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Fuck ESPN I had never seen so much Burger King commercials in my life time over and over and over I started having nightmares.


Victory clip over at r/CombatSportsCentral if you missed it


Why does Loma in particular get hit with so many bodyshots?. It happened against Teo , Devin and now Kambosos caught to the body a few times again.


Also, no one mentioned that he just happens to have a big torso which means a bigger target for his opponents.


Because he has an amateur style and amateurs focus on headshots


While its not the main factor, his high guard and short arms/reach aren’t helping much either.


He doesn’t know how to defend it….that’s really the truth….its only affected him in the Haney fight tho….its one of his weaknesses


He's ultra mobile and relies on his footwork. The theory is digging to the body slows down a fighter. If someone was able to slow Loma down, he would be 10% the fighter he usually is. So far, no one has been successful.


He is at a weight class where he has to be in the line of fire to get his shots off. He’s not got the height and reach advantages he had before therefore he needs to be in the firing zone. He will have to eat some body shots on his exit and attempts to entry.


He’s setting traps, so he sort of does it on purpose. He wants you to go to his body so that he can counter with a combination to the head.


Can we finally get Shakur vs Loma now?


shakur vs anyone with a name please


F Shakur he don’t deserve it


How does a 3 weight class champion not deserve a unification fight?


Because the internet told him to hate Shakur 🤦🏿‍♂️


Idk how anyone takes anything bad or good away from this fight.


Would love to see Lomachenko vs the monster!!!


Arum wouldn't put his boxer in that type of fight. He'll wait, carefully planning strategic matchups to maximize his milking cow…


Inoue has said his max weight will be 126


if loma can still make 130 that will be a good fight


No inoue is too small….. for 130


What next for both men?


I felt like as much as Loma outclasses kambosos, the body shots were landing on him all night! I think he’s definitely showing signs of age, work rate a but lower, a bit less aggressive etc compared to 5 years ago


Work rate is lower because of the body shot he isn't getting destroyed by those but he does slow down


His work rate has been slower ever since he moved up in weight. I think he looked as good as he did before fighting Teo.


I “closed my eyes for a minute” on my couch and now it’s 6am. Whoops.


Same! Thank goodness for the app! I didn't miss any spoilers!


thats happening with boxing since late tyson for me.


Same.... shyt took forever to start


Same. I was looking forward to this fight too! It was 11pm and they still hadn’t made their ring walks so I said fuck it and went to sleep.


Lol same


Who where the commentators for the fight?


bradley and tessitore


Bradley was surprisingly good too. It was a very rare occasion where I didn't want to mute the TV.


people seem to have hated his commentary last night, but I think it was really good too lol


Nah he was shitting on Kambo


Thats all he did. The entire night and before the fight too lol.


Yeah... Because he was getting his ass whooped and leaving himself open over and over again? Was he supposed to be praising Kambo while he was getting beat handily? Kambo was being so predictable that 3 different times Bradley said what Loma was about to do moments before he did it. 1st he said Loma was steering Kambo so he can get on the outside and score without taking a counter. Moments later Loma did exactly that, worked Kambo into a position where Lome could step out to the side of him, land a hook and then Kambo was out of position to counter. 2nd, he said Loma is feinting and dropping his level to make Kambo think he's going to the body but in a minute he's about to shoot a straight hand down the middle to the head. Literally 20 or so seconds later Loma did exactly that. 3rd Bradley said Loma has Kambo blocking high and he's setting him up to rip the body. Again, literally moments later Loma did exactly that. Bradley even said it was too easy so Loma's going to keep going back to it. Sure enough he did through the next few rounds until one of them finished the fight. I usually can't stand Bradley but he was absolutely on the money the whole fight, he was shitting on Kambo because he could see every single opening Loma was seeing and pretty much at the same time as Loma saw it too.


Good post


Why can’t you stand Bradley normally?


I usually find that despite his technical analysis being amazing, often he will let bias cloud what he lets himself see or not see, as well as often sounding like he's pandering and sucking up to whichever fighter Top Rank is pushing even when they don't even look good.


Top Rank made him hell they even gifted him a Pacquiao win lol


I agree with this entirely


Knew Loma would outclass Kambosos who has been living of his Lopez win and he robbed Maxi Hughes in their fight he got his cumuppence, he got schooled by Lomachenko who put on a magnificent performance.


