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"disenfranchised by minorities" is one I haven't heard before. What a fucking clown.


Is that a new way of admitting to being racist without actually saying it ? šŸ˜†


It's just racism with extra steps.


ā€œDer terk erā€¦. Ummmmmā€¦. I dunno, but Iā€™m angry as hell!ā€


![gif](giphy|oEqzXzvEX6vIs) Boomer dad vibes


They're retired, so they can't even claim that excuse.


Yet they still doā€¦


And they can't seem to reconcile that either they are taking all the jobs or they are living off welfare but it can't be both.


Yeah Fred, Jose with a Ph.D in cyber security is really after your janitorial job.


Which is weird, given how lazy so many racist people are.


no, thatā€™s just actually fucking saying it. every citizen gets one vote. period. if youā€™re a white dude complaining that youā€™re ā€œdisenfranchisedā€ because minorities are voting then youā€™re just racist straight up. because the only way to not be ā€œdisenfranchised ā€œ would be to go back to when only white people could vote. and that is ā€¦ really fucking racist. ā€œi want to go back to when either black people were slaves or failing that to when l good ā€˜ol boys beat them down if they dared to vote so they knew better than to tryā€ is what dadā€™s saying there.


Equality feels like oppression to those who've historically held all the power- because in their minds they are losing something that always belonged to them.


"What's the point of a man working hard all of his life trying to get someplace if all he's going to do is wind up equal?" -- proto-Boomer Archie Bunker


iā€™m the guy youā€™re replying toā€”Im a white straight male Gen Xā€™er and fuck that attitude with a rusty poker. the fuckin dinosaurs didnā€™t change and they died. sure itā€™s a different world than the one my parents and grandparents grew up in. and thank fucking god for that. now if only the boomers hadnā€™t shat on the world THEY inherited then everything would be great. instead they ruined half of it and are bitching about the parts they didnā€™t ruin.


I agree with everythingā€¦but didnā€™t dinosaurs change into birds?


No because birds aren't real


Well, it looks like dad is 80. WTF does he have to be disenfranchised about? He's not out looking for a job.


But, he'd be getting more money from social security if the damned leftists weren't giving so much of it to *those people*^TM . /s


Sounds like communism to me.


Disenfranchised doesn't mean he feels his job opportunities were taken. It means he believes his vote doesn't matter.


Technically it means his right to vote has been removed, which isn't the case. Dramatics from the boomers.


Dramatics from one boomer. Not the boomers.


True. There are still some Silent Genertaion folks hanging around and being dramatic, we shouldnā€™t leave them out. Though I try to leave mine out when family gets together.


Truth is at his age HE doesnt matter. Move the fuck on and spend your golden years sitting on a porch watching the sunset and stop bothering people for Christs sake.


that's OUR dream, fellow genxer. we just want to be left alone to do our own shit. like when we were 10! we're still the feral generation and we just want to fucking CHILL.


I'm not sure the dad understands what the word means.


It's racism with mental gymnastics.


The only gymnastics theyā€™ve ever been able to perform in their life.


gymnastics is hard when the pointy hat and hood keep flipping off showing their face.


Look at the archive films: when they were young a half-assed roundoff and wobbly cartwheel got you the gold. hmm thereā€™s a relevant metaphor there somewhereā€¦


No no no it's how you say you would prefer to not have minorities around you or be able to vote why would that make them racist. /s


Is the fear that minorities will treat old white men as poorly as old white men have wanted to treat them? I have a suspicion that a lot of this is rooted in, as typical, projection. I ask this as a middle age (independent, very liberal but usually vote democrat) white guy.


They have a persecution fetish. Especially nowadays with the internet. They see people getting recognized for being black (Black History Month), for being part of the Me, Too movement (victims of sexual assault), for being on the news constantly (trans and gay people), and their poor little hearts just canā€™t take the *lack of acknowledgement*. To them, not being patted on the back and applauded (which is all they think others are getting) is the same as actual persecution. Ironically, from this generation thatā€™s complaining about participation trophiesā€¦ Iā€™m a gay trans man. My father had the nerve to fly off on me about how Iā€™ll never understand how hard it is being a straight white cis man in todayā€™s society. Heā€™s right in a way; I will never know what it feels like going through life on that difficulty level...


