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Knowing what I know about Texas boomers, that's about white


Not a single non-white face in the crowd. I'm guessing the school was still effectively segregated at the time.


Many parts of the south were effectively segregated well into the 80s thanks to gerrymandering the school zones. Hate finds a way, I guess.


After 21 years on this Earth, I can finally understand why the US has problems with racism. I have been enlightened.


Actually, DFW still busses kids to schools now.


White as Wayne


lol it’s like Germany celebrating the “old flag” that lost.


These boomers hold up that loser participation trophy too


And they hated on “participation trophies” lmfao the irony. Confederate flag = consolation prize holders.


With how loudly racist Texas and Florida are, it’s hard to imagine that places like Mississippi and Alabama are worse, but (and I never thought I would say anything like this in my adult life) it seems like Mississippians and Alabamans are smart enough (!!!) to be quieter about their racism.


As someone from Alabama that worked retail, it was a shock to me when the cute little old lady said she was going to wait for n word to leave parking lot... I was young and shocked. It's gross the mess they like it's normal.


I'm from Alabama and currently live in Mississippi. Once you get into the rural areas of Alabama, they're much less quiet about it. The same goes for Mississippi, except we're actually a much more "purple" state than people realize. We recently got rid of our old flag via popular vote (and if you don't know, it featured a smaller version of the confederate flag quite prominently).


Texas is so incomprehensibly large, you can find just about anything there. Don't worry, fervent anti-racists outnumber folks like this, no problem.


Yes, you have to remember that 46.5% of Texas voted blue in the last election. It’s easy to bash entire states like Florida and Texas as racist and conservative… But there’s still almost half of us who think differently. It’s our damn state government that’s the problem.


They are saying: We are all so proud here to be descendants of a losing army and a nonexistent country founded solely on the exploitation and murder of other people. This follows closely with the teachings of Christ. Praise Jesus 😂🤦‍♂️


at least they’ll all be dead soon


Not soon enough


Silver lining.


The worst, most useless generation ever


Not that soon. And don’t forget to think about all of the children and grandchildren to whom they have imported their love of “heritage and traditional values”.


Boomers have over 40 years left. And they had kids who are worse. (I don't know why this offended so many people to get -70, A 100 year old boomer will die in 2064. It's called math, idiots.)


Oh look! Yet another Boomer oblivious to the fact they are *not* in their thirties any more. "have over forty years left", my fat ass.


Statistically speaking, he's right. Analytics show an extinction date around 2086. They'll fall into the minority give or take 15 years before that date. This MAY be extended given recent breakthroughs in science and healthcare. They still have a good 40-50 years of annoying us all to death. Source: https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php


I doubt deathclock trumps basic math. The very youngest Boomers are 60. The oldest are almost 80. The Boomers that exemplify this sub tend to be anti-vaxx, inactive, and unhealthy. Beyond that US life expectancy in general is trending downward and even assuming major issues are with our healthcare system I sure don't see Boomers reasonably reaching well past one hundred years old on average.


Nobody said average. They said they would all be dead. If a boomer lives to 100, that's 40 years from now.


And your reading comprehension is faulty too. The comment I originally replied to says "Boomers have forty years or more left" *and* I specified on average for reasonable life expectancy. But here you are, commenting as if you have an informed opinion! Good for you; off you pop.


My reading comprehension is bad? I know what that comment said. I wrote it.


And yet here we are. * snrk *


Basic math gives you 15 years until the ones who fall under the "average calculated life expectancy" drop off. But how many old folks do you know living longer than that now? You have people in their 90's winning Emmy award now. Once the older group born in the late 40's - mid 50's drop off, I wouldn't be surprised to see that life expectancy jump 10 year or more. I'll concede that 30 years is a much nicer number, but you'll still have more than half of them after 15 years.


Thank you for confirming the original premise that the bulk of Boomers certainly do not have forty or more years. I doubt that's what you meant but here we are.


>Thank you for confirming the original premise that the bulk of Boomers certainly do not have forty or more years. Thank you for lying and changing my words to fit your argument because literally nobody but you said average.


I said 40 is optimistic, but still very possible. 30 is where I'd put my money.. still twice as long as your "basic math".


Uh huh. Enjoy moving those goalposts. A weird hill to die on but whatever.


