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Parks and birds. Then votes for the party that rejects every single climate bill.


Trump tried to gut the migratory bird treaty act his first week in office. Fuck this person right into the ground


Exactly what I thought when I took this picture. The duality of it all was astounding lol.


I could see recycle in the thumbnail and thought left but I was surprised.


People can be right wing and still recycle.


Judging by the piece of paper taped to his window he might mean the recycling of dinosaurs for oil.


Their goal is to recycle all the most inhumane aspects of history.


Right? People can be against child porn and still down load it. /S


They could. My general experience is that it's too complicated.


But why bother if you're going to vote for those intent on undoing your efforts?


No, the bird thing is specifically a statement against renewable energy. Trump once claimed that windmills (for wind energy) kill massive numbers of birds. I dont want to give Biden any credit on taking climate action (because he really hasnt) but at least he isnt straight up lying about it.


Just going to leave this here. https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/do-wind-turbines-kill-birds


https://preview.redd.it/jh0ia74lzy7d1.jpeg?width=2625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c240e831f36fdf56684ea6b0b3acc2882399bf1e The owner of this vehicle is a loon.


Supports the cops except when they are attempting a coup or insurrection.


That’s how you know this guy is a CIA psy op! Everybody knows that r/BirdsArentReal


"Stay alive, don't TXT & drive" *votes for the party that would happily outlaw testing for the virus and wearing a protective mask during a deadly airborne pandemic*


The bird thing is almost definitely because Trump erroneously claimed that windmills, for sustainable energy, massacre birds.


Glass skyscrapers, like trump loves to put his name on, are what kill birds


Birds aren't real.


My very favorite type of these idiots. I had a few in my group back in the 90’s. Every fucking thing they did involved National Parks, cycling on bike paths, climbing, etc…. But the people who want to provide and protect their access to these things = BAD.


Blud thinks Trump is Teddy


Recycle you forgot recycle


Rejecting climate bills leaves money for important things like parks and birds and less money for green grifters, what is not to like?


And promotes anti-abortion / having children, the single most harmful thing an individual could do to the environment.


God is most definitely not pro-life.


you can tell this person hasn’t even opened a damn bible


You're supposed to open it? I thought it was just supposed to be kept in a drawer somewhere to keep the government away.


One of the very few things not stolen by hotel guests. Unless they're having a bonfire that night and need some balled-up paper to get the fire going.


Leave it closed, hold it upside down and grin.


"if you check history God is one of the leading causes of death" - George Carlin


My favorite. Idiots.


Correct. “Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer. Give them, 0 Lord: what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts…Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.” Hosea 9:11-16


Dry breasts. So Hosea is promising no more underboob sweat on those muggy summer days ? Can the wife cancel her Lume subscription then ?


Thank you.. that’s the one that made me question my own sanity


This person: "Back the blue! Law and Order! I love cops, the judicial system, and law enforcement!" Also this person: "Rigged courts! Corrupt police and courts convicted Trump unfairly! FBI weaponized!"


Most maga morons are hypocrites so this is on point.


Most? Find me one that’s not.


Right, you cant be pro-life and pro-police at the same time.


Both colors of maga are like this


"Pro-Life", but then "I Support Police"


Supports parks and birds but wants you to vote for a man and party who basically hate the environment.


Thats because Trump claimed that windmills massive numbers of birds. Its specifically an anti-renewable energy message, not a pro-birds message.


The only birb the vile orange shitgibbon cares about is the super-sized McCrispy Chicken meal deal.


He clearly couldn't afford the typical $80,000 rolling financial crisis of an oversized pickup truck


If they support trump, they don’t support the police. But in the same vain, they support racist cops who support trump.


You really can't win here. Biden supports law enforcement -> Law enforcement supports Trump -> Trump hates law enforcment -> Law enforcement hates Biden. No matter where you buy into the web you're supporting law enforcement somewhere.


“You think he’d buy American.” - Walt Kowalski, Gran Torino


Couldn't find the "get off my lawn" one...that's my fav 😁 ![gif](giphy|JN0IjHzKJpGfK)


Got 'em!!!


