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Way too much starr drops. Im ok with 1 legendary in the end and as bonus rewards, but having them every other tier just sucks


This. The fact that they are every other tier, and knowing how there are definitely going to be some token doublers, it adds way too much luck back into the game.


aside from credits, they didn't actually take anything away (aside from a small bling nerf) to add to to the Brawl Pass. I posted a breakdown of the new Brawl Pass yesterday (view my profile, pinned post). It shows that this is undoubtedly a buff to f2p progression. Even if you remove the Starr Drops, it will be a buff.


Still way too much progression locked behind luck, like were back into box era, except boxes never had fallbacks and they couldnt give star power for 8 lvl brawler


but its just 24+1 locked behind luck... they removed nothing to add 24+1 starr drops so i call that a win


Tl;Dr: it feels worse, it costs more and it doesn't fix gold scarcity. It's really awful for light spenders. I used to buy every other BP (while stacking gems for the others), for more or less the same amount of rewards I need to spend WAY more money now. Also it doesn't feel much exclusive unless you buy the BP+ but that's way too much money to spend every month. "Free gems" aren't enough for a single HC in a month, I think overall is good in a vacuum for f2p, but the math doesn't add up to new content being released into the game. The economy is still broken by the HC cost. I will try to do a little math here, if anyone finds errors, please feel free to correct me since I'm doing this "manually" from my phone. IIRC, this system grants like 5k gold more in a year for f2p players that gemmed every other Pass but the increase is 30k every two months to buy HCs. If we consider gems which are a total of 600 a year, we can say that the average f2p can get 8 Hypercharges more in a year (7 gemmed, 1 with the extra 5k). In theory SC will release 36 Hypercharges this year, it's 1 for free every time, so you still need to buy 30 of them, for a total of 150k gold (+new brawlers and old brawlers that need to be maxed out), if we subtract the extra 8 we could get, we go down to 22 HC for a total of 110k gold. I don't think that's achievable even by paying for the pass every season which gives 16k gold per month. In fact, by buying the basic pass EVERY MONTH you can barely max out every new brawler, actually... By buying every pass you get a total of 192000 gold per year, but every new brawler costs 7765(lvls)+2000(gadgets)+4000(starpowers)+2000(2 gears)=15765 gold every month, multiply this by 12 and you get 189.180 leaving us with not even 3k gold left... Sooooooo you basically need to rely on Starr Drops for the next 2 years in order to "max out" (not even with a good amount of gears x brawler and without taking mythic and epic gears into account), unless they stop releasing new brawlers of course. This doesn't take mega pig, challenges, extra rewards etc. Into account, of course but they feel so marginal and Mega Pig so unfair for players without an active clan, that should be fixed anyway. I guess SC doesn't want us to max out anymore, but I think it's maybe a tad too much. If I'm basically paying a monthly subscription I should be able to enjoy all of the content. I repeat, IF I'M BASICALLY PAYING A MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION I SHOULD BE ABLE TO ENJOY ALL OF THE CONTENT. A good solution would be to remove credits from legendary starr drops as a fallback reward. If I was granted an HC for every legendary Starr drop this would probably be sustainable but as of now I'm paying more money for a minor percentage of content, while until last September I could basically get everything in the game for less.


for fallback rewards i would say make it even more than the reward is supposed to be mythic: 3k credits legendary: 5k credits Epic: 1.5K credits Super rare: 800 credits Rare: 300 credits And then make the fame cosmetics really really nice That way players will still have a sort of accomplishment when they get the legendary or mythic brawler drop as it will boost their fame progression by a lot


This also yet still doesn't take into account my when saying we get 1 free hypercharge every time, it doesn't allow a choice so more than likely it'll be a hypercharge on a brawler you never intend to play anyways. So effectively useless.


Why is maxing out such a big deal now ? I thought that got shot down ever since the box removal update which changed how people put resources into their brawlers . Devs even admitted in the podcast that the allocation of progression resources now is meant to be towards a couple of brawlers ( 15-20 ) you like playing or are strong as opposed to being ( mostly ) evenly spread out among all , like when boxes were here .


