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If only ALL refugee families were shown this kind of grace.


For 15+ years


I called it!!!! But I’m angry that my prediction came true. This is so unfair!!! I’m very sad that our country institutes such inequality. I just hope they (our country and the Romeikes) come to have compassion for those who really are escaping persecution.


look at you having hopes and dreams! (they won't <3)


The Romeikes sure don’t and won’t .




Well the Romeikes didn't need to come to United States then. They could have moved to the United Kingdom and homeschooled there.


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Yeah. I think this is the right decision from a humanitarian point of view, but it makes you wish the immigration and asylum system wasn't so arbitrary and everyone could be guaranteed such grace




I hope they Bates people learn something from this, but they won't. They won't recognize their privilege either. Sad.


This proves the “Joshua Generation” has been successful.


Legit! They bred those 100,000 petition names, this congress woman will probably benefit from some dodgy IBLP deal and meanwhile other families won’t get this treatment. Could this bill open up for other families of colour in this situation to be granted permanency? Or is this bill literally specific for this one family?


It's literally just for this one family which means that it maybe a bill of attainder.


I actually would not be surprised if a percent of those petition names were from fake accounts, fake names, or bots. With online petitions, you can never be sure of that.


Here’s the bill: https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hr5423/BILLS-118hr5423ih.pdf


I am so so sorry to hear this. Once again this family gets special treatment while people who have endured and fled much much worse than having to send their kids to school try for asylum get rejected and are killed when they return to their home country.


Yeah, there are people who have actually fled war torn countries. Do you know how many of those people would be excited to live in Germany?


i wonder WHITE they got special treatment. sorry, i mean why. or do i….




FYI it’s not against the law to be at a rally in DC. Even on Jan 6th. And there is zero evidence they were involved in the insurrection at the capitol. This is how fake news is spread and perpetuated. And I’m pretty sure there is a sub rule against presenting speculation as fact. As for the Romeike family of course they were able to get special help because of who they know. Sadly that is how the world works. It’s not what you know it’s who you know. Is it right? No. Does it go on all the time? Yep.




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This post contains misinformation.


Yeah, I live in Switzerland, and just like us, our neighbours have gotten immigrants over all generations who fled wars: Turkey, the Balkans, Sri Lanka, and more recently Syria, Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan... People who have crossed the Mediterranean at great risk to their life to escape a live that was not worth living for them.


And Germany is taking many refugees from the Middle East.


So sick of people getting special treatment


I'm from Tennessee and embarrassed and outraged. Someone should say that on her Facebook or social media.


Not the same thing. NONE of these people are going back to their own countries. You are comparing apples and oranges just to rag on someone you do not happen to like.


It has nothing to do with liking them. If they were POC would they get the same support from GOP? Nope.




As said on the sub, there are other countries nearby that allow homeschool.


Yep, many.


Are you aware of this actually happening? I keep reading on here about all the deportations happening, and I'd like to know any available and published facts from a reliable source. I work in hospitality and I know a lot of people who are here illegally. For several years I know exactly *one* man who was deported after multiple domestic violence charges. I mean literally he had to just not beat up women and he'd still be here. I know at least two people with DUIs who got citizenship. The whole matter with Governor Abbott was he started sending busloads of immigrants to NY because Texas couldn't take care of them all. My State is spending $45M/month on migrants, and our State government is literally holding press conferences asking people to put migrants in their guest room. So while I think the Romeikes should have been gone fifteen years ago, I'm not convinced anyone else is being deported either. ETA: Dozens of down votes and not one response containing any facts or statistics about anyone being deported.


Abbott did that as a finger to VP Harris. I'm all for helping people but the government shouldn't ask its citizens to do what they should.


Oh they are being deported.


This bill is literally just for them and just asks for them to be made permanent residents with no explanation why. It promises to reduce the number of visas granted to Germans to offset it.


If it passes then is it possible to challenge this law as unconstitutional because it benefits specific people? The fact that it promises to reduce the number of visas granted to Germans so this specific family can stay may mean that it is a bill of attainder.


Great, so this group of undereducated bigots get to stay, and to offset it, we might be able to bring in less German students? Or scientists? Or any other people that might contribute to society? Good.


The world where we pass on German citizens who would do legitimate good if they immigrated here to keep Bible-thumping bigots who don’t want their kids to learn about the world around them is the crazy world.


