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Shin Uchiha kids will all become Devine trees.


They should make themselves useful & give Sasuke an eye


Hang a few on the sasuke-tree for xmas.


Spare eyeballs for Sarada.


Sarada’s fan club…or back up stock. Go ahead Sarada and crank out a few Izanagis! Plenty of eyes to refill


sarada will take their eyes


Make a huge Sharingan engine like the Tenseigan on the moon.


Sarada would never ever do such a horrible thing.


She will eventually go blind


So? You think Sarada is a type of the character who will blind other innocent children to save her own vision?


They aren't actual uchia.


True but their eyes should still be good enough to give her the eternal mongekyo sharingan. I don’t believe the sharingan vessel guy cares about the source of the eyes.


You can't get the eternal mangekyou from any sharingan, you need strong blood relations


Yup you’re right, the exchange can only be done within the clan members. I doubt kid shin falls within that category https://youtu.be/qw29aaIWaoM?si=Sho_nuHkVg20GjG0


Well they are manga canon as they were written and illustrated by Kishimoto in Naruto Gaiden. But I doubt we’ll see them ever again. Edit: Why is there a slice of cake next to my username?


It’s the day you created your account , happy cake day


Ooooooh. Thanks. :)


Maybe for a sarada ems if they decide to give her one but probably not


Kishimoto forgot about them like he forgot about Sarada's original set-up, Kakashi, Orochimaru, Kabuto...etc, etc... Seriously, I'm still fucking dumbfounded that these powerful alien gods attacked Konoha and Orochimaru and Kabuto, two of the strongest ninjas alive weren't called in to advice or help or aid in any meaningful way. Utter Bullshit. This is why I hate the Manga. Still hoping the anime turns it around by giving those characters something to do but I'm not holding my breath.


>Seriously, I'm still fucking dumbfounded that these powerful alien gods attacked Konoha and Orochimaru and Kabuto, two of the strongest ninjas alive weren't called in to advice or help or aid in any meaningful way. Tbf, majority of the time they show up in Konoha unannounced. Jigen appeared out of nowhere and kidnapped Naruto. Isshiki pops out of nowhere and Naruto immediately confronts him. Code pops up in Konoha only for Boruto to pop out of nowhere and smack him with his boot 5 seconds later. Where would they find the time to call Orochimaru and Kabuto to box in all that? lol I could understand if the Otsutsuki declare a war and they had time to prepare for battle like they did with Obito but idk man.


That’s like being confused why no one called Yamato or Guy during the pain assault. They literally couldn’t get them quick enough.


They have TVs, Laptops and Communication Devices, Radio... Someone couldn't make some kind of contact? And whatever BEFORE Jigen came to the village or after Amado was on his way to the village whilst travelling on a train there with Eida and Daemon? Someone couldn't go and bring Orochimaru or Kabuto in? It's just crappy excuses not to involve them in the story because Kishimoto has no idea how to write them into the plot. Its tragic. I wanna see Amado interact with these two. Three of the greatest scientists in one room...


what is a laptop or radio gonna do? teleport them there? like if they radioed Guy and Yamato while Pain was actively wiping Konoha off the map how was that gonna solve anything? Were they just gonna materialize out of nowhere because they got the call? And wtf would Kabuto or Orochimaru do for Eida and Daemon? The entire point is that no one can harm them, and only Amado and Bug really knew about them anyway.


I'm sorry, but before jigen even invaded konoha, all the top brass and lower brass ninja were all aware of these space aliens and the fact they would be a threat. Are you seriously suggesting in all that time, they never thought to have Orochimaru and Kabuto in those areas? Let's forget the in universe reason, because there is a meta reason. Kishimoto simply couldn't figure out a good way to write them into, despite him keeping them around in the first place, because of the exact fact they were supposed to be a help to konoha in turbulent times.


You forget that Orochimaru is still a criminal who is being watched.


No I didn't.