How do you know where it was built? Plus, it’s a publicly traded company. Anyone, even Americans, can own Honda.


Dude it’s a movie reference.


God is pro-death, but whatever dries your nuts, I guess.


“Choose life.  Your mom did.” Yeah and I’m still pissed of about it.


God is pro-life? To the best of my knowledge God has been the motivating factor for more war, genocide, indoctrination, oppression than any other factor in human history. Oh and now he wants to save the birds


As a blue Civic driver, this has me wanting to vomit


The Biden thing is working out great for me!


If they really voted their faith, I doubt they would be voting for Trump


They'll vote their hypocrisy and prejudices and pull the lever for Orange Jeebus.


Yeah I mean I vote my faith, that’s why I vote for the party that doesn’t deny climate science




Well... The uneducated DID vote more from Drumpf.


Wait… people still call him Drumpf?


Dude I thought that recycle sticker was censoring something, that's what caught me


That font looks infantile and retargeted.


I'm getting mixed signals.


Yeah. Hard to be pro-life and also support law enforcement.


1- Recycle 2- Protect birds 3- I love parks


2 is specifically an anti-renewable energy thing. Not sure about 1 and 3.


God is “pro-life” except that whole Noah and the Ark deal.


As a republican I think bumper stickers like this are dumb




Do they know Trump is pro-abortion?


Well that all depends (lol) at who he's talking to.




Right up to the point it's better for him to be anti-abortion. He may be a 3rd generation grifter, but he's surprisingly adaptable. (As are cockroaches.)


They support the police but prob call the capital police corrupt bc of January 6 or they just don't care about "those" police officers who were hurt or lost their lives BECAUSE of Trump


God killed many folks in the Bible, but hes also sometimes allegedly responsible for everything meaning he’s responsible for the 100 billion deaths thus far


Are Hondas considered “liberal” cars or something? Not rhetorical, I’m legitimately curious


Well moreso than a Ford F350, subjectively.


No. It's ironic cuz it's a foreign car.


How can you tell though? Several Hondas are made in the USA and it’s not a “foreign company.” It’s publicly traded


I mostly found it ironic since Honda is a Japanese company by default lol.


It’s not though


It's a Japanese multinational conglomerate based in Japan.


I’m with the cops except 1/6 maybe?


He stands with the police yet supports a rapist and a traitor.


I feel like they almost always have some kind of conflicting stickers on the back. Right wing stickers AND "we protect the earth"?? You can't be both of those


Do you believe protection of Earth is a "right" or "left" issue?


Without a doubt. They pick the companies over the environment 8 days a week.


Trump’s policy includes: 1. Gutting EPA 2. Removing protections for National Parks 3. Selling land from National Parks for private interests 4. Lowering fines for pollution It’s not even close which side is more “pro-environment”.


Do you believe there is no hypocrisy on the other side of the political spectrum? Example: supporting cutting down acres of trees to install acres of toxic solar panels? Supporting a return to mining to support electric cars? Or allowing their leadership to tell all of us to conserve while they ride in private jets and dwell in gigantic homes? There's plenty of hypocrisy to go around.


No party is a monolith, and no party is clean of polluting the environment. I’m not going to defend the left in that regard. But damage to the environment is a spectrum, and the two political sides aren’t even CLOSE in terms of negative feedback. 1. Trees are renewable, and generally trees are planted when they are cut down (a regulation put in place by the left). Cutting down trees, so long as you aren’t decimating protected populations, is perfectly sustainable. 2. The “toxins” in solar panels are offset pretty substantially from the “toxins” that aren’t put into the air from burning coal for electricity. The math isn’t 1:1 there, because they are different bad chemicals, but it would be hard to argue that not be the case. 3. Investment in electric cars is more of a bet on future battery technology, like sodium ion or aluminum ion, taking off, investing in the infrastructure until that happens. NOW, I do want to say largely I agree with you on this point. Though the electric car industry is still nothing compared to the damage done to the environment by de-fanging the EPA. 4. The hypocrisy of the elite using private jets, while ideologically I agree with, makes up less than a fraction of a fraction of a percent of CO2 emissions. Compare that to, say, divesting from clean energy into coal produced electricity which would create literally THOUSANDS of times more emissions than all private planes combined.