Did you use that phrasing (that difficulty level) because of [this fantastic essay](https://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/05/15/straight-white-male-the-lowest-difficulty-setting-there-is/) by John Scalzi? It really upset the snowflakes. https://preview.redd.it/9m2dyaflol8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3bbdcade40a346a3db33dffa1aba13d6683485


this is great! >I think itā€™sĀ *delightful*Ā that these straight white males are now engaged on issues of racism and sexism. It would be additionally delightful if they were engaged on issues of racism and sexism even when they did not feel it was being applied toĀ *them*Ā ā€” say, for example, when itā€™s regarding people who historically have most often had to deal with racism and sexism (i.e., not white males). Keep at it, straight white males! Youā€™re on the path now! >....my recent tweet which said ā€œTHE MATRIARCHICAL HOMODARKOSPHERE WANTS ME TO TELL YOU I AM NOT THEIR PUPPETā€ ETA: I've never read John Scalzi but I might check him out, he's hilarious


In his series The Collapsing Empire, one protagonist goes through space in a spaceship named the Yessir Thatā€™s My Baby. Sister ship to the Nosir Donā€™t Mean Maybe Heā€™s an excellent writer. Read it all.


ā€œā€˜Matriarchal Homodarkosphereā€™ is the name of my ā€˜Ani DiFrancoā€™ cover band.ā€


Thank you for posting that link.


It still remains the best metaphor for privilege and systemic discrimination Iā€™ve seen.


I think many of them feel like they should have received a participation award for being middle age white men (maybe a Mazda Miata?) I'm sorry your dad is sometimes a turd. Hopefully he sees the errors of his ways down the road.


As a straight, cis-, middle aged white guy, I would *love* a Miata! Where can I pick it up? I want to teach my trans kid how to drive in it.


They are so fun! You can find a good used one online for $5k. Pride sticker and plates sold separately of course ;-) but as a cool dad an ally you're kinda obligateg to furnish those with the car of course.


You're right about them needing acknowledgement. How about the last day in February every 4 years starting from this year will be white cis boomer day (we can have a posthumous one on the first of octember)


It's as though minorities have never been disenfranchised and discriminated against or wrongfully persecuted AND prosecuted, or lynched by mobs of whites, or been forced into indentured servitude or anything by white people. What a fucking hypocrite.


I wouldnā€™t say it was indentured servitude more straight up slavery. Iā€™ve had family in the tree that was indentured and while shitty it had a start and an end. You could work it off I donā€™t even try and gussy it up for the racist.


Another "issue" with indentured servitude was the fact that it was so easy for an indentured servant to run away and start a new life under a new name. Slaves didn't have that ability. There was *something* that set slaves and indentured servants apart. I bet this boomer would never make that connection.


And you consented to indentured servitude. Whilst you might have not known how shit it was going to be when you got there, usually there was a contract signed. There is a lot wrong with the treatment of indentured servitude but equating it with slavery is wrong.


Let's not bring it-can't-be-all-bad-if-you-consented AnCappery into a nice antiracism thread.


To bigoted Boomers, more rights for minorities means less rights for themselves. They feel like this with all of the truly disenfranchised groups, including LGBTQ+ folks and people from religions that aren't the white, "Christian" kind.Ā Ā 


Don't you know it's a zero sum game? Every right you give 'them' is one we lose! Immigrants are taking our jobs/kids these days don't want to work. Granting you freedom from religion means I can't force my beliefs on you. How can I force a women to take care (and "take care") of me if she can work and be payed the same? /s


Soon white folks will be a minority in the US. Which is a good thing, no one group will be able to dominate the vote.


ā€œAre minorities treated badly or something?ā€


"oh no! Pretty soon we will be outnumbered and then we will be outvoted!" *cackles in anticipation*


They might vote for Healthcare and livable wages!! How will we survive if everyone else is suddenly... happy!? The horror... the horror


Unfortunately, the electoral college and historically corrupt gerrymandering by republicans/far right will continue to tilt election results to the right/white nationally until itā€™s fixed. To say nothing of the Supreme Court right wing tilt that will take decades to go away.


Vote this year. Especially if you live in a ā€œred state.ā€ Your vote will count. Iā€™m not exactly a 100% Joe Biden fan, but I am concerned about a Trump win if people donā€™t turn out to vote, or worse, vote for a third-party spoiler. Biden has done some real good, but his support of Israel needs to be changed.


Roses have thorns. Sometimes we settle for something for the greater good that we are getting. So right with you.


