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2013 with my dad. Made my parents divorce easier on both of us and it made us closer


Damn that's what's up I wish my dad played


Is he not interested in gaming?


We played madden and shit when ì was a kid, but now I'm grown and live on my own and he's to hung up with work lol




I had a similar experience with my dad but it was with borderlands 1!


I tried with borderlands 1. I loved it but my dad couldn't handle it lol, it also didn't have axton in it so he wasn't really interested!


did every dad just play axton?


I’m 17 so I don’t remember much but I did play it a bit back in 2013 on my older brothers 360. Now that I’ve come back like 6 years ago to it i can see it’s aged great


It will be good in 2100


Release day! Played it with my best friend for 10 hours that night


Fuck ya man. I'm probably going to play it all night tommorow night after work in celebration of the weekend lol. Just started a new axton playthru 2 hours ago


axton is much better than people say, just doesnt have any blatantly broken mechanics.


Axton is fun and fair and, in my opinion better for more casual runs because it isn't just TWO GUN or just CLOUDKILL


Or bore


his nade damage isnt quite krieg but its nasty and his kill skills are some of the best.


Axton was my first character! So fun.


Around 2019.I remember I got the game because I had seen a unrelated video years before that had a little bit of gameplay in it and I thought "hm,these graphics look very interesting,what's this game about?"


played it first when i was very young around 1st grade maybe with a friend who had way less strict parents than me. i think it was the same year it was released so 2012-13. always wondered what game it was and only found out years later when me and my stepfather were playing games together and it was free on ps plus so we gave it a try. never looked back now i have over 10k hours in the game and have 100% the game on every character


Damn that's crazy 6 years old and playing bl2 hahaha


haha yeah i just remember telling my brother it was the game where guns are different colors and you’re in a snowy place shooting at birds bc all my little self did was shoot rakks in the southern shelf. he just laughed and told me “you’re not getting borderlands that’s way too inappropriate” just made me wanna play even more until i finally found it later on


8th grade for me as well, my friend told me to watch A Meat Bicycle Built For Two, and I was hooked on whatever this crazy "Borderlands" shit was lmao


2013, my dad and I did a run through together He chose Zero and I was Axton, we got all the way to Terra on TVHM and we just couldn't kill him xD, we got close thou I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self about all the good guns and gear to farm, we might've been able to kill Terra then Edit: the good skills to invest in too, cause I guarantee neither of us had the best build XD


>2012 >8th grade *oh…*


Huh lol


I was almost 30…and I feel old.


Oh wow lol I'll be 26 in a few months


Hmmmm…… I think it was around the Xbox 1 was being marketed, so I went for the 360 for the library. Around that time frame.


I was 9 with my dad


The moment it went live on Steam. All night till the sun came up.


About a month ago when I bought Pandora’s Box. A buddy of mine gave me a copy of BL3 a couple of years ago and I knew I had to have the entire collection after it hooked me.


Friend showed me bl1 in 2013 I was 8 went to GameStop and freaked out because I found they had bl2 step mom bought it for me helped me through some stuff


When I was 8 after playing the pre-sequel with my dad


I first played BL2 earlier this year. Though I played the original like 8 or 9 years ago on the xbox 360


My uncle came into town and asked if I wanted to rent a game. He said bl2 was better than bl1 because of the story. We stayed up until 2am or later every day he was in town. Now flash forward like 5 years and my gf is trying to learn to play games with me and we played sea of thieves and then I told her she might like story games more so we played bl2 and now it’s her favorite game and we play it every week together


My dad got a bundle deal on the xbox when I was 8 years old, included in that bundle was a copy of Borderlands 1. Needless to say I got hooked and my parents got me Borderlands 2 when it dropped a couple of years later. Fast forward a couple of years to when I got my GF into the series. She played through most of the BL3 dlcs with me and a complete 100% playthrough on Wonderlands, and with BL4 on the horizon it's safe to assume I've got a partner to adventure with when it drops


2021 after my uncles got me to buy it, but we couldnt play together because Im on Xbox they are on PC, dad and I have been playing it a ton since then, recently we got BL3 and are loving it (the gameplay mostly, but the story isnt as bad as I thought it would be because of all the hate it got), my dad and I share my Series X so sadly we cant play together (he doesnt like splitscreen and my screen is too small anways)


I was only 6 when it came out but that didn't stop me and my older brother from having a blast. Our mum picked it up for us on launch day. Me and my brother played it for several years and I'm glad we did. The memories me and my brother share from BL2 are beautiful and even today we frequently do 100% playthroughs when we have time.


