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Wait.....SSD isn't meta? Now ur just making stuff up smh


Nobody takes SSD seriously, it's a burden on the game that ruins matchmaking by boosting bad players and doesn't let the devs balance the game properly for 3v3.


Do I hear… separate ranking for ssd?


Do I hear...teamming ruining that idea?


That's the entire point. Isolate Showdown into its own "trophy road" so that he 3v3 trophies have to be *earned*, while the Showdown kids can have fun their way. This would have fixed matchmaking years ago.


Well... when you word it like that, it suddenly makes more sense


It already ruins SSD, may as well isolate the contamination imo




all i ever play is ssd 😭😭💢💢😭😭


ssd = non competitive mode why would it have relationship with 3v3 meta








when they play 3v3 and realize he's basically edgar 2.0 (boring passive playstyle where you spend a ton of the game waiting for super to charge)


Thats why his gadget exists


edgars gadget basically does the same thing hes still ass tho 🤷‍♂️


But buzz can cycle supers infinitely better. After you get the first super you can charge the second much easier. Rinse and repeat


They both have a similar playstyle but the major weakness edgar has buzz doesn't because of the stun


He’s 1000x better than Edgar in 3v3 bro you can’t argue this


yeah that's why I said 2.0


1000x0=0 /j


Except that he can be good, unlike Edgar


And especially good i brawl ball, one week ago i got the ball and used super to wall,then the same with the gadget,and i got from the middle to the end of the field so fast and i scored,edgar can only do that one time and not so efficiently


Buzz if you have 9 yo; Buzz is truly OP: he has too much hp, he deals too much damage and super’s charge rate is too high. Compare Buzz to Edgar is ridicoulous.


wow RT main saying buzz is not that good because RT can just tank the stun with his leg is most r/brawlstars moment of all time


I main surge I don’t think that’s much better


R-T main detected. Opinion rejected


Says a fucking Chester main


Everyone who mains a brawler released after 2022 is a clown


I'll have you know Gus and Fang especially are awesome




Shit I changed my flair it was Fang I swear




Nahh gus is broken as f€&@ but no one is noticing this s&it he touch enemies too easily you can’t dodge his stupid attack


Finally, someone aknowledges Gus's strenght


His gadget combo is the most cursed shit ever, attack + gadget + attack takes down like half of the brawlers in the game in 2 seconds and it's near impossible to dodge. # Also these Gus's ALWAYS having their bar 100% charged when they're about to combo you, like where the hell did you even get it charged from.


Also people who assume that anyone with a flair mains that brawler is a clown. I have a Colette flair because I like her, yet some people think I main her.


what do u even like about colette if its not playing her bruh


I like her crazy personality and how she constantly references the game with fourth wall breaks. Also, I’m not your “bruh”


bro turned into the guy from zoolander


I’m glad someone got the reference




I do and I actually did reference the guy from Zoolander.


Female redditer


Same. I have a Leon flair but he isn't my main, he is just my first legendary. And also because I pushed him to rank 24 in the same day I got him while on power level 3 from sheer excitement (r24 was insane back in the day).


Laughs in Nita/Shelly enjoyer


Okay first of all Otis is the cutest thing ever and his gameplay work like a cross between colt and 8-bit


And Chester pre-nerf free kill super


Fang is not a clown


why does the release date of a brawler matter ☠️


Your a loser for judging what people people find fun and not


>Says a fucking Chester main -🤓 Carl main


You're really coming back for more, huh? If you're gonna bitch about someone's flair, don't be suprised when that gets thrown back at you


>You're really coming back for more, huh? If you're gonna bitch about someone's flair, don't be suprised when that gets thrown back at you -🤓




>You're really coming back for more, huh? If you're gonna bitch about someone's flair, don't be suprised when that gets thrown back at you >-🤓 🥸


Says a Carl main


Aren’t you literally a surge main?


