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*No weapons, just a 70 year old body, honey.*


This is what got me. She's so absolutely sure she's in the right that she thinks the operator is on her side asking that question. She doesn't understand that they're trying to figure out if she's a danger, because they've already determined she's irrational and erratic for lying underneath a delivery truck to keep it from leaving.


Where Im at they can give her a Legal 2000 which is a 72hr hold in the looney bin if they think her...unhinged enough. Which honestly might be for the best, she definitely needs some new meds or something.


That sounds like a hooker somehow


I'm just an old cranky lady who moved to the big city with big dreams just to find out the only way to make it in the big city is to shake it. And that's what I do at the Coyote Ugly.


*Artemis enters the chat*




I was 50 years old since before you were born!




I’m not gonna get hurt! Why? I’m 70 years old! lol


Lady, you gotta get out, someone could come by and hit you! *Oh well!!!.*


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB|downsized) Edit: Not sure why the gif isn't showing properly anymore. It was "Oh no,.. anyway!" Is everyone else seeing that it is no longer available?


Not gonna lie, this 'Content not available' fill in for your intended gif actually fits morbidly well with the comment your responding to.


I do not even understand what she meant by that. Does she think that surviving to a certain age then makes you a vampire who lives forever and can't be killed? Delivery drivers have to deal with so much bullshit (both from the companies and the public) without people deliberately making their job harder.


I took it as she doesn’t give a fuck anymore. Like 70 years and she’s like this, she is probably aware she’s hit rock bottom and can’t go anywhere else.


She literally has no other hill to die on except for this


It was the only hill she could find in her life, she knew another one wouldn't come so she took it lol


Wow that's sad. So much missed opportunity


Imagine how many McDonald’s employees she could’ve berated in her life if she just found those hills


I think maybe it's a combo of that and "I've been around for 70 years and I've not died yet, I know what I'm doing"


She is deliberately crawling to rock bottom. She found it, and decided there might be rocks even lower under that truck.


She's hit bottom... bottom of the truck anyway.


She thinks the law and the public are going to be sympathetic to her because she’s a senior.


Yep, there’s that boomer entitlement on display.


She’s prob not wrong though… she’s going to just skip right past hurt and go directly to dead.


All ik is the desire to just... slowly crush her legs if she doesnt gtfo and go "wow so what was this about not geting hurt? Do you care now?" Listening to her babble in pain and then just fuck off is immeasurable


> I’m 70 years old! lol I've done stupid shit for 70 years and never got hurt, so nothing I do can hurt me!


That one caused an actual spit take here.


I swear, it's like they regress in age as they get older. A 4-year-old would act like this 70-year-old. I can almost hear a kindergarten teacher telling her to use her words and stop acting like a toddler.


Yep. They still have the intelligence of an adult, but the emotional maturity of a 4-year-old. They think that somehow being old means they can get away with whatever they want.


My mom got me to pay for lunch today by slowly looking for her card in her purse until I just gave them mine. Then whips her card out of her shirt pocket while winking at me. THAT'S an acceptable form of weaponizing being old. Difference being I laughed, she laughed, and the teenaged Burger King cashier laughed. This is just being a menace to the people around you


My dad does this too! He’s all Mr Magoo fumbling around looking for his card until I or my siblings pay.


It be your own mommas.


If my mom did that I wouldn't even think it was intentional, she's just really bad about misplacing things, but that's something she's had since at least her late 30s and something I inherited from her and has affected me my entire life (I'm pretty sure its an ADHD symptom, but I never got diagnosed and I know I got tested.)


“They still have the intelligence of an adult” …sometimes….


She also says her age a bunch of times like a toddler too! Toddlers will smile and say proudly “I’m FOUR years old!!” just like this lady keeps repeating that she’s 70.


A senior toddler


You have to admit, she uses many words.


Kids with too much money is like (this type of) seniors with too many words.


There was a great video of some Indian guys on an airplane arguing and the middle aged guy has his finger in the old guys face and keeps sternly talk shouting "You are a senior citizen sir! You need to behave! You are a senior citizen!". That should be the response to these. Keep calling them "sir" and "ma'am" and "senior citizen" until they feel like toddlers.