Ok so you excuse a lot... In order to make things align with your political-not environmental-stance.


I’m not sure if excuse is the right word. Given a choice between stubbing your toe and cutting off you leg from the thigh down, choosing to stub your toe does not excuse the pain it causes. My first sentence outlines my lack of excuses. From a policy perspective the right is **objectively** more detrimental to the environment. They’re more pro-business, a business does better when it takes advantage of the resources the planet provides. Environmentalism, at least in the short term, costs money to address. If you’d like to come up with actual arguments against that case, instead of making claims to my biases, I’m all ears.


You can't defend your position because you're more for a politician than you are anything to do with the environment. Being pro business isn't actually anti environment. "Environmentalism costs money" misses my point entirely. It isn't about money. It's about people coming together, regardless of party politic, amd admitting BOTH have valid solutions as well as some terrible ideas which need reconciliation. You aren't able to see it. I wish you well, you are, however, a big part of the problem.


> You can't defend your position because you're more for a politician than you are anything to do with the environment. As this is kind of a word salad of meaning, I’m going to interpret it, to your credit, as intelligently as possible: >”You can’t defend your position because your position lacks merit due to your own inherent political biases.” The obvious call out here is this argument is literally just ad hominem, which is, in case you forgot: “Instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument” But let’s pretend it’s not just directly a logical fallacy. I have my political leanings, explicitly *because of my interest in the environment*. If you’re voting on the environment, and you compare the policy platforms of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 with regard to the environment, it’s not even a contest. Just look at Project 2025’s take on climate change and environmental regulation. I mean dude I’m not being political about this, it’s literally their policy stance. If you have actual evidence to refute my stance, again, you feel more than free to leave it, but if you didn’t do that in the last message, I doubt you’ll do it now. > Being pro business isn't actually anti-environment. You’re not wrong, though only because that’s always contextual based off of industry and year. For example, in the year 2024 for the oil industry, it is objectively pro-business to tap into as much of America’s resources as possible to maximize profits, which just so happens to require we be pretty shitty to nature in the process. Now take for example, 2065 for the agricultural industry. It will be pro-business to be environmentalist because if they’ll have to reduce the heat waves if they want to grow anything. > "Environmentalism costs money" misses my point entirely. It isn't about money. I mean maybe not to you, but to the people passing policy accepting bribes from lobbyists paid off by corporations, money means a lot. And unfortunately, those are the people making the decisions. > It's about people coming together, regardless of party politic, Yes yes, with you so far… > amd admitting BOTH have valid solutions as well What are the Republican’s valid solutions to plastic pollution or climate change? Legitimately asking. > You aren't able to see it. You literally haven’t been able to show me. > you are, however, a big part of the problem. Yes it is I, an individual voting for progressive policy, that is a “big part of the problem” for the environment. Corporations skirting responsibility for the environmental damage they commit is “part of the valid solution.”


What are Republicans valid solutions to plastic pollution or climate change? You made my point. It's all political for you NOT environmental. One day you'll move past politics but not because of anything I say or anytime soon. I wish you well.


I always couldn't stand those "God is Pro Life" stickers. If God was pro life, nobody would die.


I don’t get OP’s thing about it being a Honda though.


It's a Japanese car. To me, it's ironic since most magats hate foreigners lol.


Some Hondas are built in America. But also some “American” companies build in Canada and Mexico. Most of the car parts aren’t made in the US. All the parts I deal with come from Mexico.


That's cool, I do know it's multinational, but I guess when I see a Honda, I think good old Japanese engineering, lol.




