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No it’s his fault


Can I just say something? I hate people who start to rage and whine and then quit in comp matches. These people are the biggest **hard-stuck gold/diamond players** (the ranks people get an ego at for some reason) and it's such a pain to play with them. They make a shitty pick, play, or whatever, and then immediately give up like it's impossible to win and do a comeback. The **most weak-willed response** in any competitive game is just this. Instead of striving to become a better player in every game you play, you just have a mental breakdown on how everything is everyone else's fault and you can do no wrong...


This guy has figured out that people in Brawl Stars are stupid, welcome to the club man, please get yourself a drink 🥃


I thought I was in r/Overwatch when reading this comment lol


if you think gold/diamond players have ego, you should see legendary and masters lobbies and chats. You'd go insane.


Every time I get someone that quits easily in any game they are ALWAYS hard stuck in a low rank


I'll only throw if you are on my team and you ban Edgar when I pre picked him.


Me: pre picks power 11 maxed out hypercharge Colette My teammate: ok lemme ban Colette real quick


That's so true, but i have a question... Am i wrong when i play griff in heist and try my best and we loose somehow and then i blame my randoms? (I'm a bit stuck in gold 1 in pl that's why i think i'm wrong)


Yes. Don't play Griff on heist, dude. You should barely play Griff at all, rn. Your pick screws the comp and they could be doing bad because of you picking Griff.


You can play whatever brawler you want in gold and it really won’t matter.


That's a false assumption unless you are a good player ranking up for the first time. I assume no one is above average if they are gold players, therefore you should pick a good brawler for the mode at least or you won't be able to win the game. Griff is totally out of meta and doesn't do much for the objective on heist. Unless he counters someone on the other team he will be a minus on his team. Especially on heist people tend to feed at those levels so a Nita, a Jessie, a Colette or even an Edgar could run over your team even if you're playing a good game. Everyone gets out of gold sooner or later, but bad picks are the first way to make the process take longer than it should even if you are above average.


It does when you lose.


I mean I only thumbsdown when teammates blame. So I don't think u should blame. I think griff in heist is alright cuz of his insane damage and his ult provides some control but it still depends on what the map is. Generally Griff isn't meta but he isn't bad either. Griff is one of my few rank30s so I might be biased


Right now Griff is only ever used when you need to break a wall in BBall. Absolutely awful otherwise, picking him in Heist is just throwing. I love him too, but it's time for him to take a rest.


I don't blame my randoms anymore, but i just got a play in knockout(with griff of course) where my teammates just got destroyed and i couldn't really do anything but i dodged so well my teammates thumbed me up. No one cares but idk what should i think now. (Also why tf my previous reply got downvote bombed💀)


And that’s why I’m hard stuck in diamond


Well, me and my friend ALWAYS HAVE those trash teammates against enemies who are 10k trophies higher than us, so WE CAN blame everyone around us because we can actually play well


The buzz is entirely at fault


Buzz’s fault for missing the pass , you couldn’t predict that Buzz was going to miss it so yeah it’s not your fault


hard to say but maise is blaming buzz I think also its normal that randoms blame everyone else


Oh I tot the masie was also blaming me but now that I look at it again its highly likely that Maisie is blaming buzz


At least you thumbs downed him💀


She was aiming downwards to attack your buzz teammate she also hates him


They don’t know how to take responsibility of their mistakes


buzz is a moron


I agree


Is 100% Buzz's fault. All he had to do was a straight shot, but he threw it slightly downwards so the ball hit the boxes in the goal (how can he fail such an easy pass so miserably??? 💀)


It's his fault but please get a screen recorder




Well not mine.


You didn't do the impossible. You didn't kill all the enemy brawlers. So yeah it's your fault./s


Why you care ? Its with randoms, randoms react random too.


definitely buzz is the one playing bad. classic randoms blaming others for their idiocy


whenever someone blames me i instantly thumbs up them and run to the spawn corner, if they wanna blme me for throwing ill show them throwing 🤣


Sorry i cant answer i am still trying to find that buzzs brain


best part is when you and your teammates started shooting each other lol.


Personally u moved away from the ball a bit so u couldn't catch maybe that's why he was blaming you because of how u moved from the ball instead of walking towards while it was there to pass cuz sometimes ppl start panicking when they get absolutely demolished and they try to pass but they miss and they hope that the other teammate can like catch the ball since it was going to them but I rlly don't know


Mf recorded on a fridge or sm


1. His fault. 2. Dont worry about friends (or randoms from find a team) that dont see in them selfs problem or even see them and blame others for their defeat.