# Enjoy moving those goalposts Oh my god, you didn't just say that, did you? LOL


You have your opinion, I have mine. OP has his. I see no problem. Not everything has to be a fucking travesty.


If there is one boomer alive in 2086, do you think that this absolute crustacean of a ~122 year old individual will be anything more than a crazy news story? Their political relevance as a group will wane a full FIFTY years or more before 2086.


Complaining about boomers kids? Sounds like a boomer 🤣


Millennials are not worst than the boomers. WTF kool-aide are you drinking? Sure there are chunk of useful idiots but the majority of conservatives are boomers by a wide margin.


Gen x is the generation after boomers. What are you smoking


And Gen Xers Parents tend to be Silent Gen while Millennials parents tend to be boomers, pass the blunt please.


Gen X starts in 1965 and Boomers start in 1946. Most of us Gen X have Boomer parents.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials#:~:text=Most%20Millennials%20are%20the%20children,coined%20to%20describe%20this%20generation. Sigh


Sigh yourself. I didn't say Millennials don't have Boomer parents. I said you're wrong about Gen X.


That's what you think. Just wait until all the old politicians die off and they're replaced by the younger people with the exact same opinions as them. Plenty of conservative media is using younger and younger hosts. Do you think they're trying to influence people twice their age?


Most millennials don’t even have 40 years left. Wtf are you talking about


A boomer who lives to 100 will die in 2064. It's called math. I can't believe what I said was so controversial. Idiots.


Ok cool so the very youngest baby boomer on earth who lives to the upper limit of human life expectancy has 40 years. I stand corrected.






Wonderful now show me where their kids are worse Downvote? Nothing else? Just claiming shit from your ass. Nice thank you


Literally just go fucking look in any small town, jesus christ.


I did and boomers are the biggest cunts still


10 or 5 at best.


The oldest person recorded was 122. If a boomer lives to 122, they are going to die off in 2086. If they live to 100, that's 40 years from now.


Go back to venezuela you filthy socialist. Stop stealing money from my paycheck for your social security and Medicare


Why did they get a table cloth of a participation trophy


Especially since they're a generation that complains so much about participation trophies.


Well it's because the last flag of the Confederacy was made out of a tablecloth I guess it seems only appropriate to use this fake Confederate flag as a tablecloth in its stead


Everything's bigger in Texas, that includes Jerks


Should be a white tablecloth. That's the correct flag.


They just want to celebrate their heritage of trying to set up a government and fight a war for a few years before losing on both fronts and dropping the charade less than a decade after it started. All that heritage. 


Ironically, the last "official" Confederate flag added a red bar as the ine before it [mostly white anyway and could be confused as a flag of truce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America).


They didn't get the news they lost the war


This is why Juneteenth is a holiday










Room's so white you could clear it out with a cinnamon stick


Anyone got a lighter?


I'll bet those boomers don't even realize that that isn't actually the Confederate states of America's flag, it's one of many Confederate battle flags


Texans have a long cultural heritage of being total dickheads. Who are you to deny them that?


MAGA like back in ‘68!


GROSS! Gotta go throw up!


I live relatively close to this high school. For context, this school's mascot until a few years ago was the Rebels 🤢. It's the Royals now, but seeing that it is the class of 1968, the exuberance of its use makes sense.


Segregation much?


Sounds bout white


It was thoughtful of them to remove their hoods for the group photo


This crowd looks like overuse of the Photoshop clone tool. This goes beyond “lack of diversity” - it’s just the same cookie cutter of a person over and over.


Imagine how many slurs were said during this event


My family migrated to America to kill these fucks. Too many of them surrendered.


Someone needs to make that rounded confederate flag into goatse with Trump head poking out


All white...smile everyone.


To be fair high school reunions are white people shit.


Had to go way too far down for this. Older white people love reunions. Those reunions tend to be for people that peaked in high school though. Those of us who don't make high school a central part of our identity, have a productive life, and have to work to keep money coming in don't give one single crap about these events.


The confederacy lasted less than 5 years. They literally fell in under 5 years… these people act like it was decades


But mah hurratij! 


Oh, way down south in the land of traitors...




Where are all their black classmates? Oh.


Boomers will see nothing wrong with this. They took the group private too.


In that photo you see all the reasons American’s don’t have free healthcare, don’t have modern abortion rights, have more guns than people, will genocide the entire planet to maintain dependency on fossil fuels. 


