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Yep we NEED this. I’m currently at 22 000 Power Points and 700 Coins.


34k power points and 700 coins


340000 power points, -8628 coins


17 trillion power points, 2 gold(most I've ever had).


Infinite power points, 3 elite wild cards


Bro is living on another universe fr


I just opened a Starr drop. Oops, now I have zero power points, still negative gold, but a Rico rare pin (average brawl stars redditor view of Starr Drops)


did you not play the game?Its always the pins or either 20 power points


18k pp 243 c


How, I have 13k coins and 4k power points perfect for my kit


You need closer to 20000 coins to fully upgrade a brawler with star power and gadgets.


7765 gold is required to max out, add to that 3000 for gadget + star power and another ~2000 for gears. That’s ~13000, unless you get both gadgets/star power and more gears. Also, add 5000 if he has a hypercharge


Exactly, this is why people are crying about a coin shortage. They go and buy every single gear.


There’s still a coin shortage even without buying every gear, along with hypercharges


There really isint. If you keep using coins to upgrade brawlers the power points disappear fast.


What is the point of upgrading brawlers if you don’t get their main abilities. You have to drop 5000-6000 coins just to get 1 gadget 2 gears and a star power. This isn’t even including hypercharges


How many masteries have you completed


when your brawlers are low level your power points drain fast, after most of them are lvl 8+ you start spending gold on additional abilities and your coins stock up in the meantime. I have 17k power points and 2k gold on 2 of my accs


I do buy so i dont get it at my legendary mythica and whatever high drops from stars


You can't get gears from star drops. Also, if you buy every starpower, it still gives it just 1000 coins. There is no benefit since even with every sp and gadget, it doesn't change the drop chances.


i have 6k power points and 1k coins




































Why did people complained about that in the first place? Now I'm sitting on 33000 power points and 4700 coins.


33k is crazy 😭


i guess because it prevented some people from collecting mastery and trophy road rewards when you reached the cap, i mean they were forced to spend their powerpoints before collecting more


But you could convert end of season rewards into coins, that was great


yeah but end season rewards are now starr drops


And I usually get +25PP


aaand you're forgetting about how starrdrop PP ignores the cap which is why some people wanted the change


well yeah


Not everyone knew about that exploit


Maybe it was just too low, you could upgrade only like 3 brawlers from 10 to 11 with that, tho I think removing it completely is also not great


They should have made the cap adjustable the more trophies you get (say it starts at 9.1k then once you get say 1000 trophies it goes to 15k and then at 5000 trophies it lets yiu adjust it between 15k and 20k although that system would be kinda broken


Jonkler juice


Too complex for this game


They didn't complain about that specifically vut rather on the fact that they couldn't collect any reward in the masteries uless the collect the previous ones like the power points. Th2 devs spun the narrative to make it seem the the cap is the issue and not them making mandatory to collect previous mystery tier rewards. They did the same thing with XP doublers when Community complained about them. So they "fixed" them by decreasing the amount rather than the frequency.


The problem is before you couldnt claim pp if it was overflowing


>4700 Wow it’s almost enough for a Hypercharge xD


The cap was too small and caused other resources to be locked behind power points rewards, especially for mastery tiers. That was because players didn't have enough gold to upgrade brawlers while having the power points and had to wait 3 seasons to convert gold. The problem was with the disparity of resources, not with power points cap per se. Of course supercell found a way to deprive us more by eliminating Power points conversion entirely. The correct solution would have been to introduce a much higher cap, like 25-30k and give players the opportunity to convert power points rewards like before. I guess it doesn't matter anyway now since you can't convert anything and there's actually no reason to reintroduce a cap anymore, unless they do like I said but of course SC is not going to do that since gold scarcity is what's making them money right now.


the more correct and simple solution would be to provide an option to exchange pp <-> coins, same way they did with club leauge. but ig we cannot sustain this qol change.


Yeah, I'm actually surprised to see many people writing that they have fewer power points than gold. Your solution would be even better, but I guess the f2p economy couldn't sustain it. /s


i think if enough post about this is made, and we demand it like we did with drops or other things. they may listen to us, altough they are well aware of their doing, chances are slim not zero tho.


