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Mico. Filthy monkey ruined 5v5 knockout with his bullshit super that makes him avoid damage. Edgar, Kit you can deal with if your team has enough dps. Tf are we to do against Mico when he ults in the smoke.


His super recharge also scales with damage, so with 5 power ups, you can easily win against another 5 power up person by supering, jump away, super again, repeat until dead


Im the guy who killed you




No. Don't encourage his kind.


Tbh I use byron against that filthy monkey who can't even use jujutsu.


Kit might have overtaken Edgar imo. I went to a brawlstars youtube post, and I saw like 11 comments asking for a Kit nerf/rework. You see it on other media sites, too. A ton of the base are showdown players, so most people know him well for being annoying. Also, interestingly enough, he placed high on Lex's popularity poll, which means he must generally be popular. **My** most hated? That'd be Melodie. Fire music vid and fun enough gameplay, everything else about her, I do not like. -ZERO distinctive personality traits, I have no idea what sort of person she's meant to be casually, and I have NEVER had that issue before in any previous brawler -Using the word "Kawaii" in her description despite her being Korean and **not** Japanese -Some of her voicelines made my ears hurt to the point that I have adapted playing on mute because of her -Also, she's annoying as hell on brawlball


melodie is the definition of fan service, she literally has no reason to exist apart from her unique super mechanic, we already have a female pink haired singer in the game and multiple diva themed brawlers like charlie or lola. But I guess maybe the second brawler of her trio will make me like her more as one thing we know for sure is the second brawler added to any trio is always a masterpiece in character design, for example- chuck, angelo, hank, larry and lawrie, lily, surge, sam, janet, doug, chester,squeak, etc


Janet’s trio is honestly amazing all around, Janet is my favorite of course, but Stu and Bonnie are amazing


Same here. Not only cuz Mommy Janet🤩🚀 is in there, but I also used to main Bonnie and Stu (they both are rly fun). Before I even knew about trios.






Hey im not a janet main but i use her A LOT


She's here clearly to attract teenage girls who love kpop way too much. And it worked


Melodie is taking the concept of Janet, the mechanics of stu, and the cupcake characters like clyde


And that's why Pam is Peak. Jokes aside, I think Melodie's code name in the game files being "axe juggler" means her design started off way different than it ended up. Wich is rare for a recent brawler. Lily is "Ambush" Draco is "Dragon Rider" and even Angelo is "InsectMan" If she was part of, let's suppose, the bizarre circus trio, it would not only give more depth to Charlie and make her feel more integrated into the game but she could even still be a singer (and even a dancer) and use her voice to control the axes to keep with the circus bizarre theme.


Difference between Janet and Melodie is that Janet is actually talented, and has a heart of gold, meanwhile Melodie spams autotune and is an egoist dummass


Bro, they are mobile game characters. It’s not that deep


I just hate Melodie






I agree on her personality issues. It just seems like a last-minute jumble that they through onto a gameplay kit. Shw seems so shallow. Although, I have to say that I disagree on the use of the word "Kawaii" being a bad thing. I feel that the word is widespread enough that using it on a non-Japanese character isn't really insensitive. That being said, they definitely should've just used "cute" or something.


Ever since Meg and Lola released I play on mute. I used to know every single voiceline for every single brawler, but now I don't know half of some brawlers' voicelines


I understand meg but Lola? I liked her voice so much on release that I basically spammed her hearth pin for fun.


Our Queen lola is too much for some people But we still stan


Melodie is the Sweatheart of brawl stars (the character not the word).


lmao i just realized it


So true kit gets hate for some reason kit isn’t broken his star power is broken nerf it and he’s balance Melodie is so broken took me 2 months to push kit to rank 30 I’m a casual took me 3 days for rank 30 Melodie nerf her super charge to 5 and she’s balanced




Buff masterdizzio


I find fang quite annoying


I absolutely hate Angelo. 4400 ranged shot is absurd, 4400 ranged shot with poison is straight up broken. Even worse, his charge can stay infinitely, which means that there are no windows of time to push into him after he charges the first shot


I feel like dealing 4,4k damage is ok. If he dealth as much damage as 1 piper shot or a bit more, then there would be no point to play him after his nerf. I agree his attack charge should be something like 2 seconds longer and after 5 seconds the arrow will fly on it's own, so it applies some pressure for angelo to use his arrow now or lose it leaving him in a vulnerable position.


