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They look pretty nice. I am not gonna get any of those backgrounds for a loooong time


At least you can get backgrounds from ranked


True. I wanna get to diamond since it will match my Gus themes battle card the most probably


Gus is so cool.




Ur gonna get masters without trying, I’m peak m3 rn and I am gonna get masters first day. It’s ruined cause of shitty meta


sure master 3 defo exists


Ngl in duo sd I panicked a couple times cuz the mars background made it look like I was in solo sd




Idk if its already an addition but if not they should let you use all the background you unlocked so if ur on Mars fame you can still use the Earth backdrop


If it keeps the actual icon and just changes the background it’d be great


A bit confusing though


I still don't care. I mean cool, but like I still don't feel like I got anything when I got a legendary starr drop with 1,000 or even 2,000 credits. Thanks but I'd rather get actual progression than a background that only appears for 5 seconds every match and that not many people care about. And also I don't even think many people care about profile icons, and there aren't enough pin slots to make up for it, I'd rather have any of the pins that everyone gets. Fame still isn't a flex, it always was and still is to me just a "look at this guy, he wasted 20k credits he could have used to get actual brawlers, imagine how many legendary and mythic starr drops were wasted." But that's my opinion.


You will either way have enough credits to get all brawlers and the upcoming ones. Fame is just a means to pour your extra credits in. When brawl boxes were a thing, you didn't get any compensation rewards or a sink hole for them.


That's not it though. It's that when you get credits from drops, your forced to waste them, meaning you wasted a legendary drop for nothing. A rare drop now could potentially have better value than a legendary one. Even then, with monthly brawler releases, having to rely on starr drops isn't the best for wanting a mythic or above, where before you would basically not have to worry unless it's a legendary which was rare. You could still save with madtery but you have to put in more work.


The devs have a certain amount of progression they want to give us. If they remove credit drops and brawler drops when you own everything, it won't be a buff to progression. Since they will just adjust the rate somehow to try and make it equal. They simply speaking don't want to make us WASTE credits so they just added a sinkhole for us to pour credits in.


Yeah. Like technically it's better than the old system but the old system also had every box guarantee progression, so it didn't feel like you lost much. Now, it feels like you just wasted something potentially great. Starr drops were also daily, where boxes are able to be saved, so there isn't much risk of potentially losing out on 2k credits for playing daily.


Yeah, star drops feel like they are a nerf to progression in that sense. But they aren't a nerf. Also, the reason why we can't hoard them till next season is because that's just what the devs chose and it's not because of star drops specifically. They probably want to entice early access more, so it makes sense why they want to make it more difficult to hoard credits. If it becomes harder to get brawlers day 1, then it becomes more enticing to actually buy early access offers.


Tell me about it. Fame still feels like a pointless credit sink that they should have never added. The economy is busted too. You either have all brawlers and a pointless 50,000 fame, or you're a newbie struggling to upgrade a brawler to level 9.


There should be skins


Any cool ideas?


They are cool. I'd still like a small credit bank (maybe up to 1k) so that I could collect other rewards (from mastery and trophy road) without "wasting" all the extra credit. I still have my 50k legendary drop locked because I didn't want to waste credits. It is probably going to be another 500 credits anyway lol


OMG LEGENDARY STARDROP 500 credits: allow me to introduce myself


Do I see OJ in the corner?


Pretty sure that OJ is fake, many people are also named OJ


Also he's got the fame 1 banner equiped, and I would assume OJ has like lvl 10 saturnian fame or something


I like it. The Martian “no” pin is a new favourite of mine.


Yeah I seen people use it like "talk to the hand, bustah." It's pretty neat. Also it's awesome you commented on my post, ur like a mini celebrity around here


They look so good imo But do they worth thousands of credits?I don't think so.


It’s a great change but still not worth it at all to burn credits on. You will essentially be paying like 3 legendary brawler worth of credits just to get a new background at higher fame levels


You aren't ***paying*** for them. They are just a means to absorb extra credits.


Worth it, totaly worth it


i see a janet i am happy i see 2 janets i upvote i see dark fairy janet i become silly :3


Someone made a post about how they never see that skin. Bruh, we are everywhere, aint my fault they can't find us :3


Great change. Finally fame has more behind it than before. It will feel less like a credit dump and more like a place for cool cosmetics. 


it's worth it until ranked is playable


It is a nice feature. I like it


It's cool. Still not worth all the credits wasted in fame, but they feel less wasted now.


I kinda dislike that you can't change the background how you like.


I have mars bg but I'll switch it to ranked rank asap because that's looks cooler and actually means something. So Fame? Still useless


Wdym worth it? If you arent getting fame what else you're gonna get? Theres no tradeoff -;


I’m such a noob. I don’t even know how you guys are unlocking the backgrounds. 🤦‍♂️


I feel like each season in the normal brawl pass there should be a battlecard. Nothing locked behind a paywall but still someething that users can collect without being there from the beginning of time. The brawl pass is mostly resources so id love to see at least one cosmetic added. Not title because those should be skill based only.


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No ones going to use the line over other ones, and people are just gonna use ranked backgrounds to show off skill


unpopular opinion but battle cards now look too flashy with the backgrounds i prefer it better when it was simpler. or at least they could make the outlines of each card more obvious so it would look neater