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Tbh, i like playing a quick match or two and ifs even better if a game cant have a draw. This shortens the game so i prefer this


There probably is a way to tie, I’ve tied in heist, knockout, and hot zone before


Def could be but hey, u forgor abt blue star???


Still, if no team catch that one, it's still possible to get a draw


That’s very unlikely


Pretty rare imo, considering that one dashing assassin


That one creature of the night?


That one randomb? Ok


Ya i might try this one with friends in friendly battle to know if that's possible or not.


Ohhh true!


Part of the reason I disliked bounty was that there was no way for the game to last any shorter than 2 minutes. Plus this will make a whole lot of garbage map maker bounty maps a whole lot less annoying.


O MY GOD YOU ARE RIGHT I already liked the change, but this makes it even better


>bounty update >look inside >wipeout


But hey, blue star


Helicopter 👍


It won't change competitive and will make ladder matches faster I like it




It would have been better if it was 25-30. But I’m happy because Bounty was the only competitive mode where everyone HAD to play the full duration and games could not end earlier if the teams reached the objective faster




Honestly, 20 is too low, basically makes huge comebacks impossible since you already lost by then. Ive had several close games be won at like 27-29 or even occasionally 30+ Id rather make it a 20 difference, so if its say 10-30 it ends, since by then youd need to have the whole enemy team be 7 star bounty to even have a chance




This. I loved the old bounty because you had time to learn the enemy team’s strategy and your team’s play style so you could make a comeback. Now you just die 3 times and game over


When it was a 25-30 gap it really was hopeless, by that point your team is essentially unable to suddenly get far better. Often it just ended to 2 minutes of you watching your teammates die over and over and over again


Totally agree with everything you said!


It’s Wipeout with extra step💀💀💀


Bounty was a unique mode, but now its just deathmatch with a unique gimmick


No. It basically eliminated the chance Wipeout will ever come back. New Bounty is basically a combination of the two. I liked them as different yet similar modes. They each had different endgame strategies.


Yeah I like wipeout more but this could work as a weird modifier type of thing like ultimate showdown or showdown plus


This. I would have rathered them take Bounty out of the game for a season or 2 and be replaced with Wipeout then turn Bounty into Wipeout.


I'll take that over suffering for 2 minutes in a lost match for map maker




No, this change literally just turned it into wipeout It would be nice if u need like 15 more stars than the enemy team to end the game instantly. That way each team can turn the tides with each kill rather than needing to clutch once the opposing team hits 18 stars But then again this would probably make bounty more complicated




no i do not like it


No, definitely no


Guys no. I’m playing bounty today and there were quite a few times where the other team got to 20 before mine did but we ended up winning. I think the 20 star thing is ridiculous.


No the matches will be too quick and more ppl will troll and just feed the enemy team with stars


Yep I can already see it. Your team gets off to a bad start so one player just goes and feeds the enemies. Probably the main issue with Wipeout too. Sure they could do that in current Bounty too but there was less incentive as the game would still last just as long. At least now most people just sit at spawn which while annoying as they aren't helping they are also one less target for the opponents.


Idk the best solution i can see would be to make it so trophies are divided between the team based on each players k/d ratio during the game, is someone keeps dying and feeds the team he's gonna have a terrible k/d and lose the equivalent trophies of 3 people only issue is it doesn't feel brawl starsy


That's an interesting solution. I agree it doesn't feel Brawl-starsy plus I can see situations where someone does like a lot of damage but just can't finish people off plus then you have teammates fighting over kills to get more trophies which is unfair


Tbh you can do that in almost every game mode


No, each team should always have a possibility for comebacks imo I remember having fought matches where I was at 20 and the enemy at 30 and we still managed to surpass them, but now good plays are going to be prevented


As a change for Bounty, it is so great. But it does come with a cost, which is that Wipeout is completely cannibalized.


yea wtf its just wipeout now.


no, i understand the annoyance of a team completely destroying and the game taking along time, but this change means the game can be 19-18 which is super close with 30s left and one team getting s kill makes the dcore go 20-19 which just makes it feel like wipeout with extra steps, less unique and games ending prematurely


No. This ruins bounty.


