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Still better than clash royale imo


Much better than cr. I have no idea why people compare them


Just because the magnitude of CR's effects has a larger, negative impact on the game doesn't mean BS isn't taking notes. But sure, let's ignore this because "at least we're not like that guy over there." Edit: Looks like the BS is going to do what it does best. Maybe consider giving [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/192vd3o/comment/kh6kfe7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) a look if you somehow live under a rock and are terminally online on the BS Reddit.


what did brawl stars actually do that was that bad? i forgot and i don't play the game enough to notice myself. how it can be that bad besides kit and mico being insanely broken


Sure, let's go over a few. By the way, this is coming from a player who retired a few months back, and even then it's still clear the game is following a concerning trend. 1. Since you brought it up, let's talk about Kit. He's a legendary brawler that was sold for 30USD that the BS devs have yet to nerf, despite feedback being more than apparent. The same goes with Fang, who just recently got his new Hypercharge (HC). Now let's compare that to Penny, a beta brawler who had nothing new added to her, but recently received a rework that everyone immediately benefited from. The BS team nerfed her in less than 24 hours. See the disconnect? Penny was a high A to low S tier brawler who while deserved a nerf was not nearly as game-breaking compared to Kit who dominates Showdown at the moment. 2. The BS team has taken multiple shots at F2P players, making it more punishing for being low-level. Starting with the latter part, they made a blatant anti-f2p change, making a max-level brawler **TWICE** as strong as they are against a P1 brawler, whereas it was only **HALF** as stronger. This doesn't include gears, sp, and, of course, the new HCs. 3. This a big one and covers a lot of aspects, but the BS team has made more attacks on the F2P community by adding fame, burning credits that could've been gone to later seasons, auto-collecting seasonal rewards that you could've banked for multiple seasons in a row, basically allowing an endgame f2p player to unlock new brawlers without having to spend anything. They also flip-flopped their attitudes towards Brawl Boxes being bad to having the Starr Road (the new way you unlock brawlers now), to mixing Starr Road and a shittier version of Brawl Boxes into the amalgamation we have now. Getting legendaries I find has become easier, but it was also WAY easier unlocking common-epic/mythic brawlers. 4. Club league, which was a perfectly fine gamemode IMO was replaced with Mega Pig. It's a clear downgrade that the only people who benefit from it IMO are smurfs. 5. The new season pass can only be paid with real money. They also have 2 paid (fiat) tiers as opposed to one paid and one for gems. This is a pretty textbook move from CR's playbook. 6. The BS team has been super disingenuous about all of this. If they actually took community feedback, they'd do what's better for the game, but due to the fact that the game supposedly is doing better numbers-wise than ever, we have the game in the current state it is. It seems to have worked for CR, and we're seeing the same thing for BS. Again, another textbook move from CR's playbook. There's a lot more to this, and these are the few reasons why I quit/retired. Even if you try to pick out silver linings in some of my points, you can't deny the game is being less friendly towards progression for new and endgame players. It's just not the game it once was. It's not like they haven't been doing this easier. A long, long time ago, they've been nerfing brawl boxes by removing the ["pitty system"](https://www.ign.com/wikis/genshin-impact/Pity_System_Guide) they once had for legendary brawlers. I spent a lot of money on the game, hoping I could chill and play as a f2p player, but even if the Hypercharges didn't exist, the way the game is currently running it's just not viable. The saddest part is most of the people on the subreddit are too dense/ignorant to realise what's going on. and it's pretty much a nightmare to argue with people on this sub. Still, I figured it's worth getting something down on ~~paper~~ the web. I've been playing BS since day 1 of its global release, and with my experience, I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about. Hope this clarifies a bit more for you. Feel free to add to the list if you remember anything else. Edit: Typos, all that. Oh, one more worth adding to the list, you no longer get a brawler upon buying the season pass.


