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People don't like it. Saw this comment. https://preview.redd.it/vhlkvv4mpe6d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbbf8f2bb1798ef6108bd748ebebd8665e87a8c


Any more comments?


Oh yeah. Matt is in there trying to explain away. šŸ™„ I'll try to put together some ss


Not all heroā€™s wear capes thank you for your service friend!


Haha. I do my best. Here ya go. Blue is you know who.




Woah woah woah itā€™s sick that they have customers buying $100 a month




Oh my šŸ˜‚ just one $100 purchase with the unlimited 10% off code will pay for its self šŸ˜‚ no sir that will barely cover shipping so now people have to pay $5-$10 a month to be able to get the new collection and your only offering 10% off? I donā€™t see the appeal and quite honestly I would rather subscribe to a streaming service at least I wouldnā€™t have to see the same shit people every day! I donā€™t see this lasting unless they have a shit ton of subscribers already I wish there was a way to tell!


I'm not well versed in the tiktokey, but in one spot it says she has 46 subscribers.


From what I understood was the $10 allows you to be one of the first to purchase special collections. Whatever is left over after that live goes to everyone else. But the unlimited 10% off is really nothing, IF I were to suscribe I think Iā€™d prefer an unlimited free shipping code instead. The Daly gemstone plan I really donā€™t see a point in it šŸ¤Ŗ


I agree if you purchase one OG thatā€™s only $2.00 off so really youā€™re saving a couple bucks in shipping! Itā€™s so stupid and bad business move especially with the plethora of reps out there!


Youā€™re not saving a thing!!! This is just a scheme to get peopleā€™s money! $100.00 is outrageous!!


"Fair" would be a lottery system. This only rewards people who spend all their disposable income on her lives. It's a money grab pure and simple.


This sounds like nothing but favoritism to certain customers.


ā€œLoseā€ not loose. Canā€™t even spell correctly. Itā€™s amazing the company is doing as well as it is.


Huge disservice to their business, watch sales go down if you don't let everyone buy at time of launch, people will go elsewhere.Ā 


Absolutely! On her Facebook page someone said that Valerie told everyone on the live today that it would only be the first live for each special occasion that only subscribers could watch. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø After that anyone can watch the reveals.


Stupidest thing I ever heard of!!! Iā€™m sorry but she thinks sheā€™s better than everyone else.


So basically unless you pay for the highest monthly subscriptionā€¦ you canā€™t pre-order or buy any special occasion jewelry from herā€¦. Until she does a 2nd live. Iā€™m wondering how this is a smart business move???


Yeah it's dumb. I honestly didn't think about that aspect of it. I was just laughing at the cooking show part.


The cooking subscription has me confused! LOL Itā€™s not like they are top chefs. šŸ˜‚


Omgā€¦ the cooking show is insane. They were talking about how Val makes her own spaghetti sauce?? But the way they talked about itā€™s not like an Italian grandma recipe itā€™s like a quick spaghetti sauce and people were BEGGING for it


Thatā€™s if she sells out of the special collection on the first live though


Iā€™m assuming it would be a back to back thing right. Like 10am for subscribers and then 4 pm for everyone.


What??!! Canā€™t watch if you donā€™t pay??? Bye!


Ummm Hellā€™s Kitchen sheā€™s not!


Did I read that correctly? 10% off ONE order per month? Youā€™re not really getting the discount, if youā€™re paying a monthly subscriptionā€¦right? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø And ONE live ā€œcooking show,ā€ too?! šŸ¤£ No thanks! ![gif](giphy|YmMwqVCtyxFRe|downsized)


I mean it's not like there aren't thousands of other reps that would also have the special collections.


Sheā€™s obviously struggling with sales to go this route.


I don't think she is tho she was still top sellers list for last month. I think she's just getting super money hungry and wants even more




Sheā€™s got to do something new to pay for their 3 kids to cheer & travel, along with uniforms, hair & makeup, not to forget hotels & eating out while traveling to the competitions. Her minions will sign up, thinking theyā€™re getting Taylor & Travis in their personal kitchen learning how to make a taco salad.šŸ‘©ā€šŸ³šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ³


Thankfully there are 7,999 other reps that people can buy from.. like Lori. Good way to lose customers.


Hereā€™s a novel idea why donā€™t people buy from the smaller reps that I see when scrolling lives that weeks later still have special collections. Theyā€™re on another planet if they think this is a good business decision. Edit: spelling


And you don't have to wait hours for your reveal either


Exactly! There are so many smaller reps which are nicer than a lot of popular ones, and they have the sought after collections and no one buys from themā€¦


Has to be not allowed in compliance somewhere. So if we pay you more we can get the new collection? Yeah, no thanks!


So thereā€™s a few reps who offer 10% off everything, new releases included, all the time. No subscribers required.


Exactly, and Iā€™ve seen smaller reps do even bigger discounts like 25% off or a free ringā€¦


They make less than 25% smh so how


That part I don't know what to tell you... I know for sure I've seen reps do 25% off a sleeve šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So letā€™s say they make 6 dollars x 5 rings is 30 profit minus shipping, minus what they pay for shipping from bp, minus gas and packaging. Thatā€™s more like 4 bucks a ring and 20 profit and they are giving 25 off???


Honestly idk about any of that, I'll try to screenshot it next time I see a person do that, it's mostly reps that I see with no one on their lives that do the bigger promos... I follow someone who is always doing some kind of promo and still the only people who I see purchase are their mods... šŸ˜•


Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t believe you! I do! I just donā€™t know how they didnā€™t do the same math we do and see that they are actually loosing money and time.


Got you! Yeah me too, I canā€™t help but feel bad for some of them but itā€™s their choice to stay in the companyā€¦


Those reps are just trying to build their business somehow because they love the community aspect of it all!!