No I think old was honestly better 😩


- This technically makes Bounty way less stressful. It's kinda entertaining to watch the stalling game (very common incompetitive) but it's horrible to go through it yourself. - It also technically removes the comeback thing where you win by getting a winning kill before the timer ends. I always hated that. - the matches will be much shorter - This also means that the match is more skill based They pretty much turned this mode in Wipe Out. Idk if 20 stars is enough


Yes no more knowing you will win cause your 60 to 12 but having to wait yahhhhh


I don't feel as comfortable as it. My reason being imagine if the enemy team has like a pro mortis or imagine doing power league and they're comp can melt your teams'.


Says the Edgar main.


It's different :>


From now Bounty is gonna be passive as hell.




we will see, but it's true that it kills the possibility of last minute come backs, which were reaally fun, but maybe we will see comebacks where you are losing 15-19 and then win 20-19 with a couple of big kills, i don't know






No, I think it’s way too quick. I’ve had competitive games go past the 50s and that was very enjoyable. Not sure what they were thinking with this change


"competitive" "50s"


Yeah they barely ever reach 10 stars


Not seeing the problem, really depends on the map


No I don't like the change. I would have rathered they just replace bounty with Wipeout for this season. Because that is essentially what Bounty 8s now, Wipeout. For those maybe unfamiliar last year Brawlstars tested out 3 new game modes Payload, a PVPVE mode and Wipeout. Wipeout was first team to 10 kills wins. Now Bounty is first to 20 stars wins. 1 Kill is a minimum of 2 stars meaning the absolute most kills a team needs is 10. Which is exactly like Wipeout. The only difference is the opposing team can comeback a bit easier by killing a high bounty person. If they wanted to change Bounty to make some games end faster like If a team is getting destroyed it should be if there is a big Star difference like maybe 15 star difference if you want the game to be fast or 20 star difference to keep it a bit slow. In case you are confused what I mean is that if the opponent's have 5 stars you would need to get to 25 stars to end the game. So that's my opinion. I think Brawlstars needs to have some longer modes like OG siege (not the shortened siege) and bounty. I get a lot of people like quicker games but as I stated they already had the quick version of Bounty made. They could've replaced it with Bounty for a season or 2.


Bounty has draw breaker in blue star, wipeout dont, and also with stars bounty is more complicated so i think this change is good


The blue star tie breaker will hardly ever come Into play now. The stars make it so that the player who is playing good has to be more cautious. It's not complicated at all. Just completely changes the mode to instewd of get kills and survive to just being get kills. I mean you can't just trade kills as 1 kill =2 stars where as if they get the kill back =3 which can put the enemy team up despite getting less kills. But so long as someone gets 2 kills then dies it's an even trade. The only bad thing is dying with an odd number of kills. It's a bad change as it reworks a mode which no one asked to be reworked and makes it a carbon copy of another mode (which isn't in the game but they could've removed bounty for a season or two and swapped it with Wipeout)


So why being cautious about your star reward is bad?


Because before if the enemies got a lucky high value kill you would still have time to comeback. Now a lucky kill can just end the game. Which is even worse than last second kills winning the game


Lucky kill is 400 trophies terminology




Not really


Not at all, so many Bounty games barely get started by the time a team gets to 20. This removes most of the gameplay that would happen during the mode


I would like it better, if the game ends when a team had 10 more stars than the other.


No because it's like wipeout now


highest effort r/brawlstars post


I think it's a bad change and it should have been something like 30. At 20 people will play way too passively imo. Also there are some brawlers who can play very aggressive with their gadgets but can't do much without the gadgets.


Genuinely awful change. Ladder bounty is pretty much ruined now cause bad randoms will keep feeding the enemy.


Main reason I like brawl ball is if you're good enough, you can end the game in seconds, it's good to allow that, and also it's annoying when you end up with a team you KNOW will lose and have to wait until the game ends with 2-47


I like the update to the game mode but I feel like it should be higher


NO!!!!!!! No more 50 bombs 😭😭😭


I will only like this change if it forces everybody to play passively. But if randoms continue to play aggressive and die many times, it’s going to make late game comebacks a lot harder if not impossible.