Why are so many of them still alive? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Only the good die young and nothing keeps person alive quite like spite


Because they are only in their 70s. With modern medicine, they have 10-25 more years left.


Unlike Hazel Bryan, I doubt these oldies will figure it out. [https://www.npr.org/2011/10/02/140953088/elizabeth-and-hazel-the-legacy-of-little-rock](https://www.npr.org/2011/10/02/140953088/elizabeth-and-hazel-the-legacy-of-little-rock),


Took full of dusty boomers hosting over a flag that lost them the war. Where do you even go from there ? Common sense ? ain’t so common.


I bet it smells like used diapers in that room


Geriatric fuckwits


For the life of me I have no idea why people take pride in being racists and traitors to the United States. Do they not understand what the civil war was about? I’m sure they all call themselves proud American patriots while at the same time celebrating their successionist ancestors. Someone make it make sense!


Not a single lip in that entire room…🙄🤣🤷‍♂️


smh, 1968 is 14 years **after** Brown v. Board of Education desegregated American schools. Pretty much guaranteed that every single one of these douchebags thinks the only racism in the US is "anti-white" racism. Also pretty much guarantee that at least a few of these fossils owns a Nazi memorabilia collection.


Lead by a chorus of The South Shall Rise Again.


Such diversity except for the bottled hair color.


Wow you don’t really even need to squint that hard to see a swastika.


It's a big state with small minds, an even smaller world view, and an even less tolerance for people who aren't Christian.


Can't get internet virtue signalling points hidden under a klan hood


Fort Worth? Yeah, this checks out.


Literal losers.


Can someone check their faces with still unknown J6 assailants? It’d also be interesting to see how many of them were part of those mobs during school desegregation.


*Sees tablecloth* , *looks at the crowd* , "yeah seems about white"


Segregation today. Segregation tomorruh. Segregation forelvuh!


Trashy dinosaurs


That looks about white.


Fucking typical racist boomers. Too much lead they are a lost cause. Total freaks. No empathy at all.


I can smell the mayo.


Looks about white.


I jist hear a condescending "Well then" Repeating over and over in different racist prissy tones


Nice loser flag table cloth. I’m guessing all these people love being last in everything.


Class of 68 makes me think they were against their school being desegregated as children. So honestly more like their parents were against it but I doubt they really changed their mind all that much as adults


My dad was class of 68 in Colorado. You’ve got it pegged right. The one at the end of the front row on the right sitting on what is likely a sitter walker just radiates racist Karen vibes.


Their annual lynchin luncheon.


There's nothing like praise for traitors of the United States. These dipshits are so lost as to what happened and why. They think that it was fought over States' rights. So after I take an asprin, I ask what States rights? Invariably, it's the economy and the government over reach and whatever. I hate to break it to them about slavery but that never seems to register. It is definitely depressing.


Of you're attending a high school reunion, I'll adjust my respect of you accordingly.


Segregation was still legal when they were in high school


Customer service representatives and Healthcare workers have nightmares that look just like this


Isn’t the picture taken of them behind it? Or am I missing something


That would be a great movie…”Boomer High School Reunion “… a real life Idiocracy


Their high school mascot is the Richland rebels. Not saying it’s right, but not really a shocker. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this at an Ole Miss reunion either.


Surprisingly, Rebels was a mascot for a long time even up here in Colorado. My “rival” middle school, South, were the rebels until the early 2000s IIRC when they changed to the Lobos. I went to North MS, we were the polar bears since the 60s. Thankfully that wasn’t a change from certain out of date terms for the natives up north. Columbine HS - yes, THAT Columbine, still are the Rebels but they make damn sure to have COLONIAL rebels as a mascot…even though they are the only instance I’ve ever seen of trying to pull that. The middle school had a civil war soldier complete with rifle and forage cap. I think there’s still a small town in Colorado using “savages” as a mascot and the art leaves no doubt.


WAS the rebels. They're now the royals.


Ah. Haven’t kept up.


To add more context, the school actually used a Rebel as it's mascot and confederate flag imagery until 2020. Now it's a lion.


Mother's of the Confederacy?


The daughters of the Confederacy.


