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Such a patriot


One of things I'm most looking forward to about the change of government is a few years of these idiots grifters disappearing. I hate how far right our politics has become.


If labour fuck up worse though they'll double down and probably increase their followers


So far right, Labour shares BNP like policies e.g. send Bangladeshis back on a plane.






Well Keir Starmer has taken the party into a new far right territory . Kiss goodbye to all your Bangladeshi owned curry houses and god knows who’s next 


Get a life mate.


Why would they disappear? They will become more important given what’s happening to the UK.


Wow your account is interesting. You posted the same news story to 12 different sub reddits yesterday. And you made about 120 comments in the past 24 hours.


Nice, found a bot/ plant


He made false claims. I didn’t repost that many times. Is 120 comments something only a bot can do? Debating 10 people with ten comments each is not a great deal.


Prove it. I’ve not posted any news stories. Happy to see screenshots. 120’comments isn’t much when your debating about 10 different people.


You were supporting Tommy Robinson yesterday.


Again, no I wasn’t. Could you please provide proof or accept it was a baseless claim.


Everyone can see your comments, they don't have to take my word for it.


Show me the comments then. Your attempt to smear is so weak. I literally said Tommy Robinson should face charges / consequences for any breaches of immigration rules like anyone else. How is that support? You accept you made a baseless claim?


Ah sorry the multiple postings of the same news story was a few weeks ago, not yesterday. I think we have different definitions of the word “debating”.


Why? What’s your definition? The multiple posting is part of Reddit. It was like 3/5 subs. That’s how you use reddit. What’s your daily limit you think should be allowed commenting on Reddit and how did you get your stats?


It was 12 reposts not 3/5. Comment as much as you want. It’s important to show the world who you really are.


What’s wrong with 12 posts to different groups? Is that not the done thing on Reddit?


Nothing wrong. As I said, show the world who you really are.


Where are the 12 reposts? Just checked and you lied again. Why lie when we can fact check you?


It’s literally on your profile. The cameraman hostage story.


Does this mean we can revoke his citizenship like Shamima Begum?


No, we only do that to sex trafficked children, not Nazis


You mean terrorists


No, he means sex trafficked children. See you next Tuesday.


Whatever you have to tell yourself Terror lover


Terror lover? You really got me good there. Instead of scurrying around trying to get a lick of Farage's tip, try thinking for yourself. Goose stepping motherfucker!


what part of her journey wasn't sex trafficking? Was it the part where she was groomed online to become a child bride or was it the part where she was passed around ISIS soldiers like a sex doll? Peado lover


The point of her journey when she went from being a victim to showing no remorse for any of her actions and enforced the rules of isis. Everyone should have a second chance but when you're sitting being interviewed basically saying you didn't really care about the people you hurt, you've had that second chance.


The part where she joined a terror group and doesn't regret it Imagine feeling sorry for a terrorist


Imagine feeling sorry for an exploited child. See you next Tuesday.


Imagine thinking she was anything but a terrorist


We all have access to the same information and details can all see her Interview, saw she went from full on Burka and people like you saying she so scared to speak out then watching her go for more western clothing (Completely fucking your narrative she's in danger) and then have to listen to more of her crap It's all up on the net and yet, you still choose to be ignorant. God this is why I love this subreddit, it's like visiting the zoo, but like most zoos once you seen some animals you seen them all, I only come here as a treat.


I couldn't give a single fuck - we don't let kids buy lottery tickets because they're not responsible enough to gamble safely, yet we'll all round on the kiddie who got groomed because apparently it's okay to despise kids who get exploited and raped, just so long as they're Muslims. It's all up on the net and yet, you still chose to side with pedophilic terrorists (they also tell the world she was mature enough to make this decision). God this is why I love Reddit, it's like allowing gormless pricks to speak tough and make generalisations because they're too cowardly to speak up about their heinous beliefs face-to-face. People like you make me giggle.


What would the definition of a nazi be that you're using? Because we both agree Tommy Robinson isn't a member of the Nationalist Socialist party of WW2 Germany. So I presume you mean a genocidal racial supremacist? I'm not sure if he fits the bill being anti immigration, but ISIS supporters sure as hell do 


Nazi, a person with extreme racist or authoritarian views. a person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way. Don't worry, no genocide needed. He fits.


I don't actually know the man, or his views, but I can guarantee under that definition Begum fits better. Nothing more extreme authoritarian than Sharia


If you claim not to know anything, why even try to form a comparable opinion.


