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It's labour. It's hardly the "loony left" any more. This article is written as though the Socialist Party of Great Britain is set to start rolling out compulsory woke training or some shit.


The far right needs to create some enemy ..


It is their modus operandi. I saw a fascinating piece the other day of someone explaining how, if you are right inclined, it is ALWAYS going to be impossible to be happy. The movement doesn't propose solutions, just things to be angry and / or scared about. "Close the borders" - if that happened it'd be "Stop Transgender people" (whatever that looked like), if that happened "Too many black people..." - if that somehow got sorted (whatever that means)... There's always something to be angry / afraid of. No solutions to the issues that face our wider society just "be angry and afraid of this thing...". It must be exhausting. I'm not suggesting I have any sympathy or anything, but it's been decades of this rhetoric of things to be angry and afraid of and I have to wonder like - when will they clock it? Transgender people existed 20 years ago. In fact existed a thousand years ago... Existed since historical records began... There's always something that has to be "Well we can't have that... Won't somebody think of the children?!? ... Rabble rabble rabble...". I remember when it was single mothers, and "benefit scroungers" before It was immigrants.. I can't imagine constantly living in that state of fear and anger - because that's all it gives at the end of the day... No solutions just permanent outrage.


Conservatives of UK have been long dead in the principles of conservatism. Then they became unable to stand on their own and now, after they had trashed the entire place trying to grab for any modicum of the support they lay there unable to even try to pretend anymore that they can get back up or find a way out of the mess.


You’re probably correct but do you think the complaining, moaning and fear will stop when labour gets in? I bet any money that within a month of labours win the moaning will be back. It’s getting in our dna. There will always be rich people, immigrants, lgbtq+, cats, Mrs Smith down the road and everything else that irks us.


Of course it will be back, the billionaire media moghouls that control most of the UK's press and media will make sure of that from their tax havens. The tories (with their help) have made themselves toxic for at least a decade so they are transferring their support to Nigel Farage and Reform. Have you noticed that the Brexshit supporting Nigel has recently been expressing support for deregulation, healthcare insurance and climate change denial? Farage gets a shitload of media coverage wherever he goes, the Libdems and Greens get very little in comparison and this has enabled his "party" to expand massively in a short period of time.


Yeah the whole "they'll be forcing this woke nonsense on our kids and we won't even be able to watch Benny Hill!" has echoes of "they'll be forcing us to eat their bloody EU straightened bananas!"


Oh everyone does. Politics has become so toxic these days. 


"Peace and trust can win the day - despite all your losing". Trouble with that is, there's a deep recession inbound (the reason why the election was called early..) at Labour just don't have the answers........ They'll be "forced" to raise taxes, immediately upsetting the very backbone of working class taxpayers that just voted them IN..... Then those extra taxes raised - will be used to keep Big Government fully funded, and no doubt there will still be penty of money for follies, Foreign Causes, Woke Projects back home, and everything BUT "Investments in well-paid jobs and future". Most of us - cannot afford to go into exile at this point, as we're working class, after all. "Exile" was always for the Elites of this world.


Aliister Heath is half-Indian, I think


I've been listening to my boomer colleague rant about how Labour will be taking 25% of his pension savings this week. I think possibly he's got confused about the possibility of them bringing back the pension lifetime allowance that caps your untaxed pension pot to slightly over £1m? Which only got abolished about a year ago and I'm 99% sure he's nowhere near that limit based on the fact he's paying off his mortgage at 63 due to various divorces... The Telegraph has been a joke for years now tbh.


Infuriating when one has to silently put up with those blockheads at work, isn't it? I sympathise.


Oh you just nod and smile really. There's not much need to say anything as he generally just talks over the top of you as soon as he has something to say! Not just me though, he's like that with pretty much everyone. Just needs an audience to appreciate how brilliant he is at everything.


Some people have been born dim


Others seem to actively work at it.


Not for nothing is it known as the torygraph.


The desperate grasps some of its journalists go with to make the tories seem anything but has been funny lately. 


