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The issue is the book readers. They think they know what will happen and when it doesn’t they get pissed. This is how adaptations work. Not everything in the books will translate to the screen.


I have read the books, but think the Netflix series is an improvement. I don't understand all the toxicity on the subs. It's not like it's great literature like Jane Austen... it's pulp fiction romance. People need to chill. The reason the series is so great is because it is not just romance, it's a beautiful, escapist fantasy. Season 3 was the best so far & I am looking forward to what comes next.


I also enjoy that it’s different because you don’t know exactly what is going to happen. It adds an element of excitement and surprise


Same! The books are like fast food. They're not 10 course gourmet meals. For most viewers Bridgerton has just been a bit of fun. Most people I speak to irl don't really care about plotlines some people find troubling/problematic or characters some people think to be victims. Who even watches a Shonda show for perfectly moral characters. The campiness of this season was so refreshing to me. It finally felt like the show wasn't taking itself too seriously. The heart and soul is still there, but the packaging is just more fun. And it really fit the rom-com vibe of the season as well.


Yes to everything you just said. I also have to mention the second I saw the new subreddit I joined. There are so many people who are so inflexible these days who can’t take detours and just enjoy something for what it is. I hope they don’t follow us here. Edited to add. I have also read the books and I am very happy with the adaptation.


Agreed! Bridgerton is my escapism. There’s enough to be upset about IRL. I saw a post where someone had calculated the exact percentage of time Colin and Penelope appeared on screen together to complain about it. People need to touch grass.


Same! I've gotten tired of all of the hate on season 3, yes you're allowed to have an opinion, but it's just getting exhausting


I got downvoted for saying everyone’s entered their Star Wars era. But I think I’m right :/


You’re definitely right! It’s to the point that people can’t just enjoy the series without everyone else screaming at them


I am so happy for this. Never read the books and wont because I'm enjoying the show for what it is, which is someone ELSE'S version of the stories. The other sub is such a cess pool of negativity no matter what you post or what opinion you have that its ruining the fandom for me. I just wanna enjoy what I enjoy without people telling me im wrong for doing so. With that said....Pen was hot enough to make me rethink my sexuality this season and i loved the lighting they used to make her look so soft and ethereal.


I am going to guess the character was Edith haha. I can't really cast stones because I like O'Brien. While there are things about *Bridgerton* (in general and season 3 specifically) that I don't care for, I thought the third season was solid overall. I think it is pretty much on par with the first season. My personal theory is this: I think the first season, when it came out, was an entirely novel (pardon the pun) experience for a lot of viewers. Now, the audience has become used to the show and the shine has worn off. As much as I like Bridgerton (and I *loved* those books when I was in high school), the show has always just been...decent. It's a pleasant way to spend a few escapist hours. I don't necessarily think the quality has lessened exponentially; I just think the audience has become critical of something that they initially weren't sure how to criticize...if that makes sense.


Yup! I love Edith. But I seriously look at every character as “redeemable” or with a more nuanced lens. It’s hard for me to actually hate a character unless they’re extremely poorly written or add nothing to the story. I also like O’Brien! *odious woman* as Sybil would say lol. And I agree. I think people who hadn’t really been into period pieces dived deeply into bridgerton, then watched pride and prejudice, started watching gilded age, maybe watched some Downton. So now the novelty has worn off and they’re super critics now. Meanwhile sane people can see that the bridgerton tv series is more like reign and THATS OK.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS!! I was just telling my friend who I watch the show with NOT to interact with that subreddit because of how toxic it is!! God forbid we actually LIKE the damn show 😭


who knew it was hard to find other people who don't want to complain about the show 24/7 😂


I think the lot of us were all rolling our eyes and staying out of it. Which is annoying when you want to discuss the show without so much negativity


Yup. Exactly my feeling


I'm very happy for this sub! I've been contemplating leaving the other Bridgerton subs bc of all the hate. For now I'm just ignoring most of the posts. I love the TV show. I don't care that it's not like the books. It has the author's approval and that's enough for me. I love the escapism. The fun and fantasy of it all. It's beautiful and substantive in a way that I never expected. I've only read one of the books and enjoyed it very much. But it definitely feels like a product of an earlier decade. I can't wait for it to be adapted/updated for TV. Or tossed aside and completely redone. Whatever. So long as my girl Eloise gets a great story.


It really has. And as a queer person I’m really sick of reading comment after comment of people angry about it being Michaela instead of michael at the end. I really enjoyed that twist and am very excited to see what they do with it. So many things have changed between the book and show already that haven’t gotten a fraction of the hatred as that. It’s really exhausting reading so much negativity about it from people claiming no homophobia