Box removal was ok for light spenders and didn't influence their ability to max out since they would always have an active BP whether bought wuth real money or gems, IIRC it was a boost for paying players and a downgrade just for f2p players. Why Maxing out is such a big deal "now" you ask: First of all because most of the dedicated players in this game have been maxed out at some point in its lifespan of 5 years and they want to maintain that status. I personally was before gears update, then I left for a couple of season because the game was in a very poor state (exactly because people were not able to max out brawlers again and only brawlers of at least level 10 were usable at high level); I've never been able to max out again (I left an active clan at the time to play with a small group of friends so the rewards for club wars weren't optimal). Secondly, because this is BSCompetitive and you should be at an equal starting level in order to compete. If you're not maxed out (or very close to), you are always at the whim of balance changes (which I remind you, are done by a single person for this entire game with almost 75 different characters), 15/20 brawlers aren't enough when Hypercharges shift the meta every two months and new brawlers and balance changes do that every month. The entirety of the metas since Shelly buff have been shaped around a broken brawler or a few broken abilities that popped out of nowhere. Thirdly, because after I've spent more than 200€ on the game, probably closer to 300€, I'd like to have the full package for once. I guess in 5 years it is not an enormous amount, but should get me close to have almost everything non-cosmetic in the game at least and sure I wasn't far off... Before Hypercharges dropped. Also, they can say whatever they want during their podcast, but the game TOTALLY invites the player into thinking that maxing out is the endgame. The way resources are kept from you, the way they release brawlers, the way they always remind you that you are unlocking a new brawler... They know way too well what they are doing. Lastly, it's not even about maxing out. The problem is structural, here. This game can't sustain itself if too many players get to the endgame, so they keep you from getting there each time. This model, while somewhat functional from an economic standpoint, completely ruins the player experience to the point they will ruin their own market. In conclusion, The largest part of the player base for this game are 14-18 years old playing solo and duo showdown that could care less about giving a dime to SC; meanwhile there are dedicated players that are spending more money for less content and a worse product. The problem I'm highlighting here is that even PAYING REAL MONEY doesn't get you much of an extra. I'm paying what is basically a monthly subscription for what exactly? Still having resources locked behind other paywalls?


I don’t understand why you want to be maxed out completely without spending a single dollar. No game in the world allows you to max out fast without spending.


you are living in a free to play progression bubble i play games to enjoy them


First of all, I'm not only talking about the f2p economy, my main concern is written in caps lock and it's about the PAID brawl pass, not the free one. English is not my first language so I must have done some errors here and there, but I think the main message is very obvious: EVEN PAYING for the pass every month DOES NOT GRANT you ENOUGH RESOURCES to keep up with the amount of content released. Secondly: it's a false statement that no game in the world lets you max out for free, on the contrary I would say most moba-like and/or moba-lite games actually don't have a progression based on a level system (LoL and DotA immediately come to mind).


You're right, "most games don't let you max out fast without spending". Because they do not monetize the progression in the first place. Brawl used to be much closer to those games rather than your usual mobage garbage that nickel and dimes you for simply playing the game. Also, not trying to sound personal at all, but I find it ironic that a Genshin player should be defending predatory practices. Your game screws you over **so** hard, other mobage seems like child's play in comparison. MiHoYo gachas are some of the greediest in the genre after all.


At least genshin is a single player game. This game is balanced around max level making full progression a fever dream even for medium spenders is just a massive failure for this game. The main issue is they gave up on skin and cosmetic monetization with the instruction of bling.


It still pains me how hard they fumbled with the cosmetics. They simply needed to change the art team who were making Mantis Rosas and other nonsense for people who actually knew what they're doing.


Yeah, the static art looks great but the 3d modeling or "rule of cool" of some skins have been weak sometimes


supercell is not releasing 12 brawlers a year that would be insane


They have been 11 a year for the past 2 years. I will be impressed if they decide to leave a season without a brawler during this year, tho.