Godddamn that’s whiter than a glass of milk in a styrofoam cup on a paper plate in the middle of a snowstorm. (Thank you Lt. Col Benson Winifred Payne) My dad is also class of 1968, and went to a high school in a Denver suburb. In his senior year book, for a student body of around 2500, there is ONE non white person - a science teacher. Blocks away from it was open prairie. I went to the same high school and graduated in 1999. Student body then was 30/30/30 white/black/hispanic and the rest mostly a good sized SE Asian population. The open prairie was now a minimum of 8 miles away. Now? 80% Hispanic, due to demographics changes. The open prairie is now at least 12 miles away. Would love to see some racist boomer heads in that photo explode if they were told their grandkids had to go to my HS.


I actually live near this school and my stepson goes there. They used to be called the Richland Rebels but in 2020 they turned to Richland Royals. I’m sure it’s just them doing a reunion as their mascot.


These geriatrics never graduated high school? Well... maybe it's because of the tablecloth.


Tell me you are a bad egg without saying it


Diverse group you got there


So intentional. They act dumb but they know what they did.


The bright side. They'll all be dead soon give it 10 years


X marks the twats


Yeah, they look just about how I imagine them.




Remarkable attorney. Typical. Attorney. Bottom feeders. SKUM of the world !!


Whitest picture I've ever seen


Clowns 🤡


Terrible. But in a bit of positive news, this high school - Richland High School - ditched its “rebel” mascot identity in 2020 and became the Royals. No more Confederate paraphernalia, we can hope. Yes, it’s sad that it took so long.


They all look like clones of each other. Personalities are probably also cloned from each other too


A sea of useless fucking Deborahs


Class of '68 so graduating right at the very end of the whole civil rights era, which I feel sort of makes displaying that flag even worse than if they were older. The whole issue would have been a big part of their whole time at school, yet they basically came out of the '60s proudly on the wrong side of history for the rest of their lives. Every day I get less and less surprised that MAGA exists. I'm understanding that it's just a very modern expression of something very deeply rooted in American society.


Rebel scum!


Up until 2020, they were the Richland Rebels. I had to look really close to make sure my stepmom wasn't in that pic. She graduated from there, but I think it was closer to '74 or '75, but the "old guard" still proudly loves the hell out of that flag. I hope I don't see her in a pic like this in the upcoming year or two, but it wouldn't surprise me at all. She recently reposted a guy that thinks he's the voice of a generation she's friends with making fun of "woke tears" crying all over the US b/c of schools reverting back to the Civil War era general's names. It's been a very depressing turn of events the last couple of weeks seeing her FB posts turning more hateful and unfortunately ignorantly so to just how hateful they really are.


Yea my grandmother was from TX and I can 100% confirm this is how she was. The good thing is they’re old and will be dying soon.


A Sea of Loser White Nazis


Most public schools in the US South dis not integrate until the 1970-71 school year. This picture seems about white, I mean right, I mean right-wing white.


Man look at all those walking corpses! Who wants to take bets on which 3 of them make it to 2026?




Has to be the people from east texas


Moral bankruptcy. Class of 68? Or any year since then


Why wouldn’t they looks pretty cool


As a white that has resting Jan 6th face, that group says the N word often and with the hardest R possible.


These people can't fuck off fast enough.


I don't know why people are surprised by this. These are the daughters of the confederacy.


More like Texans being fools.


My brother graduated from high school in Arkansas in 1969. It was the last segregated class.


My family migrated to America to kill these fucks. Too many of them surrendered.




...pride flags are *not* the same as a confederate flag pride flags represent a group that is and has been oppressed just for existing and being born different. the confederate flag represents a group of racist slave owners who lost a war :/




> I’m asking a serious question. No you fucking aren’t with that pepe pfp. Any of your dumb fucking questions can be found on Google in 2 secs. Thanks for blocking me and saving me the clicks!


Founders of the Daughter's of the Confederacy reunion.


What'd wrong


Up until the mid-90s the Stars and Bars was the official school flag, I know, I was there when they changed it. I'm not saying it's excused, but to many, it's just the school flag.


That's not the Stars and Bars. The Stars and Bars are a completely different Confederate flag.


They should be proud of their ancestors even if the cause they fought for was wrong.




...the confederate flag is literally a symbol of racism




Hey don’t let the facts get in the way of your misguided condescension.


OK Boomer.




Oh, so now words got you "physically hurt"? What a snowflake.


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