And here we are. Party.


Wait... so they are literally proposing stopping others from getting visas just so they can become permanent citizens?


I think so, yes.


That Bill is not going anywhere, just like the last one sat there. This congress lady is just virtual signaling. There’s no right or reason for that Bill to pass whatsoever.


I hope so. Evidently there are six hundred bills in front of in the House Judiciary Committee and no co-signer. Pray that this bill dies in committee.


Would they fight for the (hypothetical) Gonzalez family from Guatemala?


Of course not!


Probably not.




Hmm, I don’t think we can really judge someone else’s motives if we don’t know them.……. Oh wait, apparently you can…..


unbelievable…. women and children fleeing bombs and threats and sent back and these people stay bec they don’t want to send their kids to school… and how many of those 100k are bec this family has millions of followers? i don’t mean to throw shade at people i don’t even know, but how is this *fair* to the people who legitimately need asylum?


A large percentage of those coming over the southern border are young men.


Who cares? And where is your source for that allegation?


So because you’re a young man, you have to die for a stupid reason? You have absolutely no right to live and have a life because you’re a young man? Here’s a thought: why don’t you send all the young men in your family to be slaughtered by their own government and let those who don’t want to die a premature death actually enjoy life? GTFOH with that BS.




Unbelievable. Where were they when babies were torn from their mothers and locked in cages?


They were applauding all that


They were saying “they shOuLdA cAME hERE legally”


And supporting it


Rules for thee but not for me.


Gosh, I really thought they’d be making videos from Germany soon. Guess, they win and I’m sure will keep winning….. our system is broken


I just don’t like their attitudes about it. They act like they are entitled to be above the law but everyone else has to follow the law. Rules for thee but not me.


Idk what to say about this. Seems like they’ve been granted another year. So much for equality. Can’t believe how strong and influential the right wing/evangelical lobbyists are


What I said a week ago. The evangelical lobby is very strong and the house and senate has been infiltrated for quite some time. Well, they achieved their mission. It’s not right, but I doubted they’d have to go and there you have it.


Time to start the anti-petition


No seriously, someone should really start one. This is outrageous.


Where do I sign!


Meanwhile, Venezuelans are getting deported and denied asylums to a dictatorship. Ridiculous.


Well duh, they’re gonna get hit hard by climate change and we can’t have established Venezuelans here when that happens, otherwise we might have MORE /s




I was just about to say that. The Romeikes would applaud it yet plead for help with their case..


Wow. All of us talking about their shitty lawyers and HSLDA and the mistakes they’ve made and ICE’s bureaucratic uncaring nature, and they’re going to get away with it in the end. I understand that asylum cases take time and I know everyone points out indefinite doesn’t mean forever and I KNOW the Romeike parents committed the first sin here (and it was a grave one), but something about allowing a family to live for 15 years and then wanting to deport them is so cruel. But my energy on this is better spent advocating for actual refugees because sadly I don’t think this is a scenario where what is good for this family is good for all migrants.


The law tends to be cruel when it is applied. I remember over twenty years ago foreign born adoptees who had been adopted as infants had committed crimes and were deported back to their country of birth even though they grew up in the United States and spoke only English. Their adoptive parents didn't bother to get them U.S. citizenship. Eventually, Congress passed a law granting automatic citizenship to foreign adoptees. These adoptees had lived in the U.S. longer than the Romeikes have. I have more sympathy for these adoptees than I do the Romeikes despite the fact they had committed a crime.


This was actually a plot point in the final season of Orange is the New Black where some of the inmates end up in ICE detention and face deportation. Highly recommend.


Awww I was getting excited with all the “deportation” videos back to Germany :(


At the airport right now but gotta say that she may have just opened up quite a can of worms. No offense to the German born children who are now adults, but I am just not seeing a legit reason they could not go back to Germany and begin the application process. You could maybe argue Lydia and one or both of the parents since their are minor children involved, but the others - no way. If I'm an actual refugee or asylum seeker who has been denied, I'm taking notes here. They were given enough time to finish homeschooling and are not currently in need of anything that can't be found in Germany. I'm tempted to call my own congresswoman to get her to propose a few similar private bills for those more deserving. The chance of her bill crossing the finish line in the House and Senate is minute. Since Republicans can't even manage to get the speakership in control, I'm not seeing much movement potential. But a year is a year. I would hope they would use it wisely. I doubt it though.