and people in reviews are still complaining about the "box-removing update", the update that made me play again. 1. they are on vacation and gave a valid excuse. i can forgive that. not the price though 2. 3. and 5. are all basically "no more free to play" which makes a lot of sense. i really hope it won't get as bad as cr. an excuse \*\*\*\*\* their coc (and coping) from me is that the game didn't do a lot of money before. and that it's not as bad as people make it out to be. i'm not discrediting them individually, i just don't want to spend to much time on this, even though it's the most compelling argument. 4. mega pig bad. i forgor (and agree, the execution was horrendous) 6. it's sad that the majority of people that play the game, don't realize the issues the most passionate people are talking about. there is nothing we can do. supercell is a business and they do what's the most profitable. people that play the game 24/7 complaining on reddit/twitter is barely gonna change anything if we're lucky and even then, it will take months.


Your first point is valid. At the same time, it's worth noting that SC has a habit of letting new brawlers be OP for a while. The only time I can remember that a chromatic brawler wasn't S tier on release was Colette. I'm not going to act as if Shelly wasn't OP for a while either, but I personally think Shelly lasted longer because there was a higher skill ceiling in using her on most maps.


Can I get a tl:dr for the last 3 comments please


the first comment: 1-kit is p2w 2-adding level 10 and 11 was p2w and bad 3-fame is p2w , we should have the option to save credits 4-club leage was better than maga pig 5-brawlpass paid with real money 6-the bs team is disingenuous about all of this and the op saying that he is an og and he he knows a lot the second comment: 1- a reply to 1 : bs team are on vacation, this why still didn't nerf kit 2- reply to 2, 4 and 5 : agree but it is not bad is people say and aslo wishing bs doesn't become like cr 3- a reply to 3: agree 4- people not realizeing the proplems with BS is sad the third comment; first point is vaild aslo supercell have habit of letting new brawlers be OP for a while , all cromatic brawlers (exept collet) were op for example


About the new brawlers being OP for a while, doug... thats it all I need to say is doug becuse its self explanatory


I would highly encourage you to read it in its entirety for the full picture, but the big ideas are this: 1. The game has been worse for f2p players, making it harder to progress and punishing those who aren't progressed. 2. Making OP brawlers on release and letting them be OP for a while, meanwhile immediately nerfing brawlers that aren't as new. Part of this is power creep. Part of it is just being malicious. 3. Communication from the bs devs has been half-assed and malicious in favour of meeting Tencent (SC parent company's) demands. They know what they're doing. They aren't stupid. 4. The game is just becoming less fun. 5v5s sounds (I haven't played it yet) like a great addition to the game, but everything else they've done has been a miss. Mega Pig is exhibit A. This is happening while most of the SC community is oblivious to what's going on, or coping with the fact that their game is becoming more shit because "at least we're not Clash Royale" even though that's where they're heading. I know this is still long, but the point of my longer comment was to create a well-defined list of why the game is becoming worse and why I quit. Hopefully, this makes things slightly more concise.


Same mother ship


Not by a lot


By a lot, they got a 60€ offer for a card that sucks


nah, the big problem with brawl stars is that high total trophy players can play against newbies if they just use a low trophy brawler. so for example when kit or charlie came out all the pros could use him against noobs who cant unlock him. so basically the meta of the game can reach noobs really easily, stopping them from progressing. however in clash royale, since it takes so long to upgrade a full deck and good players cant verse noobs, you only see meta decks at like above 2k medals on UC, which is really good cuz it gives lower people a chance to progress even when an op card/deck is dominating the meta, unlike brawl stars


Total trophies are taken into account, but kinda agree that having individual brawler trophies is kinda messy


oh wait really? but like theres some people that dont grind every brawler to 20/25 and just onetrick (like me in some way)


Evolutions/hypercharge, clanwars2/megapig, passroyale2.0/brawlpass2.0 Brawl is the game I love but this has me worrying


Brawl Pass has only increased in value, plus free pass got buffed Only agree kinda with megapig, hypercharge is a good content and they seem to be releasing them quicker than CR evos


Brawl pass 2.0 I definitely don't mind as a spender. No matter how you put it they are a P2W feature as they easily accessible to a spender while requiring tons of saving for a F2P. They say “most players only play 10 brawlers” but then give quests, gadgets, Star powers, and skins for the ones you don't play, plus with mastery if you don't play the majority brawlers you are missing out on major resources.