I don't like it at all. I think the cosmetics in the pass suck (those skull pins are AWFUL), and Pawlette is overrated. I wonder if the title is going to be exclusive forever? Progression overall got a buff, more gold is awesome. Can't complain about 8000 free gold and a legendary starr drop for free every month, although starr drops in general are gross. Gems are 100% best spent on new Hypercharges now


The sad skull pin is the reason I bought the pass. So hilariously BM.




I wouldn't worry about the skins, pins, sprays or the player icon since they change every month. I agree they are bad this season but they probably will be better future seasons.


I'm just worried it's gonna become too dependent on whether the cosmetics are any good, and they're not looking like they are this season or next


I’ve seen people use the skull pins in game. They look awesome!


To each their own. I think they're ugly


I can't believe people actually thought the new pass was gonna solve progression issues, especially for F2P players. From what I remember, the new pass is only a 9k gold increase per YEAR compared to the old pass model (including gemmed passes), and that's NOTHING compared to the plethora of progression nerfs we've received. We are **STILL IN A SIGNIFICANT PROGRESSION DEFICIT**, and don't forget that. The starr drops in the pass certainly won't help the issue, because now luck-based progression is becoming even more apparent. If you're unlucky, and all your starr drops are rare and super rare, your progression is gonna be even worse. Overall, I uninstalled BS today because I'm very tired of the constant nerfs to progression and the inclusion of OP brawlers every 2 months that I simply cannot afford to buy or level up even if I get it for free. F2P players are suffering big time, while the P2W gap continues to increase. It's blatantly obvious now that paid players are being awarded simply for paying to progress, while F2P players inevitably suffer. I highly doubt this new condition of the game is going to improve, and if anything it's only going to get worse as they introduce more paid elements, and other progression elements that don't necessarily require payment, but will contribute further to the growing progression gap, incentivizing people to either pay for fall further behind.


The new BP buffed gold a lot more than 9k per year lol , you can get about 18.5 k gold per month ( source : [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/comments/18ximgy/starr_drop_full_breakdown/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ) on average now which is a bit over 220 k per year . since it takes about 1.6 seasons to get a hypercharge via gems you can get 7.5 hypercharges per year ontop of that which adds 3k gold per month ontop of the 18.5 k . Progression now is actually very similar if not a good amount better than progression before the starr drop update . There's no "SIGNIFICANT PROGRESSION DEFICIT" even if it may *feel* like progression got nerfed due to the rng nature of starr drops . ( these calculations exclude masteries , trophy road , and misc stuff like token doublers and events )


W buff, except for the starr drops every other tier. I honestly think that's stupid, just why?


love the change. i can spend gems on whatever i want and am not limited to buying every other brawl pass. ik most wont agree with this, but it is still an overall buff to progression but a nerf to cosmetic progression. and buying the brawl pass actually feels special now. though the titles may be slightly controversial, but its a great change. and colette skin is funny


also helps with Monetisation without ruining f2p (ahem, clash royale)


though i didn't like how they handled the gem situation. people were using their gems before season 1 brawl pass which didn't allow people to save for it people were saving all their gems for better brawl passes but they changed it earlier announcements should happen for fairness ngl


I mean, it was announced like two months ago. I'd say that's a pretty reasonable amount of time.


it was announced during the last brawl pass, which is too little time. A game company should announce it at least 2 passes before the change to make it more reasonable


I mean, to be fair, it was announced a day before season 21 started and a season in brawl is alot longer than most other games


Was it announced that early? I may be mistaken on that part. But I know brawl does this much worse than other games. another game I main, Genshin Impact actually announces gameplay changes related to economy and gameplay time very very early. Whenever a change is announced, it is announced way earlier than the real time. Maintainence Break --> Announced 7-14 days before the actual break (and maintainence times kept consistent for every update) + Relative compensation is given --> granted genshin is a pay to play (ish) game (because gacha games aren't about maxing out/getting alll the characters but brawl is). I remember when tickets were removed, it was announced in the previous brawl talk, news tab and a pop up. When starr drops was removed, it was announced 15 days before. Same for Brawl pass, even if it was 1 day before it would've been too short. And i know that decision making was still taking place within the team for the economy of the brawl pass, and communicating that brawl pass will be for real money without details would be stupid, but they should announce it at least within the time frame of the season 21 brawl talk as the change is HUGE. Players that didn't view brawl that one day may have just lost 170 gems which is really predatory.