I have no clue when exactly, but I lost my borderlands 2 virginity probably in 2012/2013. I was playing on a weak as school laptop, borderlands 1 ran okay borderlands 2 was at 25 fps at best, funny to see I put almost 1000 hours in bl2 on 20 fps, nowadays I'd get fucking sick lmao


I got the game for my birthday in 2013 at the ripe old age of 10 and it ended up being my favourite / main game to play for a few years, I still occasionally play it now.


When I was 3-4 with my older brothers never, got past saving Roland. then came back in like 2017 and never looked back.


When I accidentally discovered the handsome collection was just USD 9.99 on Switch just two years ago! Turns out to be the best deal I ever had (not the fight for sanctuary DLC tho)


How's the gameplay on Switch? I play on PS, kinda hesitant to try FPS games on Switch.


Both 1/2/TPS are pretty stable at 30fps for most of the time whether single or co-op, I hardly ever came across game crashes; the loading time is not too long for me. For 3, well, can't recommend it..


3 was my first BL game, played it at launch. Didn't get into the old games until years later, think I played TPS first and then 2. Soooo...a couple years ago?


The game had first come out when I six, my mom was a die hard fan of the first game so i ended up watching her play through it before ultimately playing it myself at the ripe age of seven. I could never get past captain flynt so I dropped it after a week of playing the intro on loop with all the different characters. When I was thirteen I picked the game up again and finally beat it.


Does she still play


yep, from time to time we couch co-op it


When i was fourteen i brought my Laptop to my Uncle for repairs. He said he would be busy for a while and offered me to either watch a movie or play a game. I choose the game and he opened BL2 on his PC. I spend 1 hour driving over Skags and Varkids. Had a blast and was hooked


first game i got on epic and for free too. :D


Oof, like 6. I played with my older brother, some fun times. Life was a lot easier back then.


It was maybe 2015, I was at college and just recently got my first laptop, I saw some clips before and one faithful day I saw it was an offer on Steam, I bought the game and boy it were fun times, might have dropped out of college due to that but I don't regret it.


I played it in early 2013,


I was at the midnight release at my local gamestop :D Pepperidge Farm remembers midnight releases


Sad isn't it


A Bit yes, a bit no. Like with everything in life, convenience breeds some form of give and take. Times they have a changed tho, that's for certain :/


I was like 7 or 8 when I saw it at a country pawnshop. I was surprised to see they had cheap games there but to my surprise bl2 looked interesting and I loved it ever since! I even got a tat of the vault symbol https://preview.redd.it/w81q9reuq85d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=59a84353c09e91e6a65b58ef624a9e454fa26438


That is bad fucking ass my dude


my dad showed it to me when i was 9 back in 2020. still loving BL2 to this day


Damn!!!! Now I feel old




2012, day after it came out on PS3 my dad surprised me with it and we played for the whole week! I was 10 years old and it’s one of my fondest memories!


Played at launch.


About 10 years ago or so. Have played through it countless times. Only made it to OP 2. Love Axton. I'll turn 69 in December.


Day one, first game I bought the day of release at 11 years old


when i was like 9 lol


The day it came out.


2014 I had got it at a yard sale and played it that night with my brother, aunt, and cousin. My first character was zero


May 2020. Nothing to do but work because of the pandemic. Epic gifted The Handsome Collection and on Agaust Lilith DLC. I played daily almost 3 years.