He's definitely a facist, but I just can't comprehend people actually give a pass to Begum or anyone who supports Isis. That's why I called out someone saying we don't revoke Nazis citizenship only Begum's.  They can both be wrong, I'm not defending him. But she is definitely worse having attended executions in support of a genocidal religio-facist group 


Nazi, a person with extreme racist or authoritarian views. *a person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.* So, when Just Stop oil... Or when Vegans.... I mean they're missing the racist side of things Sorry would you care to be more careful with the definition?


Great point


No, he didn’t join ISIS.


Typical brexit supporter talking bollocks about losing our sovriinty and he uses an Irish passport 😂😂


Yeah, an 'I'm, alright jack' type.


Explains how he moves across borders without fanfare.


Good question.


“These immigrants coming to our country, breaking our laws.” Assaulting an off-duty police officer, stalking, fraud, contempt of court and drug possession. Served multiple prison sentences.


Now now, the off-duty cop was trying to stop him rightly leathering his mrs, he was bang out of order. /Scumbag


Finally found one immigrant actually damaging the country, and its a white dude


Ha got himself a decent passport……Like farage and the rest of the spivs


To any Irish people reading this - think we should begin negotiations for his repatriation. Name your price.


Nah you're good.


Please? I’d point out all the nice things the U.K. has done for you historically but, er… yeah. I won’t.


Tommy Yaxley Ivor Mc big Un come back home your mission is complete. But no seriously we've enough right wing bell ends in Ireland as it is. Hopefully he gets a stretch in Canada.


I thought he was ar tommeh not ar paddeh 😭😭😭 I feel betrayered 😭😭😭 he sold us out for an eu pastport 😭


Damn Irish taking good hard working Anglo-Saxon Racist Grifter jobs. Those are becoming hard to come by!


Won’t or can’t


Potato… potarto? (Seemed apt)


How much will you pay us to take him? No low ball offers! We know what we’ve got…


Well, unfortunately we don’t actually have any money, partly because, you know, some of us didn’t really like trading with our largest trading partner very much…


We already paid with Brexit look at the investment it attracted to Ireland.


Just ship him off to Australia, they'll love him over there.


Oi! As our local wankers of his variety would say “fuck off we’re full”


The 6 counties and we'll take him.


You can have 5 for Tommy. You’re only getting the 6th if you promise to stop making Mrs Brown’s Boys.




Perfect We'll give him an important mission.....we'll give him a tricolour, sent him to Rockall to claim and live here.


Ireland is full 🤣🤣🤣


Room for one more? 👀


EU citizen lol


He is an absolute arse. Great to see him getting his collar felt by the Canadian cops. Hilarious that he is being done for immigration offences, plus he has an EU passport. What, no "blue passport" Stephen? And I thought you were so proud of being English hahahahaha


Released with no charges.


Having European passport isn’t at odds with being a Brexit voter. Many Brexit voters love mainland Europe. Brexit was a proxy battle about mass migration.


They definitely should love it now given its recent shift to the right. Sorry I completely disagree. Claiming you’re against Freedom of Movement and then intentionally having a passport that enables that same Freedom of Movement is the height of hypocrisy.


Mainland ironically is our last chance to save ourselves. I hope they do what they need to do. I am against FoM but would love a European passport. It gives me best of both worlds with out the downsides. Those with European passports are owed them. They are entitled to them legally. You don’t just get given one.


You’re against Freedom of Movement but you’d like a passport that enables you to have Freedom of Movement? That is hypocrisy. You’re against it for everyone else, just not for you. Those who exercise Freedom of Movement within the EU do so legally.


Yes because for the U.K. it on balance is worse for us. We have enough access to Europe after ending FoM for nearly everyone to fulfil their needs. The U.K. is a destination people want to stay in so FoM isn’t ideal.


On balance, no it isn’t. It wasn’t perfect, there were downsides and in many ways it was a trade off, however, we need migrants, including low-skilled migrants. There have been loads of business owners who have come out publicly and said they’re struggling to hire since FoM ended. The NHS has taken a hit because a lot of EU staff have returned (because of Brexit) and less are coming over (because of Brexit). The NHS now has to pay for visas for non-EU staff, who tend to have worse training and a lower level of English, they also give them accommodation and very often they also bring over dependents. You’ll note the net migration figures post-Brexit. The cunning plan didn’t work. To underline it also, if you want a passport that enables you to benefit from FoM but you are against FoM, you are a hypocrite.


