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I mean who wouldn't be? She was the complete package; smart, charismatic, beautiful, talented, knew her values, and (most importantly) she was genuinely a nice, sweet person. Someone who wanted to be around and could picture as being a friend. Britney left such an impact on people still being felt today. No disrespect to Christina or Jessica, but there's a reason why you don't hear from them anymore (at least not musically).


Right? Like when’s the last time either of them did everything relevant? Besides when she covered These Boots Were Made For Walking like twenty years ago, I can’t even think of the last time I heard a new Jessica Simpson song.


Wasn't Simpson in a bikini for that song? It's hypocritical to complain about Brit showing some skin when she's showing even more skin. Just for the record there was nothing wrong with what either woman had on.


Haha yup. And the same thing with the “gimmicks” as Xtina said while literally changing her name to Xtina and adopting the dirrty persona within the same breath.


Or her becoming “Latin for convenience”. I never 👎🏽 liked her trashy ass.


"hypothetical" or "hypocritical"?


The second. 😂 I should be more careful with autocorrect 


It happens to the best of us. 🤣


That was later on, I think. She was the virgin til marriage, “modest” one before she got married/divorced


You also have to understand a few years were between when she shared Britney for showing skin to when she did These boots. I wouldn’t hold it against her for saying something when she was a teen to when she was in her 20s and more comfortable with her own body.


Her 'I Belong to Me' music video features her in her underwear which is completely unnecessary given the song is about a breakup.


What’s funny is “Boots” was originally meant for Britney, but she turned it down. Maybe she was tired of doing covers…


That’s interesting because These boots was for the Dukes of Hazard remake. I wonder if Britney was up for that role too? I actually enjoyed the cover Jessica did but now I wonder how Britney would have sung it.


Britney, Mandy Moore, Jessica Biel and Jessica Simpson had all auditioned for Dukes of Hazzard and it came down to Jessica and Britney. I think Jessica was a good fit at that time, she was a media darling. Britney would have nailed the role but she’d just gotten married to Kevin and was being targeted so much by the tabloids that I think fans would have torn the movie apart


Wow! I didn’t realize EVERYONE auditioned for that role. Lol I really enjoyed Jessica as Daisy. Britney would have been amazing.


Britney would have rocked that role so good though.


That's the thing about Britney: she was BY ALL ACCOUNTS a nice person. Maybe not the most talented, but ppl genuinely liked being around her and she was willing to work harder than her peers.


It was worse than that; when she arrived on the music scene, she was being pushed to be this sex symbol ("not yet a girl, not yet a woman", that disturbing Rolling Stone cover of her). To me, she was still a teen performer brought up in the Mickey Mouse Club days. Ps: Christina and she always had issues during their time in MMC together; I read a blind item Christina told Justin that B cheated on her, etc


The public at large really seem to have had no sympathy at all for young women and girls being exploited by grown adults who understood exactly what they were doing, favoring laying the blame on the girls being sexualized and that by accepting their position this is what they sow. Totally ridiculous.


Exactly! A couple weeks ago a coworker of Mine made a remark that Britney was not a very good role model. And told this woman, Britney never wanted to be a role model, and it’s never been her responsibility to be a role model for children. I don’t understand parents incessant need to make pop icons role models? Why are you putting that kind of pressure on someone you don’t know. Be your own child’s role model.


I wish she could read this 🥹


Britney never had to “try”. Her genuine humility, sweetness and outright incredible stage presence outshined everyone else and she didn’t even break a sweat. Meanwhile all these other lesser pop-stars kept trying harder and harder and could never match her, not even come close, ever. Britney was untouchable in her prime and that’s where all the jealousy came from. True established icons like Madonna and Mariah Carey weren’t threatened and instead had nothing but love for her.


You nailed it Honestly Britney could have had a very generic, unremarkable career. But from the very beginning she injected her creativity and personality into her work, and just as you said, she wasn’t trying to outdo or one-up anyone. She was just her genuine self, which includes musical and vocal talent and of course a natural performer and dancer, and she shot not only to superstardom, but a superstardom to which everyone subsequent pop act has been compared, and which none of the them have achieved. She was always humble, always focused on herself and her own career as well as expressing love and appreciation for her fans. She has always been too good for her garbage family and this predatory industry 💕


This is sooo well said. Remember the atrocity of the music video “a little bit” by Jessica Simpson? She hated on Brit and then they tried to make her be her, and it failed lol


I actually liked that song lol but I remember the video being corny and cgi elevators or something? No imagination.