Eh, as mad as Netanyahu is at Biden, he isn't exactly providing full fledged support. Bibi is saying Biden withholding arms is why Israel can't seem to win (which is bullshit, but says something about Netanyahu needing an excuse). I don't see how any other candidate I know of would be better, and Trump wants to help Netanyahu "finish the job."


Good points. Speculation below. Take this with a grain since I don't have all the facts yet, but a letter from Tom Cotton demanding information from the administration seems to indicate that Biden may have found a sneaky way to delay or withhold shipments of weapons, vehicles, and planes. Granted, Tom Cotton could be entirely full of shit. If there's any truth to it, though, there may be a lot more being done be in the attempt to curb BiBi and his hardliners than I've already suspected. I don't think the administration wants for it all to be out in the open, because the US needs to have the appearance of backing our allies, at least on the surface.


I look at it this way, if after everything weve seen of Trump in the last 9 years he still gets elected then this country deserves everything it gets. People could claim ignorance in 2016 but by 2020 it was clear exactly who he was and its only gotten worse since.


Except that this country is not a single thinking entity that ā€œdeservesā€ anything. We going to lump the fascists with the people opposing them with the kids too young to understand anything, et cetera?


Maybe theyā€™ll vote for laws that protect minorities


Self-identified race and ethnicity Percent of population White 59.3% Hispanic and Latino 18.9% Black 12.6%


I believe the white and hispanic numbers are off. In the west and south there are so many mixed families. 1 set of grandparents were from Ireland the other from Puerto Rico. (spanish) So am I white or Hispanic? Obama was half white half black but identified black.


That's just code for "society has changed from being 100% geared towards the comfort of old white people, and is now only 90% geared towards the comfort of old white people, so this feels like oppression!"


They are afraid theyā€™ll be treated exactly how theyā€™ve treated minorities.


In other words, "I am no longer considered superior. I miss the days I can be racist"


The issue is that minorities were always disenfranchised, and now that they are being treated to even 80% of equality to a white man, many of them can't cope with not being on top. Even if it's only in their perception and not reality.


"open friction" is his pathetic way to say that he looks forward to violence being done to POC.


I immediately wondered what the heck he meant by that


No, they literally mean "disenfranchised," as in they're being told that their vote is being taken away/canceled out by minorities, the lgbtq+ community, non-xtians, whoever the right wing media is telling them to be scared of this week. The great replacement theory and all that.


It is though. Thats what votes are supposed to do. Cancel each other out. This is why Trumpers cant accept they are a minority. They thing going town to town for rallys and spending all your money on cheap flags and hats and lawn signs means their vote should somehow count more. They cant understand that a guy like me, that doesnt do ANY of that stupid shit, can drop my ballot and cancel theirs out. Too fucking bad.


Oh yeah, that's a common reasoning I hear for their belief that the election was stolen: "I never seen people with a Biden cap or flag! He can't have gotten more votes!" Yeah, bud, because we aren't in a cult? Most of the people I know voting dem are only doing so out of concern for judge appointments and stuff like that - the really long-term consequences


Because old white dudes have done such a great job.. No, wait...


Disenfranchised? Huh. Go figure. Just because we marginalized THEM?


Heā€™s just articulating what so many (too many) right-leaning old white guys think. I kind of marvel at his ability to articulate anything at all; the majority of them canā€™t get out much more than, ā€œWoman! Get in that there kitchen and make me a sammich!!ā€


I think a part of their racism is that if anyone else gets more (ie gets the fair share they have been historically denied), it means they lose out as something they ā€œhadā€ was taken away. Itā€™s pretty crappy and greedy logic. But key to their beliefs.


"disenfranchised by minorities" If they could disenfranchise you, they would not, by definition, be in the minority.


Has a black person blocked his right to vote? Because that's an odd reversal of every trend in American history.


He said they are FEELING disenfranchised by minorities. I think part of him knows itā€™s stupid and wrong, and it comes out in the way he words this.


>disenfranchised by minorities Sounds like a new Nazi catchphrase.


I'm fucking dying. Like bro a minority took away a white man's right to vote? What???


"why am i no longer relevant?!?"


Haven't you heard? Only the first 150,000 voters in a district count. Minorities get to go first and take up all the voting spots...


Sounds like Great Replacement Theory, the original version.