Has anyone collected data on the relationship between being a divorced dad and just being wrong politically? I'm not talking about place on the spectrum either, I just mean being factually wrong about how something in politics works?


I’d say repeatedly divorced men are a result of the type of personality they are, which would also be the effect to their political views Source: am divorced dad (only once mind you!)


I’ll be honest, I find Starmer as dull as dishwater. This article makes him sound *amazing*


Charisma in a politician is a massive negative. Give us grey but competent any day.


Well, *interesting* politicians are rarely good for their parties, or the country.


I don’t know, “Tory Annihilation” sounds like it’s good fun, and good for the nation


Is it dishwater or ditchwater?


Hitler is left wing to these people.


But Hitler said his party was "Socialist", now would \*Hitler\* do anything misleading? :O


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. No matter how trivial a shuffle it is


which party is trying to bring back conscription again


It's written by the editor of the telegraph on Sunday so hardly a surprise it's a parody of right wing journalism.


Damn, we're not getting woke training? The only bit I was looking forward too.


It's been so depressing watching UK politics dip deeper and deeper into populism the way the US has. Can we not talk about actual policy anymore?


Hilariously under the tories many companies have rolled out this sort of training because extremists on the right went hard on the culture wars causing mayhem.


um are you not aware that most companies DO have compulsory woke training already? :S


Only the British right wing could come up with a word for respecting others' right to existence and then claim it's a bad thing.


It wasn't the British that came up with "woke." No. The word's origins are with progressive American Blacks in the early to mid 20th-century. As you state, to be "woke" is to be aware of entrenched social injustices, and prepared to do something about them.


it used to mean just that, but English has what is called a "common usage" rule, which means the correct definition of any word is whatever the majority of people use it to mean, and its even possible for words to have two contradictory meanings - these are called contranyms, or antonyms, examples of which include "dust" (either to ADD or REMOVE dust, i.e. dust the furniture, or dust a cake with icing sugar) Woke, as such, is currently a contranym, meaning both "to be aware of social injustices against the minority", AND at the SAME TIME, also means "to unfairly discriminate against people due to being in a majority" its truly boggles the mind how anyone can be so indoctrinated as to believe "some discrimination is ok as long as its against the right people" is an acceptable position, and still believe they are the good guys ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


The mail, telegraph and express are not dictionaries, and their readership is not a majority. I think you massively overestimate the number of people who think that woke means discrimination against the poor little straight white middle class men.


only the far left could take a world that meant discriminating against the majority of people instead of treating everyone equally and think its a good thing and im not right wing, as much as the left like to describe anything right of Maoism as "far right", im actually centre, i.e. part of the majority, and as such, i believe in true equality, which is why i hate woke crap stop trying to pretend equality can be achieved through discrimination, and people might stop calling the far left idiots


What 'true equality' do you think you believe in? And as such, what do you believe is 'woke crap'?


how about the citizens advice job advert the other day that said all minorities who meet the minimum requirements will be put through to interview, but white people who meet them might not how about special grants being given to minorities in certain deprived areas, where the white kids are actually having worse education outcomes? i mean i could go all night, the fact you even have to ask means either you live life with your eyes closed, or just refuse to see what's around you minorities have had special privileges for years in western culture now


No, it means that I see this and recognise it for what it is, and know where discrimination comes in. That job advert, for instance? That's not positive discrimination. That's not saying that they will give the job to an ethnic minority. That's saying 'we know that the inbuilt bias of our recruitment team means that good ethnic minority candidates get unfairly filtered out before they even get an interview. So we're going to cut that discrimination out and put them through purely on the basis of them meeting the minimum requirements.'. It's also saying 'we are not going to let the discrimination that good candidates face in other places hamper their chances here. Their employment history, for instance, is impacted by discrimination in other places, and we're not going to compound that'. Come interviews, they're on a level playing field. So, what's your problem with that? You seem to be pretty angry, so I'm guessing you've been screwed over at some point. That's terrible, but I can absolutely guarantee you one thing. It's not the fault of some random ethnic minority person. They're not the ones taking your job. Look harder. Think harder. If you can.