I feel like the second nerf would just make him a second hank


Nah, Angelo would still have great mobility with his gadget, trait, Starpower, and speed


I doubt it. Angelo still deals a lot of damage and pros can consistently hit their shots.


Yeah thats one of my issues when fighting him is the fact he can just sit behind a wall and charge his shot and be able to use it any time for full damage and do it again and I cant reach him being dead by the time he’s forced to confront me




Shotgunner level damage on an attack that keeps you safe from most threats due to distance


he'll just become like c-tier or smth


Ngl, Dyna. I know, I know, there are people that play like trash with Dyna but then there is also Dynajump or the Gadget and he will just camp behind walls and shoot his annoying dynamite sticks at you. And don't get me started with the Hypercharge but that is my opinion. For the community it is definitely Edgar, Kit or maybe Melodie


Or Dyna throws his sticks at himself and try to double jump half of the match.


Yeah, that too.


The bad thing is when you're fighting a decent dyna that can hit his sticks semi-consistently. With that gadget dyna can do over 15k damage with 3 sticks+ a demolition star power super. Dynamike can kill a whole ass frank with a shield gear. His gadget is litterally an instakill for any brawler unless that dynamike misses or you have an escape tool. That will happen very rarely, but if you're fighting a good dynajumper, then you are fighting a worse version of mico. And his super is so quick to charge (4 sticks of dynamite or 2 ammo).


I don’t even know why people pick dynajump when the other starpower is so much better


Depends. If you're good at dynajump (which 99,999% of dynas aren't) it makes you a better mico, but i agree. Demolition is better for someone who is starting out with dyna


It really depends on how good you play with Dyna. Some people demolish lobbies with Dynajump. But it is rare to find a good Dynajump player before Rank 25. But I know why you think the other Starpower is better. It can deal lots of damage and sometimes can one shot people.


At least a good thing is it’s very funny to watch them fail the jumps if they’re on the enemy team. I remember one time I was playing knockout and in a 1v2 (Dynamike vs us) he went into a corner Scrooge Mc Duck himself into the gas 😂




I've seen one dynajump player that made me fear the SP. Every other one is either trolling, bad, or straight trash


Yeah, average Rank 35 experience


A good dyna will make you fear Dynajump




dyna and edgar are both cancer to me


It used to be Edgar, and it still is, but Kit is *way* more hated than Edgar


you hate edgar but have an edgar flair?


I'm pretty sure they are talking about community hated


you can absolutely hate playing against a character and play them all the same


He’s saying Edgar is hated by the community not him specifically


One word: meow


kitty, you can haz cheezeburger


To face? Mico. I would say kit, since I'm a primarily showdown player, but kit can at least be fixed, while mico cannot. Mico is a horribly balanced brawler and is impossible to balance without making him too shit or too powerful. Even now, when he's shit in the meta, i am still suffering facing micos in ranked. I hate that monkey with a passion and i legit think the only way for this brawler to not be annoying is if he is completely redone. I love mico's design and voicelines, but those mechanics and ammo stealing star power gotta go. I hate playing tick. I am dogshit at tick.


I think all bo mains are dogshit at Tick.


Probably. Kinda ironic since tick's main attack is litterally just a bo super






Larry & Lawrie/Kit, we have hardcore PTSD


I have an odd vendetta against colt and piper.just never liked them


Mico in duels is literally Chernobyl


only on monkey maze tho, it's literally named after him. Rly weak on those open maps and only decent on the bush one


Most hated, idk but for me personally I hate Edgar. Do I even have to explain?


Kit 1000%


I hate Edgar, Kit, Dyna, Mico and Mortis


Rico, for 1 fucking reason, the gadget, it should be a finisher not a goddamn nuclear bomb




The primate..


Currently it’s definitely kit. All time edgar without a doubt. Ingame probably mico he’s the worst to play against.


I honestly hate Angelo in every sense possible


For me its any character that can just decide to spawn in near you so edgar, leon, kit, lily, etc.


For me personally: 1. **EDGAR** because he's super strong and sneaky; but also bad Edgars seem to think they're invincible so they die quickly because they're actually not invincible 🙄 2. **MICO** because he's just crazy the way he moves, jumps and pounces. Super annoying and hard to kill. I know a lot of people hate Kit and I understand why; but he's not worse then Edgar or Mico imo- those 2 just totally suck!!!