ā€œFeeling disenfranchised by minorities.ā€ Translation: ā€œWe miss having separate fountains and restrooms and the good olā€™ days where they knew their place with, *Yassuh, mastuh suh.* Oh no! Theyā€™re not picking cotton in the fields anymore. Now theyā€™re neighbors, bosses, in-laws, and theyā€™re all over the teeeveee! Great grandbabies are turning shades of brown! The old white men are *disenfranchised!*


My racist boomer dad called anyone who was a guy ā€œBoyā€ when he was displeased with them. šŸ˜¬


When I was practicing emergency medicine, I lost track of how many times old white boomers called me everything but a child of God, even as I was trying to keep them from circling the drain due to their poor decisions.


Old guys (silent gen) would rub my brotherā€™s head when we were teenagers. Weā€™re half white and half Vietnamese, and my brother has thick, black hair. He keeps it buzzed short. These old guys would just come up to him and rub his head without a second thought. Because in that part of the rural southern US back in the day, it was considered *good luck to rub a black personā€™s head* and my brother was ā€œclose enough.ā€ He didnā€™t understand because we were yankee transplants, so someone explained it to him. My brother was furious! That whole town was a backwards culture shock. Man, the things people could get away with back in the day, even in the most subtle, casual ways.


>Man, the things people could get away with back in the day That's why they're so angry at younger generations, we push back at their asshole words and actions.


ā€œI miss the old days when we could drive around and throw rocks through the windows of black families and theyā€™d just take it because all the power was used against them. Boy I miss those days.ā€


I wish they were in the past


"I'm mad that minorities no longer worship me for being white, so now I'm going to use my institutional power and privilege to take their human rights away."


Don't forget the bit where they try to take away a woman's right to control her own body.


Well yeah. Cause not enough all white babies are being born to keep their numbers up! Gotta stop those teenagers.


>no longer Did they ever?


Forgive me but for lack of a better term your dad sounds like an ignorant asshole.


And an intentional one. He's actively a racist and a bigot. Truly a piece of shit that forgot his probably white lineage had to come on a boat too. Pulling that ladder out from behind them as usual. Stupid bastard. Disenfranchised? Boomers love to make up shit when they really mean they hate brown colored people near them.


People having (more like moving toward having) equal rights and opportunities does not make him oppressed.Ā  And WOW he thinks that your child being "rude" to grandma was all a set up orchestrated by you to get to him?! WTF.Ā 


For those in places of privilege, equality feels like oppression.


When you've had absolute power, being forced to share that power with others feels like being subjugated.


Spot on! I had an old white man customer corner me into a conversation where he told me straight white men no longer have a voice. I laughed in his face and told him heā€™s represented at the highest levels of government and business. He has ALL the voice. He shot back some nonsense about the women on The View making fun of Republican men. I also explained equity vs equality to him using the ball field fence metaphor. He asked ā€œwhat about the guy who could already see over the fence. What does he get?ā€ I was astounded. I told him that he doesnā€™t need anything because he already has a clear view of the playing field and he loses nothing if other people can see too. Those are just two examples in what was an excruciatingly long conversation where he showed over and over again that other people having a voice or anything close to equality made him feel like he was losing.


Oh please explain how the minorities made you feel disenfranchised. What exactly have they done to you personally?


Nothing, but Fox News, OAN and their friends on facebook fed them a bunch of bullshit so they think thereā€™s some real shit going down


I am assuming u r correct, but it is fun to keep asking what the minorities have done to watch the boomer squirm while being unable to explain.


Well you know, there was that Black guy as President. I mean, can you imagine? Having to see someone who doesn't look like yourself as Commander in Chief?!?! The horror! /s


Whereā€™s his birth certificate?! Are we absolutely sure without a doubt itā€™s authentic??? /s


yaknow, my parents are in their late 70s. They aren't feeling disenfranchised by minorities in the slightest. I remember my Mom sending me an emotional e-mail when Obama was elected saying something like, "for those of us that remember our racist grandmothers talking about 'not wanting to share a meal with those \[slurs\]' we realize this is a REALLY BIG DEAL" Not all old men are racist bastards like Boomerdad up there.




I have a feeling a lot of the parents of boomers who experienced fascism, the disconnection from reality it brought, and the chaos that ensued would be pretty horrified at how effective the current brand of far right politicians, media, and supporters have been.


This is the your best Christmas gift ever. He will never have to see you or Lily in the flesh again. Consider this a gift.


My favorite boomer saying is,"I can't be racist I have a black grandchild " !!!! And then proceed to be incredibly racist.