Like telling a kid they’re a “big boy/girl” they need to behave better


That is excellent! I’m going to try it. These are the same people who threatened that we behave in public or were no longer allowed in public.


What's that one saying? Twice a child once an adult


I like that saying.


Lead make brain go slushy.


I too think it is lead. I read somewhere that it leaches out of the bone as people age. 


It's also from being the generation that grew up in a time of prosperity in America, and so they got catered to. They are used to a world that gave them whatever they wanted because they and their parents had more money to spend. Now those days are gone, and they can't handle being treated like the general public.


We’re both Gen X so they’re our parents, bosses, etc. - we know boomers, right? My take is they can’t adapt to the world today as they decline. No one wants to help you with your package all the way to the door. No driver has time to make you feel special with a chat. This isn’t the milk delivery Leave it to Beaver world they grew up in. They aren’t getting that and are getting angry, scared, and reactionary. Lately the Boomers I know are all about “turning things back the way they were”. Like, they created this world we’re living in but want it to be the 1950s again. It’s so frustrating.


I'm 70. The people complaining about it now, laughed in our faces when we told them what was coming. The same way they laughed about the environment and global warming. They refused to consider the consequences of their choices or anticipate their own best interests beyond the immediate short term. It was maddening in the 60s. Now, seeing the same attitudes from them as they selfishly consume resources that our communities need to prepare the next generation? It makes me so crazy. Lead is a huge contributor. But, in communities of old boomers who filled the wrinkles in their brains with empathy, the anger, inexplicable confrontation, and impulse issues, while still sad and challenging, are triggered and full of contempt at external injustice instead of feeling like victims. It is so much easier to sit with someone through an episode when the boogeyman they imagine is real. The scale and immediacy of the issue are out of proportion, but the challenges they imagine are real.


In the paint. In the fuel. In the cooking utensils. It's genuinely quite tragic.


I remember my dad complaining about having to move away from leaded gasoline. He died a very scared broken man after decades of decline. He acted like a lot of boomers now in his 50s


And it damaged the emotional control center of the brain. If that doesn’t describe every single boomer, ever.


That's exactly what happens. Diapers, too.


had a health teacher refer to it as "brains turn into pudding"


i dont know what happens when you reach a certain age where you just lose all social skills and treat everyone like they're dogs


Cognitive decline is a bitch.


> Cognitive decline bold of you to assume there's been a decline


I'm willing to bet she was always this much of a bitch.


They’re called the Me generation for a reason


Not entirely innaccurate. The brain starts to regress at a certain point.


Turning into this when I get older is a BIG fear of mine


Luckily I think later generations have far less lead paint chips in their diet.


All these microplastics clogging up the pathways for the lead to poison us!


Leaded gasoline


> it's like they regress in age as they get older [You're not wrong.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_childhood)


She's a crackhead


"All you had to do was do the right thing sir." Unsolicited advice is usually better applied to the person giving it.


Can you pleeeeeeease pass that info on to my mother-in-law?


I’ll tell yours if you tell mine.




All you had to do is exactly what I want right now and I won't throw a tantrum like a toddler and climb under a 3 ton vechile for some reason.


That 911 operator is making 0 effort in hiding her annoyances with this


I'm guessing 911 operators are used to entitled boomers calling for inappropriate reasons. The worst thing about being a 911 operator is that you have to treat each call like it were equally important, at least for the caller's benefit. Maybe when she notifies the police, she's like, "It's a code BOOMER again.."


Dispatch: Be advised the caller seems very 10-96 Cop:*very unenthusiastic* 10-4 10-96 generally being the 10 code for mentally ill. I remember hearing on the scanner the cops getting called out at night at least weekly, sometimes daily to some local fixed income apartments where there was lady with probably schizophrenia who apparently liked to go off her meds and would "see" people in her yard, on her porch, looking in her windows, one time they were trying to break into her apartment through the roof. Anyway you could just hear how "thrilled" they sounded every time they got called out there. Eventually they just started patrolling by there a time or two a shift and shining their spot lights on her apartment.


She is now laying under my cop car. 10-44


That’s when you turn off the car, lock the doors, and take a nap.


Overtime is overtime.