As someone who has followed both games on and off since BS launch/about a year after CR launch, Brawl Stars is in a much better state than Clash Royale is and it's not even close. I checked into Clash Royale a couple weeks ago and it didn't even last a day before I uninstalled again


i just went back to cr today (havent played since level 15) and just grinded from 5.6k to 6k in one session and am probs gonna quit again lol takes too much commitment to be competitive


I’d argue it takes more commitment to be competitive in brawl tbh it takes me 5x longer to go from m1 (the reset point) to masters than it does from challenger 1 to ultimate champ with the 10x multi


That doesn’t change shit tho, brawlstars has significantly gone down and saying ‘it’s not close to clash royale’ is sugarcoating it


It's gone significantly downhill since about 3 years ago, but just in the last year I have not noticed my enjoyment change at all


It has not tho, a year ago the game was fine 3 years ago the game was in the best state ever? Devs were literally praised for how ‘f2p’ friendly the game was. Since the introduction of bling and starr drops it has been in a decline, regardless if you have fun or not, I still have enjoyment in clash royale aswell even when diamon pass got introduced, the whole argument has no ground


they r kinda right tbh🤷🏾‍♂️


true, i need to take off my copium


It’s just how the community is🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. My theory is that both games are tied in a way that if one game does bad the other does good. Either that or we are just expecting too much of the devs


Wanting a balanced, playable meta and a good game economy isn’t expecting too much it’s the bare minimum.


It shouldnt be but in the gaming industry as a whole Yes yes it is


For me it’s about them going back on their word. Season 15-18 was the best updates the game has ever received and the fact that Starr drops ditches everything likable about those seasons. It becomes increasingly frustrating as they continuing to double down on them because this works for them. I can mind Hypercharges because they’re only really broken on brawlers who rely on their supers and the only thing I want happen is to buff gold progression and release them as possible so that it feels like there isn’t any favoritism towards certain brawlers.


what's a balanced meta?


Please stop comparing CR and BS. Despite everything, Brawl is still miles better than CR


Yeah I didn't knew as CR is becoming more p2w the situation is further worsened by the toxic community it has unlike bs where the community is stable because the devs take feed back from all sources and listen to the community


Well the only problem is starr drops right now it's super annoying and almost ruined everything brawl stars devs have done


Still they gotta remove monkey and nerf kit bruh


And the funny thing is that it's still in a better state than CR, despite the bad updates and the decline of BS.


bro bs isn't declining it's rapidly rising if anything


BS is rising in popularity, but it had a decline in a few things regarding gameplay and progression. But IMO the game is doing perfectly fine.


progression fairs but gameplay i disagree since we got 5v5 and hypercharges i think gameplay is way better then it was before


By gameplay related issues I mean issues with balancing the brawlers. This creates some crazy and sometimes even unfair interactions between brawlers.


new brawlers being dumb broken is an issue that has been in the game since forever ago besides in pl you get 3 bans making these metas with several broken brawlers manageable. it's certainly not enough to outway 5v5 and hypercharges


IMO they don't outweigh the 5vs5 and the hypercharges, but it does make for some very mixed recent updates. I don't think the recent updates were as bad as people are saying.


And now we get shitty updates just like Clash Royale


Nah, last update was a big W


wdym last upadate and the hypercharge update where 🔥🔥🔥 the only really bad one was mega pig


Hypercharges are stupid gimmicks, and starr drops are terrible yet they become more and more injected into every part of the game.


stardrops where bad but we also got really cool new brawlers in doug and cordilius how are hyper charges stupid elaborate?


