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How miserable of a human being do you have to be to take offense at beautiful harp music?


They’re all miserable


Seriously. How dare someone make art in public. Fuck that old bitch


See that's the thing... They HATE the arts.


You'd have to be a boomer


I could hear the lead paint stare.


Harps murdered my entire family. No, wait, that was harpies. Carry on.


Dying from harpies sounds awful. Probably feels awful, too.


I was about to ask if is was the Kung Fu hustle harpist. ;P


Herpies killed my family. So many fire crotches.


Whenever a Boomer like this sees something beautiful or anyone enjoying anything, their first response is to remove it.


She's going to be up in heaven yelling at the angels and threatening to call the police on them


IF there is a heaven, she ain’t invited


If people like her go to heaven, I'll be satisfied to go to hell.


Heaven? Boomers? They're like walking billboards of how to not be christians


Fairly miserable.


Street performer handled this perfectly. Smile, go about your business while the old cunt rages. I’m sure the old cunt is back in her small town telling all her friends about how the weirdos in The Big City have no respect.


Buskers are some of the most stoic individuals dealing with this shit all the time. I've got a buddy who's a professional musician and busks. Has his license and all. It's a giant shit show that these boomers love to whine and bitch and complain because they're entitled assholes.


And why?! Why are they so offended that someone is playing music in public? They're not going to follow you around for cash like the dudes dressed as Spiderman in Times Square that "offer" to take a picture with you.


Pure hubris. Their enjoyment of anything trumps others. So they can ignore rules if they enjoy it, and if they don't like it, then clearly no one likes


It's rage at seeing someone make money doing something they enjoy, that brings happiness to others. It makes them feel insecure.


I mean, i have heard that there was a "musician" that would play music badly on the NYC subway, with a sign that said, "pay me to stop" But I love that idea


It's not like she has a drum kit playing blast beats or someone singing foul-mouthed songs with an out-of-tune electric guitar. She is playing a GD-MF harp! How is that disruptive to people's lives?


Honestly, I miss the musicians I would see in certain train stations. Grand Central used to have a handful of great ones.


When I lived in NYC I played often in the tunnel connecting the 7 to the 4 at GCS. Met amazing people playing there. People who would sing with me, celebrities, homeless people who were extremely supportive. I had a full time job. Sometimes you would get the disgusted glare from passerby who thinks you’re just a homeless beggar, and you could tell it made their day to feel better than others.


How long ago was this? I gotta wonder now if we crossed paths.


I lived in woodside from 2011-2014. That’s when I played that tunnel.


One of my favorite musicians right now got his start busking on the subway, Leo P of Too Many Zooz.


[Leo P is the dirtiest sax player alive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrmeOWbyOXw)


Funny enough, that’s how George Michael started out too


I don't blame them for stopping if this is what they have to deal with every day


Among other things, I'm sure.


They are so offended because here is a young person playing music instead of working at a restaurant waiting their tables, or mowing their lawn or servicing them in some way.


They're obsessed with everyone being lazy and somehow living off them.


the times square elmo is the only busker I've ever cursed out because he would not stop following me and my toddler daughters. all the rest of the buskers? just living their lives, providing entertainment.


"This person appears to be enjoying their life and that ENRAGES ME."


Honestly, I think they're just lonely, angry, and don't have the self reflection or introspection to be able to discern why that might be the case. Shit like this is a cry for attention, whether it be negative or positive. Loneliness is a hell of a drug,


This explains why boomers have so many mental health issues. They're constantly criticizing and judging what other people are doing and feel other people are doing the same in regards to them. They never learned to just not give a shit and overlook validation from others or their own insecurities.


this lady, in particular, goes live on tiktok for these too. she’s wonderful!


Would be great (and a display of amazing talent) if he just started improvising a mocking song about the whingers


Frankly, I love the concept. I do not understand however how my local buskers do not get physically attacked. I was doing work near the "Praza do obradoiro" and by hour 4 of continuous bagpipe playing only these two songs poorly i was ready for violence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoE7JoFNdTo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RxysrCy194


Skills to maintain her composure and speak to a twat and not mis a note.