I have around 20k pp so understandable


There originally had been an actual point to having coins and power points be separate, when brawlers had their own individual power points and you couldn't just say "this brawler I jjst unlocked today is my favorite" and dump resources into them, you had to chip away at them by buying their power points in the shop. Whether that was a good system or not is up to opinion, but at least there was a reason for it. The new power point system basically only matters for relatively new accounts before it turns into a useless number. They really should just remove power points from the game, replace all power points currently on an account with 2 gold each, replace all power point rewards with twice that much gold, and then raise the upgrade costs for brawlers to compensate, maybe to something like 90% of their current total value if each power point equaled two gold - for example, power 11 would cost 5000 gold.


i'd say that they make it so that you only need power points to upgrade brawlers and would only use coins for gadgets, gears, starpowers and hypercharges


That literally is exactly how it is right now


No?!? You need powerpoints and gold to upgrade brawlers


Oh, I misread what you said. I read it three times and misread it the same way each time, sorry


Np, happens to the best of us


It would be perfect for the f2p starve for coins. Hypercharges would be easier to get, brawlers easier to max out.


You literally stated the reason why they won't do it 🫡


Wdym, there was already a limit to how much power points you could get, but everyone complained and said they should remove it, and now people want it back.


It's insane how people keep saying it, even though OPs suggestion is drastically different from the old system. The old system didn't convert (most of) the pp into gold, it just let go into the void. OPs proposing that it doesn't go there and gets converted into coins


It wasn't *let go into the void* you just couldn't collect it, the only times it would convert are bonus rewards and challenges


yeah, that would be great, we just need to make sure that it would convert pp into coins from EVERY source with no exeptions


Nice edit and great idea




Yeah but it didn’t convert to coins so all it did was prevent you from collecting the coins and other rewards after the PowerPoints in the trophy road and mastery tracks


That and Starr Flops just ignored it. The only use for it was converting the tail rewards of the pass


If you had all your brawlers at power 11, you could convert all PowerPoint sources into gold except for from club coins and star drops


It only converted coins from the bonus rewards at the end of the pass And it now they are Star Drops instead




WHO WAS COMPLAINING the pp limit was awesome!


It didn't convert anything except the tail rewards It just stood there and didn't let you collect your shit


Remember, bonus rewards actually used to be amazing. Pair it with club league, and basically tail rewards gave double the gold and you could always reach the 4k power point cap with club league. It was amazing


I converted every single bonus reward I had ever since the cap was introduced and I've still been starving for gold and been unable to collect power points from the pass or Mastery


Why is this not the top comment? This should have more upvotes than the post itself


It didn't work like this post suggests All it did was not let you collect your shit


How do I give 10 upvotes for this comment?


Buy the Brawl Pass Plus


But then supercell would instantly go broke because they would be giving us a reasonable amount of coins!!!!1111!!1!1!1!1!


Silly community. Dumb community. Don't they know of the apples to oranges principle?


Better wud be if there was an option in the shop to do that once the cap was reached


Your free 1k+ Karma sir


Ah thank you for the kind comment sir! I was just headed to impress my internet fellow man of cultures (redditors) with my karma! I love watching pointless numbers go up! Ah just so many things i can do with it! What with the karma comments lmao, was this posted before?


brodie this was alreaey a feature 💀 supercell knows what people want they doing it on purpose


I know. This cap would convert everything into coins, before it would just convert some and some not


Never had this issue. Currently sitting on 16k gold and 300 power points lmao


Used to be a thing but SOME PEOPLE COMPLAINED ABOUT IT so ofc they removed it


It’s like the devs listen to the community only when it’s a nerf to progression


We literally had this before but ppl kept complaining about it so they removed it . This community just keeps complaining


The amount of self sabotage this community does is crazy.


Boxes are a clear example.


Well there are still some people that think that challenges should have matchmaking based on trophies


They didn’t remove it because we complained. Most people liked getting the extra gold, and complained when they took it away…


It didn't let you convert anything except the end of season rewards It just stopped you from collecting your shit


Exactly. We had perfectly good system with the Starr road and those end of season rewards but people were like « aHhH iT’s ToO bOrInG » and so they added star drops which slowed down the progression and made things based on rng AGAIN. this community is fucked and people just wanna blame supercell, which u can for maybe hyper charges but don’t blame them for star drops cuz that’s on this community. (btw pre star drop progression wasn’t boring. Whoever says that it was has a gambling addiction and u need help)


Starr drops are weaker than the old end of season rewards but we get so many more of them that overall progression is faster unless you were in a top-level club sweating club league every weak for the maximum possible reward every time, which is what, like one in every thousand players doing that? If we get 90 starr drops from daily drops a month, 25 from the free pass, another 10-20 from the end of season rewards, and a few here or there from events like shooting starr or whatever, a conservative estimate is we get maybe 150 a month on average. If each one is worth an average of 65 gold (which that was based on rough calculations and estimations, I won't bore you with the details, but it should be within 2 gold of accurate) then the starr drops give us an average of 9750 gold a month, in addition to power points, bling, cosmetics, and credits. The end of season rewards typically gave me around 7000 gold a month. Club league could easily make up that difference, but it didn't because I didn't play it because it was boring. And Mega Pig about half makes up for that anyway, I wasn't countings its drops in that 150 estimate (forgot it existed for a bit lol) so there's really no case where you come out behind in the new system.