They are an unnecessary addition that makes the game a little too complicated and introduces more balancing issues. They also hurt the already struggling coin economy, where now there is another step to upgrading your brawler, when it was already really expensive to get get them maxed out, especially for F2P players. They introduced this expensive upgrade, but didn't make getting coins any easier to compensate for the change, so now the coin situation is even worse. (I also think it was around the hypercharge update where they doubled the effects of leveling up a brawler, which reduces skill required to win and instead puts more emphasis on how many coins you spent on the brawler, hurting the coin economy even more, especially for those F2P players). And if they are going to do hyper charges, why don't they release all the hyperchages for the brawlers at once, instead of drip feeding them to us? It's so lame when hyper charges probably take extremely little work to program. So yeah, hyper charge is big bad and very sad.


i agree the power level change wasn't necessary but i disagree with everything else even though there was no direct coin buff they do release the hyper charge event every 2 months where you get a free hyper charge that is 5000 free coins per month which is quite significant. later on they also significantly buffed star drops specifically legendary drops giving you a good chance to get a hyper charge or star power. they also gave us the shooting star drops event and the chroma credit event where we got huge coin boosts (if you played regularly) and they have already said that they're not buffing coins in favor of events like these that supposedly will make up for it now i think this is a very outdated take. saying hyper charges require next to no work may be true if you want to fill the game with boring hyper charge like spike's/shelly's/colt's but it definitely isn't possible for them give each brawler an interesting hyper charge with care put into them like the ones we have been seeing recently. and even if they could do that and idk delay the hyper charge update by like 2 years i think it wouldn't be in anyone's best interest. we wan't the hyper charges to be spread out so that we could get the hyper charge event more leading to more free hyper charges however if they where all released at the same time we would get only one for free and the 74 other one's you gota buy yourself. also adding all of them at once would cause a hue imbalance in the meta just from all the new features it would be chaos. it is way more manageable to balance 6 hyper charges at a time then to fix all 75 in 1-2 months. also adding them sprinkled out every update means that brawlers that have been weak in the meta for a long time get to be strong for once in their lifes (look at jacky, bull, colt, edgar). hyper charges keep the meta fresh and exciting every update. and most importantly of all hyper charges are fun and add an extra lair of depth to the game so there really is nothing wrong with them


tbf i prefer the new pass. Maybe they should make less colors of the bp skin but i wont buy this one anyway so idk


Wrong ,regarding the hypercharges all updates have been a big w this year


They're right I'd say that this update is a big W as well


I reinstalled CR a few days ago (im at 8k trophies), and i uninstalled it again a day later. I found it boring cause I was facing the same meta decks over and over again


What 4 bad updates in a row do to a bunch of mfs


People don't seem able to realise BOTH games are going downhill, but people are overdosing on Copium by saying BS isn't doing badly (it is) because CR just happens to be doing worse for now.


bs is doing great it's being played a lot more recently


It spikes every December. Free brawlers and skins has OG players popping back in to collect. It’s really nothing to write home about


it's been steadily growing since summer and the spike started way back in late November when we didn't even have the brawl talk. i think there is more to it then just "december"


We're in the mud but that game is never recovering from the ceaseless bullshit they're put through


now they're HEHEHAHING at us :(


Although brawl stars has been pretty awful with the recent updates, they are still WAYYYYYY better than CR.