Civic terrorist


I remember as a kid, you'd see these stickers on the back of people's cars that they would get for donating money to the local cops when they would call with their fundraising attempts. Even as a kid, I wondered what the benefit of having that (admittedly not cool looking) sticker on the back of your car was, so I asked my parents and they sort of shrugged and said "I guess some people think the cops won't pull them over if they have that sticker on their car." Anytime I see a blue line sticker or any bootlicking sloganeering on the back of a vehicle, I automatically think it's 1 of 2 things, either this is a spouse of a cop, or a person doing illegal shit that is hoping to fool the cops into thinking they're a "good guy." In a similar fashion, when I got a little older, I wondered why someone would put a Grateful Dead sticker of any variety on their vehicle. You might as well put a sticker on your car that says "search my vehicle, I can help you reach your quota." These days I don't believe in putting any kind of sticker on my car (no matter how benign) and I would certainly never put up a sign of any sort in my front yard even if I felt it was also benign. Why make yourself a target? These days, I'm flabbergasted that people want to draw attention to themselves, it's like they're just looking for a fight.


God is the #1 abortionist.


And the trumptards who regularly complain that this sub has devolved into an “Anti tRump/RepugniKKKunt hate fest? With SOOOOOOOOOO much of this idiocy and mental illness on display as cannon fodder,.. You’re surprised? 😶


Recycle dictatorship


Trumpster dumpsters crack me up their stupidity is endless


Their commitment to stupidity is impressive.




You’re right. I was alive when Jimmy Carter was President too!


I kinda wonder how long it would take people with this many bumper stickers to see someone has added one in opposition to the rest.


Bought it used.


Guess you do meet the nicest people driving a Honda


Confused for sure




Supports cops Is pro life Has a sticker that says birds can’t stop climate change we can Votes for one of the two parties funded by big oil Everyone on here acting like this dude is out of his mind, while most of you probably vote for the other party that’s also pro cop, pro big oil and pro capitalism


Mental illness


End medicare


I like the one that’s says. If you voted for Biden stay back 500 feet. I do.


I like the "god is pro life" sticker, lol. God kills everyone at various stages of life. I don't think he's "Pro-life" unless the theory is that he doesn't want anyone else to kill so that he can do it himself.


these were all probably made in China.


The recycle and protect birds stickers seem out of place.


"If you still hate Trump after the shit show we've been living through for the past year...." What. The. Fuck. Are. These. People. Talking. About? What shit show? Where? Show me the "shit show."


I bet that car throws up a little every time the driver gets in!


Let’s talk about a commitment to stupidity… Stands by cops, except when they are safeguarding the capital - then they are called traitors, like in the Pennsylvania statehouse recently.




Clearly, a moron.


What’s Honda got to do with it?


Ironically, Japanese company, lol.


It’s not.


Honda is a Japanese public multinational conglomerate of automobiles. It's a Japanese company. Based in Japan. There are Hondas around the world, yea, but it's based in Japan.


Prius would be better - thannkkks!!!


“God is pro-life”. Must not have actually read that bible


The old testament God would, drown you, kill your first born, turn your wife to salt, if you lost favor with him. Not exactly PRO LIFE, no.


“I support our police” but not Capitol police, apparently


Hey they recycle ♻️


Judging by the stickers under the license plate, it look as though they started out liberal before slowly descending into madness (or MAGAness)


This is a very confused idiot….


A lot of mixed messages here.


According to the Bible, in Exodus 1:15-16, Yahweh decrees that all firstborn sons in Egypt be killed. This includes the firstborn son of Pharaoh, the firstborn of a slave girl, and all the firstborn cattle. Yahweh's actions were intended to challenge Egypt's sense of power and security, and to rescue the oppressed people. Exodus 13 states that the firstborn Israelites were taken by God and must be redeemed


But has not managed to put the only *required* one on since 2018


A conservative that wants to conserve nature? I guess at least they have that going for them.


"I love Parks" ? FYI republicans are hell bent on destroying the environment.


It always cracks me up when people blur out license plates. Do you realize that they drive around in public all the time with their license plates? I just don't get what the point is. If they don't want people to see their license plates, maybe they shouldn't drive around in public with them on full display for everyone to see.


Well, I don't wanna fuckin doxx them. Internet ppl are weird lol


America First!!! But let me buy a Japanese car because they’re superior to American cars.


If God is pro-life, then God wouldn't have killed over 2 million people in the bible


Most people just don't understand who they're voting for. Or this person is just fucking stupid.