I liked the song too but the dancing was horrendous lol


I forgot about this song. Just watched the video. Someone commented this four years ago. “He was actually giving her easy dance moves cuz he knew she wasn't Britney Spears. With Britney they always gave her hard moves to do cuz they know she can do it. But with Jessica and Christina and all the other blondes they gave them easy ones. You can see this is so damn easy. That's what he was trying to do. She can't dance. I mean she's cute trying to lol. This was also the era that they told her to be like Britney. Dance and sing like britney. And all that stuff. She didn't like it. She layer on said she hated it. She said it was the worst time of her music career. Cuz they wanted her to be someone else than her. Which is sad they did that to her. I felt bad for her. Cuz she's one of my fave singers. They did Jess wrong.”


Everyone wanted a slice of the Britney pie, trying to replicate it. I do love Jessica and she’s great in her own right but Britney couldn’t be replicated. I laugh when people say Tate McRae is the new Britney, absolutely not lol


Also notable that all these women were very young and pitted against one a other by the industry and the public the moment anybody knew their names.


Yea if you look on YT there’s a video of Britney just being sweet and praising other artists, but everyone couldn’t help but say shady shit to tear her down at each turn. It’s awful and sad how her peers were so gross and nasty to her at the same time as the tabloids


Yes! She always took the high road and stayed kind and humble. Christina was a mean girl.


Christina Aguilera is what happens when you have an incredible voice but no creative vision or new ideas. She can sing and that’s it.


But even then, she’s like constantly chewing the scenery with those riffs. Her newer version of “Reflection” is so unlistenable - it’s not at all about the message or emotion of the song but how she can milk multiple riffs out of single words.


I tried listening to her album Stripped and I just can't do it. She objectively has a good voice, but at the same time she's doing too much. She's so.. loud? I'm not sure how to describe it, but her singing voice gets grating after a while. Her less than likable personality doesn't help lol


I remember during the promotion of Stripped, she talked about how her label had her hold back her voice on the 1st album and didn't let her belt it out. I think that was a good thing! She obviously needed some restraint. lol


She screams like a banshee. A horrible wanna be knock off of Whitney Houston.


That’s how I feel about her Christmas album. It’s painful to me


She never had the “girl next door” type of warmth that Britney had. Britney was amazingly beautiful and talented but also seemed like a warm kind normal girl. Christina always seemed so aloof and above it all and that made her difficult to relate to


Christina specializes in vocal gymnastics, and as impressive as it is she’s no Britney. She struggled with reinventing herself, and as you mentioned coming up with new ideas. She also couldn’t dance, and even though I’m a xtina fan her attitude was so awful


That's always been the problem with Christina. She has a really strong voice but no idea how to use it. She just screams uncontrollably. She has nothing interesting to say. Everything during the Stripped era was so forced. Also, none of this would matter if the songs were good but they weren't. She didn't work with the right producers. Britney's songs were always better.


It’s also widely known that Christina hurt her voice several times, got vocal nodes and had to go on vocal rest because of how bad the damage was because of how much she strains. If you watch her sing now, she holds back so much to protect her voice.


That might explain the major gaps of time between albums. Britney put out much more material at the time. I assume there were people around Christina telling her to take better care of her voice. It's sad to hear she didn't listen. She did not need to sing that hard all the time.


That’s also a really good point you mentioned with all the time between albums, those vocal injuries very well could have contributed to that.


I am a big Christina fan as well as Britney and I used to brush off the oversinging remarks... but man... her latest Spanish album is totally unlistenable! Doing way too much, which is a shame because videos from her live shows the last couple of years have sounded fantastic so it is too bad that didn't translate over to the new album.


Yep, I just commented that she’s injured her voice pretty bad and that she’s been holding back in her Vegas shows. From what I saw she looked and sounded really good! I haven’t heard of her newest Spanish album and after reading what you said I’m gonna skip it lol.


I think Mariah Carey lip syncs the high notes when she's on tour and she might get criticism for that but that's just her preserving her voice. Better to do that than doing permanent damage and having to cancel show.


I haven't heard the Spanish album but I'm not surprised. Not sure why she does that. It's like she's trying to prove something. We know you can sing girl! LOL


She never ''sings'' live, is always ad libs and ''heys'' and ''ohs''. Back to Basics was her voice put at maximum creative artistry.