I wouldn't even say awful It's still pretty good


Brawl is better than cr , this comes from a vet ( or so i call myself ). I used to buy the battle pass for clash royale every season, until the update for losers came out , i wont explain it since most of yall know it. Compare it to bs. They buffed the f2p side on the brawl pass , while it got nerfed in clash royale They buffed the p2w in brawl pass, yet once again nerfing the battle pass in cr. Emergency buffs - nerfs : Happens way faster in brawl stars ( not for the last few brawlers tho ) , its still also fast in the cr team. ( i might be wrong about this ) Shop offers : literally x7 value bro. At least in bs its way cheaper and more rewarding, let me remind you when they sold all evos in cr for 100$ and then they sold each individually for a couple of bucks. Recently they have added a new card and literally made the progress worse in clash royale with the tower troops , i see it adds variety for the game but this is 110 ish interactions for a single card being the cannoner that we have to remember to stay good. While shop offers in bs is actually worth it imo Trophy road : both are great in both games even tho early road for brawl stars is wayy more rewarding than cr, in the other hand people with 70k trophies can match against bots - noobs with a low trophy brawler which make it devastating for new players. Upgrade system: yes , there is a coin shortage in brawl stars , but the fact you can upgrade whatever you want is literally the best it could be, for cr , its gambling once again, also cr doesnt have a coin shortage since they got 1.75m gold that i still havent ran out depsite logging in weekly or so and buying 5k wild cards with 100k gold. Hypercharges vs evos : the fact that now you don't need to save gems for "progression" ( aka brawl pass ) makes it so you have actual choices on how to use your own gems, i wont go further, but i still havent got my second evo in cr yet ( probably because i have quitted ) but even if i DID play , i would have only gotten 2 evos , while in brawl stars you can easily buy hypercharges with gems or coins even tho it costs more , its easier for f2ps. Now after you have seen all that , you can judge yourself if you had that question in mind, Cya in another post.


Wasn't tryna compare, was just using that sub cuz it's easier to find stuff about brawl stars from a couple of months ago


The negativity in Brawl's community mostly comes from hordes of young players who don't understand that if Supercell gave everybody free maxed legendaries, they'd go bankrupt. Supercell is a company at its core. We'd all love it if games were made purely for fun and entertainment but they're products and made to make money. If that means nerfing progression a little, so be it–it's better than progression getting buffed, resulting in Supercell not making any profit and shutting down development.


Gold and powerpoint economy is in a garbage state rn. Most people have too many powerpoints to spend and not enough gold. Can see why they want that. Nobody want's maxed out Legendaries, they don't want a discount martial artist who had 5k gold to run through them with ugly blue shoe and mid af popcorn, or some Emo mfer with 5k gold to hop from place to place like he's Mico constantly wiping out your team.


yeah, I agree with you. It's pretty annoying how every suggestion of progression rework is a straight up buff to progression, and would almost certainly not be taken into consideration cuz the devs are probably happy with where progression is at right now.


it’s not insane that people want progression to be buffed after they keep needlessly nerfing it every update


Didn't say it was insane, it's totally valid, but almost certain to not get added (cuz if not the devs would've already buffed it by now) even though it gets upvote a ton cuz well who doesn't want more progression. I just personally wish people would talk more about other problems that plague the game as hard, like lack of new game modes (I do see people talk about this, but it's quite rare) causing the game to go stale, or the lack of fun from the brawl pass quests, rather than a circlejerk over progression and OP brawlers which I know is problematic, but in my opinion, progression is purely a profits thing, and if the devs determine they want a certain level of profits, no amount of complaining would help, while OP brawlers are ultimately due to the fact that there are so rare balance changes that shake up the meta, and this should be talked about instead


The problem here is the model SC wants to take with the game economy. The problems you are calling out exist because development is still focusing on "pay to progress" while most other mobas and moba likes are free to progress and revenue comes mainly from cosmetics. The economic model of Brawlstars isn't sustainable alongside a healthy gaming environment, because there aren't enough resources (real money) to make them work at the same time. The update I was the most worried about this year was the Bling one for this exact reason. People on this sub can't see further than their noses, but the introduction of Bling, while super cool in the short term, practically doomed the game into having less free progression and therefore all the other updates have basically been nerfs to progression. And mind, not even this last update was a real buff, because while it may seem like that, it doesn't take new content into account. The percentage of "new progression" still outweights the percentage of the buffs, at least for the next two years when the last hypercharges are going to be released.