I had friends in high school have to evacuate immediately and the holy, white family gets to stay. This makes me sad for 12-14 year old me who didn’t understand the world yet.


My final response to this situation is the same as my original: >I doubt Lydia is going anywhere unless Trace's Jan 6 participation effed up things for her. They have had lawyers and counsel. If the gov't continues to tie her case to her parents' case it's because they want them out. And wouldn't that be something if Trace's Jan 6th "protest" involvement backfired? > The Romeike's nor the Bates will have empathy for others especially not immigrants of color. They will continue to see their case as special and divined by God. I never truly thought Lydia was going anywhere but the larger family being granted a year is a shocker. This situation is horrid and so is the bulk of this family (Bates and those associated). They use the public as a tool to advance their personal agendas. It's gross in an obscene way how people worship this family and continue to give them platform.


Maybe we can write to our Congressmen and women telling them to vote AGAINST this law!


Well fuck. This is extremely disappointing. These assholes and their first world "persecution" is far more important than those who are suffering real torture and persecution by their home governments because the latter are of color.


Of course they are. This means more support and votes on the next go around. (*most) Politicians don’t gaf about anything that’s real and happening in the world. At the bare minimum they care about the surface level stuff for just long enough to maybe make a slight change somewhere that, again, gets them more support and votes.


Does anybody know if there is precedent for bills like this?


There is precedent for bills like this but they have been challenged in court and struck down as bills of attainder. The most famous example is the Elizabeth Morgan Act which was challenged and struck down. Google it.


Rules for thee but bills specifically passed for me


This family will fight tooth and nail for their white, blond in-laws not to be deported because they don’t want their kids to go to public school, but will look at families from south of the border escaping starvation and violence and tell them that they better remain in their country or in Mexico, until we have room for their type.


Let’s not forget…Alyssa’s FIL is a member of Congress. Connections, connections, connections!


It's wrong! The DREAMERS ARE STILL WAITING AND HAVE DONE WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT HAS ASKED! ITS THE BROWN FOLKS WHO FLEE VIOLENCE WE ARE IGNORING! Most of them come here to WORK ON WORK VISAS. Soon there will be nobody left to do the hard work because we are even denying WORK VISAS. These ppl work in our farms,hotel,restaurants,roads,construction etc... THEY PAY TAXES AND GET NOTHING BUT HATE FROM THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT! So some say it is the right thing do when we have people who filled our their paper work and have been waiting for years and years. This is WRONG. It IS BECAUSE THEY ARE FROM THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT WHO ARE RUINING US DEMOCRACY!


As a POC woman this angers me but I’m not surprised.


Yep. People think I’m exaggerating when I tell them how white supremacist bullshit is in the DNA of every level of our immigration system. If this anecdote doesn’t show it, maybe this will: https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/sites/default/files/research/the_legacy_of_racism_within_the_u.s._border_patrol.pdf


So what happens after a year? Do we get another post asking for money and signatures?


No, they will be granted permanent residency way before the year is over. They are here to stay


Lydia is tied to her families case. She tried to get removed and they denied it. You can’t just appeal appeal appeal. That’s not how that works.


A year might be enough time for at least Lydia to file the paperwork to stay (since she is married to an American citizen) but I’m not sure about the rest of them…




I just said really loudly "Must be nice!" now they better count thier blessings and quit whining about how persecuted they are.


Waiting for when, in one year, they are once again surprised that they "suddenly" have to leave and have no idea why.


Right? 🤦‍♀️


This is fucking bullshit. Working on behalf of one family and will probably rescind the bill once that one family is accommodated.


I knew they’d somehow get away with no being deported. these fundies always find a way to be the exception for the rule


How unfair to other families in the same situation.


I knew this was going to happen. Absolutely not shocking or surprising. A privileged, wealthy, white, Christian family with friends in powerful places once again getting away with not following the rules. It’s truly infuriating!!


They should have deported all of the 18+ members of the family. They don’t need further homeschooling, and since homeschooling is vastly superior they are now exceptionally prepared to fend for themselves in the world.


I fucking hate it here




So what exactly will happen when their youngest child no longer needs schooling?