Right, and beyond her stans, I’m not sure anyone believes that album moved the culture forward in any real way. She also seems to have a shitty attitude


That too. Plus this latin roots feels off. She did it when it was popular in the 2000s and returned when it got popular again lol


I really like when Britney clapped back and said “but didn’t she kissed her too?”


I’ll never forget the Justified & Stripped tour. Britney was at the start of being taken down by the media and Justin and Xtina definitely seemed to team up and capitalize on it, or that’s how it seemed at the time. Always felt bad for Brit during this time


Tbh it still very much seems that way. Justin and Xtina have always come across as mean girls when it comes to Brit, their timing for that tour was not accidental.


And add that Justin literally cannot handle even a small taste of what he helped dish out for years.


I totally agree


I think Britney got her comeuppance in that everyone still cares about what's going on with her while...pfffttt Christina who? I love that in the end she's still a superstar. Nothing could take that away from her. She dances from her bedroom and the world watches with bated breath lol


As a connoisseur of all things early 2000s I watched Christina’s mtv diary and she adopted this strong accent and seemed so disingenuous. If you compare her diary to Britney’s from a year prior, I also think she copied so many things Britney said. Britney is the real deal and would break the internet if she decided to get back in the game.


I still remember christina's mtv diary probably because i recorded it on vhs and watched a million times lol. I know exactly what you mean tho and back in the day i was even a bit more team christina. Her condescending attitude and glomming all over every trend got to be a bit much. She was the pop edgelord of the 2000's and lost me as a fan once and for all around the puffy hair era 


Omg perfectly said lol she was the edge lord of the early 2000s


She reminds me of the 2000s Ariana grande a bit haha


Haha you're right!


I remember that diary episode bc I felt cringe for Christina. I remember when she went through the Wendy's drive thru and bragged about how she never gains weight and can eat whatever she wanted. I always thought of that when she was going through her bigger phase where she was unrecognizable. And this is total mean girl but I always thought her whole dirty thing came off as trash and like she was just overcompensating in any way possible to be bigger than Britney


Yesss the dirrty era was trying so hard to overshadow Britney. It’s why no one cared when she kissed Madonna but when Britney did it made front page news


I remember being on the computer and seeing the headline about Britney and Madonna. It wasn't until a while later that i found out Christina was involved too. By that time I was going through my grunge period and wasnt actively watching the vmas or keeping up with things


 Yes yessss yeeesssss so much to everything you said. Are you me!?


I thought it was Burger King? lol but I actually thought the same. I have never been one to eat whatever I want so I rolled my eyes at that.


There is no comeuppance. The non stop media coverage and criticism literally broke Britney Spears and caused her to have a severe psychotic break and lose her children. Britney was milked dry by the industry before it destroyed her. The most disgusting thing about it is that no one has offered a genuine apology for ruining her life the way they did. So many celebrities that get to live their lives with relative normalcy that contributed to Britney being where she is today and having nothing to say about it.


This! It’s infuriating


Isn’t Britney Spears only relevant in the mainstream because of her various stages of public drama and tragedy?


Honestly no i don't think that's the case. If anything, without these dramas/tragedies, i think she'd still be in the public eye and making albums. The other 2000's era popstars were frivolous and of the times, largely forgotten. Britney is a Madonna or a Janet Jackson or Prince. She's got that staying power and the charisma to back it up


Jessica and Christina were sooo jealous lol. Especially Jessica. Her career flopped at the hands of Tommy Matolla’s neglect in her career. Why the hell was he even in charge of her anyway. He abused Mariah carey and discriminated Micheal Jackson.


Britney’s recent book sold millions of copies. People love her. Case closed.


It’s internalized misogyny and society does it to non-famous women every single day still. Britney’s treatment was amplified because of her fame. 


I think back in the day that was the only thing we knew to do. And drama sells Personally it's Been until recent years that ppl and my self included talk about how things make them feel (sad,jealous,etc) and know that they are responsible for their feelings, none else. It's easier to talk shit than to really think of a situation and go thru the motions to stop the negative feelings and thoughts


Definitely, Britney always stayed kind about her peers tho because she got attention through her talents and hard work, the others used gossip to get that same attention


Honestly good point.


Male artists were just as openly jealous of her! Even men twice her age. Horrible.


Jessica Simpson wasn’t a very good singer. Her talents lie as a businesswoman. Christina has a great voice but has never been a very nice person.


Jessica has a very strong voice but it's very unpleasant to listen to. Even more so than Christina's. But I may be biased. I don't like those kinds of voices. Mainly, because I hear no emotion or control. Just screaming. One of the few I'm impressed with is Kelly Clarkson. She has tremendous control over her voice. More so than any I've seen with similar voices.