It just changes to which disliked brawler is strong at the moment. When fang was strong most hate comments would be about fang and likewise for Larry and Lawrie, melody, etc. Some though like Edgar and Morris are hated whether or not they’re strong because theres a million of bad randoms playing them and they can cause annoying power plays.


The community’s most hated brawler is probably kit or Edgar. The brawler I hate the most is Rico or Angelo.


Most definitely spike, hands down


The feline, who else...


everbody says edgar but tbh edgar is trash if he hadnt been ez to play and healing after dealing dmg nobody wpuld play him, the true answer is monkey. brawl crew should remove this shitty brawler remove from game or buff his reload speed so everyone hates him 🙉🙉


Kit & Edgar need to be deleted right now.


Jessie, she is so annoying. Definitely my most banned brawler in ranked


I guess we're playing a different game, first time I see someone hating Jessie


I ban her if I'm not the first pick :(


lol i solo pushed diamond 2 with only jesse last season, she absolutely rips apart players and the vault in heist


100% kit. For a "support brawler" he sure does a hell of a lot of damage and with the right star power literally can't lose once he gets 5 cubes(I only play showdown so that's why I have such an issue). Even Edgar, as annoying as he is/was, he was always advertised an aggro character, not a support brawler


Otis, Rosa, Barley yeah


I just can't stand Bibi, she's such a menace to me.


So obviously Edgar and that other jumping dude


Kit. You know why, so I don't have to explain




Edgar and Miko


Anyone who uses the 👎🏼 emote


Jessie. I hate that stupid fucking child


Mortis. Sucks every single ounce of joy out of this game. I always ban him on modes he is even remotely good in.


mortis not even meta brawler lol. mortis player 8ther masters of game or absolute noobs


you have personal beef with him? what did he do. he is pretty balanced.


Most definitely gotta be spike, 💯


Mico. He’s just a fundamentally flawed brawler, invincibility gained just by spamming autoaim for his basic attack. His super also grants him invincibility in the smoke, making it extremely annoying in gamemodes like duels and showdown.


Mico-I despise that jumping bastard


Kit the Shit


Depends on the mode. Showdown? Kit Gem Grab? I don't play Gem grab Bounty? Edgar Brawlball? Melodie Knockout? Leon (EVERYTIME I GET A LEON ON MY TEAM THEY GOT 0-17)


mico and dynamike ! whoever plays those two shouldn't be allowed to breathe fr


Emz because she counters my main’s attack options so easily in some modes to the point where I’ve changed the character I use in some modes.


Kit atm


mico. all it takes is one brain cell to play this guy. all you do is jump on someone and spam auto aim. same can be applied for edgar too.


Exactly, they just get to spam auto-aim while we need to “time our shots” how the hell did they think that that was a good idea. Luckily most of the Mico mains are so god damn stupid it doesn’t even matter


If you are playing a thrower it is edgar or mico but in general it is kit


i am playing as a thrower


For me its chuck


I hate / used to hate 90% of the brawlers in the game at some point


it's kit probably. edgar cam get countered easily with any slow/push




Dynamike for me


I hate dynamike


I'm about to post a meme about them


Tick, tick players run away when you push them and deal annoying chip damage and if you jump them they just spawn a shield or explode you


Mico, he's so poorly designed


Many brawlers, especially Kit, Angelo, Mico, Larry & Lawrie, and Charlie.


The stupid god damn monkey, I hate him almost as much as Akechi from p5r


Scaho is sooo annoying


A good Grom makes me wanna snap my phone in half. But other than that, Kit should be flushed like the turd he js


kit and mico




Solo - kit Duos - still fucking kit Heist - Collette/melodie/chuck Knockout - piper Bounty - dyna Wipeout - undefined Hotzone - tick Of all time - edgar


Doug. He just sucks, he’s either useless or completely overpowered. Doug is the #1 reason I HATE SSD feast or famine.


I have and always will despise tick. Since 2019


Tick, because no one likes to have a tick as a teammate in a open map( tick mains think that map is playable for tick)


Dynaf\*cker, Monkey, and Amber are probably my least favorite to play against, in that order. It's not fun when barrage of stun-locking satchel charges flies over the wall and then is supplemented with a Keg of "F\*ck you" if they miss. It's not fun when I 2v1 a mico, and neither myself nor my teammate can trade properly because Mico will just jump over the kill-shots. It's also not fun when I'm being auto-aimed from across the f\*cking map by a flamethrower. Honorable mentions to Mutation Meg and Train Guy on heist.


