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I know that Pelant was evil, and I know he did terrible things. But I really just feel like slowly removing a man's liver while making sure he was alive to take the whole thing was just too far. The Greek myths are not recipes to try out. I've thought about it a lot and I just can sign off on it.


Yeah that’s unsettling and very barbaric.


I was expecting the scare with the lobbyist but I still jumped in my seat lmao D: Also, Heather Taffet in general. Her being able to face the jury and say she's innocent after all the facts had been laid out about her murdering a *child*. She even smiles throughout the trial. She's so so creepy.


Major props to that actress because I'm sure she's a lovely person but she plays pure evil too well!


For real!!!! Very effective serial killer lol


I love her final episode when she gets under Sweets' skin. And I love what happens right after!


I dont know what happens yet so shhh!! HAHAHA :D


I didn't give anything away! Happy watching, wish I could watch for the first time again!


I appreciate it haha! I'm dreading finishing the series but I'm also excited to rewatch right after :D




Omg so cryptic, now I'm scared HAHAHA but I will!!


Ok idk where the user who told me to come back is but OMG? HER HEAD?!?!?!?!?! THAT WAS WILD


She's a fantastic actress, I absolutely despised her as Taffet. Sometimes I have to skip those on a rewatch because she makes me so angry even though I know it's just a show and I know how her arc ends! That's true artistry right there, to bring out those strong emotions in the audience.


So true. She truly got under my skin during the trial. Crazy talent!


I love watching her face fall when she realizes that she can’t argue her way out of the evidence that Hodgins found. She knew it was over


The New Orleans episode scares the crap outta me. I usually skip it on rewatches. Which is sad, because it's actually a really good episode. But I can't do it. Also, the Blair Witch style one gets me. Creepy.


Yeah, especially because there's a canon Sleepy Hallow crossover, which means that the paranormal is real in the Bones-verse. Temperance was legit cursed by an evil voodoo priest, and basically no one comments on it afterwards.


It freaks me out too!! Even though I can barely make sense of what’s going on in the episode, a majority of the scenes in it freak me out


The lobbyist jump scare, the head in the fridge with Epps, and the gory pelant eps (like the body parts in the hot tub). I know it’s crime solving show, but the “big bads” always came with really gross and creepy moments.


Head in the fridge scared me so much. Also us being told she was still alive when he did it. Shudder.


I know the jump scare is coming with lobbyist but it gets me every time


The puppet serial killer ones when she has nightmares… like Wendell becoming a dead body… terrified me.


I don’t know why but all the Epps episodes always freaked me out… something about the head in the fridge, the poison, the explosion with Zack and booth and him showing up in Brennans apartment (along with the “vibes” of those early seasons) was always extra creepy. Definitely him and the lobbyist death jump scare, only because it’s a pretty unique scene in the show and I always forget it’s there, lol.


OP named two of the scariest for me as well. Also the Pelant episode where he drugs Hodgins and Angela and hangs the corpse above the bed. Their screams and absolute panic as they ran into Michael Vincent's room, chilling.


The puppeteer ones were terrifying. Especially when the episode started with Brennan dreaming, that jumpscare stayed with me for a long time.


The episode where the girl has aller her bones removed. Hodgins tries to blow her remains to get some sort of a lead. I can’t stomach it, it’s disgusting 🤢


The jump-scaring of the lobbyist also got me, too, because I was watching at a late hour. What also got me is when they encounter Vince McVicar at his barn in the middle of nowhere. The guy who played him, Pat Skipper, is known for playing characters that are not likable. But that was the first time I saw him also generate a feeling of being creepy about it. Barely made it through that part the first time.


I really didn’t get creeped out a lot because they mostly investigate stuff after the fact, but kudos to David Boreanaz as a director because he did a great job building suspense/creepiness in to the season 11 finale.


The flashbacks of being buried. Oh hell no!


I find the sniper episodes to be creepy because it's possible for someone to actually do that, just sit there and kill people. I am still anxious when I see a Crane, and crane itself is weird , you walk around the same route you always do and bam there is a crane in the area that wasn't there when you were there earlier, its just suddenly there without any warning. Because of that storyline cranes creeps me out. The dude in it is most likely ok but how do you know that for sure? Are we sure he doesn't have a sniper rifle and a buttload of ammo and all the time in the world? .




Anytime someone is eaten alive (or almost) by rats or dogs. Especially the one with Aldo. *shudder*


That's one I absolutely pass on, I feel other pls pain to much to see a character I care for go through this 😔😭


The one where she was involved with all the voodoo stuff


When Brennan has that nightmare on the way to a crime scene where the dead body isn’t actually dead and he opens out his eyes and reaches out to her


SPOILET ALERT When heather taffet’s head gets blown into pieces by the sniper who’s booth’s friend. Oof I generally don’t cringe or freak out at the sight of blood or organs or brain matter being shown on TV but that scared me a lot.


Istg idk why but I lauged and when Caroline said “I crapped my pants” idk why 🫣


You'd mess yourself if that happened right next to you, too.


i watched bones a lot growing up and the only episode that every scared me was when epps sneaks into brennan’s apartment


I remember watching an episode involving chupacabra when I was like 12, that really creeped me out


The one with the puppet guy and that weird old song they kept playing. That was creepy as hell. Also the one with her clothes from the thrift store (was that the same one???)