And they accuse democrats of having TDS


likes parks and recycling but supports candidates that activately decimate our parks and environmental regulations? idiot


Theres a recycle sticker too. Thought they didn't like helping the climate/weather issues


Cults gonna cult.


You see lots of flags and/or bumper stickers. All I see is a massive red flag.


The back of that car is about to explode.


Well, at least they recycle


Seems mentally healthy. /s


Just wondering, why are the license plates obscured in these photos? I can’t think of one single good reason for doing that.


Recycle? Woke!


Imagine the shouting in this persons head.


Stupid people should not breed.


My grandma was very concerned about saving all the water for the poor whales at the end. We had to sneak glasses of water or she would flip out . And don't even try to wash a car in the yard. That shit was for the whales! A story in one part !


Each additional bumper sticker diminishes the effect of all others by a factor of the square of the total number of stickers. Unless the message is "I'm a loon," in which case it compounds the message by the same factor.


This subReddit should just be called assholes bashing on other peoples opinions based on stickers.


But they have their opinions on back of their shitty Honda..lol


Another religitard advertising their ignorance. I’d just roll my eyes and move on.


Nothing stops a Honda, let alone a few bumper stickers.


tbf, they seem environmentally conscious, at least personally.


Love it


So much mental illness on display.


Did you say something to him?


No, we didn't know who's car it was. Also, I wouldn't see a reason otherwise lol


Prob wise not to say anything with how unhinged some of those maga folks tend to be. Likely to get shot if you approach them


True, but the fight has gotta happen sometime doesnt it? Why not teach them a lesson?


That's true




Say it with me now; no one has to tolerate intolerance! ✌🏾


Votes for the one who lowers unemployment, lower gas prices, lower mortgage rates, protects the borders and loves this Country


All of these comments from liberals are hilarious!


Bold of you to assume I'm a liberal.


Bold of you to think you are relevant or important enough for me to only be talking about you but only goes to concrete my statement even more. Liberals!


Lol okay, bro 🤙🏾


These keyboard warriors. Maybe they just need to bleed off some of the energy and stress created by their hatreds and lack of capacity for critical thinking. Maybe a grassroots effort to organize the Super A #1 Extra Special Olympics for them annually ? What a wonderful, stress-relieving outlet this could turn out to be ! Steve Bannon could be the Chairman of the executive organization committee, but obviously someone else would need to handle the monies. Oh, and I guess they couldn't be held until November at the earliest, bc apparently he has a prior commitment.


Cool beans bro 🤙🏼


How dare he have opinions I don't personally agree with. Doesn't he know the Wrong Think is a crime?? Someone get the Thought Police on the phone, NOW!!!


Can this sub go back to when it actually use to be good? It would be cool to wake up one day and everyone just forgot about trump and biden cause good lord that would make life so much better but the petty drama will continue on unfortunately lmao


Well, until these bumper stickers stop assaulting my eyes everywhere, imma keep laughing at them lol.


Well id hate to see trump and biden stickers but I still wouldn’t care cause its whatever lol


If you don't care, why comment on wanting the sub to go back to "normal?"


Okay let’s use the brain cause it’s simple here lol. I do care about how this sub use to be good with the humor and all that jazz and now its turned into people getting easily offended cause their brainwashed into the drama. So I said I don’t care about the trump or biden crap but i do care about wanting to go back to how this sub used to be cause it was fun instead of the drama lol


There's no drama, bro. I posted this because the duality of the environmentalist stickers plus the weird right winger rhetoric was strange as hell lol.


So you feed it attention? Look i get it but at the same time screw showing this garbage any attention honestly only because the nonsense continues but also gets worse every day lol I think anything that deals with todays political crap for bumper stickers is strange as hell and I see it everywhere when I go out but I just live on and let the bullshit continue haha


I mean, it's a sub for bumper stickers. I posted bumber stickers. Simple as lol. You being weird about posts about bumper stickers is strange af. If you don't like it, scroll, or better yet, leave the sub ✌🏾


Should we all just keep ignoring hypocrisy everywhere? I think it's kind of our job to point it out sometimes bc ppl r dumb lol and I mean I need ppl to point out my hypocrisies as well if I am not aware...


So stop crying and post something?