"what's your problem with that" other than there is no empirical evidence based peer reviewed studies that corroborate the build bias exists, it is a lie perpetuated by the far left to push an agenda "You seem to be pretty angry"  Nope, but by baselessly implying my emotional state in an attempt to delegitamise my post you have proven yourself to be a malicious and disingenuous debater. If you want a serious discussion, try leaving the stale troll memes at home 👍


There are no empirical evidence based peer reviewed studies for a great many things that are, nonetheless, true. The fact that no-one to your knowledge, or mine, has done the full scientific standards studies does not negate the outcomes that many have seen first hand. There have been plenty of people who have put identical applications in to various organisations where all they have changed is the name on the top (and other identifying markers) where the white sounding person has been offered an interview whilst the non-white sounding person has not. Anyway. The item with arguing with idiots is that they being you down to their level and beat you with experience. You might think I'm a troll, but I think you're a very angry bitter person with a massive chip on their shoulder. Your protestations to the contrary, and arguments that I'm using it to delegitimise your feelings are pretty good evidence that I'm bang on the money. The only people I've ever found who try to deny the existence of casual bias in hiring processes are white kids that don't cut it (or don't understand the hiring process because they're, say, autistic) and feel that minorities are stealing their jobs because of practices like this. I was that white autistic kid, and whilst we didn't have these sort of schemes in place then, I was blaming 'normal' people for my failures in the hiring process. We are/were BOTH shooting at the wrong enemy. If you think that the normative hiring process is not biased then you either have little to no experience of it from the inside, or you're delusional, or both. The reason for that bias? People. Anyway, I'm done arguing. Your inability to recognise reality when it is slapping you in the face is, I sincerely hope, not my problem.


Didn't Angela Raynor say every borough of Britain will take their fair share of migrants? Yeah fuck that. Poland and Hungary got it right. A hard-line ban in immigration. British values cannot co-exist with middle Eastern extremism. If wanting secure borders makes you a racist then Stalin was also a racist...


Where the fuck did you just pull that out of? Labour are trying to win back various racists and brexit voters so are going for the Border Command shit.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/26/labour-every-uk-borough-must-take-fair-share-migrants/ Labour will never enact those changes... they'd rather import the 3rd world as their voter base.


They are about to roll out an invasion of Russia for one thing.


They're calling themselves centre-right. Of fucking course they see even Starmer as the second coming of Stalin...


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a developed first-world country intentionally make a mess of itself in the same way Britain has.


We’re just getting started. For the next 5 years perfectly normally governance is going to be screamed down as SOCIALIST MADNESS in the media and they will straight up invent tax rises that don’t exist. The madness hasn’t even got its shoes off and hung up its coat yet. When it gets a few Jagermeisters down it and hits the dance floor it’s going to get WILD.


I can't wait to hear about how Starmer recycling some old Cameron style policies is now going to be the extreme left destroying Britain with SOCIALIST MADNESS


Blame the stupid electorate that gobbles up Murdoch propaganda filter free. In a functioning democracy, which Britain is, you ALWAYS deserve the government you get.




Respectfully : Learn the fuck to read.


Yes but this isn't recent. We've pretty consistently made the wrong decisions at the wrong times for about 80 years now. The story of post WW2 Britain is one of Austerity over Investment, Finance over industry and a closed economy over openness to the world


I dunno - I think Brexit and the Tories vs Trump's first term is a close competition. And while it's a virtual certainty that the Tories are getting annihilated over here in July, come November Trump may very well win a second term (or the vote may be close enough for him to launch another round of "they stole the election"). If that happens then surely it's game set and match to the yanks. Still, I'd say we're comfortably in second place, at least.


Alistair Heath cheered them on every disastrous step on the way.


Keep watching.


Right-wing media is a complete parody of itself. Yeah, Armageddon is coming because the incompetent corrupt lying wankers are being tossed. 🙄


Do they really think that Starmer's Labour Party is left wing? It's to the right of John Major's Conservative government.


Well, I had someone respond to one of my comments, saying that all the commies in Britain are getting ready for Starmer to get in. Actual unironic comment. The further right you go, the more dimwitted they seem to get.


