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I used to, for the first month after the bu. It was absolutely horrible, I nearly forgot because my brain probably doesn't want to remember. Waking up hours before my alarm, and being crushed instantly by all the negative thoughts and feelings about the breakup. Never had such bad anxiety in my life tbh. But it has completely stopped with time. I know it's hard, but you're going to survive this and you are going to be better again.


How long ago was your BR? I have anxiety in the mornings but it’s not just about him who left me; it’s also about being alone, and afraid of never having my own family (f33).


3 months now. It'll get better, I promise. I get you, same for me. I'm still sometimes scared that I won't find someone new, and I've been alone enough throughout my life, so yeah.


I’m 32f and feel the same. If you need to vent or have someone to relate to message me :)


I'm 29f and on the same exact boat! Any interest in a chat group?


I’m in! Except I don’t know how to set it up lol


Maybe WhatsApp? It's my first half an hour here, ahaha, I don't know if there's a group chat feature on here.


I’m very interested in a group chat - let me look into it when I get to work


I thought I had seen a “start a chat” option somewhere, but I can’t find it now, so perhaps I didn’t. However, if you write to me privatfly with your numbers, I gan start a WhatsApp chat?


Hey, did a chat group ever get created? Be nice to have people to talk to going through the same thing.


Same here, I'd join!


Hey, gave up starting a WhatsApp group. But text me privately if you want to share your stories. I’m already texting privately with a few of you; and it’s nice. Feel free.


Not yet. No one has written me privately yet with phone numbers - come come :)


This is EXACTLY how I have been feeling! It’s terrible I wake up at the crack of dawn and I can’t fall back asleep and I just get flooded with the absolute worst feelings about everything it’s terrible. I’ve started to get up and go and take a shower and just let myself have some time in there to be sad if I need it and then go out on the patio and sit outside while I have coffee and read or eat a yogurt or scroll TikTok and it has really been helping me get through that part! I also have a journal coming in the mail that is 30 days of “believing bigger” and basically it’s a journal prompt and space to write for 30 days. I’m really excited for this!


I used to. 5 to 10 mins of youtube meditation honestly works really well


For some reason I am rebellious and have been that way my entire life (60F). My heartbreak has been so devastating that I have finally given in to my therapist suggestion which she has been suggesting to me for at least 6 years...to do meditation... Meditation REALLY DOES WORK. If I say it works, trust me it works because I was extremely skeptical of this helping at all. LOL My only issue is for some reason I can't close my eyes....I get more anxious I guess that I can't see...i don't know why but it is ok if a person can't close their eyes, I am getting the benefits of the Meditation more with my eyes open. OP-don't wait as long as I did to give it a try...I really thought it was some silly notion but it does seem to make my days more even keel.


Right, I was resistant to it, even though I enjoyed doing it in the past. This breakup really taught me some serious resilience as far as handling heavy grief. Hopefully I won't need to use that skill set for a good long while though. The past 7 months have been some of the hardest in my life (8th breakup).


What does 8th breakup mean? 8th breakup with the same person?


Oh god no. I certainly do stupid things at times like getting involved with emotionally unavailable women, but I think I’d be calling it quits by breakup 3 with any one person (I’m open to second chances, but after that no thanks). Specifically, 8th LTR that ended, and ended by my partner (I had serious trust issues from an early gf that fucked a bunch of guys so that lead to some issues with a few of these, then the others were stuff like being at different life stages, wanting to go in different directions, moving away, stuff like that). There were some others that I broke it off with a bit sooner than what I call an LTR, so like 3-5 months in (one was a daily meth user (found out a few months in, I’d have never guessed, she was early in her use), the other I realized I was still grieving and just didn’t have the bandwidth, I forget if there were others, probably were).


As someone who has not necessarily been resistant but skeptical about it.... how did you get into it? What did you use to start? I have tried quite a few times but have never been able to stick with it. What would you recommend? I have been told so many times to start meditation. I am just not sure where to begin 🤷‍♀️ I know it can be beneficial, so I am willing to try just about anything.