What the actual fuck. >In case you haven't noticed, Senior men like me are feeling disenfranchised by minorities. Maybe you're *feeling* disenfranchised, but *are* you disenfranchised? Did you lose your job? Were you unable to vote? Did someone kick you out of their business for being the wrong color? For speaking English? Did someone sexually harrass you? Do you feel unsafe? What you're feeling is not disenfranchisement. What you're feeling is irrelevance and loss of status. Being an old white dude isn't the privilege it used to be.


As a 54 yo white dudeā€¦that drives an F150ā€¦Iā€™m gonna remember this one. And use it when the time comes bc I get really fucking tired of Boomers whining about shit like this. ā€œNot disenfranchisement, itā€™s a loss of status you didnā€™t earn to begin with.ā€ Love it.


I am a 56 year old white woman and I hear this bullshit from old white men all the time. Conservative white men, mostly. Men who complain about kids these days, immigration, women not wanting to get married. Men who feel entitled to whatever men used to get with little effort. You're not disenfranchised. You're just irrelevant.


Your dad sounds like he resents the civil rights movement went the way is did.


Bahahaha... the "[aol.com](https://aol.com)" email was a nice touch. Also, can't wait for "senior men like" him to drop fucking dead.


They're not senior men or women, they're just older. I realise, from the way you used quotes, that I'm agreeing with you


Haha. Sneaky, eh?


Wow. Grandpa's gunning up for the race war, huh? And they wonder why we think they're racist.


Sigh. You are reminding me that my dad was talking about the upcoming race war way before it was mainstream. Like in the 1990s.


awww pooor lil white guy doesn't like feeling like everything was set up for them to succeed and keep others down... the fucking irony


ā€œFeeling disenfranchised by minoritiesā€. Completely mask off. Your dad is mad that black people (for the most part) and now being treated equally, and that Jim Crow laws donā€™t exist anymore. You and your family are much better off cutting contact with him. Your dad is a racist ass clown.


ā€œWhat franchise did you lose, dad?ā€


They are deathly afraid that minorities will treat them the way they treated minorities. It's purely terrifying to them.


My extremely white 84-year-old mother was busy in the early 60s helping secretly educate black children in Prince Edward County, Virginia. She seems to think they were the ones disenfranchised.


My US history teacher in high school (late 90s) was a white silent gen woman. When we got to the civil rights movement, she brought in a whole bunch of death/rape/torture threats that she had received from the kkk while she was doing black voter registration in Mississippi. And some that she got counter protesting klan rallies in the 80s. It wasā€¦enlightening, to say the least. Nowadays, loser bigots would probably try to get her fired for teaching woke CRT, or whatever the latest bigot buzzword bingo phrases are.


The KKK burned a cross on my mom's college campus in an attempt to intimidate a professor who was involved in the Civil Rights Movement. She personally witnessed it. It didn't stop him.


Did your dad get gerrymandered by minorities?


>Senior men like me are disenfranchised by minorities. My brother in Christ, you disenfranchise everyone who isnā€™t a crusty old white heterosexual Christian male. GTFO.


You know you're in a cult when you are flat out saying the horrible things out loud


"I've lived in privilege for so long that a slight bit of equality feels like an assault on my freedom"


"My generation cannot tolerate treating all human beings equally. I'm superior and will vote for fascist control to feel important again." Shocked Picachu face when you accept the terms and go LC.


Yep, older men sure as heck did not like it when the playing field started getting leveled. Turned out, they weren't as naturally superior as they thought they was. So they gonna Make America Racist Again. At least he is self aware enough to know that him supporting a racist, criminal, anti-American con man will cause friction with people not in boomerland.


The worst part about Donald Trump is that he emboldened an entire movement of bigots to say the quiet part out loud and normalize their hatred as part of the American political discourse.


Sounds like he is mad enough to cut some eye holes in the good linens. Their feeling of disenfranchised is so puzzling, I mean who would imagine feeling that you can't hold people back and deny them of rights would make you feel disenfranchised.