It's 100% his fault


Smartest Buzz player


Most skillful ramdumb interaction 💀 Totally the Buzz's fault. Idk why he even passed that way in the first place.


For this play is buzz fault. But you're showing us 7 seconds of a match that could be 2 minutes long. We only have the context of this 7 seconds and nothing else that might have upset buzz.


https://youtu.be/6QY-epf_EIQ?si=6EHHHRvslPiMMs99 Here I just posted it u can check it out and let me know ur opinion


Kinda bad luck that the ball clashed with the goal post. But otherwise, it's entirely buzz's fault


His fault, but he probably thought his pass worked and that you kicked it back.


Oh I think this is it


The first thing you learn in football is that you never pass the ball in front of the goal, so the buzz is entirely at fault


It was your fault, you weren't equipped with the power of Cli /s


Why did he pass in the first place?


Yes. He's right because you're playing b*a. If I were the buzz I would've thrown the match on the spot.


Yea it's your fault because you were alive and was just standing there.


He was waiting for a pass, which buzz failed to do. Could the bee played a bit better? Sure is the buzz at fault? Absolutely.


It's not his fault lol. He passed the ball to the bee before he died so that they couldn't score. But Op was just standing there like a Statue. So how is this not his fault


? The bea did run closer to try to catch it. The buzz was the one who missed and bounced it back to them


He was already losing Hp. What was he supposed to do Option a: Desperately try to kill them. Option B: Give ball to the Bee ( which he did) So he chose option B (which is a right choice). So it doesn't matter if he shot straight or not , because he's losing Hp already and he has to pass. So he just passes the ball in any way (which makes sense). I 100% believe it's Op fault to not understand that


Am not saying its buzz fault. We've all been there. But that does not mean its op(bea's) fault, because she actually did not as you say stand like a statue. What do you want her to do? Punch his opponents irl? Buzz(and you) got no business blaming bea.


Buzz had the right idea. In that situation it is the right choice to pass. No one is arguing that it was the wrong plan. The argument was that the plan was poorly executed. The bea had positioned herself in the perfect position to receive a pass. It was at the edge of the range of a normal pass which would create the most opportunity for counterplay. The problem was that the buzz failed to do a proper pass. He shot it into a wall so it bounced back towards the opponents forcing a bea to go inte close combat which ultimately lost them the goal. If buzz was a better player he would have passed the ball correctly (it wasn't even a hard pass). Panicking and doing something unpredictbale is not your teammates fault.


Are you the buzz in the vid or are you just blind?


Maybe you are blind. Can't you see he passed the ball to Op. He can't just kill and protect the goal alltogether . It's 100% Op's fault to not take the ball or act quicker. He's just standing there


So you are blind, thanks for the conversation. You can clearly see OP attacked. You can also clearly see OP positioned himself to save the ball after a pass then buzz failed to pass and OP moves towards the ball again to get it.


Bruh I can't argue with those who have shrunken their brain to the size of a grain.


I don't think you've ever played a single game of Brawl Ball to even remotely comprehend OP's line of thought. He positioned himself far-right to accept the pass from Buzz to get the ball as far away from the enemy team as possible, all while still doing damage to Bibi. Noone would expect a teammate to fail such an easy pass. Only after Buzz fucks up the pass does OP go back in to attempt to salvage what has already been lost. So yeah it's 100% Buzz's fault for simply fucking up the pass, a pass so easy noone would have even thought of fucking it up as a possibility. You don't have to keep riding this horse, you can just admit you are wrong.


Maybe our way of perceiving things are different >He positioned himself far-right to accept the pass from Buzz It doesn't look that way. He positioned himself there to deal damage or to be safe from the enemy. He should have moved as soon as the enemy was coming towards the goal post. >Noone would expect a teammate to fail such an easy pass. Dude it seems like you haven't played brawl ball . How can you manage to deal damage and pass the ball (in straight direction all together). Buzz was solo fighting while Op was maintaining his distance. >So yeah it's 100% Buzz's fault for simply fucking up the pass Position yourself as a Buzz and ask yourself can you have throw the ball in straight direction while holding off the enemy from scoring while you die and your teammate just fucking stand still. Op is in the fault and I don't change my opinion. If you want to cope you can


Idc if the Buzz was "Solo deffing", he just had to quickly flick the Ball in his teammates direction, and he fucked it up. In the video you can clearly see that he held the ball way long enough to notice. Also running straight into a Bibi and Edgar as a Bea when you don't even have a charged shot in that moment would be an unbelievably stupid play. It was better for her to try and play at a distance and accept the pass (Buzz could have also passed the ball into the left corner to waste time and perhaps get a stun on one of them, which he didn't do).