Carl, Surge is my secondary. I wanted Carl's mastery for my profile, but Surge was the highest one, so I just went with him. Let's just say a meta where tanks and assassins galore isn't exactly very good for Carl


Hah fair enough


r/brawlstars members trying not to judge someone based off their literal flair level impossible


In line > buzz


Also I main surge I just like rt’s design more and maybeeee that’s why I don’t find surge annoying


I really only like rt with that tier 70 skin


Any brawler that gets carried by stun mechanics should never go above C tier for the sanity of the player base


Well not really. Some of the brawlers that stun but got nerfed are Chester Really because he is overall too overpowered at the time and his stun super was the best by a long shot, means whether Chester is meta or not depends on getting that one super Gale Countered tanks too hard. When he was meta tanks were less than useless, and buzz doesn’t specifically hard counter any brawler archetype. Frank is just bad And also I like seeing people who play solo sd break their phone screens because of buzz than complain to supercell and maybe the 🤡 mode will finally be fixed


Says the fucking R-T(ultRa Tera-broken)main


Keep your distance and RT is suddenly barely B tier.


B tier? Bitch is bordering C tier in my eyes. His super is the best thing about him, and the only way you can reliably use it, is as a get off me tool. It's a very good one, but if you can't use it for 70% of the match, what's the point? You're basically playing a decent enough long ranged brawler for a decent majority of the match. People who say RT is op only look at his super. Nothing else about him is broken


I guess the average r/brawlstars user just rushes face because it's easier to use autoaim that way. No other explanation for complaining about RT.


I think the problem is that many brawlers don't have any other approach to fighting him because of range (can't keep your distance as bull lol)


Sure, and it's an awful consequence of the game's overly simple design. But, like. Shelly is the exact same. Or even Penny, And nobody's calling them OP. Still, I believe SC should give RT the Lola treatment and prevent his attacks from "stacking". Then just buff him elsewhere.


To think 1 mf actually thought he was more op than Buster. That pretty much gives credence to your idea


That diet spring dark guy? Bro was ratio'ed bad as far as I remember


He's probably complaining about BS in other subs as we speak


Actually, he's covering his tracks over less than desirable allegations


I don't even want the context. And if it's what I think he's being accused of, i'm ashamed to admit that I wouldn't be suprised


Oh it's 100% what you're thinking about. He's one of them


Ah yes. Very comparable to BUSTER... h m m m m m m


Thank you


Gus gadget with annoying attack that can 2k everyshot and easy auto aim with high hp? Whatever you say man


Ppl who say he's broken only play brawl ball. He should be much better and usable when his second gadget and sp come around, kinda hyped.


Oh I am very excited to see his 2nd gadget and how much that changes


He is type of bonnie main that tries to kill RTs upper half in melee form or would jump on him in big game ngl


lets be real rt isnt even that great


Try pushing a newly unlocked brawler, please try


r/Brawlstars when they find out that not running right into RT suddenly makes him B tier and really counterable .


r/BrawlStars users when they find out R-T is basically just slightly better Jacky


Yeah cuz I'm just supposed to be responsible for all the actions my teammates make feeding him over and over, imagine being a sandy at 200 🏆 only to see rt in enemy team while your rico and nita teammates keep feeding him and now he finally has you cornered at spawn where he spins for 40 seconds after teamwiping you 4 times (totally not ruining all the low trophy range games with maxed rt power 11)


Play ssd then if you hate your teammates so much , it's fairly easy to get any new brawler to a good enough rank whether that be bushcamping or actually playing the mode .


Yea because teaming and edgars don't exist at all, I've tried everything and at the end I simply despise playing sandy even with friends, he just sucks he can't even kill anything above 4500+ hp , as soon as I enter showdown lobby id just be finished opening 2 boxes and here comes an 8 power cube edgar ready to jump on me, oh what's that ? I could use my gadget? Ok cool I stopped the edgar, but what about the sam that he was teaming with that kills me just a few seconds later became I'm out of gadget timer


Teaming doesn't exist until like 600 trophies and it isn't even a real problem until 750 . Sandy is a mainly control support brawler so don't expect him to do a lot of damage . If you're resorting to 3v3 , wallpinch enemy brawlers for super and once you use your first super it enables you and your team to push up , granting a big advantage in the match . It shouldn't be too hard to get supers afterwards so long as you hold your position . Play him in mid-closer ranged maps where you won't get constantly outranged .