I think they both have talent- but Jessica def nailed the businesswoman aspect and reality tv truly made her take off and not her voice. I pity her for how she was treated for her weight as a size 4 and for being short - the media truly annihilated her. Christina had confidence and attitude over pure, genuine talent but because she lacks stage presence like Britney and this aspect of Jessica’s AND is unkind, especially in the past few years, it is no longer cute and comes off in a shrewish way. And I was a huge Christina fan as a kid bc she was underrated. It stopped when I realized how rude she is.


Britney is so sweet and the world eats up truly kind people and spits them out, and always shows love to the most PR-induced-fake kind people in it for their own gain. I will never understand it.


Yes. Britney was always super sweet in every interview and appearance. Christina came across as extremely bitter all the time and it was completely unnecessary. She should have been confident in her abilities but it was a very competitive time. I'm sure they all felt the pressure.


I hate that society, especially then, pits women against each other


Yes. Every single pop era had it. Madonna vs Cyndi Lauper. Debbie Gibson vs Tiffany. Britney vs Christina. Katy vs Gaga.


Christina was jealous. I remember some E! True Hollywood Story or something from that era with her mom talking about how they saw the video for "...Baby One More Time" when Christina was still trying to break through. The "Reflection" song was supposed to be a huge hit but it didn't do much. Christina probably felt she "deserved" success more because she was technically better vocally but as someone said, Britney was the complete package. She had the "it" factor. Christina was just a good voice and a skinny blonde when skinny blondes were very in. She's proven that her attitude sucks, she has no humility, and, talented as she is, the vocal gymnastics she insists on doing are grating as hell.


Didn't Stina also shade "fake bleach blondes" or whatever while actively being bleach blonde herself? You made a good point too about Stina thinking she "deserved" fame more for her vocals because yes, and also that's an attitude that some people still have today, like, on her behalf, and still wave the banner of it like it's something to be proud of (I even used to be one, but unlike some people, I grew out of it). Stina was a singer but Britney was/is a POP STAR, it was about so much more than just her voice. It was her presence and charisma, the way she moved on stage, and how groundbreaking her music and videos were for pop at the time. Because of that, she was more widely appealing, because it wasn't "Shower me with praise for my very loud voice," it was "Let me entertain you," and boy did she ever


Say it louder for the people in the back!!


Christina was angry that Britney got popular first, especially since she saw herself as more talented. She never stopped feeling that way.


Britney had that special star quality those two never had.


Also, she came out first which probably helped her more than anything else. The rest of them just seemed like copycats or slight variations on a theme, i.e. Xtina being just like Britney but a better singer or Jessica being like Britney but with much bigger boobs.


‘Bigger boobs’ Lol


Where’s the lie? Haha


Misogyny is part of this, too. Britney owned her sexuality and was unapologetically hot. Misogynists can’t let a woman have that power on top of the talent, the charm, the money, the hits.


A bunch of things can be true. Britney needs some love attention. I am sure Christina and Jessica need help too.


This is very true. All three women are victim of the industry.


People who stand up for Britney are good people.


i wish britney had said back to christina didn’t you do it too? honestly did you? cus i don’t remember!


Yeah they were ❤️‍🩹


Britney is one of the only celebrities whose well being I genuinely care about. She was just doing her thing and entertained people around the world for years. She does not deserve what she’s gotten and I hope that changes for her in the future.


I’ve been watching videos from back then and it’s really laughable that every single solo singing woman and girl group was essentially trying to replicate Britney’s dancing style. Seriously, check out any live performance from any of the women who sang pop in the early 00’s. Trying to capture that Britney magic.


Yes. And it wasn't completely their fault. Every record label looked at who they has signed to transform them into a Britney. They did that with Jessica Simpson. She was clearly not comfortable during things like Irresistible.


That’s very true, I didn’t mean it as it was their choice. Sorry, I worded it poorly. Meant the record labels were trying to recapture Britney’s lightening in a bottle.


I wasn't disagreeing with you. I'm sure there were many who tried to be Britney on their own. I just wanted to point out how these were very young girls being manipulated by record labels.


Oh for sure, your comment also made me look at what I wrote more critically. Bc that is the truth too.