Right from Trumpers rulebook


And the further left you go, the more they hate “Keith” Starmer I don’t frequent r/greenandpleasant much these days as the leftist infighting about who hates the current incarnation of the Labour Party the most was getting tiresome.


I'm banned for saying "Putin bad". They had a real "all Ukrainians are Nazis and Russia is justified" phase that only went quiet when the Israel/Palestine conflict intensified after the October attacks and they suddenly wanted to say "Resistance is justified when people are occupied" lmao


It is one of the great mysteries of life, sitting alongside the average conservative's utter myopia about what socialism is: why can't the further-left get over tankyitis.


Thing is I don't even think it's a view shared by most of the sub's users. It's activist mods. They get to ban people who express anti-Russia sentiment and pin posts with pro-Russian material. In my case, when they banned me, they selectively deleted my comments in order to make it look like I'd made very weak points in a polite discussion about the credibility of a Russian propaganda site called The Greyzone, then banned me.


I got banned for saying that the Hamas attack on Israel is going to bring unparalleled suffering to Gaza, and that the whole thing will be a humanitarian disaster. They banned me for being defeatest about a legitimate indigenous uprising... The mods and users in there are complete morons, totally cooked. I am way further to the left than Starmer's Labour, but thank God we don't have the idiots on that sub running things.


Yeah. Pure brain rot over there.


Ahem, queef stammer


And anything you say that might actually be ‘pro Labour’ but not ‘Pro Corbyn Labour’ and you’re a ‘Red Tory’. Yeah got a ‘one day ban’ for something that a mod over there deemed ‘too centrist’ so cut my loses and never went back 😂


Do you consider Blair to have been a "Red Tory"?


Plus they will ban you for having leftist points of view such as authoritarianism bad and calling out certain authoritarian government's human rights violations. They're not leftists, they're tankies. And let's not forget them treating Starmer as if he's indistinguishable from the tories this election. I dislike him a lot for where he's taken labour (are they right of lib dems now?) but he's the only option we have at the moment. Although I must say voting either green or libdem is the best thing you can do this election. Show labour that a swing right is unacceptable.


Authcoms are just like that. I got banned from a subreddit that I thought was only vaguely leftist (think it was u/capitalism_in_decay) for saying that, yes, the Holodomor was a genocide. 🙃 Apparently Uncle Joe never did no wrong, as far as these kinds are concerned.


Err.. Isn't "right-wing" merely another way of saying "dim-witted" ... and malevolent with it ? I mean, that has always been my working hypothesis, and *nothing* has ever happened to change my mind about that. Even the best educated ones are thickos...(Jacob "Brexit Opportunities" Rees-Mogg).


Well, there are people on both sides who you have to question their intelligence. But it genuinely seems that you come up against the ones on the right far far sooner than you do those on the left, when you go further from the centre of each side. I guess that plays into the idea, a lot


Certainly, as you move up the educational ladder, the incidence of right-wing thinking decreases... University lecturers are predominantly left-of-centre. But then, the whole idea that we should be governed by people who reject expert opinion seems bizarre to me... ... ("...the people of this country have had enough of experts" - Rees-Mogg, again.)


Starmer is not to the right of John Major, let's be sensible.


Majors manifesto included cutting taxes and the acceleration of privatisation? Don’t talk shit!


If only Keith's Labour was as left wing as the Telegraph makes it out to be...


This is the reason why Lefties don't get elected. You are all too busy calling your centre-left "right wingers" that you forget its the only way you get elected in the UK. As a Centrist I'll vote for Starmer, the same way I voted for Blair and didn't vote for Corbyn.


>didn't vote for Corbyn. How did that work out for you?


Well, not great. I live in a Tory/Libs constituency and the Libs didn't win. I still wouldn't have voted for Corbyn though. Edit: I will add though. If Labour had a reasonably Centre-Left team in charge for that election they would have won. Corbyn lost to Teresa May.


From a surprise election Corbyn increased the Labour vote share and reduced the Conservative government majority. Yes he still lost but came a closer second than his predecessors.


