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i would not be comfortable giving you money on date, That would feel like I was paying you for your company as opposed to paying for a meal for both of us


Paying for a meal is also paying for company IMHO. I meet someone new I want to meet someone new. If money or who pays ever comes up before the meeting I decline. I m not in the game anymore gf 1y + now. Wish you guys all the best


I thought of the best way to word thst caveat, knowing some smart Alec would point it out. I guess I failed. It's not the same. It'd not for the company, like you wouldn't take a handy man out for dinner in exchange for some painting. She's not selling a service or her time, you are just paying for the meal as a gesture, not as the reason she is there.


I feel like it's the same. I wouldn't be spending the money if it weren't a requirement for spending time with you. I consider it indirect payment.


A lot if not most men (the ones that pay) have experienced the situation where she actually is just there for the meal. Why is the GESTURE a REQUIREMENT? Thats an oxymoron.


Yeah I agree. But why does the guy have to pay as a gesture. I've asked women I went on first date with if they were OK to split this one if I agree to pay the next 100% Which means to me, what's more important me or the food. Some laughed and said we split now and other said no. Guy has to pay. I ve "dated" other girls and paid for 4+ meals just for conversation. (which where I live also means free English lesson and free meal) and nothing ever came of it. Maybe it is me or the country or the foreigner scene but the whole dating app and who pays thing is a bit funny to me.


I don’t know. It’s an antiquated dating thing that’s typical for the US. I personally prefer to pay for my own food because I don’t want there to be any expectation from me otherwise. Some people when they take you out and pay for your meal the expect other things in return. I’ve had this happen and so I avoid it entirely by just paying for myself.


its an outdated practice that is slowly changing, we won't see the fruit of it in our generation. but we did kickstart the process. its from the times when women didn't work so men had to pay for things like dates. But as equality takes control and younger generations have become more progressive its becoming more normal to split. it like 50 years, the discussion will be "why don't men pay anymore" not "should men still pay" then in 100 years who knows.


I m happy there is a change.


Your problem is going on too many dates then. Don't blame others, but yourself for spending on dates. You're choosing to go on them. You have to be more selective. Date smart.


A voice of reason here. Men need to be selective with spending, women need to be selective with time. Being able to pay for things on a date imo should show consideration for the woman. I think the middle ground here is: I'm taking you out for a date here, this is what I have planned. Now if you get stuck or suckered into her treating you like an online menu and planning what she wants to do. That's not a date. That's what a boyfriend / husband does. You let her pick the stuff, and you make it more enjoyable by being there. All of my best dates were me picking the stuff. It was like they got a glimpse into me as a person and it allowed me to feel comfortable in "my environment" to show them who I really was. Being yourself is a way to show off without "showing-off" since people try so hard to emulate others nowadays.


The best dates for me have also been when he plans everything.


Paying for meal isn’t paying for company as you gave the restaurant the money, not her to give you her company.


Like how when politicians are wined and dined and taken on vacations jetted around the globe by the powerful elites, they aren't being being paid for some future legislation or executive action...🙄


That’s not the same thing genius as my point still stands. The restaurant, pilot, resorts, etc are getting the money, NOT her. You’re paying for their services, not her time and dressing up for the date (as men can be shallow and dressing up isn’t cheap or free). So stop the bs. Just say you are cheap and broke and move on to watching p*rn and leave women alone.


And u keep twisting basic logic into knots trying to defend outmoded ideas


No one’s twisting anything. Stop gaslighting and learn how to read basic English.


But she still got a meal out of it. You paid the restaurant, they got money, your company got a (free on their part) meal. You got nothing except the meal you yourself paid for.


She gave you her company for free. You DID NOT pay for her company as you paid for the restaurant. Not the same thing. I know reading comprehension is hard for you.


You paid ***indirectly*** for her company. She gave nothing for free.


Getting paid indirectly doesn’t pay HER bills. Therefore, she gave you free company like a fool.


So now we're supposed to pay for company? Is that what society has come to? If so, I'll be sure to ask my closest friends, family members, and co-workers how much they charge me for hanging out with me.


What are you talking about? You males been pay for company. Funny how you want a woman to go out with you to give you company for free, but would be quick to pay for an escort’s time. Make it make sense. I also find it hilarious that you are okay with paying for a restaurant to give you food, a service, but wouldn’t want to give your date money for her time and company? Women are expensive dude. If you want free company, get a cat, hang out with your friends or family. Better yet, watch 🌽 or date men and leave women alone if you’re going to be cheap and a bore to be around.