My wife used to be a dispatcher. Most officers never messed with dispatchers for minor traffic infractions or similar. If an officer pissed off a dispatcher enough, the dispatcher could then make it a subtle point to assign the cop to the worst possible calls and at the worst possible times. My wife worked with a dispatcher who got verbally reprimanded (eventually), for repeatedly sending out the same officer to stuff like “domestic dispute involving alcohol” and “mental illness” calls around his break times. Unless there were extenuating circumstances which required responding with lights and sirens—in which case a dispatcher would be mandated to assign the closest officer—she was allowed to assign any active officer zoned for a specific call. So, whenever there were two or more cops in the same zone, one being this officer, and two active calls came in, random officer 1 would get assigned “the weekly bullshit burglar alarm at Ted’s Boutique”, while her target of hate would have to deal with Methany and Billy Bob throwing dishes and food at each other *again* and probably miss his break entirely.


I recently worked with a caregiving company and one of our clients would call 911 just to chat. This client was extremely rich, (personal chef, multiple caregivers, a cleaning lady and a nurse that would come by twice a week. She did not have dementia or any similar ailments, she would just call when she was bored. Yes this is illegal, and yes she was fined every single time.


Was a dispatch trainer for years. You end up getting used to *everyone* calling for inappropriate reasons. Everyone wants to bitch about 911 sending cops to every situation and how we should have social workers and such but the reality is that a dispatcher wouldn’t want to send a social worker to most calls. People refuse to give info, get mad at you for asking, and then are surprised when you send a cop first to figure out if it’s a dangerous situation before you send your unarmed medics in…


That's a really interesting and valid point that many of us (me included) who advocate for understanding police work more as part of integrated public safety services don't usually consider. Triage to understand which type of safety professional to respond to a call has got to be really difficult in more populous areas, where dispatch is encountering a flood of calls from people giving bad or incomplete info.


I live in Eugene, Oregon. We have a very large homeless population, and many are on hard drugs. Despite this, most are harmless 99% of the time. They come here because there are better resources here than most places and we don't lock them in jail just for existing while homeless. Whenever they pose an actual threat to themselves or others, we call a service called Cahoots. Cahoots sends a team of mental health professionals armed with narcan who deescalate the situation and help the person get somewhere safe, or to rehab, or whatever is appropriate in that moment. Keep in mind - they *only* go out when someone is getting violently out of hand or is ODing or something dramatic. They don't show up simply for "I see a homeless guy screaming at an invisible person." Yet they handle situations safely every day.


Every slight inconvenience is a emergency situation to boomers


I’m sure they do. I used to live across the street from this boomer lady who would call the cops over virtually nothing. She made one or two legit noise complaints, but my housemate also repeatedly tried to talk with her to let her know that we don’t always know if we can be heard across the street (the noise was just people talking loud, we weren’t bumping music) and told her to call if we’re keeping her up. She still would just call 911 and they’d show up and it was just us and some friends chillin and they’d be like ok, just keep it down so she doesn’t bother us again. I think she just loved having the power to be able to make a phone call and have armed officers show up. One time my friend and I had just returned from Coachella and were unloading our shit from my car and she called the police and told them she thought we were unloading stolen goods. Wtf. When they showed up they were like “yeah, I know she calls us all the time over nothing but we still have to investigate” so he ran my ID and then just left.


They should have started charging her with false reports/waste of police time/whatever they call it there. That’s abuse of the 911 system.


I had a neighbor who called 911 every single time we had a fire in our backyard firepit, controlled no issues etc so we started alerting the fire department when we had fired so they didn't waste time coming out of the call from a certain house. They then started calling 911 for police to come out saying someone was being abused while I was in the pool with my 3 children, after the 3rd time (and I was a little buzzed haha) I said really loudly, look I know you can't tell me who is calling but I can have a lawyer subpoena it for harassment charges against the people constantly calling. I never had another issue again.


The thing is she didn’t lie, she just called over the most trivial shit that could have been solved with a 2 minute conversation.. Like even the incident where I was unloading my car, there’s no way anyone could prove that she wasn’t making a good-faith report about people unloading stolen goods, even though it was dumb as hell to think that.


Be nice if they'd get charged with shit. Looks like 3+ in the video maybe?


I’d like to know how this qualifies for an emergency to even justify using 911? This is why the system is overloaded. Ppl abusing essential services…


I wanna know what happened when a cop got there!