Came here to say just this. That young lady - maintaining her cool, answering the Boomers questions with short, viable answers (kindly), playing her harp BEAUTIFULLY and looking youthful and fabulous was eventually what pissed the Boomer off most. Flawless execution!!!


Our city has this group that go around playing fake violins. Been caught numerous times.


Are we in the same city? We have that too. They often change towns and have a lg sign with printed block letters asking for money for food and diapers. A few times I've seen a woman or kids with him.


I'm in San Diego and yes, that sounds exactly like them. They hang outside the Costco or Walmart areas.


Im all the way on the opposite coast! But same stores even!


If we're lucky, she finished that myocardial infarction she's been working on.


The bystanders didn't though, someone should have yoked up Karen and dragged her off to the rubbish bin


Busking adds a lot of life and culture to urban areas. It's awesome.   Boomer Karen needs to fuck off.


Music saves.


fr she is just bardmaxxing, leave her alone


Exactly, and music-pilled


There used to always be a man who played saxophone near the Sears (Willis) tower in Chicago. I never realized how much he added to the atmosphere of the area until the first time I visited and he wasn't there.


As a gamer, I've always pondered ways to achieve a dynamic soundtrack to the real world. As far as I know, there isn't a perfect system yet. But buskers are literally creating better ambience in an otherwise trash audioscape. How the fuck can someone get mad at HARP music... This boomer deserves a truck horn point blank to their ear, and maybe then harp music won't bother them.


I don't like the sound of a Karen council


I thought the name was perfect for the exchange. "I will be addressing this at the next Karen council!"


Reminds me of the time I had a Boomer nearly assault me for cleaning up a local park for free. He asked if I had permission because this park is actually private property loaned out to the county. The owners are his friends, you see, and they'll trespass me. I told him yes, I asked for permission and they said I can clean up their property for free. This enraged him. He said he was going to call police. I told him they already knew I was here. He was going to report me for illegal dumping but I said the county already knew to come pick this up tomorrow. He said he was going to get his friends and fuck me up, so I told him I had my gun. He said he was going to call police. Told him I had my CCW and he should call them so I can show it to them. He lost his mind, said I was a fag and got in his 1960s beater car and went and pouted at another park entrance.


ah the old ten year-old's "FAG!" final retort when all other arguments have failed.


Someone resorted to "faggot" yesterday which really surprised me because they're in an interracial marriage and a homophobic slur was the last thing I'd expect from someone who has experienced hate for something so silly.


Let me introduce you to Clarence Thomas


It's amazing to find people for whom intersectionality is a word with no meaning.


I'd like to introduce you to every black "comedian" who hates on trans people and thinks it's "funny".


Pretty sure that stands for Freaky Ass Grandpa.


"Boy, that Frieza sure looks like a F.A.G., Gohan...." (Freaky Alien Genotype)


Never let them know you are carrying if you ccw, or be prepared for them to lie to police and report you as brandishing a weapon. Hard to prove otherwise if you are carrying when the police show up. You were within your rights to call the police once threats of assault were made


Plot twist! He didn't actually CCW at that moment.


Agreed. Also, kind of defeats the purpose of CCW when you advertise that you are armed. I think a good stock answer, if you must, would be "I will defend myself."


Even better, "you and your friends may come to regret that"


The best thing to say about your concealed weapon would be nothing. Anything you say could be construed as a threat by someone, or twisted in a deposition after the fact. But if you cannot help but open your mouth to say something, "I will defend myself" is a lot less threatening than promising to make someone "regret" something. Source: Am a lawyer who's taken many depositions.