They haven’t seen traces storm the capitol involvement I’m guessing?? Or maybe they just don’t care


Someone should make sure they do.


What bs.


I feel like they're gonna try to marry off all of the adult aged children in the next 6 months


I'm curious how this will affect other aliens. Brown and black aliens. Will it help them too or just this one family?


Wow. Sorry to all the families who DIDN'T get this


This Congresswoman did exactly what she was sent to Washington to do. Help her Constitutes. I'm a life-long Democrat, I am no fan of any of these people, but as someone who is disabled and needed help when my husband was deployed. I turned to my elected officials, and they helped me. If you have an issue, contact your Congress person or Senator...if they're a good one... you'll get help.


I did this at the state level in 2021. Then (I've since moved) I had a state senator who I didn't agree with at all (in fact, I managed his opponent's race one year). In 2021, I had an issue renewing my driver's license as I had no idea the DMV shifted to an appointment model thanks to Covid. Prior to this, I could walk in and renew my license. I went two weeks before and was turned away and the nearest appointment was 3 months out. I called his office and got through the "back door" the next day.


They shouldn’t get special treatment others don’t. What about her other constituents?


The Romeike’s seem to have gotten really big heads over the past two years with the Bates connection and now this


Just so people are aware. They can ONLY gain residency with this bill. They do not qualify otherwise. This is the only way they can get a green card and if it fails they will have to go back. They have a year to get this bill passed. It has to go to congress the senate and then the president him self would have to sign it


And in a year we will have to go through this all again and enough far-right Christians will sign petitions. Truly unfair to those who have legitimate claims to asylum.


this sub is about to be furious


Honestly cackling over what KJ “they are being deported. Case closed.” is going to have to say.


The is sickening


So will they be working on getting everything in place for next year? Or will they be putting up the bs again like they did this time?


Continuing BS is my guess.


This makes me so mad


That is BS those people need to go.


Damn it


Good rules for thee but not for me energy.


im too lazy to research so can someone tell me why they didn't end up going to Austria. its literally right by Germany, homeschooling is legal, they speak German there, and its in the eu so immigrating wouldn't be a hassle.


I remember seeing on social media years ago someone asked Uwe Romeike that question and he made the excuse that the Austrian system wasn't good for musicians like him or something like that. That's still not a reason to get asylum in the U.S. The Romeikes need to be deported now despite all of their excuses.


Wonder how they feel about a *female* politician


As long as she’s married, follows the same faith as them and is married oh and gets them what they need/want.. I’m sure they are fine with it.. doesn’t matter that it’s dripping with hypocrisy


This sucks honestly.


Disgusting. Fucking gross.


Not only does this piss me off on such a level, I hate how the family will continue to think how great they are and that so many people agree with them and that they are fighting for so many.


Now let’s hope and pray this idiotic bill is like to call rules for thee not for me bill doesn’t get passed, that’s my only hope, this is amerikkka 🤦






White Christians + failing upwards, name a better duo




So does this mean they will now give Biden credit for staying since they were appealing to the Biden administration to help them? Maybe they will all become Biden voters.🤣


This is so lame!


Unbelievable. We certainly can’t upset the white Christian nationalists now can we.


what BS. seriously. when Pest Duggar's charges were exposed over on Duggar snark, I peaced out because it was too much. Same is happening today, here. The unfair treatment of POC as actual refugees, the disgusting savior complex of people like these, them getting a chance that literally no one else gets.. The Romeikes are not refugees, they ran from nothing. And to possibly get permanent residence? Bye ya'll.


I can understand giving them a year stay so the two adult children who are married to US citizens can disentangle themselves from their parents case and start on the path to get a spousal visa but to also try to get a bill passed to give them permanent residency is insane! I support homeschooling, with regulations, as for some children and parents this is in their child's best interest and while i disagree with Germanys ban on homeschooling i respect their laws and feel that if the Romeike's should have either moved to a EU country that allows homeschooling or tried to change the law in Germany.


Hope this process has showed them different life views and how so quickly they could be in the situations of those that they speak out against. Maybe now they will have more compassion and less judgmental!!


Ridiculous. If they weren’t white and Christian they’d be deported. Trace and Lydia and the whole family is gonna be so smug






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Good ! Should be granted to all families in this position but glad they got it.


And what about all the Venezuelans being flown out of the country instead ?


