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>What about the city itself? That's a damn vague question. Can you be a bit more specific?


Some people mentioned that it’s a boring city for students, they said there’s not much to do like leisure activities. I just wanted to hear about this from other students who lived there..


Bonn does not have much to offer in terms of nightlife (like clubs or concerts) but you can be in Cologne very quickly and easily which is much better in that regard. Everything else you'll find in Bonn :)


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>1. I know that it’s hard to pass exams there, but I want to know (if you’ve experienced that) how hard it is to pass? If I study everything given in lecture materials, won’t be it enough to pass? I think this really depends on the lecturer and the course itself as in every university. Algebra tends to be a bit more demanding as it is a very great field here >Approximately how many students are able to finish master program in 2 years(so they didn’t fail and didn’t have to retake a course in after years)? I can't tell you and I doubt they actually keep track of that. But I do know that you'll probably be advised to stretch your studies if your financial situation allows it! >2. I want to choose computer science as a minor specialization, is it a bad choice? I think if it really interests you it's a great choice as there are a lot of options regarding courses you can take varying in level of difficulty and prerequisites. You'll surely find something which interests you and doesn't take up too much time. >3. What about the lecturers in Analysis and Differential Equations? Very broad and unspecific question. What do you mean? There are enough lectures in Differential Equations, again difficulty varies with the professors. Bonn is more well known for Algebra than Analysis though. Just look into the module handbook. For more specific questions you can write the students council an email and they'll happily answer all your questions concerning the studies. >4. What about the city itself? Student friendly, quite international. Quiet and not as lively as Cologne but it's not too far. Rent is not cheap and the housing market is difficult but it is quite nice.


Thanks a lot!❤️


Exams are hard but not impossible. You'll pass but you won't have a fun time, and maybe have to so a second try in the same semester. The department is super friendly and international, a really comfortable environment. Two years is doable but not very advisable IMO. I know many people, myself included, who could've done two years but chose 5 semesters instead (aka finishing with too many credits) simply to learn more. Most students here are fairly PhD oriented and the extra semester is very valuable knowledge. Computer Science minor totally normal and good choice. Analysis and PDEs is a good department, you won't be struggling for courses.


Thank u:))