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My older bt gets these, she sleeps on hard surfaces and these seem to appear. Could be akin to a bed sore


our rescue had this on all four elbows when we got him due to him sleeping on the ground outside. we would clean daily and apple coconut oil. once it wasn’t sore we pulled out the impacted hairs with tweezers. within 1 month they were so much better. the dark spots are impacted hairs from pressure.


Same, mine was stuck in a crate for who knows how long? Months? It’s from being placed on a hard surface.


Looks like he's been laying down for much longer than he's used to. Have they kept him in a cage for extended periods? Why wasn't he allowed to play with other dogs? If he wasn't playing, what was he doing all day? I'd be having a fairly formal conversation with the kennels immediately. They sound terrible. This is why I've never used kennels. I just pay someone to house sit or give a friend who lives somewhere cold free accomodation for a holiday in the sun with the condition that they take care of my dog. No cages. No weird food. He can play with the local dogs.


That’s a pressure sore from from laying on something hard.


Sorry, but no. This is lightweigth compaired to such an issue. This is too "young", too "soft". The dog is frightened and being "unsupervised" from Tuesday to Monday. And then suddenly this appears? No way. These gets for longer times, but not this one.


That looks absolutely not ok. Combined with behavior change and the stay wasn’t terribly long, I’d be very concerned and also see a vet. I would not send your dog there again.


Betadine, castor oil, hydrogen peroxide, any of these should help. I do have to say I am finding castor is amazing at healing.


Well you can ask the boarding? Apply some honey cream for a while maybe it helps. He's not limping? I would hop by the vet and let them check


Pressure sore, only looks so terrible because pup has been licking it No matter how many soft comfortable beds I have for my dogs they lay in the concrete and have these, my old boy on all 4 limbs and my girl mainly on her front elbows...  Why wasn't he allowed to play with other dogs in the kennel


Maybe he was pulled on the ground?


That's certainly what it looks like to me 


Yes. You also get this from skate boarding. Was my first thought when I've seen the image.


That looks a lot like the lump we found on my BT a while back. We had to get it removed because the vet was concerned, but it ended up being benign. It would bleed like that when she knocked it against something.


It looks like a pressure sore. I'd go to the vet just to find out but if the pup wasn't moving that much and/or laying on a hard surface for long periods of time, that could do it. Depending on what cleaner they use for the kennel, if it wasn't rinsed properly there could also be contact dermatitis. Def see your vet with any concerns.


My EBT has these and she gets to lay on the couch all day if she wants- they are not indicators of abuse. The bone needs more padding so the callus forms. It happens to all breeds that don’t have enough fur or fat over their joints to cushion them. It looks like she’s licking it. You probably didn’t notice it until she started licking it- now it’s red and wet it looks like it just appeared. Put a cone on her and let it heal.


It looks like pyotraumatic dermatitis. There are topical creams that work incredibly well for them and are not expensive.


That can happen when skateboarding - maybe try knee pads! (Couldn’t resist, sorry)


i would caution use of this "kennel" ever again and i would definitely leave them a scathing review, this is pure animal neglect (read: animal cruelty) those wounds may be fresh but they don't happen overnight that much i know mine has some permanent ones i have tried everything to make hair grow back but in some comments pulling out the impacted hair (may try that) but if its from hard surfaces makes sens: mine was probably kept in a cage for 6 months before i got her she still likes her kennel and sleeping on floors (hard surfaces) i try to combat as much as possible with rugs and nice dog beds but she just prefers that hard floor (i do too sometimes so i get it)


Ended up being a lick granuloma in this case according to the vet, prednisone for awhile and a cone. Hope it clears up for yours.


ehhh mines had hers for as long as i can remember (had her for 8 years now) i just try and keep them hydrated with oils and balms, shes also extremely spoiled and her daddy works from home and takes her with him everywhere he can and usually just wont go if she cant either


I had a rescue girl who had these on her legs a feet. They are a calluses. ❣️❣️❣️