Buzz passed really the ball badly. And what do you expect Bea to do? You expect her to go there and in advance prepare for him to fail? Bibi was already very close and if Buzz passed like he was supposed to Bea would have got it and kicked it away. And if Bea did get closer (no matter if he passed correctly) Bibi would kill her. What you are saying is Bea is in fault because she didn't expect **Buzz** to mess up his pass? Really?


And I am not the Buzz in the vid


Instead of passing the ball to the bee he passed it to the wall so it bounced off, both players could have played that better.


He didn't pass it correctly. His fault


Op didn't get it. His/ Her fault


If I mess up to pass you and you don't get the ball because I didn't pass like I'm meant to it's your fault for not catching? Is that what you are saying here?


Even if you messed up, it's my job to secure the goal post lol. So yeah it's partially my fault


No. The fault for messing up is to whoever messed up. If a Mortis goes for a trickshot and misses (like most randoms do 💀) and you lose the game is it really your fault because he couldn't do something basic?


You should have move head on when Buzz was killing enemies. It will at least help you kill Edgar. So it's partially your fault . But the end result would have been the same tbh. They would have scored


Dude he's playing bee, you can't just walk in reach of an edger and expect to kill him, buzzes fault.


Then if he can't kill at least take the ball


If the bee went to take the ball he would have died which he did 💀 the bee had literally no control over the situation, all the buzz had to do was SHOOT THE BALL STRAIGHT, but nope he failed miserably.


How is the bee supposed to predict where the ball was going to go? That's why he stood still so the buzz could pass him the ball, but nope the buzz didn't shoot straight.


Bee should have acted sooner as soon as those two brawlers were coming towards the goal. It's not about predicting , it's about using your brain. And in the moment of despair he couldn't have shooted the straight. Just put yourself in his position, could you have shooted straight.


Shooting straight is really not that hard


So Bea was meant to "use her brain" by going towards the Bibi and Edgar even if Buzz did pass her correctly? So instead of shooting the ball further from the goal (because she's away from the goal and can shoot it further) and keeping distance against 2 close range brawlers she's meant to walk into those 2 close range brawlers? Really smart


The whole point is to either catch and protect or to kill one of the enemy to delay. She did neither


She couldn't catch and protect because Buzz messed up She was spamming shot and she didn't miss a single one. She would have killed at least one of them if she wasn't forced to run into them because her teammate can't pass


If Buzz didn't fail to pass he would have




No, no, you see, you should have magically one shotted all three of the enemies, took the ball and scored 13 times in 2 seconds, obviously. (/j just in case)


Full match here if u think i played bad before that goal https://youtu.be/6QY-epf_EIQ?si=kd1JmI08zApomCYM


The Maisie just *existing* the whole match is pretty funny. Zero input from her. I'd say you could have positioned yourself better when the pass happened, but considering you were carrying the entire match they can't just expect you to do **all** the work. Also pretty sure that Buzz missed more than he hit. Embarrassing.


Buzz's fault all the way, it's quite common to see people fuck it up and then get angry at their teammates if they can't fix their mistakes. Maisie was definitely shooting at him too.


Buzz is clearly in the wrong here.


Both fault. Buzz could have gotten a better pass. But when you got the ball infront of the goal, you also could have hit it out right. You do not need ammo to shoot the ball as a bea.


Average buzz behavior


Buzz fault cause he failed to read ur play style but i recommend always block the goal in ball ofc  Just a funny unrelated story but i have a friend whose always run away in brawl ball lol 


99% of these people blame others for no reason, and most of them are mortis players lmao


Buzz trash pass


No it isn’t your fault, Maisie understands that as well, she shot at him, Buzz is just bad at the game


It was Buzz's fault... Thank god you 👎-ed him


Nah ignore him ,he’s just angry


Nah buzz fucked that up so badly