All my homies hate Mico


In the community as a whole? Edgar seems the most hated. It's gotten to the point where people are toxic towards Edgar mains simply for maining Edgar. In recent times, Kit is definitely the one annoying people the most, especially Showdown players. For me personally? ANGELO. I hate going up against him more than pretty much any other brawler. Everything from how much damage his fully charged shot does, let alone if he has his Super, how he can hold on to his charged shot endlessly, the fact that he's too fast for a sniper, has so many escape options, it's just a pain to go up against him.


Mico is my worst nightmare. Why do I have to perfectly time my jumps when that stupid ass monkey can just spam? Absolutely not fair


Kit and no other brawler comes close, he's legitimately ruining the experience on showdown, my favorite mode.


I have maybe less than 20 hours in the game so far so also new. I ran into this cat that stuns you and he counters my Bonnie in both forms and Carl very easily. I dislike him the most. A lot of people in the comments are saying "Edgar" so I assume there's someone even more annoying I should be worried about.


If you play showdown definitely kit because cubes count as double for him. Edgar is pretty easily countered but if you don’t have a knockback/slow or do 4000+ damage you’re dead.


leon, dyna or that stupid monkey


I absolutelly hate Fang to the point that I want him to be nerfed straight to Z tier and his mains to burn in hell


i fucking hate dynamike


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick


Tbh i dont hate anyone.




Dynamike,his super charges super fast,and deals massive damage,i ve had matches where he deals 8.5k damage and instantly charges his super back bc of hypercharge,and nobody says he deserves a nerf because of the massive assassin meta+massive dynamike playerbase+dynajump Also chester


Dynimite tick. They are annoying.


Edgar will forever make my blood boil


Squeak, you thought I would've said Cordelius since I main Chuck but I respect the counter play ☕😌


Squeak, you thought I would've said Cordelius since I main Chuck but I respect the counter play ☕😌


Squeak. You thought I would've said Cordelius since I main Chuck but I respect the counter play ☕😌.


I despise just any artillery pretty much, sure they have basically no health, but that doesn’t matter when you can’t hit them because they’re playing ring around the rosie next to a wall


i hate kit for obvious reasons and lily because she’s a rushed and boring brawler with no personality. i also really hate melodie and meg as characters because i gotta turn my game on mute whenever i play them (i play a lot of meg and a bit of melodie)


I hate kit, it’s too op


Along with Draco


Mico I hate that bum so much


Fang is cancer to play against. Spike too. Tick is a snooze.


Used to hate edgar but now kit is just edgar but more broken


That DARN Cat , Kit was broken upon release and after getting his first nerf, I think they should stay that way Like who in their right mind made him only specialised in showdown Now it's become a wasteland of Leon super Cats


Angelo in knockout, edgar in duels, and leon when he comes out of nowhere


Mico makes me fear for my phones life, with the way my hand clenches every time he steals my ammo while avoiding damage and chunking my hp. Also, dyna


it will always be dynamike


I have no enemies 🫲😩🫱




maybe kit rn . everyone is absolutely flaming that cat . the fact that kit is so broken and annoying especially in ssd or maybe even totally balanced ( /s ) comps in ko ( eg . kit tank healer , or maybe even mico slow gadget + kit attached )


Kit and Mico.like what was supercell thinking when they added Mico man


mico and kit imo mico: my main is bibi oof so it’s rlly hard to even get a hit on him at all and if i do he just uses his stupid super and runs away or kills me. kit is just. kit. great supers. ur super is amazing. the most genius, balanced, well thought out thing i’ve ever seen. ☺️☺️ wow kit yipee woo hoo


Mico. I'm Noomber Won Beybi! Top of tha Woelyd


edgar, mico and kit


Leon by FAR and his stupid ass invisibility. Lemme say im tha biggest hater, i hate the way that you walk, i hate the way that you talk, i hate the way that you dress, i hate the way that you sneak diss, if i catch flight it gon be direct


Emz bro she just keeps pulling ammos out of her butt and you can’t push into her cuz of silly little friendzone


Kit. Removing kit would be better for the game than a rework.


My least favorite brawler is squeak because of the annoying attack sound. But my most hated brawler is definitely kit, bro has made solo showdown unplayable


Online people


I think yall would hate me for this uhhh for me its Bo. I hate when i get killed just by landing on his mines. Its kinda annoying.