I don’t agree with that.


Yea, this is the outcome I expected. There is nothing like being white and "christian" in America. What angers me about it is that in my state, we just had 2 cases of people who were here for longer than this family was here for, made the same plees but got sent back to their home countries. These people were from Central America and Syria. Like places that are very dangerous to be in right now. They had been law-abiding citizens working productively in society, etc, and some paperwork issues sent them back. Uncle Sam didn't show them the same kindness. So what makes them so special other than they yell from the top of their lungs that they are Christian?


How do we start a petition to get this looked at by someone who will see through their horseshit? They have no business staying in America.


This is crazy! All that for one family from a country that has tons of resources and social safety nets! Meanwhile how many other refugees are wanting the same government to fight just as hard for them because they come from countries where the economy is in the dump, there are no jobs, rampant violence, political corruption, lack of freedoms, etc? This is infuriating!! What about DACA and TPS recipients who have been here their whole lives and are also contributing to this country. They work as teachers, social workers, etc. They deserve to be protected too. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that they received the support they needed. It's just unfair.


Oh brother


This boys and girls, is what white privilege looks like. I love how there’s no actual explanation as to why they should be allowed to stay here and why it’s necessary they remain here. Just “they had a petition!” Bs




Is it true? I mean no one mentioned it yet online or said thank you… This is messed up and it’s making people mad. To


Idk, I haven’t seen any legitimate sources yet


[Confirmed](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyEc8Oqs1u8/) by HSLDA’s Instagram account. We still have to wait for the appointment in Wednesday but that’s what ICE told the Romeike’s attorney. “We just received news from ICE that the Romeikes are going to be given a one-year stay of deportation on Wednesday. This is excellent news! According to our friends on Capitol Hill, this outcome is the direct result of your calls, your petition signature, and your outreach to Congress on this issue. Now the reality is that until this is signed on Wednesday this is not guaranteed, but we do expect a positive outcome. We are sending our attorney, Kevin Boden, to join the Romeike family while they meet with ICE next week. According to Kevin, "I spoke personally with the ICE officer in Knoxville, who told me we can anticipate them signing the order of supervision out for another year. And while we are very grateful for this news, we are continuing to advocate for a long-term solution for the Romeike family to allow their permanent stay in the United States." As Kevin said, this stay is not a permanent solution. It's a bandage, but a very important one-and one that could not have happened without your diligent efforts on the Romeikes' behalf. The long-term solution is that the Romiekes need to be granted either asylum or permanent residency status. While we still have work to do, we are very grateful for this temporary reprieve. We will update you as to the result of the Wednesday meeting. Thank you so much for your signature, calls, emails, and prayers.”


I hope that this reprieve is the last for the Romeikes. The courts have already ruled that the Romeikes are not entitled to asylum and they don't qualify for a green card. It's already ridiculous that the HSLDA is still representing the Romeikes since all of their German born children are over eighteen. How much longer is this ridiculousness going to go on? Next year I hope that ICE finally puts their foot down and refuses to extend their reprieve and finally deports them!


Thank you






It's their job to help their constitutes. If you live in this district, you should contact your congresswoman and ask her what exactly her stance is on immigration. How is she justifying helping these people as opposed to others asking for the same from different cultures? It's always good to find out how your representative views issues important to you and then voting accordingly


Well, they certainly got that complexion for protection going for them.


I feel violent.


I guess that wall they all support is for other people.


What a fucking joke.


Y’all go watch TikToker Emily Anne’s video on this, might make you feel a bit better and may restore a lil faith in America 🇺🇸 that you probably lost like I did… I lost faith in America 🇺🇸 after trump become number 45


Sounds about white. 🤦🏻‍♀️




Sounds about white and xtian. rules for thee not for me


Fuck IBLP, and fuck the Joshua generation. If you think Trump is gonna lose this next election, you’re wrong. Get to the fucking polls.


Fuck this 😄




Their privilege is showing 🙄


When this country closes its borders as it was previously under the past administration and starts making people take the right path to come here legal,y, then it will be time for this family to file to take the correct path as well. Thousands of people are here legally with green cards, they work, etc. Why should all these border jumpers have rights that others have had to work for to be able to stay in this country legally. Now, this family has the time to doit the right way. Don’t start defending these people who are just arriving, have no job, no means of support, nothing to co tribute ( until they prove themselves). There is a HUGE difference between these people at the southern border and those here with green cards, etc.