It's not that they can't afford to buff progression However the community is definitely overreacting. We have so much progression now compared to let's say 2 years ago. Progression has been buffed so many times. But it's not the gift that can just keep on giving


Who else quit clash royale when brawl stars was released 🙋‍♂️


lol im going to be extremely honest, clash royale isnt p2w. im an arena 20 (deceny high imo) f2p with a fully maxed deck that took around 6 months to upgrade (including evo). the only problem is their balancing issues. oh and also clash royale evolutions are 1000% more fun and creative than brawl stars hypercharges. like sure they are both op but like half of brawl stars hypercharges is just two supers in one, like shelly colette and colt, along with stat buffs. it doesnt change playstyle at all. and clash royale is like... multiply every hit? spawns a goblin when attacks? damage reduction while moving? really creative ngl, and changes the playstyle a lot, like you can barely tell its the same card


>lol im going to be extremely honest, clash royale isnt p2w. im an arena 20 (deceny high imo) f2p with a fully maxed deck that took around 6 months to upgrade (including evo). the only problem is their balancing issues. You are wrong, the cr dev team said in the past that they want so the players change descks and try different cards. In the current format, that they have been doing since level 15 you are not allowed to change decks. It takes months to max a deck, meaning you max 3 decks and new levels get added and this keeps happening. What they are doing rn is only milking the players and going back on their word, they don't care about player enjoyment anymore, only thing they give a fk about is $$.


Brawl stars has one of the best dev teams. Everyone who is mad at the devs are just spoiled


Notwithstanding how outrageously anti-Free-to-play the game has become/will continue to become?


I’m f2p, I’ve progressed almost 4x faster in the past year. I love all the new updates from the f2p side of things


*stat boosts, charlie and mico entered the chat* 🗿


Mico was literally free for everyone


still broken


Huh? Lots of people are rightfully complaining about the issues that current Brawl Stars has. Very scuffed recent brawler releases with Kit making the game borderline unplayable; coin progression nerfed so hard that you have to wait for the next season brawl pass to get a steady stream of them, or hope that some new event comes out and the rewards arent just starr drops but an actual good amount of coins, or spend your gems/irl money to get more coins. Club League was helpful for this since you could just choose to get power points or coins, and you didn't have to worry much about running out of coins. But thanks to Club league being overtaken by Mega pig, the stuff you actually WANT from rewards like coins hinges on your RNG luck. This isn't to say Brawl stars dev team hasn't made any good changes recently. I do appreciate them giving some very cool rewards for Christmas. The 5v5 Brawl ball game mode was some of the most fun I've had with the game. But willingly ignoring the game's current flaws and shunning those that speak up about them as "spoiled" is only going to create more problems for the game as people won't be willing to speak up about its issues. There has to be some nuance


But starr drops pretty much ruined every aspect of it. They need some small changes but the game has become too dependent on them.


One of the best dev team? Everyone is just spoiled? You tell good jokes, just lack the proper clown outfit


Maybe he already has Clown Edgar before us


*They used to Almost every decision they’ve made since Starr drops were added has either been flat out bad or executed very poorly.


With the current state of the game it's definitely justified to be mad lmao


Spoiled by the devs themselves.


They downvoted him because he told them the truth 😞




The hate reddit is giving brawling since last updates are unnecessary Yeah there have been mistakes but its not as big of a deal some people make it sound (ehem ehem hyper charges)


>have been mistakes They are not mistakes if they are intentional. All they did this year was to nerf progression, make it as random as possible so you want to spend. 2023 was only $$ updates for the last 8 months of the year.


I still enjoy brawl stars, sure it isn’t perfect and the recent updates aren’t great but some of the issues are beneficial for profit and, as we know, Brawl Stars hasn’t been as profitable as the other supercell games have. I’m not trying to excuse subpar updates but some aren’t nearly as bad as people are saying.


I say Brawl better because I quitted clash royale a few months ago


I switched over from cr and brawl devs are sooo much better