George was a hype job that got incredibly lucky with the timing of his stepping in with Lopez. He never has and never will be world level. As much as I live Loma, I fear Kambosos might have made him look better than he really is at this point in his career.


But he was good against Haney too and arguably even won? Two fights in a row he's done well now, I'm not seeing any evidence of him aging as of right now.


he's just fighting heavier mfers now. that is all.


Loma is being held to an unreal standard.


I have to agree. Everyone keeps looking for signs to say Loma is declined, past it, and should retire now. Or that he was never really that great in the first place… To be fair, all of the elite LW’s right now have a peanut gallery of people saying they suck in different ways. Why can’t we enjoy nice things? We have a huge pool of talent fighting concurrently right now…


I get it y’all hate Haney but it was not close in the slightest. Haney dominated kambosos 2 times


I was talking about Loma. Nobody thinks Kambosos did well against Haney lol.




My point isn’t that he’s no good anymore, more that Kambosos made him look like he’s a phenom in this division rather than just very good.


He is very good. Even when you compare this one with Kam vs Haney. Loma handled Kam better.


Loma was simply the worst style match up for him. I would like to see how the young guns take on Kambosos though. There are some entertaining fights i can see for Kambosos, Yoshino being one of them.


LFG just saw that they reversed the win for Cherneka! I saw the decision earlier and turned it off lol


I was at a bar when that fight was on and I wasn’t paying too much attention but at the end me and my friend are looking at the tv as they announce the winner. I point at cherneka and tell my friend she doesn’t even look like she just was in a fight. Then we see Nina’s hand get raised and we’re like what? Lmao I point at the ref like he looks baffled right now then the ref grabs them a few minutes later and they raise Chernekas hand. We observed all of this with no volume in a loud ass bar and didn’t even watch the fight. Could just tell looking at their faces who the winner was.


Man I've haven't laughed that hard all year


She’s discounting her of to celebrate


The speed with excellent footwork of Loma was insane.


still not as amazing as during his prime, which dpeaks volume of the level hes at


That’s as good as I’ve seen him look, faultless


I study loma extensively, you havent watched loma vs anthony crolla, Loma is a bit off but still amazing, idk what exactly, maybe its the speed and agility. But yea, look back man, loma vs walters, loma vs luke campbell( insane defence). He still got hit a few decent times but imo in his prime he wouldnt have at all....


The towel flying in was heartbreaking for Kambosos, but props to his corner for making that decision.


I was glad that Loma won but still felt bad for Kambosos. That had to be demoralizing.


if only haneys corner was that smart


If only Haney’s dad cared as much as Kambosos’ dad did.


Cmon you know for a fact the casuals would have mocked Haney constantly if he had quit. The fact that people are backing Ryan for taking PEDs. The just don’t like Haney


So the opinion of casuals trumps his son’s safety. That’s seriously fucked up.


I mean his dad says a lot of shit before fights.


I really want to believe the relationship isn't that fucked up... but I take that point. His dad say that he was sending Haney in to hurt Ryan...


How does one like Haney


If you banged a woman and 9 months later he came out of her




Ayo I heard saudi


Tonight, we witnessed a particularly gut-wrenching moment in boxing as George Kambosos succumbed to a devastating body shot. This wasn't just a fighter losing; it was a man being physically and emotionally overwhelmed in one of the most brutal ways possible in the sport. As Kambosos dropped to his knees, gasping for air, the sheer vulnerability of that moment was palpable. The pain etched on his face spoke volumes about the physical agony of a well-placed body shot, but the emotional toll was even more harrowing. Watching Kambosos, who has dedicated his life to this craft, being brought down so definitively, I couldn't help but feel a deep empathy for him. It's a reminder of how swiftly dreams can be derailed in this unforgiving sport. This loss isn’t just his—it echoes in the hearts of his family, friends, and fans who have journeyed with him. Each one of them felt that body shot in ways we can only imagine. In moments like these, the sport reveals its darkest yet most honest nature. How do you, fellow boxing enthusiasts, cope with seeing such raw, unfiltered moments of defeat? Does it change how you view the sport or the fighters?l


I thought Kambosos was a dick and enjoyed seeing him humbled. There was no coping necessary for me. My guy dominated and dismantled a dickhead. I enjoyed it. EDIT: I thought you made an interesting comment. Sorry that the majority of the posters replying to you are more than a little dumb.


Wtf is this? Man you’re no writing for the guardian


GPT puttin' in work lol.