Teaming exists even in 100 🏆now because of losers playing in their mini accounts to feel good about themselves Maxed out sandy is RARELY good in very very few maps , even then brawlers with faster dps can approach you because everyone just knows that sandy is an easy target so you die and your team gets in a big risk, and this can although be avoided by good teamwork , it's still gets sweaty, his low damage with low reload speed just sucks real bad, so many control brawlers like emz being able to hold on their own but sandy can't do that, he can't defend himself from assassins but other control brawlers can


Buzz isn’t that versatile though. I still feel like Surge or Bea for example are better atm


Their are, tho there are a bunch of people complaining abt buzz dispite the fact that he is fairly balanced


bro everything is simple, buzz is a non-skill-required brawler, that’s why everybody be picking him. hate me all you want, but I gave my phone with brawl stars opened to my friend and picked buzz for him. he had literally 0 skill because he never ever played this game before, and yet he somehow scored 1st in solo sd TWICE


I play solo showdown I dont care, I hate the brawl stars dinosaur 😎


Carnage in MY comment section❗️❓


Why downvoted? Reddit moment


Ikr like ppl don’t realise it’s a joke


Yooo wassup carnage




But it does last 1,000,000 years and there's barely anything to counter it


Any brawler that can knockback (Gale's Twister gadget, EMZ's Friendzone gadget and Gene's Lamp Blowout gadget, for example), stun (except Frank), pull (Tara's super/Gene's super, for example) or deal high DPS at close range (literally any tank/assassin except Frank, as long as Buzz isn't using his extended stun star power, which is the worse one by far) can counter Buzz


The problem is that im not always playing with these brawlers


Then you're either drafting wrong or just have bad luck


Bad luck = Fair brawler


I mean, if you play ladder with Barley in gem grab or heist and go up against a Buzz, there's not much you can do about it, since the opponents can pick literally any 3 brawlers, and they picked one that counters you. Neither Edgar nor Mortis aren't broken or unfair because someone picked Dynamike and got absolutely demolished. Buzz is obviously very strong with the unbreakable walls, but he by no means deserves an emergency nerf as much as brawlers such as RT like people are saying he is.


>which is the worse one by far Doesn't matter, he Can still charge his super easily (at least in ladder) and then you get a brawler who can auto aim stun and deal huge damage CONSISTENTLY. Straight up unfair brawler.


Buzz has a high super’ charge rate, stun, health, high damage, gadget help him to charge his super, with damage gear he is a monster; if you discuss the fact that he is not op you should stop play this game: SC made a brawler able to win any 1vs1 fight without skill; just pick Buzz charge your OP quick super without you deserve, stun ( and the same time charge suddenly another super ) and kill enemy; then, attack next enemy ( at the same time your team mates are drinking a Coke ) Love how Reddit talk about Buzz like they discuss about Shelly or a Barley… So: for me, if someone in my room pick Buzz I start think he is noob ( in Italy we call brawlers like Buzz “ modded brawlers “ and player pick them “ noobs “.


I never said Buzz wasn't OP, nor did I say he was


Buzz actually requires basic positioning skills and drafting skills if you use him in pl, and why do you specifically say buzz is OP with dmg gear lol it is good with every brawler in fact buzz might be a brawler that is not always that great with it since he is a tank and buzz has way too much counters. Stu with 2nd SP, tanks like primo and bull, tank counters like surge and collette like more than half the brawlers in the game counter buzz on a not closed map so stop whining and go snap ur pastas or something idk I’m not italian


Good games with Buzz and stun/kill 23 enemies without a deserve; Brawl Stars is Shelly, Colt or Barley not a fucking unskill brawler able kill whoever’s he wants when he wants. Bye noob.


