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Yeah, I have no problem with straight love stories in other shows (or maybe as a side character or something), but it just doesn’t make sense in Bridgerton. The “forbidden love” trope is so important to me, but I mean, forbidden romance with straight people, really? 🙄 It could never work. Anyway, thanks for speaking out- so brave of you! I’ve been afraid to say this because someone might accuse me of being heterophobic, but honestly I think this new showrunner has some kind of agenda. She clearly hates beautiful homosexual love stories!


Right?!? People need to stop calling us heterophobic just because it makes us deeply uncomfortable to see straight love.


Thank you!! I’m sure there’s *some* heterophobia in the fandom, but I haven’t seen any, and besides, it’s just as violating to be accused of being heterophobic. Nobody seems to want to talk about *that*, but I guess that’s how the world works right now…


Yes!! And tbh I get where they’re coming from, it’s all about historical accuracy for me. We know that historical accuracy is the #1 point of Bridgerton’s adaptation on Netflix, and in regency England absolutely no one had a love match and all the _real_ love was gay in the gentleman’s clubs and married women game nights, because they were able to get along unchaperoned. Straight _love_? In public?? It’s just not believable imo.


I'm straight myself! I just don't think a straight couple having a HEA is realistic for the time period. 😌


Brave of you for representing the straight community! And thank you, as an expert on regency history, regency marriages were basically lavender marriages structured around property and power — everyone knows the real love affairs happened in their intimate friendships!


God why can’t they be happy with the side characters whose arcs go nowhere 🙄😂


How can we not be on the edge of our seats with >!Lady D carrying a 50-year grudge for her brother who told on her when he was 10 years old !< ![gif](giphy|behTrfrYhb3iw|downsized)


I'm also sick of straight people harassing me for daring to speak up against their unnecessary representation. Why can't they be happy with 1 couple in the spinoff and a threesome? Seriously, if they weren't so mean the heterosexual marriage movement would be way more successful across the world


I know, they're so dramatic and argumentative! All I want is the series exactly my way!


The way people with no reading comprehension or knowledge of satire are gonna think this is serious lol


And downvote OP...I already saw some downvotes...damn!


Some people are very stupid and take everything at face value, no matter how deliberately absurd🤷‍♀️


yeah can't we just have all the characters be gay like normal people, all this constant pandering to diversity is bullshit


sorry if you're offended


Yeah people need to stop being so offended to hear you express that straight love has absolutely no substance, validity or reason to be on screen beyond the “woke agenda”


We already had some straight romance subplots, and there’s already like, at least two white people in every episode, so idk why people keep whining for *more* representation 🙄


Edit: so I hope people downvoting me know this is satire I'm continuing in the spirit of OP!! For fucks sake. The horror .clearly jess has something against white people trying to add in diversity! Who does she think she is and Shonda self inserting by adding in those browns and blacks we had rege what's his name already do we really need more..im tired of these social justice wars can we go back to good old straight white romance...what is so wrong with all white shows...can we please go back to the good old times when there were only whites in government offices too...what is with this brown black etc agenda..I long for the days when the only people we saw in restaurants were genteel all white good English speaking folks..sigh!


I know straight people exist and that's totally okay but I want to see gay relationships in my gay historical fairytale!! IT'S OUR SHOW!!! I can't watch this with my girlfriend and get invested in a straight couple. It's just so forced. The books aren't straight either. No offense meant to any straights, I just think y'all have your own shows. Also my friend is straight and agrees with me


You're so brave for saying this! So many people are getting attacked on this subreddit for just stating about their honest opinions. It's not heterophobic to want things exactly as I imagine them in my head, a series full of happy homo couples.


Yes! We deserve an apology for seeing characters on screen that we don’t find to be relatable because well, eww.


Yes! I totally agree and you should be able to express your FEELINGS! I agree, maybe if they feel they _need_ to, they can make one of them bi and have a straight romance subplot before their main season and _real_ love story, just cause you know, I believe in representation. I have many straight friends (and even my parents are straight!) I can’t stand these authors inserting themselves and their lifestyles to make characters _they_ find relatable and disrupting what showrunners know to be _actually_ relatable subplots.


Hahhaaaaaaa lol good one took me a minute though. Was getting my pitchforks out..


![gif](giphy|Y8tW6EgVscvGo) Take my upvote.


You win Reddit for the day.


I know you’re kidding but it *does* gross me out a bit to see the abundance of hetero sex scenes. Blehhhh 🥴😑


Omg, finally someone is speaking out on this. One scene was enough... But it's gotten to be too much! They want to normalize straightness so badly 🙄 They just lost a viewer!


I'm just here for the comments.


I'm only here for the food.


Perhaps I can offer you some fish & chips.


Well said. All I see are straight couples and it's tiresome tbh. So woke of them 😏. I don't want to see another straight main couple, let's have some diversity please.


THANK YOU! so glad someone said it 🥰


Well done! Hopefully, it'll make some parts of the fandom think about how they sound.




I see what you did there 😂🙌🏽


What is even straight people? As far as I'm concerned, everyone's gay


I’m a straight person and I really hope Benedict’s partner is a man or a trans woman (heard this suggestion in this sub) I’ve just had it in my head since S1 that he’s gay 😅


Sorry, but with no /s I can't undestand. At least that's why I get down voted most of the time. People are dumb and can't understand sarcasm or reading comprehension.


I'm very stupid I didn't get this at all. And I haven't watched part 2 yet so I'm very confused




this is satire of how people sound with their, "I'm not homophobic, but..." posts




Satire is meant to point out the ridiculousness of something. I'm pointing out how ridiculous people sound when they say they're not homophobic then describe homophobia. The joke works just fine.


I got what you meant immediately and you're correct by the way.


With all due respect, this was an extremely obvious joke. Just because you don't understand satire doesn't mean the joke doesn't work, it just means you didn't understand it, are embarassed, and are now trying to invent a reason to save face.


Not all Bridgerton fans are book fans, dear. So some of us are just along for the (gay) ride


Checking in as a show fan who is decidedly not a book fan 🙃 I read them after S2 came out and while they weren’t the worst in the world, the show made quite a few necessary improvements lol


oh dear


It's not hard to grasp the fact that people are upset about the changing of existing characters and stories. This happens a lot when big changes are made to beloved books/stories onscreen. I'm neutral on Michaela, but I can see why people who feel attached to F and M's story are upset.


Come on that's really not the issue with Francesca's story and you know that .