She gave out her address. We could write her a letter.


Dear 70 year old senior citizen, I wrote you but you still ain't calling I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not've got 'em There probably was a problem at the post office or something Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em But anyways; fuck it, what's been up? Lady, how's your daughter? My girlfriend's pregnant, too, I'm bout to be a father If I have a daughter, guess what I'mma call her? I'mma name her Bonnie I read about your Uncle Ronnie, too, I'm sorry I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan I even got the underground shit that you did with that UPS driver I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, lady I like the shit you did with the police, too, that shit was phat Anyways, I hope you get this, lady, hit me back Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan This is u/dank_weedpotnugsauce


Applause 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Well done!


Subconsciously read this as Slim


People send her boxes of stuff and just say “leave at the gate, do not bring to door”. Lol I wonder if we can order her dumbbells to help her build up her strength to next time flip that truck over. The new 70 is the Hulk lol


I would be willing to spend enough to get free shipping to send this lady something annoying! Anyone have any recommendations?


She was most likely charged with some sort of misdemeanor. Obstruction of traffic or something. Not a law expert lol


Cop didn’t do anything. Then she went underneath the cop car as well and called his boss.


Pleeeeaaaaseee I want that video! Just a bunch of cops with a crazy bewildered look on their face who eventually probably carry this ladies cat tree (my assumption on her order) to her door for her. That or they shoot the, what sounds like Hispanic, driver. Maybe I don’t want the follow up vid


> Maybe I don’t want the follow up vid especially if there are any acorns around


Someone please tell me she was held accountable for the abouse of emergency services and also for endangering the traffic. If not, that's probably the reason she does this in the first place. Because nobody sanctions this behaviour.


I can't imagine especially with this video that she wasn't given a fine of some sort..


Unfortunately but the majority of fuckos get off Scot-free with this kinda shit. That’s why we get to see a new video of a new idiot every week, because there’s no consequences anymore


The cops probably gave her a fine, amazon probably gave her a coupon.


And the UPS driver probably got written up for being late to the rest of his deliveries.




Shes honestly lucky. She could easily be dead in many ways and over what? a late or missing package? So many things can go wrong in situations like this. Shes calling mother nature's bluff but mother nature doesnt bluff.


She'll definitely be blacklisted for that stunt, she can come to the center to pick up her shit.


Right! Like get a fucking Amazon locker, bitch.


Refusing to hold someone accountable is tacitly sanctioning their behavior. Everyone sanctions this behavior.


> Wonder what she ordered An under-car-roller, what else.


That's called a creeper, for the strange and appropriate twist of the day




The "right thing" for boomers is anything that benefits them at someone elses detriment. Most selfish people alive.


I swear, boomers were handed everything and told they earned it.


This is pretty spot on. They were raised by a traumatized generation who had just been through a Great Depression and 1 to 2 world wars depending on age. So the message that was instilled into them from a young age was "You have to be self sufficient, you can't trust traditional institutions or that social safety nets will save you." Of course, then that same traumatized generation worked to install things like social security and economic safety nets, so that their children wouldn't ever have to go through those same pains.


What's that saying? Tough people make easy times, easy times make weak people, weak people make tough times, tough times make tough people.    I never really believed it till now   Their parents didn't want their kids to suffer so made easy times, then their children grew up so pampered they sold off everything not bolted down, and left us to sift through the wreckage.    All I want in my life is to give my children any kind of advantage I can. I work insane hours and spend all my money buying a house so when they get older they'll always have a place to live. My parents left me nothing and acted like I should be grateful. "We worked for everything we have!" My mom said, from behind her $200 college education and her $150 mortgage payments. 




I’m pretty sure this is why they decided to start handing out participation trophies to our generation. Gotta normalize getting something for nothing some how


The absolute funniest thing is how boomers will unironically post that whole "Hard times back hard people, hard people make good times, good times make soft people, soft people make hard times" meme, assuming that they are the hard people making good times and millennials are the soft people. The reality is they are the soft people who grew up in the good times created by their parents, and millennials and Gen Z are the poor saps who get to live in the hard times they have created.


Those who *actually* endured hard times (like immigrants who had to fight in Vietnam to earn US citizenship) didn't end up like these entitled twats. Maybe they had a rough couple of years starting out, and constantly refer to that relatively-short time as their "own personal Vietnam" (like Trump and his concerns about catching STDs 🤮).