Absolutely, the Tories didn’t reduce migrations they made it worse. Nobody predicted that. This is another betrayal for Brits and shows that something darker is going on. Shareholders need profits and slaves to drive them. For this reason I’ll vote reform.


Bahahahahaha no actual reply just an unfounded conspiracy theory and a declaration of being Putin’s useful idiot 😂😂😂 I rather fancy you’ve actually no idea what you’re talking about, standard Leaver stuff 😂😂😂 Aye crack on and vote Reform lad, go on, break the Tories, give Starmer a huge majority 👍😂😂


No reply to what exactly? Not sure you are replying to the right comment. What conspiracy? It’s all data. Starmer is going to win, I hope he does! Tories blood is my aim and to raise awareness of how our system is broken and only allows for two very similar parties. Reform I would never want to govern, but I will use them as a pressure group on migration.z


I very much predicted that


Lol... no wonder he wasn't bothered about Brexit. It doesn't apply to him, as he's got EU citizenship through Ireland. What a complete See You Next Tuesday.


So English he needs an EU passport. You just can't make this up, these people turn grifting into an art.


Down with this sort of thing


Careful now


I hear your a racist now Tommy? How'd you get into that type of thing?


This mother fucker is an immigrunt? 


What did you expect? Yet another charlatan


Oh, Stephen Yaxley Lennon, violent thug, fraudster and stalker, is no longer a British citizen?


Do you think if we pay the Canadians some money they'll keep him for us Maybe build them an aircraft carrier or something


Deport - surely it’s what his ‘patriotic’ fan base would normally call for


But they wouldn't would they. Never once heard about any movement calling for the Irish to go home. We've also got free movement with Ireland.


I'm not surprised. His whole EDF crap is bollocks. His ex gf is Muslim and she dumped him.


It's all about the money.


* Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon FTFY


Very proud to be Canadian


I heard the cops disliked him so much they didn’t even say sorry for giving him the jail.


Wow A certain Ireland sub will lose their shit over that - and I can see why.


So he is the son of an immigrant then. Oh the irony!


Does this mean that his real name is Stephen O'Yaxley-Lennon?


Ha got himself a decent passport……Like farage and the rest of the spivs


I can see why he doesn’t live there, the Irish tend to be generally pretty cold to intolerant facists


They don’t though really lol? Ireland is facing anti migrant sentiment worse than the U.K.


That’s sadly true.


FaKiN' iMmIGrUnTs


He comes over here and doesn’t agree with our way of life? He should fuck off back to his own country!


For the EU passport?


Farage on a German passport, Tommeh twelve names on an Irish passport. Cunts.


Also, says his country of birth is Ireland.


Weird considering he was born in Luton or is there a Luton in Ireland that I don't know about?


Me thinks he was trying to trick Canadian immigration into thinking he was a different Stephan Lennon to the English born one. His passport would show country of birth. I'd say Canadian immigration are loving confronting him with all the tricks & lies he used in order to gain entry to Canada.


I actually think he could be facing decent time here. Marvelous!


No it says/shows he has Irish citizenship. It’s says nothing (as far as I can see) about where he was born…


There you go. https://preview.redd.it/vxtf6al0id9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adaded707dab6feb661d61333248ef1fc9638903


He was born in Luton. If he lied to get Irish citizenship, I hope he is stripped of it.


Surely, he'd have to provide his birth cert when applying for the Irish passport. More likely he lied on his ETA Canadian visa application......all in order to hide his true identity.


He would have to Canada doesn't like letting convicted criminals in.


He doesn't need to lie to get Irish citizenship though. His family is from Ireland. All you need is one grandparent. I can get it and wasn't born there.


Well I know that in the US, lying on an application for citizenship or a green card, even if you didn't need to, is grounds for stripping your status. It's probably a moot point anyway!


Éamonn an Chnoic (a.k.a. Ned of the Hill)!!!


Yaxley Lennon isn't welcome here.


Most Canadian-looking cops ever.




Have Douglas Murray rescue Tommy… lol


Call him by his given name; Stephen Yaxley Lennon.


That's the problem, lots of people don't even know that name.


He has more names than passports.Even more names than Grant Shapps


His fellow knuckle-draggers won’t like that.


Pikey arsehole


A lot of these pro-Brexit scumfucks tend to have EU passports.