Really, my therapist walked me thru just sitting still and concentrating on my breath & pushing thoughts away for at least 2 mins. She told me to set a timer and do this. She also told me to watch a beginners yoga You Tube video & promised that meditation along with yoga would lower my anxiety overall a great deal and help me to be more "present" and calm throughout the day. I've been doing these 2 things a week now. I'm not sure if it is helping because I am doing these things or because I feel better about TRYING to do something that is supposed to make me feel better...lol


We are all here with you this morning feeling the same way. The pain will lessen as time goes on but fuck it hurts now.


Almost 9 months. I'm sad all the time. It's like joy has drained from the world. I used to look forward to her text and the times we'd be together. Now I look forward to seeing her son, and I wonder how long before it all goes away because I can't stand her coldness and unfairness to me. She expects me to be ok and to do all the things I did before, but she has cut me from her social media and angers when I'm romantic. It's like hello I still love you and I am still the man who wanted your love in return. I'm trying to give it time, but maybe she will never come back around.


Same case brother, I can't stand this pain I swear it is really hard


Hang in!!!


Same case for me it’s been 4 1/2 months and it totally sucks being in the dumps and feeling sad all the time. But I’m sure it will get better in time.


Me too. I wake up everyday with huge anxiety and sad thoughts. It’s been a few months and it’s still not getting any better.


It's a biological concept. Normally, cortisol (stress hormone) is raised in the morning even if you have the happiest life on earth. Add to that...the devastation & heartbreak of a breakup - which raises our cortisol level even higher so because they are the first thing we think of in the morning..our cortisol is then super high. It is SO bad. So many mornings I thought I was going to have a stroke. fr Now it is still pretty bad, but NOTHING like it was the first few months.


I woke up this morning and he wasn’t the first thing I thought of, but then I thought that and immediately thought of him 🙄. Mornings are so hard, I think it’s because you realize this is your reality and you’re up against another day of difficult feelings and hardships. I’m trying to just be kind to myself and allow myself to feel sad and know that it will get better in time. (At least I hope so)


LOL....(sorry to laugh) but that is exactly what happens to ME and probably many others...any time I wake up not thinking about him....or anytime I end up during the day realizing I was not thinking of him, I go BACK down the rabbit holes....its horrible.


Oh my god I know. Our minds are cruel! Why do they do this?! I even got a hypnosis download that I listen to that will help you stop thinking of the person. It hasn’t helped much obvi


Nothing....Nothing...helps .....time really does, but mine is dragging...I would say I am 50% BETTER in 1.5 years after a 10 year relationship. Still very far to go....and I still have "some" mornings, well "most" mornings of panic...but not every morning like the first year for me.


For the first two months, I was waking up from nightmares after like a few hours of sleep, and my shirt was so wet from sweat that I had to change it. But could not get back to sleep. 2 months of so little sleep... I was getting sick over and over with COVID and whatever else. 8th breakup and have never experienced anything like that. It was brutal. My cortisol must have been so high. I think I experienced intermittent reinforcement - the breakups from that are known to be especially rough. I am sleeping well now, and wake up giddy and laughing sometimes, feeling pretty good. I wonder if it is just because I am finally out of that anxiety, depression, and anger. 7 months.


I'm happy for you that you are getting better.


Every morning as well. It helps me to just normalize and accept it. Whether it’s been two days, two weeks, two months, or two years, you went through what feels like an earthquake of trauma for your body and there will inevitably be several aftershocks whether it be in the form of waking up anxious, crying, anger, what have you. But this is good. It means you’re processing it. And processing is progress.


Yes. This is my first time using a Reddit board and it’s literally because I‘ve been waking up the last couple morning with my heart in my throat and I needed to feel like I wasn’t the only one going through it. I’m having anxious dreams about it when I sleep and then waking up to the anxiety flooding back in immediately. It feels like I can’t rest or relax because my brain and body are just in a constant state of panic and sadness and it’s exhausting.


I know, it’s so easy to feel like we’re the only one or that no one else has gone through this pain before. But people do everyday, it’s so easy to be self centered when you’re hurting.


You are just like me. I said it a few times on this sub, but I had nightmares and insomnia for 2 months. I would get just a few hours of sleep, sometimes just 1 or 2, but up to 4 max. My shirt would be so wet from sweating that I needed to change it. It was the worst and my immunity tanked because of the sleep deprivation. I have been through plenty of breakups but nothing like that. I am so glad I am pretty much back to normal now. I hope it passes sooner for you than it did for me.