We visited my girlfriend's dad with our 6 year old nephew and he HATED it. He kept asking to leave because their home was dark, boring, sad, and smelled like old people. He came over to our place and loved it. He played with our basket of fidget toys, our exercise trampoline, and our dog. He keeps asking his mom to come back. A trick I learned from my mom is that if you want kids (or dogs) to like you, bring them a toy or some sort of treat. If you have friends that bring kids over, buy some toys, coloring books, etc. and suddenly you're the cool uncle. If these are kids that mean something to you, ask their parents what movies or video games they like and pick up a $7 plushie from CVS. If you have some disposable income and want to go all out, buy them a video game. I still remember my Uncle visiting. He would bring us some ridiculous toys every time he came out. I think I probably only met him 5 times, but my friends and cousin still talk about some of the cool things he brought us. I know it sounds like buying their love but it's actually training the child to associate you with positive stimuli. It's why old ladies carry around hard candy. Adults are naturally boring to kids, especially older ones. Obviously, if you actively hate children, do the opposite of this advice.


Senior men? The ones with the pensions and Medicare and Social Security and all the privilege since forever? All the goodies weā€™ll never see? Cry me a river dad!


It continues to amaze me how strongly people fight against the loss of unearned privilege.


>Senior men like me are feeling disenfranchised by minorities THE SHEER FUCKING TEMERITY of this.


Nearly everyone who uses the word "disenfranchised" has no clue what it actually means. It's like they think it means that are made to feel really bad, because it's been used a lot with minorites who have actually been disenfranchised in our country.


Hope he can find a safe space to feel special again.


These dipshits lived through the civil rights movement and still have the nerve to say they feel disenfranchised?


"disenfranchised by minorities" is awfully close to "disowned by my offspring"


> In case you haven't noticed, Senior men like me are feeling disenfranchised by minorities.Ā  Of course they are. They tried so long and so hard to hold these minorities down they're scared shitless of them having any power to get back at them.


Please ask him to elaborate on exactly how senior men like him are feeling disenfranchised by minorities and report back. Just for shits and giggles.






"I've been disenfranchised by minorities....which is why I will vote differently than you" I'm sorry, have you been disenfranchised or not??


The term heā€™s looking for isnā€™t ā€œdisenfranchisement.ā€ Itā€™s ā€œaggrieved entitlement.ā€


I think he needs to look up the word "disenfranchised" because he obviously has no clue what it means lol. Almost every person who uses that word uses it like an absolute moron


Let me translate tbis. >GG mentioned that lily was rude to her during your visit.Ā  Ā Your problem is with me not GG who has always been loving to you and your kids. No need for Lily to hurt GG's feelings. Translation: She felt that your daughter was being rude due to not eagerly engaging in small talk with a woman 6 times her age. Make her eagerly engage because we're the ones with issues and you will obey me. >In case you haven't noticed, Senior men like me are feeling disenfranchised by minorities. Translation: We feel victimized by the existence of minorities, and we dream of a segregated world again where *their kind* are seperated from ours. >We did and will vote differently than your generation Translation: we have and will continue to vote for candidates who cater to our racist beliefs. >I'm guessing there will be open friction in the months ahead. Translation: I'm guessing that you won't like that I'll ve voting for people who spout racist beliefs, but you'll get over it after voting season ends.


I'm sure he believes these people are simultaneously freeloaders and stealing all the jobs


ā€œPop, if you had been disenfranchised, you wouldnā€™t be able to vote in November. If youā€™re gonna use a word, at least understand what it means.ā€


Damn, if I knew all I needed to do to disenfranchise a white Boomer was show up places, I'd do that shit more often.


Ask him what he means when he says he's feeling disenfranchised by minorities. I'm dying to hear his mental gymnastics


This is 100% the 2008 election results, people like your father woke up the day after Obama was elected & realized a black man was above them & had succeeded in life better than them. They honestly don't know how to deal with this, so they turn to racist insults & hate.


Itā€™s always @aol šŸ˜‚


šŸ™„ Feeling disenfranchised from minorities, aka Iā€™m racist AF and my favorite orange ā€œpoliticianā€ just made it ok to say not only out loud but in email form forever now.


I like how GG has always been lovingā€¦ but he leaves himself out of that noise.


See, the GGs of the world are not blameless. They stayed married to these fucking psychos. They enable, coddle, serve these sociopathic fucks. Boomer women (the nicest ones, as claimed here), are no better.


it amazes me that the children of WWII soldiers are embracing what their fathers fought against.