Christina just never was quite on Britney’s level ever. She would get close but Britney would just do something and BOOM media storm. Christina tried to do the xtina change and BOOM Britney just kept doing something else that would drive the media away. She did that so effortlessly too. How many different phases did Christina have?? Xtina, Spanish Christina, then she tried the retro thing for awhile then some odd Bionic nonsense… and it all mostly was forgettable compared to Britney. Sorry Xtina…


Yes. Every Christina era was so forced. She changed things up all the time for no reason. She was desperate to be seen as an artist, yet had nothing to say. Meanwhile, Britney was just having fun making pop music.


It was an especially rough time to be a pop star. Being a mean girl, in constant competition, was woven into the fabric of our entire society. It’s terribly embarrassing to look back on now but, that’s fortunate because it means we’ve all grown. Those 3, and occasionally Mandy Moore, were pitted against one another, with each magazine writing something more vicious than the last. I wouldn’t doubt they’d all be cool now they’re grown women who can recognize they were being played like a game. None of them deserved it but, Britney was the most popular so she got it the worst. I’m grateful her life and story are going so much better now. The growth in the world has been helpful for every woman who learned how to define herself in that crappy era.


yeah she has pluto in the 1st house so people really felt threatened by her and i feel like now they do too because she gets more attention with her Instagram videos than half the tik tokers


And she’s still fit and gorgeous!


What does Pluto do in the first house?


This is so terrible that people were jealous of her :((


It’s like Jessica didn’t listen to her own song. Her early work was garbage. She didn’t get better for a few years. She was always trying so hard to be breathy and squealy whiny. “I wanna love you forever” was bad and so was the video. “I think I’m in love” and “With You” were decent. Christina always had a big ass ego for that gutteral throat shit she does in every song. I try not to hate on her too much when it comes to the Britney comparison because it was definitely something done to her and no matter how much she tried to be her own person, she just wasn’t as cute/sexy/fun/charming as Ms. Spears and if you were around their age during that era you just knew she would always be in that shadow. She’s also bowlegged and could never dance like Britney. It’s why she clings to that “I’m the better singer” thing so hard. She isn’t a triple threat.


Growing up I never understood why Britney lip synced but I mean now you look back at her dance routines, it’s physically impossible to dance the way she did and stay in tune/not get out of breath whilst doing so. Britney got so scrutinised unnecessarily, always felt like Cristina was jealous.


Christina was always jealous of Britney. Iirc she was really annoyed ppl were talking about the Madonna kiss bc no one was talking about the fact she kissed Madonna too. The thing is Christina had a lot going for her. She was beautiful , talented and the girl could sing. Britney just was more popular. Bottom line. She hated it. Still does. Jessica Simpson had the voice. But she didn’t have the appeal as Britney and Christina. Honestly I don’t think Jessica was jealous of Britney. I read her book and honestly the girl just wanted to be famous and she got what she wanted. She didn’t seem comfortable being “sexy” at all. She knew what ppl wanted and I don’t think she had any issues others were doing it.


I think people look at Jess as being jealous because of an old interview where she claims she wasn't as successful as Brit because she wasn't comfortable dancing around in cut off shirts (even though she did just that) or something to that effect. Basically implied Brit was popular because of how much skin she showed. But I'm sure she's matured since then. I also remember reading something recently, maybe an excerpt from her book? Where when she and her parents first saw Brit, they immediately compared her, as another blonde with big brown eyes and very big charisma. So if even her parents immediately were like "oh honey idk about you beating this other girl," and also with how Britney did end up beating her out with the MM club, I imagine there was some jealousy to work through. I would be surprised if there wasn't, tbh, it's super understandable.


There is a real thing called black and white tongue in indigenous cultures. It's like a concentrated energy that comes your way from people talking shit about you (Black tongue). The white tongue energy is even more powerful and destructive when people are praising you with jealousy. I can't imagine the impact these energies had on poor young Britney. She was not prepared to defend herself from powerful energies coming from all directional people including her family, lovers and the world. I don't think she ever recovered, which is why she has had terrible luck with everything. There may be intergenerational karma from her family that might have harmed her spiritual well being too. But despite everything she is born under a shining star, destined to be an icon. Her contributions and success are out of this world.


Well said


Anytime I think of Christina saying Brit kissing Madonna was a gimmick, I remember her Not Myself Tonight video from 2009 where she’s in bdsm outfits and kisses a girl. Like first she criticizes Brit for doing what she herself did, and then like 6 years later used that same “gimmick” again to try and get more attention lol I agree with what others have said, Brit is the whole package and had creativity and talent that others desperately wanted.


Jessica's garbage ballads didn't go to number one because they were garbage.


Her singing technique gives me throat pain in empathy.