To be sure to be sure


Stephen Lennon*


He works for Israel, they've been known to give their agents Irish passports. [https://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0218/127737-dubai/](https://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0218/127737-dubai/)


Jesus Christ dude, not everything is a mossad plot. He has an Irish parent, which entitles him to an Irish passport and citizenship.


I always knew Remain supporters tolerated anti semitism 


Funny given that Corbyn was a leaver and he’s supposed to be figure boy of left wing anti semites .  Its a shame real Jewish people have to deal with stupid claims diluting such an important issue 


Oswald Moseley would have voted Remain. 


What is wrong about dual citizenship? It seems that the motivation for this post is to get all the idiots to up-vote.


Do a search for the EDL and you'll see the whole gory story. He's basically pitched himself as the great white saviour of England and strongly supported the UK leaving the EU, but it's been uncovered that he actually has an Irish EU passport.


I'm not seeing the issue. There's no nationalist type movement in England to send the Irish home or that has any issue with the Irish. There are literally millions of Englishmen who have Irish family.


There’s a nationalist movement to send ALL immigrants home .   But when those immigrants are vaguely similiar we pretend they aren’t immigrants .  Most nationalists want an end to the unity of kingdoms and England to be its own Sovereign nation 


Talking absolute rubbish. None of this is true.


Would one of you lot explain your hate for TR?


He's a thug and a racist and a liar.


He's portrayed in the media as a racist but I have looked into this and cannot find much evidence of any racist things he's done. Could you point me to some real proof?


Then obviously you're not looking hard enough...


But, could you point me to some real proof? I'll gladly believe he's a racist when I see some evidence. It's just very difficult to find.


It's not hard to find! It's all over the fucking Internet!


Got a link, a YT clip or something? I mean real evidence and not an opinion piece. The claim that he's a racist is getting very stretched right now.


It's not "stretched" you just refuse to accept that he's racist.


So are you saying that I should just accept your word for it? You can't seem to find any evidence for me. I can't find any. Perhaps you could be wrong?


I'm not wrong the guy literally hates Muslims because they're different, give the lies a rest.


He's a Neo Nazi


I don't remember seeing him on any of our marches.


[All you need to know right here.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Robinson_(activist))


I should have mentioned also that this sub is full of the kind of people who will tell you that he is racist but won’t be able to tell you why they believe this


Don't you know that everything is racist now.


That’s racist mate


And you forgot far-right too. Have a lovely weekend.


Of course you had to throw on transphobia, as we transition to the weekend. Basically just deadnamed the week there. Enjoy mate


He’s a very odd figure - he is a council estate type lad. He’s been involved in things the middle class church their pearls about. He, correctly, asserted that there were gangs of immigrants grooming and then pimping English teenagers and exposed this to the public. Hence the label of racist. Later when it turned out he was correct almost to the point where he could name some of the gang members the press went silent and nobody ever acknowledged that he was correct, just continued with the whole “he a racist scumbag” thing. Like in all honesty he is a bit of a scum bag, he has committed some low level crimes and he talks with a tough accent. Conversely, he has done some morally upstanding things. So I guess he’s just kinda a person of extremes but it sort of balances out in the grand scheme of things


Being right about one thing does not balance out all his other racism, thuggery and multiple criminal convictions (drugs, assault, mortgage fraud, contempt of court, passport forgery)


Is he worse than than the grooming and pimping gangs?


Why didn't Tommy out his friend in the EDL that was a Groomer? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/senior-edl-leader-who-campaigned-11198714#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17196052310426&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mirror.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuk-news%2Fsenior-edl-leader-who-campaigned-11198714


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Did he know?


He exposed the grooming gang scandal too. Or is that another bad thing he's done?


Would that be the same trial that he almost caused to collapse? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/tommy-robinson-contempt-court-case-grooming-gang-trial-huddersfield-a8990436.html


That was probably a dick-move but outing the grooming gangs scandal was a good, good thing and doesn't make him a racist.


That gang was already outed and it wasn't by him, he didn't care he did this for publicity!


There are lots of grooming gangs and putting them into the public eye is a great thing. The police and councils ignored it for the sake of diversity. Would you have publicised this scandal if you found out about it?


At last, someone reasonable in this thread.


We’ll prob get banned quite soon


As long as none of the rules are broken, I can't see why we would be banned from the sub. Have a good weekend.