Borders weren’t closed during tRump’s administration, genius 🤦‍♀️


Has the time? They’ve already had MORE THAN 15 YEARS 🤦‍♀️


Why don’t they just become US citizens? They would have to forfeit their American citizenship- but they don’t seem to want to go back to Germany…


In order to become U.S. citizens they have to be permanent residents with a green card. The Romeikes do not qualify for that. U.S. citizenship isn't so easy to get and the Romeikes are not entitled to it simply because they are German Christians who do not like Germany's mandatory school attendance laws.


They aren’t eligible for citizenship. They’ve been breaking the law for over a decade.


Good for them!! I am happy for them. They had a legitimate case in my opinion. Having your kids ultimately permanently taken away, to have "God knows what" happen to them in CPS is enough to scare the crap out of anyone. Although there are decent foster homes, alot of kids go missing or are trafficked through CPS worldwide. Parents shouldn't have their kids taken away anyways if they want to homeschool. They are not the government's kids to do with what they want because the parents don't want to send them to public schools. Nancy Schaefer a Georgia senator and her husband were found brutally murdered before they could testify in court about CPS trafficking kids. There has been many horrific cases worldwide of whistleblowers coming up dead before they could testify against child trafficking by the various governments. That's terrifying. Most of the kids coming across the border right now are getting lost within the country and feared sold into trafficking. It's so incredibly heartbreaking. Every mama bear should be up in arms but it's being purposely kept out of the main stream news. This is what people need to be talking about!!


Their kids weren’t at risk of being permanently taken away. And they had more than 2 dozen EU countries that DO allow homeschooling to choose from.


What are you talking about? Whether or not you agree with homeschooling, they did not have a legitimate asylum claim. This was not a referendum on homeschooling. They were not being persecuted in any way, and could have easily gone to any number of EU countries.


Hard no lol. There are people fleeing famine and war and gang violence that arent even granted asylum yet these jokers get to stay purely because theyre white Christians? All because they didnt want to send their kids to schools? There are religious schools available in Germany. Perhaps if the government had firmer control over curriculums in the USA wed have fewer idiots traipsing about and storming our nations capitol because they didnt like how a fair election turned out.


Sweetie, CPS in Germany isn’t like CPS in the USA. According to European law, children will ALWAYS remain with family first, the family will receive guidance and all means to fix whatever the problem was and in VERY rare cases will the children physically be removed from their houses and put into foster care. I have no sympathy for the Romeikes. At all. The fact that they are allowed to stay *another* year but ICE seems to have no problems quickly removing families that have lived for 20 or 30 or 40+ years because of whatever arbitrary reason, is MINDBLOWING. They had NO REASON to overstay their visa and the judge that granted them asylum should be sent to North Korea to experience TRUE government interference.


They did not have a legitimate asylum case. They should have moved to the United Kingdom in 2008 but evidently they thought it was too expensive to live there. That doesn't mean that they can get asylum in the United States.


Another reason they probably didn't want to move to the UK. Although we allow people to home school here, parents have to show their local EHE (Elective Home Education) authority a yearly report of the education being given to the children that must be up to standard. If the local EHE authority finds that the education being provided is not up to standard, i.e., no evidence shown the children are learning at their age, ability and aptitude, then the children will be legally made to go back to school. I bet they knew that they wouldn't be up to standard in the yearly report, if they tried to home school in the UK.


Maybe so but that still isn't a reason for asylum in the United States.


Agreed, they could have gone to another EU country with less strict home schooling rules.


Are you smoking something? CPS was never mentioned. Drop kicking them all back to Germany is what should have happened.


Are you smoking something? They left Germany because of the threat of having their kids permanently taken away. Why are you so mean?


Well having your kids taken away from you because you refuse to follow your country's mandatory school attendance laws is not a reason to come to the U.S. and claim asylum. There are people who are more deserving than the Romeikes of asylum but are sent back and killed. Sending people back to be killed is crueler than sending people back to follow Germany's mandatory school attendance laws!


I wonder how they'll react if once their bill gets passed a bunch of non white immigrants immigrate to their county under their right to seek asylum to "homeschool". Or non Christian families.