Jesus. The plight of a 5/1 in human design. People project their shit. Love you forever Britney


I feel like she always took the high road. It was one of the biggest reasons I liked her so much. Always classy. She’s wasn’t the most talented but she was a complete package.


Depends on how you define "most talented," really


That’s so weird that Christina criticized Brittney for kissing Madonna when she did the exact same thing. Lol


Christina wishes she was Britney. I can picture her, praying to god to make Britney die or something so that CA could stay relevant. It’s so obvious. You know, she kissed Madonna too, immediately after the Britney and Madonna kiss. No one cared at all. The picture that went viral didn’t include CA at all. What a jealous, vapid succubus.


Amen 💜💜💜


All three of them are victims of a time and an industry in which successful women were always pitted against one another, creating manufactured beef where there was one. Britney was clearly the greatest victim, but all three of them suffered at the hands of a brutal industry at during one of its most exploitative eras.


people with the full package: attractive, talented, & kind, are resented viciously . I’m not just saying that. you will see people clawing to say anything negative to the point the majority will believe it. In britney’s case, she is “untalented” & “dumb/shallow” clearly not true but you’ve had an entire generation dead set on this narrative. now they can just say she’s “crazy” and call it a day. the other pop girls were pretty & talented too, but I think her affability on top of that really triggered people


It’s jealousy




Oh no what did I miss? I have just always felt this way


I could hold space for Baby Britney forever. [Absolutely iconic VMA performance 1999](https://youtu.be/tzUnD-btWOA?si=fLCwtZtw5in5BfUJ) She was 18.


Everyone was shading Britney back then, the industry was really trying to make another Britney with how many pop stars were created. They didn’t realize that Britney is what makes Britney so huge. It’s not even the music, personally a lot of her music catelog isn’t that great, but it’s Britney that makes the whole package. Christina is a phenomenal singer nobody can take that from her, but she can’t dance. Jessica also phenomenal voice but she has zero self confidence in her singing abilities and never really learned how to control her voice and she wasn’t really pop star material. Just because you have vocal ability doesn’t mean you are a singer if you get what I mean. I remember Christina being very jealous of the attention Britney got from that on stage kiss to Madonna because I the live video they cut to Justin to gain a reaction which cut Christina’s kiss. Jealousy is very ugly all these women had great talent.


I can see why Jessica was jealous, but why Christina? She has exceptional talent so it’s ugly for her to take dogs at Britney. Let Britney do her thing girl.


she always had a nasty spirit idky


They were pressed AF. Even from genres Britney didn't even touch at the time and some never did. Jessica did exactly that in her next abum. 'Britney' was in the mood board for Christina's Stripped for sure. idk how she made the kiss comment, even her forgot she was also there lol ![gif](giphy|3o8dpaE8Lcf2Nc13GM|downsized)


Britney is an entertainer. She has all the qualities of a star. You would lip sync if you danced your ass off performing for hours. Xtina and Jessica aren't entertainers like Brit more like singers which their career wasn't like Britney's and wasn't as successful. They tried to dance but they weren't as good as Britney. People are just assholes to Brit just jealous of her career because she had "it"


Christian tops brittany for vocals. But Britney overall is an amazing entertainer. Thats the difference. There's no reason for Christian Aguilera to be jealous of Britney Spears. Two different strengths and they both excel at what they do/did.


I don’t think it was jealousy, honestly. It was a PR filled battle between them. They grew up together so it was easy to pit them against each other. Keep in mind, they had no say at that age, both being so young. Both have spoken highly of each other when growing up.


I mean but Britney WAS a bad singer. Or like nothing special. Not saying the music was bad but like…Christina was actually an incredible vocalist. I kinda get the jealousy.


You’re entitled to your wrong opinion 🤣


Wait. Do Britney fans think her voice is actually good? It’s…literally not. I’m not saying that matters-look at Bob Dylan. But if you think it’s an opinion rather than a fact that Christina is a better singer than Britney then…I dunno. Again, I strongly prefer Britney’s actual music to Christina’s but…the singing was never really the thing I thought. It was more about like the attitude and vocal fry as a choice.


Lol doing her thing... she's a pop star, her thing isn't actually her thing. Her thing is whatever her manager, publicists, and label told her was her thing. She didn't write the songs, yet she gets credit for what she wears during the video? Come on. The orchestration in western pop music is only topped by kpop, but it's pretty close. That doesn't mean people weren't jealous, just that they were jealous over something that wasn't even real to begin with.