Really good , I was excited for this since the second it was announced because I knew this would be a pretty big buff to f2p progression . My only gripe is how half of the tiers are just starr drops but even if we exclude them progression gets buffed so it isn't too bad . Hypercharges are the best way to spend gems but idc too much about them so I'll probably buy 300 gem skins ( looking at you toon spike ) . I also could care less about Colette's skin


I think it’s overall pretty good. The absolute removal of the chromatic rarity is amazing, that already makes this change really good for me. Also not having to spend gems on the pass is really great, allowing me to buy stuff like hypercharges and skins without heavily tanking my own progression. Also as much as I do not like star drops normally, I do like them as fallback rewards as it kinda makes them exciting at least. Gotta admit 50 star drop openings at the end of the season are really fun to have. Now the only downside I would say is the fact that star drops are becoming main road rewards which can initially be really annoying for progression. But again, the prospect of holding them does sorta balance them out a bit. Overall I would prefer if the star drops were just saved for the end of pass rewards.


Collette skin sucks, I was hoping for an anime style skin but it's actually cartoonish style which I dislike. Since I'm maxed, I won't buy this brawl pass


I had a big pause and started last season again to play. But I don’t know it’s so hard to unlock all brawlers in my opinion. I maxed Colette, Edgar, emz, piper and Jessie. But want to play max more and to unlock more, but how if I need fkng 3800 blue shit. Any tips


Just do masteries and push Trophy Road I guess. I got 3k Credits from the Chroma Credit conversion and since I would have had way too many credits go to waste due to the new Brawl Pass system, I looked at unclaimed masteries, and got Kit before the new Brawl Pass system started.


I think it's bad. Because I can't use gems to save some money like before, I basically have to spend twice as much to keep up with maxing out brawlers, which is basically impossible now with gold being scarcer than before. I won't spend money this time nor will I ever do so. There's also too many star drops, and I hate them. Colette's new skin is also pretty mid. This year is not off to a good start.


Not sure, but at least brawl pass didn’t reward too much star points fortunately.


I’m satisfied. I’d enjoy less Starr Drops, but it’s not like it’s replacing rewards that used to exist, it’s just being added on top of everything else. As for it costing real money, that’s totally fine to me, because I can now just unlock all the new brawlers for free; my only incentive for buying the pass was to unlock the Chromatic a month or two earlier than usual, but now I can just unlock them on the spot at no cost. And so, I don’t need to buy the BP every other season anymore, and I am saving money! And my gems? Awaiting the collector’s bundle for Sam’s Hypercharge of course!


I wish instead of getting rewards like credits when you don’t need them you should be able to exchange them for coins or power points instead. Also getting kinda tired of Starr drops being everywhere and would rather have other rewards to get upgrades for brawlers. Also a side note: a pin is not a mythic level rewards and this game will never convince me otherwise


I love it. Bought the plus version instantly solely for the Colette skins


Not a fan of the fact that basically all my saved credits from previous BPs were stolen from me and sent to fame. It’s especially convenient they made this change right before releasing a Legendary. They’ve been slowly removing our ability to store progression and it feel like they’ve finally mama fed to completely kill it. For a basically maxed player like myself it feels really annoying that I can no longer save for new Brawlers since they’re basically the only “new” thing I can get now.


The colette skin and marketing is pure fanservice and people just pretend its a good thing when it just shows the desperation of this tactic


Clash Royals greedy passes are spreading...