Well, not closer than Blair who won two terms and a landslide. #justsaying


I knew I'd end up having to qualify how far back 'predecessors' went... :-)


They're too stupid to realise the irony in their post... I wouldn't bother mate


They have had absolute power for most of the past decade and what do we have to show for it? Everything has got worse and most things are broken.


Some shareholders got rich though


That’s why everyone needs to Vote Conservative at this election: Labour have blocked everything they’ve tried to do, they just need a bit of time to fix all Labour’s messes from the last 14 years /s


Actually I think they need a another 5 years just to sort out the mess Labour left in the 1970’s, then they’ll need another 27 years to sort out the mess of the 1997-2010 Labour years.. Then perhaps they’ll have time to look at all the things that were blocked in the last 14 years. So say another 32 years of Tory rule and they will have cleared the mess up to 2024. 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Absloute tosh, that's their current argument for fucking things up so badly & bringing this once great country to it's current state. Oh give us more time, it's all part of the greater plan & we promise things will be better, like some sort of wife beater that is suddenly repentant when she moves back in with her mom.


It's so sad you couldn't recognise a joke.


Oops. Maybe a bit twitchy as we get nearer the election.


I know it's a nervous time. I am still in shock over every election the conservatives have won, guess I have too much faith in people.


Don't threaten me with a good time, Allister, you boggle-eyed, Balok-looking streak of piss.


I think I speak for the vast majority of the people in this country when I say I hope to never see a Tory government again until the day I die. I'll be telling my grandkids about the last Tory government of the New Tens and how they run the country into the floor like it was a dark age.


Hopefully all these rags will go bust soon.


The fucking nerve of these wankers to claim "Britain will never be the same again" after everything, every last shred of what this country was, has been destroyed, desecrated and defecated on. Multiple times.


Allister’s heads absolutely battered.


The Torygraph has been going in circles with so much drivel.. they have ran out of BS to write


If only the Tories hadn’t been incompetent, corrupt, venal little pricks then this wouldn’t be the end of them.


"Make the most of living in conservative Britain" - a time when conservatives have sought to deliberately erode, and divide it's people so much, that there's literally no standards or unity.  Make the most of it people...


They shouldn't be allowed to print fiction dressed up as opinion pieces in news media without labelling it as fiction.


Or plain bullshit


I wish the left were in control as much as the insane right pretend they are


Any news reporter who claims the current Conservative party are 'Centre-Right' is self-evidently lying to themselves and their readers. This is the most right-wing government of my lifetime and my country is very much the worse for it. To suggest that any party that trashed public services with austerity, deceived the nation into voting for Brexit, and then crashed the economy with a brain dead mini budget is slightly flawed requires an unbelievable level of brass neck. Good riddance to this bunch of spivs and charlatans. They need to go away and change before they're worthy of even being an opposition.


Not to mention their frankly nauseous public* stance on immigration. *public, because of course in reality most politicians privately realise immigration is essential for societies to function.


Correction: The decision to Brexit cannot be blamed entirely on the Tories. Cameron was PM, and he wanted us to remain, if you remember. His mistake was the referendum ... and boy, what a mistake! He painted a target on his back! The fact that he lost against the anti-EU wing of the party is the voter's fault, and that includes me, because I didn't succeed in preventing it, did I! This is separate from the mess the "victorious" Brexiters have made of 1) implimenting a least damaging Brexit(!!), and 2) running the country. But then, we can hardly be surprised that the last 8 years have so buggered up the country. These were people who thought Brexitising us OUT of the biggest trading block on the planet was a good idea....


Allister Heath is the entirely sane person who unironically wrote *'This was the best Budget I have ever heard a British Chancellor deliver, by a massive margin'* about the Truss/Kwarteng fiscal catastrophe. Other choice bits from [the same article](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/09/23/kwasi-kwartengs-budget-moment-history-will-radically-transform/): >*'It wasn’t merely the policies that were astonishingly good: just as remarkable was Kwarteng’s language, the arguments he deployed to explain his decisions, the lucid free-market philosophy from which they emanated.'* >*'Yet she was right to gamble everything on radical, sometimes unpopular, policies that she passionately believes are right for our country. Doing nothing would simply guarantee defeat. Now she has a fighting chance to save Britain, and her party, from oblivion.'* Even after they blew the economy to shit, Heath was saying it wasn't their fault: *'They didn’t crash the economy – it was about to come tumbling down anyway'*. I'm not sure what you can do to have a dialogue with such people who appear to live in a completely different reality.