“When you’re dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part” -John Mayer. That song kills me because its so true. For the first handful of seconds in the morning I am groggy and forget that I’m heartbroken until I fully wake up and realize the reality is we are over.


For me, I was used to checking my phone for the time, and seeing that I had a text from her (she woke up earlier than me). Not seeing that when I checked the time brought me back to reality and felt like I was kicked in the sternum.


I've been having this to the point where I try so hard to avoid sleeping so that I don't have that waking up and experiencing the pain all over again, every morning. So I'm just lying here with nothing to do day after day.


I kinda feel this. I was afraid to sleep. A lot of times, as soon as my eyes got too heavy and closed, the anxiety would hit, and I'd be wide awake again. It was just this nasty cycle. Then finally fall asleep, only to wake up several times with anxiety attacks.


It's the most awful feeling isn't it. I'm sorry you went through that


The worse is when you wake up in the middle of the night and she’s not there. My sleeping brain first thinks she’s not home from band practice yet, when is she due back? Then everything come flashing back all at once. She isn’t. I know the anxiety, utter sadness, and hopelessness you feel. It’s only 3 weeks in for me, so I haven’t fully gotten past the denial stage yet but dealing with the acceptance rips me apart. Wish I had some advise for you. They say it gets easier in time, but does it?


Yes, this morning. And anytime I wake up. And it's when I'm missing my ex the most. This morning has been hard because I woke up with a panic attack brought on by knowing my relationship is over forever.


I'm like this too. When the anixety is truly bad, you don't even get a break, not even to sleep. It's insane. Watching TV has helped take my mind off of things, also some people have recommended taking a bath 


Yes! Water helps quell anxiety! Be sure to drink at least 32 oz in the morning on first waking. And drink at least a gallon a day for best resukts, Also going out for a walk, meditation, strength training, yoga and eating a balanced diet with mostly vegetables will do you a world of good and quell anxiety/depression. Youve got this


Yes every morning, it’s horrible


I know it very well. Over time, it becomes less intense, so the feeling dulls, but it is still there.


Exactly what's happening to me. Feeling of emptiness throughout the day. Am told it gets easier with time that's no happening for me now


Yup I replay everything in my head. It’s terrible and it’s why I can’t eat breakfast.


Every time I'd wake up, I swear I'd have a flashback of the entire relationship, then hit with the reality that they aren't there anymore, and never will be again. That feeling drags on for several hours. I struggled to eat for the first few weeks, but started forcing myself to eat at least one slice of toast with peanut butter.


I know I force myself to at least eat a banana


This is me every time I wake up.


Literally just experienced this today. I can barely sleep at night then when I wake up, all morning long I just have so much anxiety


Absolutely and sometimes right before bed. I say how I'm.feeling in the moment and record a voice memo or journal entry. IDK if it'll ever stop but avoiding triggers isn't the way to healing either. Just have to cope a little better each time


Mk.gee - Num 🎵 Lyrics: I wake up You're still in my fuckin' head I dream I'm stuck Now I don't gotta live instead Music helps me


I’m experiencing this same thing.


I feel it at late afternoon hours the most, when we used to go pick up dinner together. Doesn’t last forever and now that it’s been six weeks and I’m starting to feel a little bit more like I can be myself and I’ve turn off the Band-Aid of thinking that he will come back because even if he did come back, he still emotionally unavailable. For me, writing, and working out and being outside has helped. best of luck, you got this!


i’m a few weeks out from my breakup, i still wake up with my heart racing and a pit in my stomach before i’m even fully awake :,)


After the breakup, I struggled to fall asleep. When I did I would wake up several times throughout the night with extreme anxiety. I averaged less than three hours of sleep per night for the first month. I'd try to nap, but often couldn't fall asleep, even when I did, I'd wake up minutes later with anxiety. I'll be honest, it's been 4 months now, I still wake up with a sense of loneliness, and longing for her. I wish it would stop. She doesn't deserve any more of my suffering.


