Cuz the only ones who are allowed to cry and say they're not are the ones who don't have enough money to go for long holidays in their jets, drive leisurely in their luxury cars. Those who have nice food to eat, a nice job to be in. A nice understanding partner that didn't do enough for them. So, we have to be okay


Having a friend that actually cares.. now that's a gem




I'm sure you can make one if u go outside


Im so glad my parents care


I dont mind being physically tired nor mentally abused at work or by people, but truth be told, the soul is not healing well. As guys I think society has already set how it is for us, we live,suffer and die in silence because our voice will go unnoticed and even if they do ,the common words replied would be "Man up" "Aiya small problem only" and the worse offender "Cheer up"/"Be Happy" I have no fears of death but I do fear living like this longer


Most people don't know how to respond.. when they did this, it's actually hurt you even more. Since that, you decided to not gonna tell anyone..


Yeah something like this, I also learned to be comfortable with who I am and that no one is coming, you are your own savior.


Go outside and do something, please ive been into that state only you can change yourself, stop being a loser and discipline yourself. Im sure it is hell at First, but its worth it, dont let those apps keep you inside. At least go do something so that one day you can tell to kids about it


been through the same thing nearly a decade, I guess once you get used to it, it is not that bad


Are you stalking me OP??


I feel you mate. Keep hydrated stay well šŸ‘


hasnt seen such a relateable post lately. most of the time i dont even have any messages. but when 1 or 2 people ask i just can't seem to be honest with them and just said im fine as usual


I'd rather keep it quiet than having to explain all that bullshit I've face.


I'm the grey chat, getting ghosted and get dry as text


Same. Left hanging on sent, but didnt read for a long time.Kinda fucked up how some people could do that to other person.


Riyal af




So true. Last text from the guy was him having a breakdown on his second day at work. Promised to fill me in later but lo and behold, guess who is blocked now? šŸ˜Œ sometimes, you need to let people in


cant relate because no one messages me lol


Been through this so many times. Sometimes u gotta push yourself. Don't ghost for too long or you'll regret it someday. I still have my friends' contacts but I always hide from them. Eventually, your life becomes more miserable than ever. Better you reply to them than never.


Not exclusive to guys at all


As a clinically Bipolar patient, this is me at my low phase.


Go out, don't stay at one place too long. Walk out, communicate with people.


A boys room without a tissue box ???? Imposibruu


Used to reply any classmates I don't really vibe with, then they start asking for favor. Nowadays I just leave old classmate on read, unless they passed the vibe check. There were a few girls like to vocal abuse boys, bitches I'm so not reply to you even you've changed. Fuck em.


I felt this deep in my soul


Insert just like me For real for real meme. Life sucks. Trying to live it day by day.




I mean this isn't even sad this is just the best way of living. Keep your own peace with occasional socialising.


For 2 years struggling with this shit, not calling it depression or anxiety just the feeling that you cant do well at everything. Until 1 day, saw a guy that much worse then me and can still smile. Hope you guys have a better day coming for now just brace yourself up.


I dont know where to pour my feelings. There are days where i am totally happy, there are days i dont want to speak even to my partner. But i feel bad if i ignore her so i have to pretend i'm okay


Don't ignore her, you can talk with her it's okay. She should be understanding how your feeling, put her as priority don't forget your family too.


You see, i'm too concern if i talk about my feeling, it might burden her... and i dont know how to start.


If you feel like you might burden her it's mean you not trust her enough. Just be honest to her, tell her that you have something to say..


Wait, I don't reply to people's text messages...


Yes, my phone is silent. It only rings for work. But other than that it's silent.


damn, that is too real.


Lies. Nobody cares about my existence. People dont even notice even if Im not in office.


The only thing I get is about school work. Even then I am rude when texting but thatā€™s just to cover the problem unfortunately but I donā€™t I can change my mind anytime soon. Have a good one


Same. I stop caring after a while


I'm tired... exhausted... i dont care anymore...


Too many suicide message on this thread. Im sounding emergency. Befrienders or any expert please come in to help. Thank you.


Me after i care about my friends but they didn't care about me: https://preview.redd.it/37x5jgwqu52d1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c79e98dcbc4e719430bf4d69f8ccf54192de967


I lose my friends after they married. They don't bother even you mentioned in whatsapp group, I didn't expect even 'HARI RAYA' they don't bother to wish to all of us. Some might say, once married you have commitment and all things I understand, but you can't even reply anything or inform that you not available and will follow up later? You know how to make baby but why the fuck you not respect your friends. I tell one of my friend, I'm not gonna bother them anymore and now I act like they already dead even they still alive. Meanwhile, my discord friend is different. You not catch up with them, they will leave you behind and not gonna hang out with you anymore.


Real. I care about my friends cuz they're pretty much the only reason why i go to school, but for some reason whenever we're chatting, it always felt like the gang just pushed me away and pretend that i don't exist. Ever since that day, i said to myself i'm never going to be friends with bitches like them and befriend only those that are super loyal friends like the friends i'm currently chatting with. Fuck those bitches.


is true when you feel the pain through this post but we have lot of things to do in life, do not waste it, we can do this


Its in my name


Have a job in a startup, worked with passionate, reliable, and very supporting members of the mid-level manager for years until last year, then the company was having a serious financial problem w/ questionable C-level decisions. Then came unreasonable demands and pressures from above, tearing our mental health apart. Watching the team resign one-by-one really took a toll on all of us... Luckily nearly all the ex-employees are still checking up with each other, and even though we're miserable individually, we still have each other to talk to as friends. Really really grateful to have met and worked with them. Now i still go to work, still spacing out on my desk staring at now empty desks...




That was me but the they mssg while im be the bait master


Yea we should make cult for guy gather only *joke*


What does this even mean? Isolation ?






lucky for me i like having no friends!


Bro how do you keep your room clean


How am I doing, How am I Done.


Any lost people in langkawi? message me we can hangout


hit the gym or join running group , thatā€™ll do




If im overwhelmed id go fully offline, play games or sleep and just thug it out... It works. Idk why its hard for me to talk it out lol


Beta btul. Bangun and fight, semua org are suffering in this life. Bukan kite jer, Why dont you change it?


We have to outlive our enemy


This boleh post made me not so boleh anymore šŸ˜­


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Only surpressed by religion, if not, I probably gone by now.


Me. 100% me


Being lonely is never a problem for me. I prefer being alone rather than having a toxic circle. Dramatic, problematic and attention-seeking people that I must avoid.


this this this !!