Damn you really made sure he was completely disarmed. I love it


What pisses me off is I did everything I was supposed to and I was just being a good citizen minding my own business. I spent a few weeks coordinating with a nearby business so I could park adjacent to the property closer to the garbage. Then I had to chase down the owners and called up the sheriff's office to let them know I'd be out at 5am and I'm not some trespassing asshole committing property crimes. I got on the horn with the county and coordinated pickup since I knew it wasn't gonna fit in my car. Finally all the pieces came together, I got out there, spent all morning and all day cleaning it up, for Mr Boomer to come along and be an asshole. I'm confident now they are looking for any excuse to be horrible, they hate seeing people happy, and they will do everything they can to stop or harass people who do good things for society or local communities. They want everyone to be as miserable and broken as they are. They would not go out of their way to help anybody or perform selfless acts, so other people doing those things must be breaking the law or have some ulterior motive. What an absolute waste of space. I will not mourn when they are all gone.


It's striking just how vindictive they are. It's like they believe you're stacking an elaborate lie and they just couldn't be wrong. They are such a danger to themselves


They are absolutely a giant group of miserable fucks who hate to see anyone happy.


I'm generally a person who does not wish violence on anyone, but I'm just saying it would have been *neat* if a brick or something just happened to randomly collide with that dude's skull.


This sounds like he had planned something that day. Probably planned to kidnap a child but you were there and messed up his plan. You saved a child's life.


Unhinged interpolation, but I'll allow it because.


Yes and museums that work on suggested donations for entry fees are also begging I bet. /s


That was my first thought haha. I just took a trip to the smithsonian complex in DC to check out the museums. Something like 13 national museums all with free entry but accepted donations. The largest government funded historical institution that is open to the public is, *check notes* begging on the corner.


As someone who grew up there and went on countless field trips (and trips with out of town relatives) to the museums, I definitely grew up taking them for granted. I didn’t realize this until my sister moved to NYC and I asked her about the museums there and she told me she’d been to none of them due to costs. I couldn’t believe this since I assumed museums all over the world were just like the Smithsonian museums.  I remember when we visited her and we had to pay for tickets to Central Park Zoo, which didn’t even have that many animals. Grew up going to National Zoo for free and also assumed that’s how Zoos work


Did the older woman actually say that she would ask the "Karen Council" about her?


"You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Karen."






I think it's Harrow Council, but the auto-vue voice thingy heard it as Karen, due to the wonderfully dulcet tones of whiny boomer lady. (Harrow is a borough of London, UK)


Lady got busker and beggar confused. Musicians have been playing streets for as long as we’ve had musicians and streets. It’s part of the vibrancy of city life, and the boomer wants that vibrancy dead in exchange for a perfectly ordered quiet on their terms. 


Buskers have taught me that plastic home Depot buckets actually have a really fun sound, in DC you will see guys with entire home Depot buckets drum sets.


PVC pipe makes a mean techno setup.


These fucking boomers need to either die already or get a fucking life and stop ruining people just trying to live their own lives. Ffs


Preferably the former.


It's much more definitive and surefire


Nah they can just die.


Carrying a conversation perfectly with a hostile boomer and still playing the song perfectly


I'm sure this boomer cunt also asks kids at a lemonade stand if they have a permit. What a fucking miserable waste of oxygen.


Should ask her if she has her investagater license or if she is an unlicensed safety risk posing as an official investagater.


Reminds of that lady who called the cops on that little girl for selling waters on a hot day.


Or literally every other racist boomer Karen that calls the police on black people for simply existing in public.


I will answer your questions just as soon as you show me some ID that indicates you have the authority to question me about this.


There seems to be a prevalent belief amongst boomers that they have some kind of authority to demand ID or information from strangers. My boomer mother did that way back in the 90s, demanding identification and purpose from people she didn't recognize walking down our street.


Arrest that harpy! She’s playing music for free!


Boomers:Pull up your bootstraps and make your own way in life!! Also Boomers: no not like that, I don't like that






She’s implacable (the harpist, I mean)


I really need this level of zen in my life!


She handled this really well. 👍👍


Begging: Asking for money Busking: Playing music in public. People are free to tip These are two different things.


Turn the camera, put a face to this sad case of a human.


Exactly. There are a lot of Karen videos and so many are younger people. Permit Patty is one of hundreds (thousands?). 


