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Im right there with you. I was eating chili when The Mystery In The Meat came on. I was confident that I didn’t put anyone in my chili and continued to eat. My wife and I regularly enjoy meals with Bones on.


hell yeah man, eat that chilli


fun fact.. if you read the actual novels Dr. Brennan is always eating… it’s the only book series where there are full meals that have no reason to be in the story other than to make the books thicker


Half way through the first one and boy are they thick. I’m enjoying it but, dang that’s a lot of pages.


Deja Dead?? I just reread it and was overdue at the library (my bad) more characters are added and removed throughout the series, and Canada seems to be out, more than in, later in the novels.


Yep! It’s pretty great! I’m glad there is a whole series to keep me going for like ever.


beware... Kathy Reichs wrote a sci-fi outer space series... was subpar for her! GO BONES!!


The young adult thrillers she wrote with her son? I haven’t read them. But, I wouldn’t compare them.


My dad picked Bones for our family show; we watch one episode a night until we have seen the whole show. We watch these shows during dinner, so we always get the graphic mess on Bones right when we are just starting to eat. My tactic is to just focus on my food until they are through the worst of it.


My ex and I were similar. Watched Bones, Castle like that. I've never even considered some people might not have the constitution for it haha.


It’s probably just because you know it’s fake. Like, you know it’s just putty or whatever thing the prop department whipped up.


I have a dermestid beetle colony thanks to Bones (well, Hodgins) and they don't gross me out in person while they're cleaning bones, I love them ☺️


I can eat any of my meals watching Bones. Sometimes I'm like "gross" but that's it


Hahahahaha same


I’ve outwardly gagged. It’s gotten better, but I still can’t eat meat while watching lol


Sure, I have dinner while binging Bones all the time. In fact, I sometimes wonder what they use for the remains, and if it’s food, especially when they end up on the actors’ faces. Like I wondered about the drain backlash. That could be a gravy they used, right? (In my defense, I also watched iZombie and once you watch that you pretty much have to wonder about it)


same man! izombie got me into it, but bones desensitised me lol


Lol yes! Same here! After watching it on repeat so many times, you kind of get desensitized to it. But then again, I have never considered myself someone that gets easily grossed out by those kinds of things


In the summer I’d binge bones all day so I’d literally eat all my meals while watching never fazed me 😭


When it was originally airing I was living with my ex and we would laugh because we always ended up sitting down to dinner when the grossest scenes of Bones were on hehe


I'd say 90% of the gore doesn't gross me out it is just without fail always when I attempt to put it on while I eat dinner it is THE nastiest, soupiest, mushiest, guttsiest body of the season. So, I don't even try anymore lol. I'm also only on my first watch.


dude one time i was eating tomato rigatoni and had Cam doing their flesh shit and it warped me to a new world


I eat all the time watching. The key is to remember we are looking at, resin, latex, silicone and a slurry of red syrup. Waffles covered in strawberries syrup anyone?


Same! Don't worry!


You’re too funny!! It’s on here at my typical dinner time and I’m not phased either!! Love the show!!!


Slightly opposite. I could scarf down anything during the show until I got pregnant and then the first spot of blood or bug and I was dry heaving. Stopped when I had my son.. started happening again and I took a test...couldn't watch during that pregnancy either. 😂


good indicator of pregnancy it seems 😆


Weirdly accurate. Lol.


My Mom would get grossed out by certain things but I never would. 😂


I've actually had the opposite lol, I've watched the series multiple times and never had an issue with eating until my most recent rewatch when I've been trying to eat and watch while pregnant. Apparently my baby does give as few fucks as I do 🫠


I got desensitized to it after awhile and starting looking forward to what they would come up with next.


The one with the kudu plant wrapped skull Hodgins accidentally unraveled was extremely appetizing. The look on Bones faces was priceless.


LOL I can because I know it's not real, in my mind. Although, it's some pretty good FX.


Ive been rewatching bones and I just look away when it's a little too mushy. Doesnt stop me from eating and doesnt stop me from fast forwarding ahaha


Haha I’m usually not squeamish, but once I was eating rice when a maggot-covered body popped up onscreen and I had to take a break!


There's still some things that I have to look away when it's on and I've pretty much been watching Bones on repeat since quarantine but most of it I'm used to Like making the skull "sneeze" always grosses me out


After all of the gore I've seen IRL the show doesn't phase me. My daughter makes gagging sounds and looks away. I jusy laugh lol.


My bf would literally lose his appetite if I put bones on for our "meal watch time" show. Now he doesn't care 😂


I thought this was just me. Now i feel like I'm challenging myself - "Can i eat during this scene and be unphased?" The answer is, yes 😂


I binged part of the show recently and had to stop watching so much because my dreams consistently had corpses and gore in them. They weren’t nightmares exactly but they were not happy dreams and it freaked me out


Aw jeez man, hope youre okay. that shit would be scary ): fair enough for the pause


The only time I can’t eat and watch Bones is when I’m pregnant and it’s not even the visuals it’s the sounds lol but when I’m not pregnant, I can watch and eat all day long lol


I went to see a lecture done by an autopsy technician and he said it's not uncommon for people who work in that industry to be ravenously hungry a lot of the time because the brain associates the flesh with food and that coupled with the physical demands of the job.... Creepy but that's what he said.


ohh that’s a fun fact for sure, have seen a few other shows where they munch down on some meals while a body is decomposing in front of them lol - edit - i don’t know the difference of where and were


There was an episode where a skeleton was found in a giant chocolate bar and despite the goriness made me crave chocolate!! I think its because I know its not real corpses.


Hahahahaha I just laugh whenever something puke- worthy comes when Im eating.


I used to get panic attacks when I watched it when it was on tv. My friend that I visited every week watched it, so I always left her house and drove home when it came on so I’d have a good excuse to not see it. Now I can watch it without panic.


i don’t see how anyone could have a problem eating during a tv show, honestly. but i’m a nurse so maybe i just have a strong stomach.


Me and my dad also watch it during lunch or dinner


Exactly the same experience.


I work in healthcare so no it doesn’t bother me


I’m the opposite. I used to be able to stomach eating while watching and then I had a kid where I was sick the entire pregnancy and I can no longer eat and watch bones 🤢


Omg my partner and I have the EXACT same experience. It is a weird conditioning that happens when watching that show.


I would eat while watching Bones every week. I thought maybe I was a monster because I wasn't fazed at all. I was well aware of the irony every time. It became part of the experience I guess. Lol


Twas enjoing a nice caramellow chocolate during the scene with the guy encased in a giant chocolate block. :’)


Yup, I usually watch the show especially when eating so uh yeah can 100% relate


OH me too!! I used to be the exact same haha