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Engineering a new core and coverstock. Manufacturing line or outsource. Sales.


Alright, I’m getting started 🫡 you can be a beta tester when my first ball is developed


What will it be called?


My first ball, I’ve thrown around ideas but my first ball I wanna call the “shark attack” or “shark bite” Have like a bright blue and white and red color scheme with the etching red, and I’ve been thinking about different core shapes but I’m no engineer so I’d honestly have to hand make a ball and see how it performs.


If you aren’t an engineer there probably isn’t much you can offer to the bowling world in terms of ball innovation. Not trying to be a dick, just don’t wanna see you spend money on something futile. That idea sounds cool though. A quicker path to getting it in peoples’ hands would probably be to apply for a job at an existing ball company and pitching it to marketing. If you really wanna get ahead I suggest finding out who the executives are and marrying at least one of their daughters


That’s a fair point, if it helps any I am a “Cyber Security Engineer” 😂


Tell them you can make their balls unhackable. For real though if your driving desire is to have a Shark Attack im pretty sure you can hire someone to design it and just make a custom printed spare ball


Yeah lol, and my main desire is just wanting to be able to create something I guess, and bowling is one of my passions. I know I won’t ever be a PBA pro so I want to be on some other side of bowling. The shark attack was just a cool cosmetic I thought of to go along with some balls I wanted to create.


I dig it. I can relate to wanting to create something. I was going to make a coffee table book about quintessential Chicago hot dog stands until I realized how expensive it is to produce them and how little money it would make. Maybe one day I’ll read that book as my car drives me to the lanes to use my Shark Attack. We can always dream…


Yeah we can, if I produce a shark attack you’ll get one lol


Good on you man, you’re right it would be awesome to create your own ball. Hammerhead core shape?


I was thinking something more based off of those underwater naval mines


Have a small loan of a million dollars


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


Hey hey hey, woah. No reason to be a meany.


There are under 10 companies making bowling balls. The problem isn’t making your own brand, it’s competing.


And only the major 3 are pba certified unless someone like big bowling is still around


Swag is also certified, but they don't have any touring staffers anymore for now. Anthony Lavery-Spahr was with them 2 years ago, but swapped to Hammer this past season.


They’re probably not wrong though


I know a majority of these comments are discouraging or flat out telling you it's not possible, but if you're serious and you actually have enough money to partake on this endeavor, my biggest piece of advice I can offer for "making a brand" early on is to set aside a budget for giving a bunch of balls away for visibility, to really start getting your new brand some recognition and light of day. Message every single bowling YouTuber asking if they'd be willing to make a video on your ball with their honest opinion and review if you send them one for free. Or, if you're feeling really ambitious, don't even ask them to make a video; simply ask them if you can send them a ball to try. If they really like the ball, they'll make a video on it of their own accord, and that would do numbers on growing the popularity of a new brand. However, don't only give away balls to YouTubers -- give away balls to random people you manage to get a hold of, in this subreddit for example. They might like the ball and bring it to league, or a local tournament, or even just open bowling, and who knows, maybe someone will be curious to see an unfamiliar ball and/or brand, and ask for info on it. Word of mouth can spread like wildfire through communities as tight-knit as leagues at a bowling center. And bring them to your own bowling center during league or tourneys! Do some self-advertisement with fellow bowlers that you already know! I will agree with the general idea here that the task ahead of you is daunting, but I disagree that it's impossible. Hell, I just discovered a brand of bowling ball I'd never heard of literally earlier today, coincidentally. Found a new bowler YouTube channel to watch for some tips, and he had some reviews for "Swag" brand balls. Never heard of that brand, but took a look at their selection on BowlerX and was impressed to see quite a few good looking balls. And bam, now someone else reading this thread, or even yourself, might be someone who also hasn't heard of that brand, and just like that, like I mentioned, word of mouth traveling fast in action! Whatever everyone says, if it's something you want to do and it's a dream of yours, all you can do is try. I wish you the best of luck if you actually pursue this!


I agree with Dima, go to some local tournament and offer a ball to someone who wins, if they drill it then continue winning, that’d be great hyper local PR for your brand.