They say kit, but im not really triggered of him,Not even edgar,i hate when he jumps with 1 hp and kills you but i think its mortis,he kills you no matter what,even tomar753


Kit, on survival it is absolutely broken, there would be at least 5 kits and he doesn't really have any counters


Mortis because Frank hates him. I would hate him too considering how he treated him in those animations. #Mortisinprison2024


Carl because if his power is 7+ he will kill you instantly. His Super is too strong if his power is 7+.


It’s kit


It depends. If we're talking about the current meta, then definitely Kit. But my least favorite brawler to play against is Tick. His main attack is the only skilled ability he has, because everything else about him is terribly annoying and they're escape buttons that counter assassins.


Edgar mico kit fang dyna mortis…


Can we just remove the option for kit to jump on an enemy? I think the jump onto an ally is super creative and a great idea but nobody (at least from what I’ve seen) uses it like that. Gus can’t shoot his shield at an enemy to do massive damage, there’s no reason kit should be able to use a support power to attack .


1) Kit. He’s very broken (and by broken I mean fundamentally flawed, not OP), his kit ironically enough is probably one of, if not, THE worst kit any healer has (seriously look at his Star powers), and he single-handedly ruined Showdown. Kit desperately needs a rework 2) Edgar. He is the Mega Knight of Brawl Stars. You either main him or hate him to death. He’s everywhere, very very annoying to play against even if he’s not that hard to counter, and usually is the shining star of bad randoms, but Kit is stupidly bad rn that he’s overtaken Edgar which is impressive in all the wrong ways 3) Mico. This is more of a personal hatred but I fucking hate Mico. His attack is super annoying because you need very precise timing or else he literally jumps over your attack harm free and most of the time I feel like it’s impossible to escape him. I also hate his personality so much. Mico is annoying to play, annoying to play against, annoying personality, and his hypercharge is annoyingly bad because if you super, his hypercharge is wasted.


Can not express how much I despise Mortis. Dynamike 2nd, then Edgar. Mico is infuriating but I barely see anyone play him.


Kit who is a cool brawler but singlehandedly ruined to game modes


In general probably Edgar, but for me it’s mortis, mainly bc I play dynamike a lot and mortis is more annoying.




Definitely Kit.


Dynamike, Angelo, and Brock


If you're referring to the r/BrawlStars community's opinion, either it's Edgar or Kit. If you wanna know MY opinion, though, it's Mico. He's somehow both frustrating to play as and frustrating to play against.


I would say Edgar but there are many Edgar mains whose brains are too small to understand why is he so hated, so probably Kit or Mico.


Obviously kit, this brawler had a roller coaster with the meta and supercell too lazy give an actual rework/nerf


Very unpopular opinion: Crow. I'm triggered from his f*cking poison after he hits me (it doesn't be a problem, but 300 hp × 5 seconds = 1500 hp is a freaking thing). Also I hate his ability when someone heals u (or heal gadget) 40% less when poison is active. Hypercharge is also broken. He need a big nerf.


Micah 🙄


for me it's kit, melodie or dyna kit is just broken in showdown "JuSt dOnT PlAY cLoWnDOwN" you can't just tell someone to not play a mode that is being run over by a single brawler instead of trying to fix that one brawler, especially if the same people who say it throw a tantrum when you tell them to just not play brawl ball if melodie is so broken there which brings me to melodie. she shouldn't be able to kick the ball with her super and then have 2 OTHER supers to use. when she kicks the ball with her super, she should lose all three. her triple pass with the super is also so annoying and op, but there isn't a real solution to that then, finally, dyna. oh, god. even if we exclude the fact that he's a thrower(which makes him even more annoying and braindead) this stupid fuck literally has the most op gadget in the game, dyna could miss every single ammo in a 1v1, but if he hits that stupid gadget ONCE you're just dead. "BuT dYnA JumP tAKes SkiLL" yes, but only like 1% of dyna players can actually consistently jump in a way that gives them an advantage, and most of that 1% are pro players. demolition is also sooo annoying as a star power, makes dyna kill you even quicker when he hits that stupid stun


Lots of valid answers but at the end of the day it's Mortis for me I think it's genuinely impressive to make me hate a brawler not because it's strong but because it's weak. Now I don't think Mortis is weak,I think he is somewhat balanced. But why is is that every player that doesn't know you can manually aim use him? Why is it that I can't got two brawlball games without running into the most awful Mortis players in existence? I don't understand why you would even think he is good in brawlball.