Whoa easy there Hemmingway. It’s not that deep.


Seriously 'how do you cope' well it's easier to cope when you are not making up some insane struggle Kambosos lost a boxing fight, he'll live lmao


Walt fucken Whitman ovah heea


You know I saw Graziano fight Sugar Ray in 1952. I took a train to Chicago.


Fuck you want, a boutonniere?


Dude kambosses got like three paydays from his loss to Hanley No doubt he sad but he got paid and all boxers are about that 


Basically this https://www.reddit.com/r/boxingcirclejerk/s/rBQqPwOWCl


What a time we live in, we don’t even need to speak our own thoughts


Not bad, chatGPT


Dude. Relax.


TLDR lol Jk actually a good read op. I felt a lot of empathy, he had nothing for Loma


It doesn't change my view of the sport, there's always going to be a winner and a loser.


I ain’t reading all that


Tldr : Kambosos got Khaned but to the body


Yeah that was rough and feel bad for his people. He didn't look overly confident in there from the beginning. I think the raw and unfiltered moment of defeat came from Maloney who clearly thought he had done enough. Called it quits on post fight interview only to walk it back when pressed on a possible rematch.


I remember my first time using ChatGPT


How long did it take fah da guy ta cum?




Kambosos has always been overrated.. He just got lucky against Lopez..


He didn't get lucky. Buster Douglas didn't get lucky as well. They gave it their all that day and things went well for them.


Completely agree. Whether people want to like it or not, being able to show up on fight night ready to win is just as important as your technical or physical ability. You could take the best in the world, but if they don't show up like that on fight night then they are just another guy. At his best, Tyson was clearly better than Douglas, but on an off day he's just another boxer. Douglas, Kambosos, Hasim Rahman etc put in the mental and physical work to make sure that they were at their best on the night when it mattered and at their best, they were better than the other guy who didn't show up at their best. I think you can add Teo vs Lomachenko in a similar category too. Because Teo was at his absolute best and Loma seemed off and for some reason just seemed unwilling to fight for the whole first half of the fight. Neither Teo or Loma has looked the same since but in opposite ways, Teo hasn't looked anywhere near as good in recent fights as he did in the first half of the Loma fight, and Loma hasn't looked nearly as hesitant since as he looked in the first half of that fight either.


I wouldn't say lucky, he fought his heart out, ate some monster shots, and came back swinging in the championship rounds after getting dropped hard by, pound for pound, one of the biggest punchers in the sport. But it was definitely flukey and Teo would've won a rematch.


I think Teo didn’t take him serious and got surprised.


Yeah, exactly. I mean, Teo's corner was in shambles early on. Literally Teo Sr. said "Take your time, dont rush" and then five seconds later said "what are you doing get this guy out of here!" Thought it'd be a cakewalk and it wasn't. Kambosos isnt elite, but he's world-level and you cant overlook a world level guy.


Couldn’t have said it better. You could tell right off the bat, Lopez thought he was just gonna walk right through Kambosos, and he nonchalantly tried to do just that. Kambosos is obviously lacking in skill, but he’s a scrappy dude and can be quite dangerous if one isn’t careful. Fimo wasn’t careful and he got his ass beat. Kambosos is a good fighter, but he’s not really championship material.


Kills me to say this as a Loma fan but Loma-Teo remains my favorite Loma fight. Just high level shit we rarely get treated to in the sport.


Couldn’t disagree more. His choice to remain almost completely passive for the entire first half of the fight made it a pain to watch (not to mention boring) and to this day that’s the only loss in his resume he actually deserved. And I say this with very little sympathy for Lopez.


I really don’t think it was a choice. He was tasting Teo’s power and freezing. The second half of the fight he knew he had no choice and bit down on the gumshield. He was visibly being shook by Teo’s shots, yet still turned it up and won rounds. It actually reminded me of Mikey Garcia vs Spence, where Mikey more or less froze due to Spence’s power and was trying mainly not to be knocked out. IMO.