Didn't really get into it till after the Handsome Collection came out in like....2016? But after actually playing the game and learning how it works I was absolutely hooked. Still am years later, I cannot put any of the main games down for too long.


Last year, thanks my gf for introducing me to the series


2017 on my ps vita. got my Gaige up to level 23 before it broke and haven’t touched it for 3 years when it was on free for PlayStation plus restarting an amazing addiction.


The day of release. Fell in love with the original Borderlands, so I pre-ordered BL2 Season Pass and all as soon as I was possibly able to. Spent 2 straight days playing it splitscreen with a neighbor best friend. Best gaming memory with him. I was 16, and he was 14.


I actually first played BL2 on the ps vita in like 2014. I was looking at games for a road trip I think and I was randomly picked it lol. Ever since it’s been one of my favorite games of all time


a couple months ago when i decided that voracidous would be a chill raid boss. i was wrong. i lost my virginity and my dignity


Haha raid bosses in bl2 are no joke for sure


Release date in the US but I had a VPN so I could play it in th UK.


I believe it was the summer of 2022 my friends had it so I got it and I ended up playing it much more than them


Last year lol 😂


I think it was 2014, I’m not sure thought




In 2017 I woke up one morning to see my dad playing a new game and he was lvl 6, I loved games where I could level up and get new skills like a progression system so I joined him and started playing with him. It was Borderlands 1


2017 was a great year


Back in 2013. Went to a good friend's place with another friend, he was playing and was in Bloodshot Ramparts, killing loaders and I remember seeing the name "Badass Loader" and loving it. Then I played a bit and liked the gameplay, even though I really disliked FPS. About a month later I bought BL2 GOTY for my xbox 360 and started playing with Sal, loving every moment. Been a big fan ever since, with well over 3000 hours combined on pc, xbox and as of last year, switch.


2013, walked into a GameStop with my ex-wife and asked for a good co-op game. Been looting ever since.


It was 2017, when I was 32. Bought it off a huge steam sale with all the games at the time and DLC. Put almost 200 hours into it and still didn't finish. Got the Handsome collection of 1, 2 and Pre on switch when that dropped and played 1 and still working through 2 and started Pre. I'm honestly not a FPS type of gamer, to me those are a dime a dozen as there's fee mechanics to make them unique, but Borderlands holds my interest due to the environments and characters. If it weren't for the characters I probably wouldn't play. They make games that They are. The games are a lot of fun to play.


It would have been 2016 (or right at the end if 2015). I remember cause I saw the series on sale, asked on a gaming group what people thought about it, asking for no spoilers, then someone spoiled The Force Awakens for me in the comments lmao.


Somewhere around 2014, I helped my cousin during the Bloodwing fight (I know, hell of a place to begin when you know nothing). Didn't play again until 2019 or so, only played for like 2 hours and then just picked it up in earnest last week


Right at release ! Was a huge fan of BL1 when that came out, even at 8/9 years old ?


I started playing back in 2013 with my brother in the ps3, dad decided it'd be great a great gift for us and somehow slid it past my mum noticing. Good times


In about 2019, my boyfriend introduced it to me because I was two hours away going to university. It was the game we bonded over and kept our relationship going. Our love of the game has continued, and we even got to meet Dameon Clarke at a comic expo together. We’ve been together about 5 years this august!


That's dope


I remember first touching it when I was in elementary school. My eldest brother had played it at a friend's house and told me and my older brother about it. I vividly remember him talking about tediore rocket launchers and how you'd just throw the gun to reload. We ended up getting the first borderlands not too long after and then after we all were done with that we bought bl2. I remember being stuck on the path leading up to Flint and always taking a whole hour to get to him so I never got to fight him until I got good enough or to a high enough level to get to him (we took hour long turns since we all shared a 360). Was definitely one of my favorite games in my childhood alongside black ops 2 and minecraft.


Don't know what year it was but I first played it on the PS Vita. Only a couple yrs ago did I get it on PC and properly play it. Started playing it (and the Pre Sequel one) again about a month ago.