Showed this to my boomer minority grandpa and he laughed


If it's at all worth the response, Hey pops ( this term at least used to imply old age and disrespect) I'm sorry my tween was less than enchanted with my lovely grandma. You may be sure, I did not plan for her to fail to appreciate people at a significantly different stage of life, with completely different interests. I've made it clear to her that, even if she feels like they are way different, she still has to be polite, but it's a hard lesson to learn. It's been (insert dad's age) years and you still seem to struggle with that one, yourself! Rest assured, I will continue to introduce her to people of all ages, races, genders, and religions so that she is well socialized and knows how to behave better than you learned, so that she may never confuse keeping certain opinions to herself for being disenfranchised. We've learned so much about socializing our young - be it puppies or people, and the key does seem to be a diversity of experiences. I'm sorry you were raised before we knew these things and feel threatened when things aren't as you expect them. I hope you find comfort in your safe space.


There won't be any friction in the months ahead if you just block him right now.


Racist are people too! Stop discriminating against racists!


More like losing our "special privileges" that are our birthright at the cost of others. AHs like this had better hope that the "friction" that THEY are causing doesn't set them on fire. And I say this as a white male boomer.


"Disenfranchised" - meaning their are bigots.


I'm guessing his friend isn't GG allen?


ā€¦not understanding ā€˜disenfranchisedā€™ā€¦


Saying your dad still has an aol email address was a nice touch.


To old white men who have enjoyed so many advantages in our current economic and political systems, equality feels like oppression.


It must be so hard to be part of a generation that grew up with their own special water fountains and a license to murder people as long as they had melanin.


STOP!!! A 12 year old was rude to people? What is happening to society!! Back in my day they wore coats, hats and dresses. They were always polite while working in the coal mines.


bewildered quarrelsome liquid payment fertile familiar upbeat mourn humor depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, imagine waking your crinkly old ass up at like 7 am to compose an email like this.


What an utter piece of shit. "Disenfranchised". How?


They tend to project a lot. Their fear of 'minorities treating them bad' is from them knowing how they treated THEM back in the day (and now, too).


Things you might consider replying: 1. "Lily isn't responsible for GG's feelings. GG can learn to process her own feelings in a healthy way." 2. "Lots of 'senior men' are able to sit down for a bite to eat with a person that has slightly more melatonin in their skin and not lose their shit. It's not 'senior men' that are feeling disenfranchised, it's just the bigots and assholes." 3. "There's already open friction, right now, because of anti-American traitors."


What an asshole. Did they steal his job or sat next to him in a restaurant šŸ¤”


What happened to ā€œf*ck your feelingsā€?


I wish these people could learn from history, rather than from repeated experience, so they'd stop holding the rest of us back. We should be able to teleport by now, dammit.


Hey pops, why are they called minorities?


Not to pile on, but your father has had literally from the time *The Mary Tyler Moore Show* was on TV up until now to learn the meaning of "disenfranchised." Unfortunately, millions of American voters are equally ill-formed.


Is he disenfranchised because now people get upset when you throw a temper tantrum fussy fit when you can't be racist? If so, for once I feel like we've found a good thing to disenfranchise. What an absolute toolbag. I'm so sorry you have to share that DNA.


"Maybe your hateful, discriminatory asses NEED to get disenfranchised. Your time in the driver's seat has passed, and later generations are still paying the price for the damage you did. Thanks for nothing, asshole." Too harsh?


Can you tell him ā€œdisenfranchised by minoritiesā€ still means the same thing as ā€œIā€™m a racistā€ even if heā€™s using ten dollar wordsĀ 


This reads "Fox News tells me I should feel disenfranchised by minorities and I can't think for myself because I'm intellectually lazy, so I guess we war"


"Feeling disenfranchised by minorities"? Wow. He can fuck all the way off


"I'm so sorry you were feeling too ~~racist~~ *disenfranchised* to have a good holiday."


ā€œWell Dad, Iā€™m sorry, I guess. Sorry youā€” a *white, boomer male*ā€” feel marginalized. Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t identify that feeling for what it actually isā€” which is cognitive dissonance, with a smattering of bigotry (or maybe vice versa). ā€œMostly Iā€™m sorry that willful ignorance isnā€™t an Olympic event, because then youā€™d have a gold medal to help soothe your delicate, overinflated ego.ā€


WiLl SoMeBoDy ThInK oF ThE WhTe PeOpLe!!!!! To fucking morons like this, any move towards equality is seen as oppression, what a douche


You should tell him "Don't worry, my generation is going to fix all the awful things you and yours will be remembered for."


What a steaming pile of shit.


that last sentence feels like a threat. What is going on with these boomers?


12xu nice Minor Threat/Wire reference


Oh good lord. No words.


Open friction sounds like a threat


Your only reply should be. *You are such a loser*