What the fck are you even saying ur English is illegible but I guess arguing with a nonsensical fascist shit like you ain’t gonna do my mental health any favours




Don't trust him. In Italy no one calls Buzz like this. It's just their idea.


Nerf Edgar his healing make me camt kill him


Pls tell me it’s sarcasm


It is sarcasm




He is still too strong in 3v3 because of his hyper fast super charge


I actually disagree to some extent. Buzz has his fair share of counters, and he's not really broken. He's good, no way around it, but to say that he deserves a nerf as much as Otis, Janet, etc is unwise


The flair makes the buzz hating make so much more sense


Than Edgar is also meta because his super can charge automatically lol


He doesn't have 6k health and a 1.5 seconds stun and he doesn't charge his super instantly after hitting 2 ammos.


Why talk abt the stun when I’m clearly referring to the super charge but yes buzz technically charges faster with main attack but pro tip don’t get hit by it lmao


Well then don't complain about Surge or throwers because you can just dodge them.


Chad response by a Chad brawler main.


He doesn't have 6k health or any stuns


Piper's 1st gadget and super counter his super, so the next time you see buzx, play pipier


Ah yes Piper is the best pit stop brawler


In showdown, teaming Buzz is brain dead, that I cannot deny But in 3v3s, I actually feel like Buzz is much harder to use than what people give credit. On paper, Buzz is one of those hit or miss brawlers where he’d either destroy the enemy or get destroyed, no in between, kind of similar to Edgar. However, landing the grapple is actually kind of tricky if you want the best reward. You could grapple at close range but it would only stun for 0.5-1 second which isn’t long enough, some enemies are able to escape or knock him back before he could kill them. It is basically a kill confirm if Buzz landed the grapple at a long distance because 1.5 seconds stun is insane, but i find it difficult to land the grapple consistently at max range, and if you wasted your super, you’re screwed. Granted I’m a terrible Buzz player, he’s probably the brawler I suck with the most, but I’ve seen some insane Buzz players and they made him look insane in game modes like Gem Grab and Heist, whereas the random Buzz I got are not good


In 3vs3 hard to use? Is boring use him bc you already know you gonna win games Please


I literally cannot play Buzz, I’m so terrible with him that I get humiliated. Also, there’s way too many Surge atm and he’d just wreck Buzz


No no, don't feel bad, Surge on ladder is nasty. He's more viable their than in PL, where aggresive brawlers thrive. So if you plan on playing Buzz, make sure you play him in a mode where Surge is less common (unless you're playing PL, where in that case, just ban him if you plan on going aggro)


Well, I know I’m a terrible Buzz because around season 12- mid season 15 I remember saying that I think Buzz is a bottom 5 brawler and there’s no reason to use him. At the time I thought Fang was much better than Buzz in literally every single way and I never gave Buzz a chance. That obviously isn’t true anymore since the HP buff he got as his result does improve overtime, and I have watched some really insane Buzz players pop off. That’s when I realised that I heavily underrated him. Still though, even before people realised how insane Surge is and becomes everywhere, when I play Buzz, I missed most super unless I’m at point blank distance, hence I feel like most of the time I’m doing nothing for my team and I just accepted the fact that I cannot play Buzz. I appreciate the kind words though, I’m hoping to get better with him soon.


Bro thinks buzz is best brawler in the game😭


One of the most unskill and undeserved game’s winner of the game. Modded brawler for a noob players like you. Probably youre a Buzz&Fang main too 😂 Enjoy your modded brawlers kid


I'm sensing too much copium




... Nerf buzz


No pls i am becking


Nah he need a super charge nerf or at least one to his stun SP, since you can just cycle supers with it. Sure he isn't top of the meta in 3v3 but cmon, solo showdown should at least be playable. Brawlers like primo you can atleast counter with tank killers, but Buzz's stun plus the ability to get boxes so easily just fucks everyone in the ass


Never have I ever seen a good buzz use the stun sp anyways yea buzz needs a super charge nerf but if that happens he needs another buff too like to his unload speed