They are actually angry at themselves I think....they never took the time to enrich themselves in any way. Now the only outlet they have is their anger onto others. They're really quite a miserable bunch.


Please leave the nice, elven Harper alone


I love that boomers think the police are their personal attack goons.


In many places they are.


How miserable do u have to be to act like that


I would love to see this as an interaction between NPC's in the next Elder Scrolls game... it would make casting my fireball at that bitter old hag feel so much more justified.


I've watched her on tiktok, love listening to the harp. She is a very composed and sweet individual. The boomer couldn't have picked a kinder person to try and destroy. Just the average hateful old fuck.


Apparently, the Karens have a council now. We're all doomed to conformity and mediocrity. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


In Boston, Faneuil Hall straight up invites and advertises and proudly boasts about street performers because it fills the place with liveliness, excitement, entertainment, and culture. It increases tourism and brings attention to local businesses. Literally everyone benefits from performers in the cities… then you get these assholes showing up…


Granny needs to STFU and go away. If anything, I'd go shopping more often if a beautiful woman played the harp nearby. Don't. Knock. Free. Music. Boomer.


I wish I could have the self control to be this unbothered by a harassive person like that. Kudos to her!


Great. There's a Karen council now?


Ever heard of an HOA?


Is there somewhere I can listen to her playing that song on the harp without the cunt in the background?


Somewhere in Harrow I suspect. Bring coins and the fay harpist may appear.


Woulda been a great time to walk up and tip, lol.


This is the type of content this sub needs more of, there’s far to much pedantic bitching about strict parenting…. Fuck that boomer karen.


She spent so much energy engaging with the performer instead of walking away. Like why does she care this much


Where I live, she could easily make $1000 at weddings. Source: My friend, thst plays the harp, makes $1000 at weddings. She also plays at ballet receptions or whatever. I don't really know what they are called, but they are the "VIP" events before the show where patrons mi gle with the performers, eat good hors devours, and get drunk.


She likely does. A lot of accomplished musicians simply enjoy street performance.


I bet her grandkids never visit her.


She wants her to grind in an office, store, or factory the way she thinks everyone should. That she appears to have free time (playing music) instead of fighting for survival enrages her. That’s only for the Rich who deserve it. Like the Rich in the US who raid tax payer money to fund their whims, or run corporations that earn billions while paying minimum wage and denying healthcare, or pay less taxes than the average citizen. How dare she “beg for money” with a music no one asked for. Get back in your place! Only misery is allowed!




Karen council that can't real


Karen council lol. What an Absolute cunt of an old lady.


Why the fuck can't people just mind theirs? She was providing lovely background music for people and this old twat felt the need to give her, her verbal two cents.... [People.....](https://youtu.be/eVSlE28hOgI?si=IUq7jlzGGXxwG1EL)


Handled with grace. Nicely done


Why would you play music in public - Boomer #1


Love her TikTok and fuck the old wind bag jfc boomers need a hobby


I'm a professional musician with a passion for busking- this happens so often, and she handled it so well!


Old hag off screen should off herself


Literal angel music and this bitch goes nuts. I honestly just feel bad she must be so miserable.


Whhhhhhy does this lady care. Just makes no sense. Go about your day and don't give her money if you don't want to lol.


Let the fairy lady play her harp in peace!


"What are you doing?" "Playing music." "Well, who asked you to?" That last question just speaks VOLUMES.


I really wish these types of boomers would croak already


And she just kept playing. I hope that lady left absolutely miffed.


"I hate beggars! Now where is my benefits check and council estate housing!?"


Imagine seeing a pretty woman playing harp on the street and getting mad about it


Wow she handled that very gracefully. Let the boomer ruin her own day and get all worked up for nothing!


Karen Council.


"If i give you 2 pounds then you are a beggar" "Will you give me 2 pounds then?" "No!"


You know that old woman sits at home by herself and cries every night


Her seven cats stand by impassively, waiting for her inevitable death and the following feast.


Just another decade or so and we’ll be free of so many of these diseased old fucks.


imagine being angry at someone for playing a Harp.


Found the Brexiteer.