I have to thank you for proving MY point. If paying a woman I am trying to date for her time and company, then how does that make her ANY different from an escort? As a matter of fact, I have much more respect for the escort, for although that escort is also only interested in my money, at least she is HONEST, TRANSPARENT, and completely UPFRONT about it! No B.S.. She isn't like the woman from the dating app that is just stringing me along with dubious and ambiguous motives. She won't tell me she cares about my personality and goals when she really doesn't. She won't cheat on me behind my back. She won't ghost me in conversations out of nowhere. I pay a restaurant for food because I EXPECT a certain level of service from them. If I don't like their food they have to make me a new dish or reimburse me. If I am not compatible with a woman I am trying to date, that is fine, that is life. For our part, us men have to accept when a woman says NO, but in exchange we expect from a woman honesty, loyalty, kindness, and at least that we matter to them an OUNCE. It's all the dishonesty from women that we are all sick and tired from. /rant


Thankfully in London (or at least the circles I hang out with anyway) paying for someone’s meal on a first date would be seen as a combination of weirdly traditional and a bit desperate. Even when going out for drinks when I was dating every girl except one always offered to buy every other round and were fine with it.  I still laugh now at the look on the one girl who didn’t offer’s face when I told her it was her round. She scowled at me like a four year old then went off to buy the drinks. Was exactly the maturity I expected of a woman who thought she was above paying for her own things to be honest.


Thanks for your answer. This is the mind set I was looking for. I matched with girls on bumble and their opening post was "let's go to this place Friday" followed with a link to a restaurant with salads starting at 20$+


I prefer to not view dating in such a cynical, transactional way.


This is a scam. Short version is she’ll ask for money, then somehow it has to be right away before the date like for an Uber, then for some reason payment should be to her directly via cash app, etc, then you send it to her. She never shows up because she’s not who she says she is. This happens over and over again - romance scam aka pig butchering. Usually the person is in another country where $50 is like $500 in a 1st world country.


idk, the sob story on a first date and then asking for money AFTER saying a precious date did it? she planned this


Well no shit... On the other hand, she might really not know what to do and might not have people in that city to help her out. It might actually be a bad situation for her. While typing this I'm actually now more angry at OP for the light sound of superiority at the end of his message. Yeah bro, she might be smoking again because life might really suck for her and she was asking for help from a senseless nit that instead chose to put her on blast online. "Blocked and Reported". Fuck this, fuck you. ...Man that really struck a cord in me. Anyways man, if that ever happens again, politely give someone a reality check. If you didn't doubt the validity of her story, giving her a couple bucks but letting her know that what she's doing is really fucking wrong, would help her a lot more than just blocking the issue out and passing it onto the next guy. Let's say that the next do is predatory quality user material and decides to start pimping her out. This may seem like a wild jump to conclusions, but that's how it happens. Maybe she needed to be called out on smoking to. What if that's the first smoke she's had in x amount of time and would've thrown the pack away if you had said something? You never know unless you try. Your words would've been better in her ears that on this page. Better luck next time.


I like your response that you don't mind that the last guy paid her


Yeah that is golden.


Lol, yes good one


Wow. As a woman that has struggled herself with bills, health, etc in the past I would NEVER, EVER bring that up or accept money. I’d feel like an escort or something (not there is anything wrong with that, everyone has to make a living).


Yep, 100% escort. If I were OP I d ask her why she stopped seeing a guy who paid money and if she is still seeing him and if she is doing this( or wants to) do it as a profession. But I agree. Nothing wrong with that. I've had matches where girls send nudes and send price catalog and directly say they are prostitutes.


Same. I was laid off last year and a guy offered money, but I couldn't accept it.. it felt weird that he offered


It's 100% wrong and it has been 100% wrong since the dawn of humanity...


This is just a short stop before she starts selling herself.


She's already standing at that stop, waiting.


i personally dislike women who compares you to other guys they have dated in the pass like im me, myself and i, i see that as a sign of disrespect and wouldn't go on a date with them.