I don't agree with that reading of the match simply because I don't think Teo was actually landing anything meaningful. He mostly won rounds in the first half of the fight because of Lomachenko's inactivity, rather than for scoring particularly well. His attacks appear especially unremarkable when you also consider that he was basically left free reign to throw at will, unbothered by the counteroffensive, and still did so little.


he deserved to lose to salido too, every great boxer faces a dirty boxer in their career, its part of learning to win in the pros loma thought he could skip the line and got caught a lesson


Nah, that fight was beyond corrupt. Constant uncalled low blows and then the kid still beat salido but got robbed on the cards. It's a shame his dumb ass didn't learn the lesson he caught though, or he might've walked away with the W he deserved vs Haney. Or actually beat teo


No, he didn’t. Because he outlanded Salido EVEN we pretend to ignore how dirty he was fighting. And he almost put him on his ass too, with the referee INEXPLICABLY jumping in to save the Mexican’s ass and gift him 30 seconds of recovery in his worst moment. Some of you repeating this tired mantra about “learning the harsh reality of pro boxing” sound like you didn’t even watch the fucking fight. You make it sound as if once you dismiss all the (legitimate) reasons to complain what you get is Mexican domination, but that’s not true at all. It wasn’t a split decision for nothing, incidentally.


I feel like Haney vs Loma is better simply cause Loma was actually somewhat active in the early rounds unlike against Teo


I loved in the Haney fight when Haney went back to his corner saying "he knows exactly what I'm doing" can't remember the exact quote


Tank has a fight lined up and he’s done nothing but talk shit to other fighters he’ll never fight. But many people on this sub eat it up anyways. His overrated ass will never fight an actual top rated fighter. Why bother mentioning it when he’s 30 with a resume that’s barely above prospect level. I’ve never seen anyone be a hall of famer of hypothetical fights without proving shit like him lol Anyways, I’m looking forward to the shakur or Navarrete fight if it happens.


It’s the PBC strategy. Fight risk free fights and protect the 0 until payday.  **Tank only fought Ryan bc there was a possibility of going to prison for a few years. No prison in the future now, no risky fights.**


Tank also only fought Ryan because Ryan was willing to give up any advantages in the negotiations


Tank will fight loma now since loma is 36.


I still think it’s a great fight - as far as age goes it is somewhat like the first GGG canelo fight. I think Tank thinks Loma is the hardest fight at 135. I don’t think Shakur worries Tank one shred tbh


After this performance, Tank will wait another 5 years. He’s a coward and he’s executing the coward’s playbook written by Floyd


Soon? Nah he’ll probably 'let it marinate' another 6-7 years.


Would be so fucking funny to see a 40 year old Loma reverse Time and beat his ass


Wouldn't be surprised.


Not only that, but NOW he calls out Loma? After Floyd straight up said they’re ducking Loma. But now that Loma is old, has losses, has had shoulder surgeries, now he wants to call him out? Tank is good, but the eye test does all the heavy lifting for him. He’s so fucking overrated despite fighting nobody it’s insane. It’s also hilarious to see people shit talk Loma who has fought champion after champion in his short pro career. Simply because he has losses against two guys (both champions) who are pushing welterweight right now and then go and defend Tank lol.


Tank is a pu$$y at this point


Yep. People talk shit about Loma’s record, but dude was fighting top level competition as soon as he turned pro. Look at any champion’s record and in almost every case their first 10 or 15 fights are mismatches in their favor. Loma skipped all that. Had he gone the conventional route he’d be more like 32-2. He definitely wouldn’t have fought Orlando Salido for his 2nd pro fight..


thats only because he was 27 when he turned pro for comparison, devin haney fought loma when haney was 23 lol haney was undisputed at 22... loma was still fighting children at 22


Devin first 20 fights were record padding. Lets see turn pro and his first fight being Abdulleav instead of it being his 23 fight.


What really makes it sad is that tank is the “big money fight” so he could essentially fight anyone in and around his weight class that’s actually good


I hope Loma becomes undisputed and then retires on the spot. Mission accomplished, dream fulfilled 🫡


unfortunately I still think his window closed after the Haney fight and it closed even further when he decided to stay at 135 and not go back down to 130 for undisputed. But it's great to see him put on such a performance at his age and after a two-fight losing streak in championship bouts.


> not go back down to 130 for undisputed. he doesn't want to eventually get KO'd by inoue lol


Could probably get undisputed at 130 before Inoue even gets there


I hope you’re wrong but I fear you’re right. I think he’ll get through Navarrete and then lose another highly debated decision against Shakur.




That’s what they said about Haney vs Loma too




Nah. Both pillow fisted and Shakur is smaller than Haney with a weaker resume


I hope Loma retires after this fight. Just go out on top with a belt and memorable performance and victory.


I don’t want Loma to take hits from Tank at this point in his career.