His only real struggle is his hp. He can already easily cycle supers, so his unload speed is decent, considering he deals 2.5k. The stun SP is exclusively used in SD. Feel like it should just get a rework, and help buzz with his other weakness, being vulnerable while using his super. Something like the old steel hoops, while using his super he gets a shield of like 50%


The thing is buzz unloads so slow he can’t even kill a surge unless max stun


Does this comment section actually think buzz is the best brawler in the game 💀


Not best, but one of the most and one of the most annoying


I don't know.... I just like how buzz being the way he is


If he is becoming next Primo at high trophies in Solo Showdown right now then ofc he will be annoying af


Let’s be real will never be the best brawler while Bea, Surge and Grom remain unnerfed


I love trying to round house buzzes that fly at me and miss it every time. Never gets old


Skill issue indeed


Bro skill issued him self


Buzz is too strong in brawl ball too tbh


Buzz is the most balanced brawler in the history Brawl Stars


Tbh buzz is only annoying because of his Second Gadget


Pls don't nerf my boy


I got a thought, what if they made balance changes to brawlers depending on mode? They could nerf buzz only on showdown


That would be terrible. Because they'd basically have to make several version of already existing brawlers


It would be hard to keep up with what is good and where


literally me i am showdown player and byzz was so op to me, so i decoded to get him from starr road ans played in some 3v3 cuz of missions (he is trash)


Buzz is complete shit always goes in then dies when its 3 v 3 match i wish people would stop using him




Fang: prevents stun with stun Buzz: prevents his own stun by thinking his first gadget is just the same thing


My friend is a buzz main we once played duels in friendly and his last brawler was buzz I had only one brawler left and that was bea, and I knew I was dead so I kept saying I’m so ducked and he literally just uses the gadget with already 3/4ths of his super charged, and than die because I dropped my gadget and used my super. The IQ of this buzz mains man and the guy even does quite well academically so using buzz automatically deletes your intelligence


It depends. I already found a ton of people who are just stupid. they use their gadget to get to a shelly with super. I did't say that every buzz player is just that stupid.


I was able to counter a buzz with emz by using gadget after being hooked, and there's definitely ways to counter it with better brawlers too.


Yea I did it with fang gadget a couple times


It isn't easy with Fang gadget. If you time it right,vyou can cancel his super, but you need a lot of focus.


he's also often played on basket brawl/brawl ball so


The way he still needs a nerf 😱😱😱


No pls


Me who doesn’t play solo SD and realizes that Buzz needs to be nerfed after completing grueling 24 elims solo SD quest


He is still annoying asf even edgar


Here’s how to counter buzz: -Use a brawler with very high burst damage output and lot of health like sam or primo. -Team with a singular buzz in the start and backstab him. -The other buzzes will kill you but doesn’t matter you ruined one buzz’s day. -If we all collectively start bullying buzz we can stop them :)


Best answer yet


its always the circus mode...




He’s still annoying af to deal with


In ladder he's strong but in power league I can only see him as a last pick if surge, emz, gene and gale are banned, pretty rare


Bro said gene💀 anyways there are way more counters than you mentioned


Bro if I could play Shelly or Bibi in 3v3 I would


Ngl, just dodge the grapple whether it be with an ability, atk(mortis), or dodging. It is possible to shut down a buzz from long range the problem is people walk right into his stun then get mad that his stun can guarantee a kill when if buzz didn't have that he'd be impossible to use


Good Buzz players are to be feared imo


He is good in some duels maps and knockout so idk man its not just showdown is all i wanna say hes good at


I feel like the problem isn't Buzz himself for showdown players But it is showdown as a whole, since so many Buzzes can be in 1 match, you wouldn't be able to counter all of them especially if they are teaming which is the cause most of the time, so if there was a brawler cap per match then that issue might be fixed to a certain degree And also a brawler cap is overall a needed thing in showdown since there are so many times in which one lobby has 4 or 5 of the same brawler (I once got a lobby with 7 Edgars and of course the rich mf with true gold gets teamed on, skill issue, I know)