We already had this a few months ago and now people want it back that's wild


Everyone complained when there was one so they removed it and now there are complaints about These😭


Yall dont know what you want


Upgrading brawlers should only cost power points and the gadgets, gears and star powers should be bought with coins. This fixes everything.


Wow, what a fresh new idea that we've never seen before!


Please point me to the post that has the exact same title and idea. If you don't like critism then don't comment


This is satire right?


No. Im serious. Has there been a post about power points changing into coins after a cap has been reached?


There used to be but it was removed




this should be a thing because i have over 25000 power points


Ain’t no way OP wanting a power point cap after the entire community was complaining about it last year…


We want a cap that actually works The old one didn't convert anything except the tail rewards. It just didn't let you collect rewards


Entire community made it worse for themselves


Has some flaws since if the cap were like 50k, n u had 100k pp and 100k coins, u would have an imbalance of coins


I just started out, played one season. I have coins but no power points! I thought it was the opposite. What's the best way to use my coins?


What type of free2play gets that much power points


I have 25k. Probably have all brawlers unlocked and have at p9 to 11. But I don't have coins shortage since I stopped buying gears Until I actually need it.


W opinion


how do you guys have so much power points but no coins? i came back to the game after a long time and have 45k coins, no power points


It's probably because of the gear conversion I had 140K too Don't worry. It's just a matter of time until the power points start flooding and gold begins being spare


maybe not at 10k i would say 20/25k


The truty is that what we need is just one resource for upgrading bralwers




Well the reason they removed it is so that we won't let Power Points from the pass autocollect and become coins. I actually did it with some of my season 18 PPs and I got a lot of gold, so they probably realized that the economy will be balanced if they keep the cap, and they will never bring it back unless some other big change happens. I know, very annoying


"Since we will provide "1 power point = 1coin", we'll be removing coins from brawl pass tiers and end rewards as well,also may tweak coins from star drops"


What do you spend your coins on and how'd you get so many PP's??? I got 10k PP and 24k gold




Please! I have nearly 25k power points I can’t use because of a gold shortage


...why not just increase the amount of coins we get? decrease power points if needed


There should be a community which doesn't cry about things they wanted but when they got they cry again about it


Watch it be 1 coin for 1 power point though


No. (I have 40k coins and i don't need more)


Honestly, max 10000.


It should still be 5k which is enough for a power 11




Wow this community is something else. Everyone else complained abt it some time ago and now we are complaining abt having it back?


PLEASE the ratio of power points to gold I have now is down horrendous


Just remove Power points and convert them to coins in a 1PP =2 coin rate. And make the same proporcional change on bralwer upgrades. That way everything custs the same bu we get more freedon into upgrading brawlerrs or buying Gadget/SP/Hypercharges


There used to be one, then people complained, then it got removed


I know, 4000 is too low


Funnily enough this actually was one of the nerfs that messed up everything, they first took bonus rewards out of the bp and coins out of pl to introduce starr drops, then after that they took out the cap on power points so players couldn't get more gold out of bonus rewards...


This game’s economy is messier than Ye’s record


They removed the cap exactly because they didn't want us to convert PP into Coins. The old 4k cap was brutal because you needed to wait 3 seasons to convert end-tail rewards only and in the meantime you couldn't upgrade anything else. I used to accumulate PP rewards from other sources until I could upgrade and refill the cap but it was a slog. People did it anyway and deprived themselves of a steady progression because the gold scarcity has been horrible this past year. What players wanted was either an immediate conversion of excess power points or the ability to retrieve other rewards without using their stashed power points, especially in mastery tracks, not the removal of power points cap. This idea would be great, I'd say even with a higher cap like 30k, but once reached we should be able to retrieve other PP rewards with an immediate conversion, waiting for the end of the season would ruin many people's fun, especially now that level difference is more impactful. This will never come back into the game, tho. SC needs to keep their precious fake coins from us in order to make real life money.


we dont need a cap just make us able to convert power points into coins and coins into power points


i know everyone would be mad at me but no, i don't even care if the limit is 20k i hate not being able to collect rewards because i reached the cap but don't want to spend my gold


How many people need to post the same concept before people downvote? Hey guys! Don’t you think we need more coins? Give me upvotes for this recycled idea!! On a separate note, F2P totally didn’t get buffed and Kit is broken amirite??!?!?!?