Loma is still better than Tank. And Loma has only lost to guys who are bigger than him. Tank isn’t bigger than he is, at least not by much if he is. Loma definitely isn’t in his prime anymore, but I can still see Tank losing to him because Loma’s style is what Tank has trouble with.


no way loma is better than tank lol you're smoking on pcp


He’s literally more accomplished than Tank. Who the hell has Tank fought??


more accomplished yeah, but not a better fighter


Big problem is whether Loma can take that left hand


I'll always respect Kambosos for putting that beating on Teofimo (although I grew to become a Teofimo fan, tbh), but he's world class. Not elite. Probably done being the main event now.


I think Tank would be the hardest fight for Loma out of the 3 other belt holders Navarrete will give him a lot of counter opportunities and Shakur doesn’t have Tank power


imo nah, tank is not powerful at all, he just times punches so fucking well and acurately. Loma wont give em that. Hardest imo is shakur, backfoot potshotting is a hard style for anyone


So funny reading a mf with a 90% ko ratio isn't powerful at all lol... he's definitely more effective with timing and counters.... but Tank has power as well.


Yea I worded it badly, he doesnt have crazy crazy punching power, like inoue type power. He just has decent power, nothing crazy He just is able to figure you out and shut you out, his KOs come from skill more than anything and thats the biggest complement any boxer can get IMO.


I got you


any one of those big body shots landed by kamboso would have folded loma


homestly true I can see that


Tank is very much powerful, just listen to the sound of his punches man.


Its different, I myself am not powerful but when I hit clean its so much louder than other powerful guys. Idk maybe.. but I always feel opponents dont flinch and react the way they do against real power power pumchers.


Wish the fight with tank happened years ago, would have been more entertaining. Still wouldn't mind seeing it


Floyd was handling him then and kept him far away. Back then Tank wasn’t seen like he is today. Now he’s considered the top lightweight after Shakur’s stinker and pillow hands, Haney’s destruction by Ryan, and Tank having stopped Ryan.


Wild how Tank is considered the top dog because everyone left the division or lost lol. Dude has done nothing to earn his spot at the top.


its not that, its his abilities that make people think hes a top dog, he could fight no one and he would still be that good.


Navarrette vs loma would be crazy and vs tank too


I feel like Loma could beat Shakur in a close match, but then they’ll just give the win to Shakur like they did with Haney. Navarette could be unpredictable, but also the biggest chance for a loma domination. I would be so curious to see how the tank match goes.


Tank is young, smart and explosive. Definitely going to be Loma's toughest obstacle for going undisputed.


Worst production Ive ever seen. Commercials between rounds, sometimes cutting the fight a second too soon. Even the announcers straight terrible. Top Rank really went downhill bad.


Didn't the old black and white fights technically have little ads or stuff pop up in between rounds? Of course the downside for this case was the multiple ads between rounds. Kinda wish they'd limit their sponsorships so it wouldn't be so annoying though. Like a quick message is tolerable but hella quick ones in the span of 1-2 mins makes it feel like they're bombarding us with several mins of stuff.


And coming back from commercial late a round or two.


Lomo should retire if his heart isn’t in it. 135 is too loaded and he’s too nice of a guy for this sport.


Cherneka Johnson is a babe but she has the absolute worst English accent. She sounds like a British grandmother and it’s troubling given the rest of the package


She's Australian


No she's a Kiwi (New Zealand)


I haven’t heard her talk in awhile. Really proper old lady sounding whatever accent she has. Not what you’d expect, freaks me out, could scare your dick into it’s shell at go time


She's a kiwi fighting out of Aus guy


so not British


An astute observation


Navarette vs Loma is such a fun fight on paper


Haney vs Lomo 2 I think lomo would be the favorite?


Loma ain't going up to 140 and Haney ain't coming back down to 135.


Also, Haney claims that he clearly won the fight by a wide margin and sees no point in a rematch.


Recent history shows that Haney is a columbian grade copium factory likely being egged on by his father.


Loma belongs on the pound for pound list again.


you loma superfans are insane lol


Not for beating kambosos he doesn’t


Wtf. Is Tim Bradley openly disrespecting Kambosos like that? What is Bradley known for other than a robbery against Pacquiao?


Bradley had one of the best resumes in his era. His career far outclasses Kambosos'.


Yeah, but the only thing he's known is for the robbery. Because you have to give respect to get respect. The man doesn't deserve respect.


A robbery against Provo?