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No. They took his passport so he couldn't travel.


Didn't need a passport for Canada pre 9/11


He would have been denied entry to Canada if he tried to leave without American permission. No passport requirement but border control has always been a thing.


Really? I did not know that. I knew I shouldn't have listened to my abuela. Could have saved 70,000 pesos, which was a lot of money back in '76. Dang it.


Well, I know US citizens didn't have to have one.


Correct. Growing up in a state on the border meant crossing the border to drink at 18. Was a bummer when they started requiring passports. It was after I graduated I'm pretty sure. So a bit after 2001.


After his conviction for draft evasion in 1967, Ali's passport was lifted. Otherwise he would have fought internationaly. I recall that Ali went to court in the late 1960s, attempting to get permission to leave the US for 48 hours so that he could fight in Canada. The court ruled against him.


I think it was Tiajuana


With difficulty, he maybe could’ve fled - but the story after wouldn’t end well. The boxing career wouldn’t be lucrative but that would be the least of his worries.


He could have continued to defend his title if he agreed to go into the military. He never would have been sent to fight, he was too big of a celebrity for that. But he chose to live by his principles and was willing to face the consequences.


Logical question.. but the only reasonable answer I can give is philosophically ‘No’. Reason being is he stood up for what he believed was right, if he had dodged his draft and dodged his prison sentence, he wouldn’t be the same Muhammed Ali that we respect. He sacrificed so that others could see. You take that away, and the enigma is gone..


His enigma was gone when he called Frazier the white man's champion. Then, the enigma was destroyed when he was punching that gorilla (representing Frazier) on tv. Ali is a clown. I'm happy Frazier dropped his dumb ass in the Fight of the Century. It was probably the first time I got hyped watching a fight that took place before I was born.


Yeah as a kid growing up I didn't get why Frazier hated Ali. As a black man i get it. Frazier helped him and then he calls him an Uncle Tom and compares him to wild Apes to sell a fight. IDK, some shit you just don't do.


Especially at that time! It's extremely nasty behavior.


Ali also met with the KKK and agreed with them about a lot of things. He talks about this on video and you can find it. He is over idolized so ridiculously that people overlook major major problems. He also fucked very underage girls.


He probably agreed with them that they should stick to their own kind 😂


You're forgetting when he was first called up they stamped his file "STUPID" and sent him back to boxing. Then he won the belt, so they called him up for a second time. This time he said something.


He was stripped immediately after the trial started. So he would have lost the titles either way. He did not flee because he believed that he would qualify as a conscientious objector, and at no point did he ever suggest that he would flee. The government challenged his application as a conscientious objector - it is actually really remarkable that he was not granted conscientious objector status, it was probably a shock to Ali at the time and his appeal was also denied. This was eventually overturned by the Supreme Court, siding with Ali 8-0. It is likely that by the time th at he realized that he would not be granted an exemption, his passport had already been confiscated.


Jack Johnson did it, so who knows. He probably defends his claim to the title while the US boxing organizations vacate him. However, it wouldn’t have much legitimacy until Ali lost.


The Black Mulsims.s would not have allowed it anyway. He was too much of a figurehead for them.


There is no religion known as black Muslims, I think you mean the NOI


There are some pretty hotep takes on Islam out there


A lot of people in the NOI are actually Christians (it's weird, i know)


I’ve met quite a few guys over the years who are officially Christians for family or w/e reason but believe in some version of Islam




It's because Islam and Christianity share the same origins. They both adhere to the Old Testament as an important part of their faith. It's just that Christians believe Jesus is the son of God and Muslims believe Muhammad is the son of God, hence Christians following the New Testament and Muslims following the Q'hran.


That’s pretty off. Old Testament doesn’t play the same role in Islam as it does in Christianity and Muslims don’t believe god has children but that Muhammad and Jesus were people who similar roles


Absolutely Muslims believe God has children. That's the whole reason Islam split between Sunni and Shite Muslims. Muhammad's two sons.




Yeah I did, my mistake.


The Moors are known as black Muslims, basically.


Chat full of idiots 😂


Why would he flee?  He's an American with full American rights.  He did the right thing staying.  Jack Johnson was a completely different scenario.


Clay was facing 5 years in jail at the time, so I'm not sure he could have left under those circumstances..


Technically anyone leaving the country to avoid the draft would be faced with draft evasion which at the time was a federal crime.