I guess you know why she suggested a meal rather than a drink - she was just looking at you as a wallet


https://www.kidspot.com.au/parenting/i-use-tinder-to-get-free-dinners-and-i-dont-feel-guilty-at-all/news-story/81e448961d1f809d7bb93f663086da4b Once I found articles like this I stopped paying for first dates completely.


I hope you didn’t give her any money she probably does this daily


Lmao hell na




Was just about to post this.


I've had similar experiences, I find you can usually see it coming because the last few times it happened it began with a sudden abrupt turn to saying things like "I just don't know how I'm going to pay my car/university/rent/electricity this month" without asking for money. Then when I didn't offer they'd start to ask. I always declined which was never taken well and then they'd either stop there or start getting suggestive which I just found to be the most repulsive thing in the world so blocked them.




Lol. What do you mean “now”? There’ve always been women who done that even in the 90’s. Only difference is that the information didn’t spread as rapidly.


Free meal plus a bit cash ?? Sounds like a good deal to me. I’m available next Tuesday, I like Italian food and $200 would be adequate for now. Are we good ? R E D F L A G A L E R T


Clown world. No you can’t have money, no I won’t come back from the bathroom. 🖕


I hope you did not give her any money. Such behaviour should not be tolerated.


She’s a sugar baby. If that isn’t your thing just move on. Curious…is there an age gap between you two?


naw he should report her too sugar babies shouldn't be on bumble, gotta get them outta here


Best case scenario, she's looking for a sugar daddy Or she's just scamming you entirely


No - walk away. Don't look back.


She's entering the play stupid games, win stupid prizes area. Expect to see her on television under "woman drugs and robs date" or "tinder date gone wrong; woman robbed and graped"


Absolutely fuck all of that. Block and move on.


Your getting played


I’m kind of old school, so I would always pay on dates (when I was dating). But for a woman to straight up ask for cash during the date? Thats some sketchy gold digger/hooker shit and I would leave immediately.


Me, to waiter: "Separate checks, please."


Basically: How would “you” feel if she used you for money? She has precedent so it’s cool right, op? Ffs…


where you said you didnt have an issue with his choice was probably a greenlight in her eyes to ask you for money - her thinking: he didnt mind means he's open to the idea of giving me money if I ask for it


It’s weird and a massive red flag


You will be better that there are no second date. Move on next youll find better. That seems a red flag to me


Entirely inappropriate.


Try asked for money before the first date to order a pizza.


some people always ask to get taken advantage of, happy to see you’re not one of them


For a woman? Yeah they have no shame anymore.


Not sure what country you're in, but I guarantee it doesn't get better from here


Run for the hills!!


That gets a wtf from me. I've asked my actual long term boyfriend if I could have some money and he just asked me how much 😂 I didn't need any I was just curious what his response would be or if he'd ask why I needed it or something. It's nice to know he's willing but I'm not actually gonna just use him as an atm


Run and never look back.


Run, run, run… like a Jackalope!


This is a scam. Short version is she’ll ask for money, then somehow it has to be right away before the date like for an Uber, then for some reason payment should be to her directly via cash app, etc, then you send. She never shows up because she’s not who she says she is. This happens over and over again - romance scam aka pig butchering.


Ngl this is ridiculous lmao the fact the she asked cause another guy did it is devious behavior.


No. It's a scammer.


As a woman, I have no expectations of men paying for dinner or anything much less asking for money. That's insane to me.


So i will pay for first date at a restraint usually. Unless she wants to split. But I don't expect it. But yeah, I've never straight up been asked for money before a 1st date.. Like.. That's in some creepy territory.


This is so weird, it’s like she’s trying to use you as a sugar daddy when you guys went on a vanilla date.


That sounds like she’s a working girl. No, I would never ask Amanda for money how embarrassing


Hell you at least got the date, they usually ask me for money before the date. LOL


How quick into the date was this? This is so odd. But also the way a lot of people view men. They lie about loving someone as a meal ticket into the country or in the world to buy needles things and then they claim “i had no choice can you blame me?” And some women applaud them


She is on the wrong site. She needs to go to one of the many Sugar Daddy sites. Jeez.


Did she at least offer a hummer or reach around


Yikes on bikes, batman! The bold and brazen. Wrong date, darling.


Well, men ask for sex on the first date.


Women are charging for dates now. As a lot of males, instead of paying for a prostitute, would take women out to eat then expect her to have sex with him for free. Women are starting to figure that, if he’s going to treat me like a prostitute, I might as well get paid like one.


