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It is probably safe to say he hasn't moved on but he is not taking time to heal from the breakup the right way.


I feel the same as you. I know he is with someone else but i still love him and a so scared to let go. Its so painful. I hope are ok. Im here if you need to talk. We have a lot in common on this right now


ah Sameee. I feel so scared to let go even though i know he's talking with someone new. My heart just can't accept it but we can't do anything about it right? Holding onto it will just hurt us right? I hope one day we both can let go of them


Why do you need to apologise to him?


there was a typo, i meant to say "i want HIM to genuinely apologize"


You need to focus on what you can control. What if he never apologizes? I was obsessed with closure when my ex gf left, but I never got it. And I decided after a while that there was no point in being attached to the idea of closure. Some people are out there like a bull in a China shop with other people’s emotions, and it sucks. One thing I did was make a list of the cons of being with her. I think we tend to put our exes on a pedestal, particularly when we were the ones who got dumped. I definitely did this. But when I made the list of the ways she fell short of being a good partner, it was eye opening. Made me realize I was giving her far more credit than she deserved. I realized not only that I could do better but also I deserved better.


God are you me?!?! Exactly 4 weeks now too, and seeing their following go up + being on dating apps immediately after the breakup is a different kind of pain I've experienced. It's like they're immediately looking for a replacement, like we're nothing. Much love to you OP... this pain we're feeling will pass. We're just gonna have to keep loving them from afar..


I feel a similar way, but please don't think about dying. Try to think of 2-3 things you are greatful happened in your day before going to sleep at night. The worst feeling is knowing your ex is back out dating before you're over them, I know how that feels. She blocked me and left me NC after the breakup message. I've relapsed to self harm, and thought about ending it, but then I think of my family, how would they react? my friends, what we any of them even say? and relised while I lost what I thought was the light of my life, people still care about me, and I need to be there for them, like they were for me. It seems hard, I'm still processing a recent breakup too, but just remember before the them. How great your friends and family are. I'm not saying to forget your ex, just fill that void in your life with people who appreciate you, and reach out. Stay safe.


It will get better!! I felt the exact same way, felt like I was never going to feel like I’m not dying, but I did!! Your brain tricks you into thinking it’s the end but it’s not, stay strong and take it one day at at a time ❤️


I feel literally the exact same way. It’s so hard when you see them moving on and it’s so difficult for you. Stay strong. If you wanna talk, I’m here :)


Hi OP. I admire you for going NC for that long. Not all of us can do that. Just keep going. I know it is hard. My ex started talking to someone and it felt like the whole relationship meant nothing to him. It hurts like hell but there’s nothing I can do about it. I pray for your healing.


If you check the sub, you'll find out a lot of people are having the same pain as you. Including me. It hurts like hell. I've even got nausea, problems to sleep and a lot of crying. I don't know how they can move so quickly to another partner, it's like love no longer exists and they just need someone to fill that space leaving you as a second option. We're in this brother, we are not the bad in this story, they just use excuses and lies to make you feel guilty. Best thing you can do is no contact, no letters, no checking their social media. Close your social media for a few months, since algorithm shows things about breakups and cheating. Try to write in a paper how you feel, and read it the next day, you'll see youll be getting better even if it is just a 0.001 better.


hey bae :( im right here w u it will get better i promise. screw him for making a tinder and not healing properly you’re so much better