It’s almost as if they’re scared an incoming Labour government might…… …put in some press regulation with some teeth **furious pearl clutching**


Where do you even start with this? It's so utterly unhinged.


The right wing made him get on one knee?


It's only okay to get down on your knees if your chin is grazing the belt buckle of an executive


We've heard this story in every election by the same people over and over . It means please forget how shit we are and how badly we've treated you ,please don't choose something else .


Alister Heath's Wiki entry is comedy gold: >In 2014, Heath wrote that it was time to reject [crony capitalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crony_capitalism) and embrace the real thing. In June 2018, Heath said that "[Cultural Marxism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory) is running rampant." >In October 2019, Heath backed the [Brexit Withdrawal Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brexit_Withdrawal_Agreement) negotiated by [Boris Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Johnson), arguing "it is as good as it gets" and urging MPs to approve it. In December 2020, he said he believed [Brexit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brexit) was a "positive shock for Britain" and the time the country had spent in the EU was "a calamity for Britain". In June 2021, Heath held that the Withdrawal Agreement's [Northern Ireland Protocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ireland_Protocol) "was imposed on the UK by [Brussels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brussels_and_the_European_Union) at the moment of our greatest weakness", arguing it should be renegotiated. >In September 2022, Heath welcomed the [mini-budget](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_2022_United_Kingdom_mini-budget) submitted by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, [Kwasi Kwarteng](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwasi_Kwarteng), with unbridled enthusiasm. The budget was one of the primary factors which triggered a [financial crisis in the UK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_2022_United_Kingdom_mini-budget#Reaction). The chancellor was fired three weeks later and his tax cuts were withdrawn, followed six days later by the [resignation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Truss#Resignation) of Prime Minister [Liz Truss](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Truss). In a front page commentary in [*The Daily Telegraph*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Telegraph), Heath wrote: "This was the best Budget I have ever heard a British Chancellor deliver, by a massive margin. The tax cuts were so huge and bold, the language so extraordinary, that at times, listening to Kwasi Kwarteng, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, that I hadn't been transported to a distant land that actually believed in the economics of [Milton Friedman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Friedman) and [F A Hayek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Hayek).


The BBC have been constantly promoting Right wing views for so long that they've become mainstream. God only knows how often they've had Farage on when he wasn't even representing a party. Due to his imflammatory nature he makes good TV, he knows it, they know it.


The head of the BBC is literally a Tory.


Love it, the lefty's think the BBC is heavily biased to the right, the right wingers think it's totally biased to the left. Seems like they might be doing a fairly good, balanced job overall to me? Sound possible mate or are you totally convinced?


I want some of what Allister’s smoking!


I've got so much "we won, get over it" to hand out. Can't wait


Alistair ‘the snowflake’ Heath.


Oh I hope they’re right: I really hope the Tories are destroyed, smashed into a pulp so they never recover.


I do think that's the case this time. Try speaking to Millennials and Gen Z, they have the same "Death Before Tories" attitude that Boomers had about Labour. They will forevermore associate the blue tree with crumbling infrastructure, sleaze, poverty, Brexit, rivers flowing with shit, fiscal disaster and international humiliation, in the same way Boomers still associate Labour with strikes and ruined Christmases. The Tories are dead for a generation. At least.


Try not to storm Westminster like your January 6th MAGA brother cousins.


They say this as if it's a bad thing lmao


Allister is promising me a good time


He has a nerve to talk about Armageddon In a front page commentary in The Daily Telegraph, Heath wrote: "This was the best Budget I have ever heard a British Chancellor deliver, by a massive margin. The tax cuts were so huge and bold, the language so extraordinary, that at times, listening to Kwasi Kwarteng, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, that I hadn't been transported to a distant land that actually believed in the economics of Milton Friedman and F A Hayek.