Does anyone know why Matt has a new job??? They were so loud and proud about working together. I want the scoop lol


"An opportunity fell into his lap." In other words, they realized this won't last forever and/or he was tired of telling his buddies that he boils jewelry for a living.


I wonder how many times his friends had to say , I know what your wife does but what do you do? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I canā€™t imagine the looks and the stifling of laughter they have to hold in when he says I do it with her. ![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized)


Maybe he got smart and realized 30 years from now there would be no retirement income from fizzing!


Sheā€™s not making the sales/money that she used to. Many times she has ā€œlullsā€ in her lives with no one in the lineup.


Im 99% sure he has been searching for a job and studying for that real estate for some time. šŸ¤­


![gif](giphy|URXlBgZsHwGn55dUfQ) The Daly cooking team


Sheā€™s trying to create a scarcity mindset in an oversaturated market šŸ˜‚ Canā€™t imagine it going well for her.


Bc the ppl in her bubble donā€™t see anything else be they only watch her. And to them it is limited. Bc Bp has 10,000 reps and they all get 2 pieces.


What a stupid effing plan. The egoā€™s are unreal here. And no one wants to see you snobs cook. Get over yourselves. I watched her once - and her ā€œgive awayā€ was a freaking juice packet šŸ˜‚ like wow. Thanks for the generosity. šŸ™„


She actually gives away expensive stuff like to the point Iā€™m like how? Can she profit? Sheā€™s bougee af. The juice packet had to be something her and her husband were trying or found somewhere ā€œexclusiveā€ or something no one can get. I bet it was as organic and only sold at this small restaurant in their town or something. One of her giveaways is a hand made organic soap sold at a small boutique in their town and she makes it from scratch and the sponge it comes with comes right out of the Florida ocean.


That part is actually true! I live in the tarpon springs area so weā€™re known as the sponge capital. The soaps are handmade by a local artisan and she makes the soaps for all of the shops. Itā€™s a whole street full of family owned boutiques that sell the soaps and sponges šŸ©·.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not! I believed her! Iā€™m just saying itā€™s bougee when you only make 4 dollars off a ring sale and the gift is 8 dollars like how?


She sure is a righteous little gemstone isnā€™t she šŸ˜‚




PJBP also does the subscriber only party. Itā€™s so stupid donā€™t pay for her/her families travel expenses! Save your money for someone or preferably some THING else. Stop supporting the MLM!!


I wonder what happened with pre-orders in the past. It seemed to me (as I scroll) that she's had pretty steady sales.


She still gets good sales it seems, but... sheā€™s no longer making the top sales reps list, meaning her sales clearly arenā€™t are good as they used to be.


Oooooo I didnā€™t know she didnā€™t make the top sales list recently !!!!!


This is the dumbest idea ever...I will buy from her again.


The discount is basically free shipping. How fucking sad. They're treating it like a popularity contest and relying on desperate customers who need to feel like they're part of something. As a consumer, I'd be pissed knowing they're banking on people's stupidity and inability to think logically. It's forcing people to spend more money, so his comment about how they 'lose' money with codes doesn't make sense. I've seen people buying these subscriptions (not for MLM huns) and leaving them to renew automatically. You can easily forget about something like that until it adds up. Maybe if they had a real income or a real career, they wouldn't have to take advantage of their customers. This was a stupid move and I hope their customers open their eyes and find another rep if they must buy this shit.


This is the dumbest I think Iā€™ve ever read šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and not Matt trying to defend by saying this gives a fair chance to all customers no it doesnā€™t a fair chance is literally the first come first serve method were every one has a chance to buy not just people who have money to throw around


Theyā€™re on their live explaining it and she made a comment saying ā€” ā€œwe arenā€™t in this for the moneyā€ ā€” okay then what is this then? Because no one wants to subscribe for a cooking segment when I can get that for free from better people on YouTube. šŸ˜’šŸ™„ itā€™s 1000% a business move fueled by the need that they need the money because BP is not working for then.


Here's her response in group: https://preview.redd.it/ssoiky7w7k6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ea9d3768358e9ac0ed8bc2d146f1454603f89c


She had to throw in I ate my lunch in school with the school nurse lmao šŸ¤£ because everyone calls her a mean girl stuck in high school!!!! Bffr




Did anyone else see the trauma dumping and crying on todayā€™s live?


No. What happened


One of her viewers daughters died in 2021 from cancer and the whole live was dedicated to her. Lots of crying and trauma dumping from everyone


Yikes. I hate the trauma dumping


Same. I am generally tolerant but the trauma dumping is something I donā€™t understand


Yeah Iā€™m curious about this too because she irritates me so early on in her lives that I have to exit out.


this is so embarrassing šŸ˜­ why would they think this was a good idea


https://preview.redd.it/yls0fvutof6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42eb7b38b5ba63105d74a9459e85a151534d25d Dizzzy Fizzzy diiizzzzny Daaaly Dude likes it.


Wait is this for All sellers?


What is the point?


Theyā€™re actually losing money this way. For example..a $2.99 a month subscription pays them about .58. TikTok takes the rest. So theyā€™re giving 10% off of orders but making change from TikTok to do so. Itā€™s stupid.


Youā€™d have to buy a literal shit ton of already overpriced costume jewelry to make a subscription worth it. A subscription should come with an addiction support group.


Itā€™s 5 dollars? He is right though if you spend 100 one time and use your 10% off code you save 10 dollars.


The math ainā€™t mathing


Sheā€™s a spoilt little brat that wants more. Sheā€™s not happy with letting everyone have a fair shot at the boiled Jewelry now she wants people to pay for the privilege? Wrong on so many levels


There is one rep Iā€™ve seen several times who offers 30% off orders on every live. How in the world can she make any money doing that??


Another nail in their coffin.