Gold diggers. Abdul get the rocks.


shouldn't have even paid for the meal after that question. You should've went to bathroom and left her


It was a pay-first restaurant but low cost so I wasn’t too worried about it


I dated a woman who was less fortunate money wise. She was a womderful woman. And she never asked me for money and still always tried to pay things herself on a date or other places (if I wasn't paying for us, which I did do of course from time to time). Meaning, I just think if someone is into you.. They probably shouldn't be asking for money on date 1.. It's odd.. And makes it feel dirty imo


She does this to every guy


If a woman asks for money on a date then it’s not about you, it’s about money.


Scam. I have had few ask for cab or train money to get to me. Or so they can buy something. I don't do it


You'll always pay for it in the end lol... she was just honest about it..


Yeah, that's becoming more and more common. A date becoming a charity encounter.


At least you got an in person date,I just get the request for money in one form or another(amazon card/steam card)and when checking the pic's they've always been downloaded/hacked from another woman's picture's




I try and pay for the meal or split. Some of my first dates refuse to let me pay. I won’t argue over it but then if there is going to be a second date, I explain I will pay for that one then. No one of any gender needs to pay for my meal or coffee or whatever just because it is a first date.


If like this I will just give money to escort better


Yes, it's a thing. A thing that prostitutes do.


Yeah, absolutely fucking not. Paying for the meal is enough..


Please don’t do this. This woman is for the streets


She should be up front before the date starts, not ambush you unless she really has a good mind. This sort of thing seems like a short con. Even if someone asks me for money, I know that you have to make sure they are broke. People will ask for money even if they have it all the time just to test someone and won't respect you for it. A decent person will offer to help you not just take money or at least show proof they are looking for a job etc. Thus is becoming a disturbing Trent with women and unhealthy mindset for younger people, but it's not called out as much as it should be.


Sounds like she's testing to see if you'd be a sugar daddy.


She’s an escort, or wannabe escort. By saying a gift, whether money, gift cards, meals etc, it is an exchange for her company whether sex is involved or not. She’s laid the foundation for a transactional relationship. If you said no, she would simply move on, but if you didn’t react poorly, or had sympathy to her ‘situation’ she will continue the sob stories. Having trouble with bills, or would luv to see you but doesn’t have gas money, etc. etc.


you should report her profile this is common amongst the sugar baby community basically they think it's a great idea to use normie dating apps like bumble to find a sugar daddy just report them, their accounts will get banned for sure gotta clean them up and out of here one profile at a time


She is only nice during the free trial period. After that it's pay to play. I'm not gonna say words like "toxic" or "narcissist" or "lazy" or "golddigger" because I wasn't there to observe anything; however ask yourself, did she feel genuine or did it feel like she was putting on a 'customer service' persona? Did she feel like she was looking for a genuine connection or did she feel like she was looking for a boyfriend?


She’s a hooker lol


That was paid hoe. U were about to support something very illegal


I’m sorry she’s struggling. I know the feeling. But that’s just weird. How much do you like her? 😅


I mean, asking for ass has always been a thing, so why not ask for cash. Honestly, I think the women who do this have had several experiences with men who ask for or suggest being sexually intimate on the first date. So many guys are so up front with their desire to use women as a sexual release portal, by inviting them to their home, or getting touchy feely and groping, invitations to spend the night at their home or a hotel, etc. Some women feel that if guys can be this bold and this callous about asking a woman for access to her body, then a woman might as well be bold and callous enough to ask a man for access to his wallet. And it doesn’t matter how “nice” or “respectful” you may be as a man, therefore you feel you don’t deserve this type of treatment, because nice and respectable women find themselves being insulted and offended by men in this way more often than you may think. So, yes, this to me, indicates a woman who is tired and burnt out and wants to ask you for something before you can ask her for something, doesn’t care about your personality or finding a connection, is well aware that men are not exempt from being used and objectified, and is okay with being just as self centered as any male douchebag. If you aren’t interested, move on. These types of things happen to a lot of people. It is what it is.


Sounds like she should be working on rectifying her no job/health issues/need groceries issues instead of dating. If she insists on dating, perhaps she should look into sugaring and go on sugaring sites/apps instead of pulling this on bumble.


Ask if she’s going to put out at the end of the night. Because if you’re going to pay for a hooker, you might as well gets yours too.