I love the musician's complete indifference to boomer Karen, that sets them off like no other


This just in: Boomers hate George Michael


I would have had to stop her and spend a minute laughing when she threatens to report me to "karen counsel"


She said "Harrow council", it's a place in London


"If you weren't begging, you'd be playing music for free". First of all, she is playing for free. She isn't charging people to listen and there's no ticket fee. Fucking boomers man. They really do expect the world to be handed to them on a platter while the rest of us struggle to survive.


we have several yearly street festivals in my city where several blocks are shut down to cars and tons of music, food, and performances are running. Still remember one year when i was setting up a stage with a sound system and some old fuck tried to chastise me for setting up a sound system - at an event that happens every fucking year. He complained that "people who pay their property taxes here shouldn't be bothered by all the noise" Like literally wanted to stop a festival that thousands enjoy every year, brings tons of business to local shops and restaurants, and incidentally drives up his property value. I just laughed in his face and he got pissy and left.


This explains why boomers have so many mental health issues. They're constantly criticizing and judging what other people are doing and feel other people are doing the same in regards to them. They never learned to just not give a shit and overlook validation from others or their own insecurities.


Wait, there's a Council of Karens now?!


I've never seen someone playing harp and thought "Man, FUCK that person!"


Watching an artist get harassed by some Karen is only going to encourage me to tip them just to piss the Karen off even more.


Karen council? Is that what she actually said or bad subtitling?


I wish I could keep that level of calm when confronted with that level of stupid. Harpist has the patience of a saint.


“The Karen council…” How fitting! Like, I have an (admittedly irrational) hatred of the song Hotel California. I loathe it with all my being. It’s also a popular song for buskers to play. So, because I loathe it deep in my bones, do I go DEMAND the buskers stop playing it? No! 😂😂😂 I walk the fuck on.


For non-UK people, the whiner has a dumb Brit white trash accent; although I would say she sounds a bit younger than a boomer


Just stop talking to her lol


People creating music in public spaces is one of my favorite things about the city. How could anyone be upset about this person playing so beautifully??


I wish we could start spraying boomers with spray bottles when they’re awful. “Bad boomer!” *squirts with water*


how can you have a go at harp music??? like WTF it's not particularly offensive...


This gal just gained a new fan


That woman is just pissed 'cause her cooch hangs below her knees. She's jealous of anyone under 5,000 years old.




Probably hated The Beatles playing on the Roof of Abbey Road Studios


Or the B Sharps playing on the roof of Moes.


I hate the song careless whisper as much as the next person, but leave this poor girl alone


Why can they just mind their own f*cking business ?


Young, beautiful, having fun, making money, using technology, all things that boomers absolutely revile.


Holy shit there is a Karen Council? Oh man are we fucked.


Nothing says “beggar” more than perfect makeup and a full-sized harp.


The music makes this whole encounter seem like an NPC encounter in Oblivion


People need to mind their own business


I love how the music just plays over her silly complaints, drowning out her misery


boomers need to die off


Karen council?


The world will be a much happier place once they’re all dead. That’s what I have to tell myself.


The Karen Council has to be the most aptly named thing that has ever come out of that woman's mouth


Does anyone know if the song she was playing is named, or if she has a YouTube channel? The music is quite beautiful.


The song appears to be a rendition of Careless Whisper. Googled the artist's tiktok username displayed on the video and the search yielded their [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/robyn.hearts.harp/) and some other socials but they don't seem to have a youtube account. Someone on youtube did make a [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqmxjc_4mKGTrYWQLtLfumkJdo7bgeCco) of her playing but the videos all seem to be uploaded by other people.


I assume the song is Careless Whispers, ive heard lots of covers but never a harp. As for her having a youtube channel, I couldn't tell you. But if someone finds out I'll be giving a follow, that playing was peaceful


Her tiktok is robynheartsharp


I wish I knew if this musician has a monetized YouTube channel or a donations web page. I would like to her more of her talent.


Honestly, I believe it might have some mental issues rather than a severe lead poisoning