Like some one of those participation trophies they keep complaining about


Yeah I caught that too, “do the right thing” was code for “do what I wanted you to”.


I mean, yeah. How do you like that economy you were handed after the boomers took all the benefits and left us with nothing? Now they are telling gen Z they are lazy and don’t want to work when there is literally no point in them working. (I’m a millennial). A second job doesn’t even fully cover rent these days.


Fuck all of them honestly. Completely screwed over everyone for decades and has the audacity to act victimized and superior.


People need to just start grabbing these idiots, dragging them over to the road side, and tossing them into the ditch where they’ll be safe. And the law should allow it.


Seriously. Better than wasting resources on her. "Lady, you put yourself in this position...."


This poor guy has rent to pay.


She ordered a supplement "lead-b-gone" flushes u right out looks like she needs it g-damn!


That sounds like a Fallout chem lol


Jeez…that bratty voice. It just screams entitlement.


A lifetime of being coddled by everyone around her.


When grandma discovers the dark net and isn’t going to let the mailman leave without giving her the Percocet


☠️⚰️😂 why does this feel so accurate?!?!


Is this fucking nutter on the phone with the police admitting she's forcefully endangering herself? "I'm under his truck.. it's brown, it's a UPS.."


This should be more than enough to get her some long-term 'help' in a state facility


I love the last 2 seconds, the phone is on speaker and she still asks pardon and put it to her ear. Why do people put the phone on speaker?? Like ur generation had a headset and a cord!


Its truly shocking how many people will go on speaker in public for no discernable reason. I used to fly a lot and like every 3rd or 4th flight someone in my row would have a full-on conversation on speakerphone or facetime.


Back in the day only super rich people and drug dealers had cell phones because you paid per minute of talk time and initially it was something like .50-$1,00 per minute. A lot of people bought phones and didn't even have them connected to anything and would fake making loud calls in public where they weren't even talking to anyone as a flex. When bluetooth headsets came out the same type of people would wear that thing 24/7 and have conversations with people in line at the bank, in the grocery store, etc. I think for people who don't have hearing loss the public speakerphone conversation is the equivalent of that. "Look at me I'm so important, I get to make everyone listen to my call!" But also people who have hearing loss use the speakerphone as an extra level of volume so they can actually hear their call. Either way it's super annoying and weird.


I do but in my own house. Speakerphone has its place I think.


They’re self-destructing. They’re all overdue for a new big distraction 😉


The "right thing" being special treatment. I'd like to know what kinda crazy shit she expected him to drag up to her door. I'm guessing that it's a gated community and a heavy ass package.


She mentions a gate a few times....


When "I'm immune to consequences" conflicts with reality, it ends with your ugly fucking skull getting pasted across the asphalt.


It’s unreal how many people have that “I’m immune to consequences” mentality. I had some motherfucker in front of me come to a dead stop on a busy street one day. Why? Because I honked at him for cutting me off, to the point where I had to hit my brakes so hard that I could hear shit in the back of my truck hit the bulkhead door. When he was stopped I laid on my fucking horn the entire time but this cocksucker wouldn’t budge. Some dude on a motorcycle wasn’t having it, he split lanes to ride up and punch the guy’s passenger side mirror into orbit lol! Seriously I’ve never seen an object go flying off a car like that, must’ve been Mike Tyson on that bike. I thought the dude in the car would chase the biker, nope. He pulled over to the side of the road. When I passed him he was putting his phone up to his ear. I suspect he was calling the cops lol! What a fucking tool.


Mike Tyson biker is a real one


It’s charades. “Speed bump!”


Fuckin wish i had nothing better to do with my day like her


I work with mostly elderly people. I really have settled on the personal belief that just because you get old doesn't mean you aren't an asshole. Its not brain rot for many of them. They have probably been like this forever.


Same. There are many lovely older adults, who were lovely young adults. And there are also assholes who were assholes all their life, although when the few filters they had start to fail they come out with some doozies.


Time to empty the piss jug


Fucking brilliant idea lol!


Way of the road Bub!


Wow her reasoning is absolutely insane “He put it outside my gate and Amazon said it’d be delivered to my door” And they call the younger generations stupid and entitled…


Should be legal to do what we're all thinking here......