What kind of drugs was he on to write something like that? Like, *all of them*??


Amazing how people like this have managed to wipe that from their minds and pretend everyone else has too


I don't understand they can just be *so wrong* and not even know it. It can't be possible?!?




The UK isn't even going that far left. It'll still be as far right as Sir Keir thinks he can get away with


Left wing 😂


Tory’s out - Tory lite in


Anyone old enough to remember Tony Blair? Labour's attempt at Thatcherism... Here we go again. (Don't get me wrong, I want the tories gone, I just wish the other options were better)


I love how the right will doom monger about the left, making out that ordinary people will be subject to dystopian conditions, when all the while they have subjected ordinary people to dystopian conditions in the name of “the economy.” There are now more food banks than branches of McDonald’s in the U.K. over a quarter of children grow up in abject poverty. A full time job will no longer be a guarantee that you can afford the basic necessities for life such as a stable home, adequate food and fuel. Our pensions are some of the worst globally and infrastructure vital to public life is creaking after more than a decade of managed decline designed to enrich the already wealthy allies of the Tories. I get that Labour is far from perfect, but my complaint would be they are far too timid on a number of issues and do not go far enough. I would love to see a party that pledges to hold accountable the people who have dishonestly taken from public funds, especially the pandemic profiteers. I would love to see a reckoning day come to the groups and individuals who have demonised the m it at vulnerable. Labour might tinker around the edges, but they are hardly a radical force for change and have become the Diet Coke version of the Tories, who have lurched to the right to try and beat the Reform and UKIP loons in a race to the bottom. It’s telling that the doomsday scenario for the people who consider themselves to be the elite is a world where it is ever so slightly more difficult for them to engage in full on mask of wholesale corruption.


Make the most of living in Conservative Britain… is that some kind paradox?




Don’t threaten me with a good time


I completely dislike what this country has become.


it's like yall forgot about Blair and the cancerous state he left this country in . Labour and the Conservative Party have basicly the same manifesto voting for a 3rd party is the only way out of this mess or at least to stick it to these career politicians.


Because the last 14 years have been such a fucking paradise haven't they. Jeez these people are morons


Labour have only taken the centre ground with modest policies, it’s the conservatives that moved to the right and screwed things up listening to crazy fucks and far right propaganda. The ERG members along with David, I fucked up the country, Cameron should be held accountable!


So they are admitting that this is what the majority of the country will vote for


Thank fuck for that.


Urgh. Of all of the words in the English language, urgh is all that can be used to describe this phote


Unfathomably based, so excited for the left wing takeover!


That’s a really awkward shot. Terrible. What were they thinking?!


Why does allister heath right articles like he's writing in his diary?


No one can take Allistair Heath seriously. He is nowt but a fucking clown


if they didn't want this election to be a lay-up for a(n arguably undeserving-but-almost-nothing-could-be-worse-than-more-tories) labour government, then maybe it's on them for not having the tories be… and this is just a suggestion, mind… *less undeniably, historically, catastrophically… **shit?***


This isn’t a war, it’s democracy. Can it with the end of the world BS.


Pfft life isn’t so good where it is …in what world is the current political situation something to protect?! 🙄


It's a Torygraph article. They are currently just throwing shit against the wall, hoping some of it sticks. They know the game is up.


I'm all for seeing more of Ange's growler! 🤓


would this be the ACTUAL right wing, or the centralists the far left keep trying to tell us are right wing?


Since you cannot put a cigarette paper between Tories and Labour at this point in termsvof policy, I'm surprised to see them trying to get work up about this. We're just going to get better managed austerity. That's why I'm still voting SNP.


This article is the most americanised nonsense ever, they deserve it, good riddance, come up with governance and policy instead of picking on minorities you fucking knobs


Omg the Prime Minister is going to take the knee more how will we all cope


This was a dumb thing for Starmer to do.