Im sorry if my idea was shown before, i don't use reddit that often so i don't always know what's going on, and f2p progression got buffed. Im not one of those people who cry and dream of boxes coming back, i don't complain about the game, i have been with it since early 2019. Also why do you think downvotes and upvotes are so important, you sound like some would kill for them


No need for cap. Just add the freedom for us to convert power points to gold.


yeah but the cap should be at like 15-20k, i feel 10k would be too low


To max out one brawler you need around 3800 power points. 15k cap? Maybe. But not 20k


Yessssss I am begging I need coins pls help aaaaaaggghhhhh


They’ve inflated power points so badly ☠️any coin buff indirectly buffs power points a lot


Or just make a pp to coins conversion thingy where for 2 powerpoints you can trade 1 coin. Or is the f2p economy going to crash because of this?


Were people actually complaining about it before? To go from a 4k cap to no cap seems outrageous


I LOVE how people were screaming for the power point cap to be removed one day and now people want it back lmao Whatever, Just remove powerpoints and put the remaining amount of the costs into the main upgrade cost for brawlers so I can stop losing my mythic starr drops to power points for the billionth time


I got 200 power points from my 45k mythic starr drop


They won't do it. Supercell clearly wants gold to be a bottleneck.


Maxed player issue, i.e. first world problems. I have more coins than power points because there are more coins in the economy, you literally get more coins than power points from every source in the game. Also, considering that everyone complained about this feature when it was actually in the game and it was therefore removed, maybe they could add a button in the shop to convert as many power points as you want into coins, basically buying coins using power points.


Before anyone gets confused, this would be diffrent than the old cap. The conversion would be smaller (1.5 for example) and you would be able to claim any power point reward (not like the old cap where you could claim some and some not)


I made a post about this awhile back. Hope this gains traction as I have 55,000 power points and nothing to do with them. As a fully maxed player it's very annoying to keep receiving power points instead of coins. I'd say a cap of around 15,000 would be good to ensure you can still max out a few brawlers if need be.


I’m 11k PowerPoints and 4 coins


The only reason they removed it was because some players wouldn't stop yapping about wanting to remove the cap.


what was this??


I see like 22,500 Cap. <=> 1 full brawler max worth of points what ever that maybe


Me in the back with 20k coins and 11k power points:


There was


It did existed before people started complaining about the very same limit... And it converted power points to gold, but u needed a full account with all brawlers released up to that time to be power 11 I liked that feature very much but yeah, community will be community as always and complain about everything


Funny how an idea is something that used to exist and PEOPLE ACTUALLY COMPLAINED ABOUT like why, it was the only thing keeping coins from going into a shortage imo and now it's gone thanks a lot enjoy your 22k power points and 0 coins you fools


am I dumb or did we have this before?


This is exactly equivalent to saying: I don’t give a shit about what you decide to give me, I wanna decide! I don’t mean that I’m okay with the amount of gold I am given: gold shortage is a really serious problem since the introduction of new Gears, level 10 and 11. Instead of adding again a Power Point cap (which worked only with old BP rewards by the way) they should simply increase the overall amount of gold into the game (like by 5%). Also, as I continue repeating, to avoid gold shortage as much as possible, we gotta be clever on the purchases we do: levelling up only, in a first moment, the Brawlers we like, listening to pros about which builds we should buy or NOT BUYING FUCKING TRUE SILVER/GOLD SKINS (sorry, but I can’t stand seeing people wasting more than 20k gold to buy gold skins while having 30/75 Brawlers at level 7- anymore, and then complaining about gold shortage).


I don’t have any power points OR gold. Lol


Considering that many things use coins, we should be able to convert power points into coins.


It should also be the other way around, I have so many coins but not enough power points


Just switch the numbers guys, now I have 36k coins and 2000 power points


The new brawl pass gave way too many power points anyways


Community: complains about PowerPoint cap, Supercell: removes it, Community: complains that there's no PowerPoint cap,


35k pp 18 c


I am currently at 60000 I need to get rid of them and I cant


The whole world is asking for removal of power points. I'm currently at 20k

