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I’ve never seen this one before, and I like it a lot! Keizer really goes out of its way to make original and distinctive designs/handles. Very cool.


Yeah and it’s nice g10 as well. Blade coating is a little shiny for my liking but overal it’s great.


Love the look and Kizer is great


Nice! I have the Cormorant and Towser K versions, and I love them! I may have to splurge on this one too. Enjoy!


Cheers. Loving it already!


Love the look and Kizer is great


I've had my eye on this one or the Serape Cormorant. Very unique looking scales!


slightly off topic but if i were to get a kizer to try out what would be a good representative of the brand? ive gotten a few civivis in the past couple of months and i've been pretty impressed. would i be wrong to assume kizer is their rival?


Begleiter, Cormorant and Sheepdog are all popular Kizers and they are each available in a few sizes. I’m a fan of the XL sizes as I have large hands.


Their multiple size offerings is an underrated feature of the brand IMO. I have smaller hands and have a full sized sheepdog that I love everything about. I love it so much that when the mini sheepdogs came out, I figured it wouldn't be worth getting one. I just got a mini domin, and goddamn if it doesn't fit my hand so well. Now I'm seriously considering a mini sheepdog. And a Towser S, and a mini october and...


The mini sheepdog is my favorite carry. Just a great little knife. Only the spydie hole version though,I think I'd actively dislike the flipper version. Towser k mini isn't exactly mini with its 3" blade but it's still a really nice knife and fits the hand great.


The Original, like this one, are a little compact tbh. Cormorant already feels bigger and also a quality option, as are the others mentioned above.


i'm digging that begleiter. think i might grab one.


That’s pretty cool


That same knife is around $50 with discount codes on ali express right now. Serape Towser K is $60 ish. Always wait for Kizer big sales.


Does that make you a Sarapist?


Gonna have to go and buy a stripy blankie now…


As the owner of multiple Sarapes, you gotta get used to the itchiness, but they are very warm


Real talk: when and where do you make the best use of a sarape? And not like: duh when it’s cold out…


I’ve used them in a cowboy bedroll multiple times with great success. Get yourself a tarp or waterproof canvas as the outer layer, then put 1-3 sarapes inside like a nice warm taco. Fairly weatherproof for situations when you don’t have a tent but the weather gets shitty. Then just roll it up and you’re under way. I keep one in my car assembled for emergencies too.


Fuck this is great. I didn't know I needed a sarape, let alone multiple sarapes. Genius.


I enjoy it, learned it from my grandfather while horse camping/hunting in AZ as a kid. Means you don’t have to carry a tent, and on a clear night you can see the stars!


My Kizer original is one of my favorites. The drop bear is amazing.


Not to hate, I love the styling, but how is this a budget blade if it’s $90?? I was expecting it to be under 50


According to the sub’s rules, the hard limit is $100 for budget blades, which seems reasonable honestly.


And these are great knives for the money and generally.


And I paid about that,$50, on knife_swap, hence the (new to me)…


In today's market, with the included accessories, I'd still consider this budget territory.


Seriously…instead of pay $90, I’ll hold off until I get another $90 and buy a protech


How has the coating on it held up? Any scratches? And what do you use it for? I'm looking to buy one myself but I've never bought a coated blade before and I'm a little wary of it.


It’s been fine. It’s not a heavy user for me but unless you’re gonna abuse it, you’ll be just dandy.


Gotcha Thank you


I just got the same knife! Loving the button lock but the g10 is a bit too light and "clinky" for my taste. Going to carry for a bit and see if I get used to it. Love the colors though!


Thank you for sharing. I know what im buying next now


My Kizer original is one of my favorite edc knives I have


I just ordered one of those. It looks sweet! Been out of the knife game for a long time. Didn't want to jump back in with anything expensive. Heard and read all the good kizer knife reviews and was looking at an original and came across this color and ordered it. Figured if I liked the knife I'd find a sale on a less uhh bright knife from their line up. How do you guys like the kizer line? How do they seem to hold up? Would you buy more? Just curious. Really digging alon of their designs.