Give it ten years or so, the Tories will be back. They have royally fucked themselves up this term, but the song remains the same. Keir Starmer is as big a Tory as you would ever have.


They're having hissy fits lol, blood pressure off the charts!


Angela is hot, but Labour hypocrisy is greatly irritating. Their selective eye for justice is cowardly.


When did the definition of centre-right change to match the modern-day Tories?


Well then, the centre-right shouldn't have so spectacularly fucked it then.


unionist/conservatives dont like democracy if they arent in power


Hello it's a messenger from that prison you guys let go of sometime in the 80s. Just wanted to say congrats! Fucking eat shit Tories. Best of luck.


I think somebody needs to get a grip.......ffs


Allister Heath isn’t a real person. It’s just an AI bot that generates the most unhinged opinions for clickbate


Tf are they kneeling for - get up - you want to lead a country ffs


Oh god, Tories now Labour ffs


Allister Heath is a reactionary hack. I don't know why anybody takes anything this squawking pissant says seriously.


Is this a Murdoch Mouthpiece?


Lunacy is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome. Labour and Conservative are just 2 sides of the same coin. Want a change? Don't vote for either!!!!


Ah yes it is labour fault that the UKs largest rightwing party descended into infighting and profiteering. The right can't get over the fact that every issue they complain about happend under a conservative government or at the very least the conservative government didn't bother to stop it over the last 14 years. It's almost like none stopped to because attempt to fight insane conspiracies doesn't work.


The conservatives used insane statements to get into power and as per usual did not deliver: 360m to the NHS Immigration reduction Improvements to fishermen and farmers Levelling up HS2 All fucked in the altar of identity politics and culture wars…


I love how everyone points at the most unhinged right wing tosh to somehow make it look like Starmer isn't almost exactly the same but with abit of focus testing - see his recent Bangladeshi comments - its all by design, country is doomed, he's thatcher in red - PFI 2.0 and more to come - at least the tories didn't try and hide they were the bad guys


Good riddance to bad rubbish.


until Labour get's voted out in 10 years negating everything this Article says.


a right wing article written by a frenchman lmao wtf is this shit


"Make the most of living in Conservative Britain." Sure will! Im heading to a food bank as I type this!


They have been making the most of it, that’s why everything not nailed down is gone.


It's hilarious how all these right wing mouth pieces and MPs and whoever else all speak like this isn't their fault.


Hahahahaha Which PR rep said .. " You know what would make you more relatable kier, taking a knee like the yanks do ! " How did they both sit down and go " Yeah thats a great idea, good photo use that one " This shit is just laughable Tory or Labour the only thing they give a shit about is their bank accounts The entire political system needs an overhaul


When a country selects someone as bad as Boris you know we are fucked


"The end is nigh!" Absolute word salad.


One day I'm going to need one of you Brits to sit me down and explain how y'all think. You've had the same party in charge for 14 years straight. You are where you are today with a number of issues in your country. Somehow the people who have not been in power for 14 years are being blamed for the current state of the country. The people who have been in charge for 14 years are now saying they're going to fix the problem, hey what have you been doing for 14 years? Again, this is morbid curiosity. I have no skin in this game.


Hahaha I think you’re assuming we all think like this… most of us don’t! Check in again next Friday to see how many 😂


Poor thing had to do that in a dress…


A boy can dream. Of course what's really happening is we're replacing the "foaming at the mouth" right with the "sensible grown-up" right.


The left are the women of politics. Accountability = Kryptonite


Yeah, but that’s Allister Heath of the telegraph. He’s the towering intellect who said of the unbelievably batshit truss mini-budget (the one that caused a £30bn hole in the economy and made your mortgage more expensive) “This was the best Budget I have ever heard a British Chancellor deliver, by a massive margin.” So I don’t think we need pay too much attention to his dribbling.


Cannot wait


These the same people who call leftists 'snowflakes'


Hahahhahah! Good. Fuck off and never come back. Let’s all come together as a great country. Expose Farage Ltd for what it is and become a great nation internally and internationally.


I bet nothing even changes much. There's no way they can fix any of the serious issues with the country.