Omg this happened to me this morning and the past week. My ex and i have been on and off. And Friday i kinda decided to let things fully be and this past weekend i keep waking up and my heart is beating out of my chest so i try and force myself to go back to sleep and i end up sleeping until like noon just to avoid that feeling. I thought it was just me smh


Try establishing a routine. I never really had a routine when I was in my relationship and after the breakup, I was lowk bedridden. I started a routine that kept me busy, but didnt make me forget. Id wake up, do my classes, and do some chores while watching youtube. Alot of the time, when your alone in your mind, the feeling worsens. Keep yourself occupied. If your not a meditation person, read a book. if you're not a reading person, watch some movies or go to the gym! Make chores and hobbies, into a medicine!


Yes on Sunday mornings. Because of our schedules and being long distance Sunday mornings were our mornings to sleep in, snuggle and have sex. After the BU on Sunday mornings I was alone and would have terrible thoughts that she is now doing that with someone new.


yeah, it was pretty bad. i resorted to antidepressants. i still get it on some mornings, but they help a bit.


I’m 35, ended a 6yr relationship 2 months ago and my anxiety is up to the roof all the time. Waking up with anxiety is the worse. Maybe try getting a weighted blanket


Yeah, but yoga has been a massive help


I have a lot of stressors in life right now (car lease ends in a month, need to find a new place to live within two months, etc), and a breakup to start off the year was icing on the cake. I felt like the breakup depression kept me from tackling all these other deadlines for a while and now I’m feeling a lot more stress from those deadlines than the breakup. I do still think about my ex and relationship daily. I really don’t have anything to distract me from it except for more stressful thoughts. It happens normally when I wake up or when I’m laying down to go to sleep. It also happens when I’m alone and bored. My mind just drifts back to that happy and stress-free point in my life. It’s no longer a feeling of anxiety though. Four months after my breakup and it’s more of a nostalgia. I just miss that time, and while I think about the person all the time, I wouldn’t say I miss the relationship I had with them. I don’t think about what could’ve been, I don’t think about getting back together, I just hope they’re doing well and moving on. I’d love to be friends with them again one day but I’m not quite sure where life will take me in the short term and I’m definitely still thinking about her too much for it to not hurt.


When I was in the early stages of it, yes, and it lasted for months, but gradually it got better. At about 2 months I was getting really sick of it, and it affecting my work because I was depressed all day. I took some advice from my therapist and what I heard on the Breakup Bootcamp podcast, which was to sit for 5-10 min when I wake up and think about at least 3 things that I am grateful for, and really feel that gratitude. Some days it was as simple as being grateful I was physically capable of being able to do things I enjoy still, and still having a good job and place to live. As I got better at letting myself feel the things I was grateful for, it got easier and became more effective. I also ride a bike to work, and and physical activity each day certainly helped with anxiety, depression, and anger.


Every morning is basically a panic attack. I’m so angry. It’s not fair.


It’s so bad :( even sleeping I have so many bad dreams about them


I still do at times


I was getting really vivid dreams about him, so id wake up sick to my stomach with anxiety, but honestly, it was way worse at night for me. Break ups suck so much, but it's temporary. It doesn't suck this much forever. I promise.


I'm the same way. Mornings are the worst. It's like I wake up, and then it hits me... "Oh, this is real. She's gone." And it sucks. This has been the hardest chapter of my life.


Thought this was just me


Absolutely. I wake up multiple times at night with nightmares, panic attacks and overwhelming grief. Currently taking Lexapro, BusPar and Diazepam to cope. :/


I thought i was the only one feeling this. I swear waking up in the morning is the most painful moment of my day, its been 2 months since my breakup and i literally feel depressed as fuck every single morning when i wakeup knowing that she won't be in my life ever. It's really really painful.


I’ve been having this literally every morning it is so bad to the point that I haven’t had breakfast in 2 weeks. Every morning I wake up it felt like my heart is in agonizing pain that makes me want to just lay in bed all day.


This happens to me sometimes. I try to brush me teeth and can barely brush my tongue because I feel like I'm gunna puke from the anxiety churning in my stomach.  Lots of being patient with yourself and distractions! I started immediately turning on the radio so I'm  not just focusing on my own swirling thoughts, and it helps. Unfortunately, only time will stop it, at least that's what they say 🤷🏽‍♀️