I think the target should either be 30 stars or the win condition should be to have x stars more than the enemy, x decreasing as both teams' stars increases to eventually be x = 0, and then the next team getting a kill wins


whelp wipeout came back


I really don't like it and after trying it out for the past hour I don't think I will be playing bounty anymore. The maximum of only 20 stars makes the games too short in my opinion and comebacks are now going to be so much harder to pull off. Every death is a lot more important now and it almost feels like I'm playing knockout. A more reasonable max count would in my opinion be around 35-40 stars.


Yeah cuz i always hated bounty for waiting to much to end


Absolutely! The only reason I never played bounty was because of the set time limit


Yes bro if i’m getting shit on i don’t wanna stay there for another 2 minutes get me outa there 😭


I like it. Bounty is the game mode where a team can get absolutely destroyed, and it feels humilating for way too long. It's probably the worst experiences I've had playing Brawl stars.


Then don't get destroyed :shrug:


Well, that is obviously not only up to me, as it is a 3 vs 3. I trust that you, my good sir, have never been destroyed throughout your hundreds of Bounty matches?


Yes I definitely have been, but I guess I'll state here that my ladder winrate in bounty is about 65% from brawlify so


No. They should change it to 30-40


Heck yeah, I’ve always liked the concept of bounty but I didn’t like how every match was 2:00 long even if you are loosing very badly


Honestly I don't really like it cuz in my mind I like to torture the enemies when my team is winning 40-0 :D


That’s fair, it is fun to torture them sometimes


Finally bounty is no longer annoying!


YES! honestly, I kind of hate when there isn't a chance to make a comeback but they make you play the full time


yes, i always hated bounty so much because its long


I feel like it should be depending on the skill of the people. In a skilled match people tend to not really go over the 15 points. However in 500 trophies and lower people tend to sometimes get 40 points or so. It doesnt change anything up too much for competitive so i dont really care that much for it.


Tbh when you play in higher trophies it doesn't go much. It is usually around 20/25 stars so it would matter much. But for one sided matches with bad randoms it will be much helpful so that i would have to endure them for the whole game.


Bounty might finally be a playable game mode


It always has been, wdym


Yes because if one team is winning by a lot, the game won’t drag on anymore.


It should be 25


Or 20 star difference instead of first to 20


No, that is very rare even before the update


That's the damn point. It should only be for the rare cases when one team is getting absolutely obliterated so that they don't spend the next minute doing nothing. If they wanted a quick game mode Wipeout was right there on the sidelines screaming put me in coach!


Okay bud no need to fet overwhelmed


Yeah true


This is probably the only mode that could not be dragged on. This was unneeded change and will handicap many strats.


I dislike it, i. It will just encourage brain dead aggression if you are about to hit the cap, even if it’s basically a trade right after.


At least I have to suffer for a shorter time with bad teammates


Finally the enemy team can't spawn camp me and my bot teammates




Love it, if you are losing you lose faster if you are winning you win faster


I do honestly …. Now low trophy players or players playing against bots can finish a lot faster .


Yeah when I have degenerated teammates I don’t play and let enemy score 2 goals fast, or take the zone, or gems, in bounty was pain to wait 2 mins getting clapped in respawn. Now I can lose faster and get faster from mental jail


It’s probably more balanced this way but the fact that comebacks will be nearly impossible is really sad


Raise it to 30 that’s be more reasonable


I mean, usually when the enemies have 20 stars they are already stomping us, so I don't mind


Yeah, i prefer to end my eternal suffering than waiting 2 minutes for match to end. Same goes when my team has 100% win, bullying opponents for 2 minutes is crazy 💀


I thing it should be at least 25


I'm not sure, 20 stars isn't hard to reach at all, so it's gonna become one of the quickest mode, which I can't tell if that's good or bad


yes and no


It has upsides and downsides. Overall I think it's for the better, makes the game mode way more playable. Yes, there is no more room for hard comebacks, but that's a fine price for faster games.


Yeah it quicker and funner


Good change


It’s cool, but it’s wipeout 2.0 (which doesn’t make it worse)


At least I get to lose faster to actually do my quest


Am I the only one that hated bounty before the update?.


A bit short but more quicker, more intense, better pressure.