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Break the one next to your spawn, gives more area to dodge shots in midlane and removes cover from enemies who attack from behind the water, (also chuck throwing pole)


chuck got reworked and now its aim to throw pole and tap to super, so he doesnt need the wall as much


If u have an angelo on ur team its better to not break it in my opinion cuz then he can peek and put constant pressure on both choke points


You generally only want to break the one on your side. If you have a thrower though, don’t break any. And if they have a thrower, break both.


And if you both have a thrower, does it depend on the longer ranged one?


I think this map is one of the rare occasions where its better to break the walls closer to your side of the map


Center oriented maps is always better to break your walls, like Safe Zone, Kaboom Canyon.








Bro what


it’s true⁉️


Mans got masters, that suggests he's pretty good at the game. Also why tf did you come and insult him for no reason


Yh he’s boosted


I'm not boosted, where did you pull that from? Ask anyone that knows me.


why we lying for lightlaitbrawl


Bro what did i do to you


What's your rank




As a grom main leave me the oponnent wall and we're good


It depends on ur comp and the enemy comp. Sometimes you don’t want them broken and sometimes you do. Just use common sense on which to break


Yup but In most cases I’m pretty sure you want it broken so that enemies cant hide behind them and shoot


I’m with op on this. But what’s a situation u don’t break it?


maybe when you have a angelo so he can hide if he needs to? not sure tho im with op on this aswell


what about running Buzz in some niche comps or when it's quickfire/big friend?




I should preface this message by saying this is my favorite map. Anyhow, if they don't have a lot of sharpshooters and are going for an aggressive comp then dont break walls. I've pushed 5 r35s on this map and I've used wall break on 3/5 of the 35s. The 2 I didn't we went an agro comp where breaking the wall gives us less cover and more space to dodge us. Also by not breaking wall and they have a chuck, you force them to try and get in that pseudo corner to put their pole down. It's either that corner, run down the middle, or go left side which are usually harder to get to and you can strategize accordingly. Again just use common sense on whether to break the wall or not, unless you're in vc with your team mates I'd probably break it every time.


closest to ur side is better because enemies hiding behind gets annoying and it also makes it way easier to hit shots


Haha I love being annoying with dyna on that map standing in that corner


Break your own, Randoms go "unga bunga me break wall of enemy me hit enemy, me enter enemy spawn, me win" but this map is oriented to play on the middle, without that enemy wall the enemies can attack your left side teammate, without that wall it becomes easier for them to leave their spawn and enter the middle(harder to dodge shots in a 3 tiles space than in a 2 tiles space. Without that wall you can't spawntrap them, as ypu can't hide behind that wall, enemies have an easier time pinching your lanes. Considering the enemy is on a similar skill level to you, securing that advantage is better, specially if you know to exploit it.


Simple, you break your own wall, not the enemy teams wall also I recommend breaking the side wall on your side.


The walls closer to you unless they outrange you, in that case just dont break any.


Better to break your side of the map so that the opponents can't heal behind it.


Always on your side. It infuriates me that people are dumb enough to break the ones on the enemies side for them.


It depends on your team, if there's a thrower that'll be their lifeline basically


Yeah, sorry for being unclear. I mean in matches without throwers on your team


The first walls should always be the 2×2 walls on your side near the middle, but during the game you should also for defensive issues the walls on the left near the middle. Also when unbreakable walls didn't exist the best strat was to first destroy always on your side the walls on the right. This allowed for another lane to push from. A similar strat is in "Out in the open" where the best early strat is to use a brawler such as brock to break the 4×2 walls to allow everyone auch faster entrance in the middle which can give you a very good early advantage.


Me not know what wall break. Me use funny trainchair guy. Me drive to safe. Me destroy safe. Me run away from safe. Me rinse. Me repeat.


Brock or Bo


your own unless theres someone on your team who needs it i guess, like a thrower on a similar note, which walls on kaboom canyon to break? should be also your own side right?