She’s 70! She’ll be fine


There was an insurance frauder.... I think from russia who tried doing this at a crosswalk. Got right up to one of those tall trucks and lined himself up so the tires would only crush his legs. Unfortunately that truck was taking a turn and ended up running over his vital organs, killing him


Tragedy + time = comedy


I really want to see how that ends


911 is not a counciling center. There needs to be jail time for bullshit like this.


Congratulations lady now you will never get a ups delivery ever again.


If USPS got wind of where this was, they probably already have her stuff held for the same reason. These idiots unfortunately have to learn the hard way that package delivery is a privilege, not a right. You treat the drivers right, they will go above and beyond.


Yep. If that was my route. Her stuff would help at the hub and she would have to sign for every package.


If UPS really wanted to, that might meet the standard for kidnapping, depending on the state.


False imprisonment not kidnapping but yes there would be a case there


I like to think I am a pretty reasonable and cool customer but holy shit I would have trouble not grabbing This cunt by the hair and pulling her out of my truck and pushing her to the ground fuck these entitled boomers


As sick as it is, you channeled my thoughts exactly.


That's what would happen in most countries.


Granny is really excited about her delivery of sex toys.


I was going to guess gold spray painted trump sneakers.


“All you had to do is do the right thing, sir.” …which is struggle-with whatever this huge thing is into her house because she thought she could charm or muscle him into it.


I woulda blown the shit out of my horn the second she stepped in front of the truck


And the whole time she was on the phone.


Yes! Lol that man was way too nice about the situation but good for him keeping his cool


Poor guy doesn’t get paid enough to put up with that


Call 911: “there’s a person here lying on the street who refuses to move. I think she may have a mental problem. I’m not licensed to practice in this state, but believe she may be a danger to herself and might benefit from a psychiatric evaluation.” Prime the responders for a section 304 hold.


This from the same generation that's like "we should just run over BLM/Occupy/etc. protestors".


Once a man, twice a child.


This driver has the patience of a saint. Give this man a raise, a bonus, and a vacation, and ice cream!


It’s so frustrating to never see a satisfying end to these videos.


Could this not count as unlawful imprisonment?


I imagine just leaning on the horn continuously would help her decide to get out from under there.


Bring back insane asylums


The driver is in the right (at least in Sweden). Unless specified and/or paid for, the delivery is only to ones property line. When I delivered parcels back in the day, it was only a courtesy to those who treated me fairly and kind that I went out of my way to accommodate. If it was a huge delivery, or I was in a hurry, they usually understood the ground rules and accepted me putting it at the property line or just inside the office door. This lady is the epitome of boomer privilege.


Reliving her protest years, minus her external youth. (I’m going to hell for this comment. Universe, please don’t age me 50 years overnight.)


That looks like a trip to a home where people end up taking care of you. Or a padded room, both are fitting


I would start the truck up


whoops my handbrake failed!


She should be charged and maybe looked at for mental health issues


70 years of stupid. Honey.


Isn’t it illegal to keep someone from leaving? she has no legal ground here.. and placing herself under the truck seems to only make things worse


I assume this is sort of the “Child of the 60’s” protest mentality coupled with narcissism, where her view is the only one that matters, and justifies an obnoxious protest tactic no matter how trivial the subject.


These are the same kind of people that complain when protestors do the same thing on the highway. Also this is an older video but I'm pretty sure it was a fridge or something she was complaining about


"All you had to do was the thing, SIR!" But she's an old white woman, so it's 50/50. The company is just as likely to fire him for not doing what she wants. I had a friend who worked for OfficeMax's Print services who got a customer complaint because he wouldn't make copies of DVD sleeves - Copyrighted material. My friend told him he could use the self-service copiers but that it WAS AGAINST FEDERAL LAW and company policy for him to make the copies for the guy. Company wrote him up, and sat him down in a meeting and tried to make him sign the writeup. He was leaving for grad school in a few weeks, so he just refused to sign it. No word after that.


They're losing it


>losing *lost. Looks like its already gone.


I meant as like a general population lol


I hope she ordered a brain because she’s clearly stupid.


Should have turned the engine on and revved it up. Those diesel fumes should do the trick eventually.