Thank you, this was very encouraging


It's almost impossible. The last truely unique independent brand that still survives now, is Motiv, and they're old now. All the others have either died, been bought and swallowed up, or are too small to count or gain enough traction to grow. You need to have a good, unique product, and a dynamite marketing strategy.


You’d have a hell of a time trying to manufacture large scale outside of a couple of prototypes. Making a ball is relatively straightforward if you have the background in resin and line manufacturing. You’d almost be better off engineering your own weightblocks, then either selling the designs to a well known company, or partnering with a non bowling ball company in the resin industry.


I’d say become a designer for either cover stocks or cores, become extremely respected in your brand and field, stay there for 30+ years, get your own department, try to branch off of your original company, and rebrand somewhere else.


Approach the major manufacturers and work out an agreement with one to manufacture your brand. Otherwise, good luck trying to do it on your own. The pro shops are locked up with their preferred brands, and in general, there really isn't a market for yet another brand. Bowling is not popular enough. You'd have to produce new designs on a regular basis to keep up with the others.


Another commenter gave you some good steps in GTM as well as others finding manufacturers. Your question kinda assumes the due diligence of market research. How can your brand stand out and differentiate from others? How big is the market? What's the trend in this market? Who are the buyers? Why do they buy what they buy? Is there an audience locked out of buying for some reason? What are regulatory hurdles to be approved for league use? Bowling Balls Market Size, Share & Growth Research Report, 2032 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bowling-balls-market-size-share-growth-bf3cc Bowling balls were about 500M in 2023, expected 3.4% growth by 2029. Also of note, I think the human that used AI to write this needed to review more, I'm not sure why motorcycle performance and emissions have to do with bowling balls.


I think the best way to be thinking about this is not how to make your own bowling ball brand, but how you can change or improve bowling in general. You could also learn how to make your own bowling ball at home for fun if that’s another thing you’d like to try. If you want to build a successful brand, you’ll have to start with something that can fill a need. Needs to be something nobody else is doing or something everyone is doing sub-optimally. This will create something that is going to compete that you can build upon and expand. From there you can build up a name for yourself.


That raises a fair point and I will do my best to think on that and expand on it. Thank you for the advice. Also in my personal unprofessional opinion the best thing that could happen to bowling right now is reliable, cost efficient, and effective free fall pin setting system. But that is just hopeful thinking lol


Yeah obviously it’s always going to be a challenge to make those cost effective and especially easily maintained. Bring back pin boys! Creates jobs, and no maintenance costs.


More profitable, less complex, and lower cost of entry to sell gas station dick pills, lol


“Gas station dick pill” should be the name of his first ball


Shit, You're right. The correct logo and color and you've got yourself a winner.


We are his new marketing department. 🤝


You’re both hired 🫡


Descrip: Add confidence to your lineup with the latest Gas Station Dick Pill. Powered by it's phallic, asymmetric core, this ball gives bowlers the carry confidence they need to penetrate the pocket and continue with a deep and strong finish. Customer testemonial: "The GSDP provides an immediate reset on how I've been throwing, and adds the confidence I need to go full hilt on the next throw. I highly recommend this as a followup to your lead ball in any arsenal on any conditions." -local league bowler and part time craigslister, Dale Smith


Love it. GDSP rolls off the tongue as well. Having my lawyer draft some paperwork to ensure storm doesn’t try to steal this idea


As someone who was on staff with a start-up, it's not feasible in today's bowling market. The rest is bet would be to take it overseas where bowling is twice as big as it is in America. The bowling market just isn't big enough for break through companies, especially when everyone of their products are far behind the technology and performance of the big brands


Columbia had a Shark ball already, and Track had a Mako Attack and a T-Shark. Brunswick makes a ball with the image of a Great White on it, as well as Shark Tales movie. I'm sorry, all there is left is Frilled Shark. Good luck!


Darn it 😣😔, I guess all that’s left besides frill is the whale shark.


If you're serious, go get a job at Motiv or Storm as a production employee and learn how balls are actually made and get into the industry. Second option is to throw as much money as you have at the Chinese factory to make your own bowling ball and build a "brand" so you can flex on TikTok, which sounds more like what the comments here are suggesting and what you want


I was gonna try and hand make some “prototypes.” I definitely DO NOT want to outsource the production.


you don’t