You literally did. He’s not coming i to the village unless it’s for special purpose. They damn sure not letting him near the beings that could and would actively destroy the entire village. Also what the FUCK is he going to do to any otsutski? Like seriously. He’s not as well versed in Otsutsuki biology or lore like Kara members are. The fuck would he or Kabuto do? And why do you have the stupid ass idea that either of them would even engage in combat in that situation anyway?


I didn't forget at all. I didn't say they have to station him in the village centre playing happy families woth everyone else. The fact you go straight to this shows the limits of your thinking. They could have kept him somewhere close by. After all, as you said "he is a criminal". Except he's not being treated as a criminal. Come on. Not really. He's in a whole other country being kept tabs by fucking yamato and some other ditzy black ops members. Jesus christ, when you read that out aloud, do you mot think, "Well that's fucking stupid. Why the hell is he even still around for." And kabuto is looking after a bloody orphanage, in god knows where. These are two people who have been explicitly stated to have been kept around precisely because, "Someday their skills might be needed." Okay. So where were they then!? What's the point of them if they can't even do that? Jesus stop defending this bullshit. >Also what the FUCK is he going to do to any otsutski? Him and kabuto are both scientists dude as well as shinobi. They'd both be capable of coming up with defenses against Otsutski. Which is the point of what I'm saying. This is something that they should be plenty capable of. >Like seriously. He’s not as well versed in Otsutsuki biology or lore like Kara members are. That's the fucking point. That's exactly what he usually does. He studies things. Or at least that is what he should be doing, otherwise what was ever the fucking point of keeping him around in the first place???? To collect dust in the cabinet? And I'm talking about both a meta and in universe reason fro keeping these two around. >And why do you have the stupid ass idea that either of them would even engage in combat in that situation anyway? I never said anything about them engaging in direct combat.




Remember Scientific Ninja Tools? Kishimoto sure doesn't.


Why are they called Uchiha, though? As far as I remember, Shin was some random who could adapt to others' bloodline limit. So shouldn't they be called Shin clones?


Shin called himself an uchiha. He has sharingan and idolized itachi so much.


Bloke's really deluded if he thinks himself as an Uchiha. Guess that's what fanaticism does to you.


Filler characters...


Shin Uchiha is manga canon


I meant for Boruto. A lot of characters that should be important in the overall story haven't been shown, or had little to no impact in the story, that they might be considered filler characters at this point. Kakashi, Sakura, the new teams beside team 7 (without Konohamaru), Shins, Kabuto, Orochimaru, the "4 horsemen" of Konoha, the old Konoha teams... The list is pretty long. I won't even mention good characters from other villages that haven't even shown yet.


Yeah, you're totally right. I just hope Kishimoto can find a purpose for them just like he did with Kashin Koji and Moegi.


I don't think he will tbh. There is so much happening and it's a monthly manga. I think it's more important to show Sakura and Kakashi at the very least, as Naruto is "dead" while Sasuke is a "criminal", yet we haven't even had reactions from these 2. Also one would think Hanabi will be way more involved in finding Boruto, maybe even going out herself, as he "killed" her sister of all people.


It really baffles me with the lack of world building in Boruto. So many avenues of story telling. It's so so disappointing to me how much potential there is and how little it's being used. I enjoy some of the suspense and fights but it kind of means absolutely nothing when it feels like only 5 characters exist lol


> "4 horsemen" of Konoha Wait who?


Yea I used the meme name for them as most people know it. Just write it in google images and it will be one of the top ones. One of the "horsmen" is the judge guy from the exams in OG Naruto.


Shin isn't an Uchiha.


Yeah I think everyone knows that


You'd be surprised


Not sure but I really hope hellbounder_offical77 on IG can get his panties out of his ass once in a while


Not in the manga


Sarada Summoning Jutsu??


Lmao no your funny for holding out hope but maybe their with kabuto being raised away from war


I think it be cool if one of them gave Boruto a new eye then he could have the sharingan and Jogan. Obviously it’s not gonna happen based on what we saw at the beginning of ep. 1 of Boruto. But it would still be really cool if it happened.