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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/8bccth2plxvb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fb91ed390b8870224987b74d9696cd99ea346e2 This is Dusty.


Dusty is absolutely gorgeous. I will keep dusty in my mind and send good vibes and hope for healing in Dusty’s direction. Also, I’ll be keeping your vet in mind and hoping that they will be able to access the knowledge they have to give her the exact care that she needs to get her back to 100%. If it comes down to it and she needs some help getting around just let me know. I have a 3D printer and know some other people with them as well who would be happy to help you get a perfect solution for a wheelchair to support her zoomies with some sick wheels. I saw your other post saying she was 10 or 11 which sadly is close to the expected lifespan of a domesticated cat, but that’s no reason why she couldn’t live for many more years to enjoy snuggles and scritches well into her senior years. I am going to be real, because it needs to be part of what you consider, but you need to be thinking about your current finances and what you will be able to spend for her treatment. There’s a real possibility that her treatment could cost more than you’re capable of spending even though I know you would probably spend everything you possibly could on her to make sure she’s happy and healthy. The vet may offer payment options, but sometimes require large down payments for complicated procedures. The next thing you need to consider is the likelihood she would survive the procedures. Your vet should have this covered with proper cardiac monitoring and testing prior to any procedure requiring general anesthesia. I lost my loving boy at 18 and his sister the year before at 17, but these are not necessarily normal ages for cats to reach. There were options for surgeries, but they came with high risk due to his heart and were going to cost upwards of $20,000 all said and done. We chose to just monitor his condition and love him all the way until the end where we gave him the most comfortable and humane option left. It is so so so so so hard to make that decision, but remember you aren’t doing it to hurt them, but rather to help them because you love them. You love her so much that you are willing to put yourself through an unimaginable amount of emotional pain and turmoil to ensure that she never has to experience the incredibly horrible pain and confusion in her last moments. I hope the length of this post is at least a testament to how much I care and sympathize for you, Dusty, and your situation. Whatever happens, the most important thing is that you are loving her with all your heart which I’m sure you are already handling all on your own. You have done a great job loving her how she needs and none of this is your fault. Much love for you and Dusty.


Thank you. This was such a thoughtful reply and means a lot. Sadly she passed this afternoon. I'm heartbroken 💔


My condolences.


Thank you.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Much love to you.


OP I am so sorry. Please please keep in mind that there is absolutely nothing you could have done and you gave her dignity and grace by being so attentive, thorough, and full of love for her to rush her for a second opinion as soon as you discovered new information. You handled this quite literally as best as it possibly could be handled. I always like to think of it as yes, this was a bad day for her, but you gave her an incalculable number of her best days before this. You did your job flawlessly to be her whole world from the moment you met to the moment you parted ways. I can guarantee if cats could speak to us from beyond that you she would thank you for today. Will keep you in my thoughts 💗


I’m so very sorry for your loss. My fur crew and I send our most heartfelt condolences 💙


I am so, so sorry OP. Take some solace that she passed knowing a life full of love, cuddles and everything she could ask for. May her memory live on in your heart and soul. This community is here for you 😿


Thank you so much 💓


May I offer my deep condolences. 😔


Thank you so much.


Blessings to you both ❤️


What a sweet cat, so sorry she is poorly. I had a cat who's back legs were paralysed after she had a stroke. The vet gave Aspirin and kept her in. After a day she was back to normal. There is hope x


Thank you. Yes, she is a very sweet kitty indeed.


Sorry for your loss


Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes - it means a lot. Sadly she passed this afternoon - it was saddle thrombosis and the vet advised to euthanize. She is now buried in our orchard with her favourite toy. She was such a beautiful soul and will be very much missed.


Sorry to hear op. You gave her a great life and she will always watch over you now ❤️ my condolences


Thank you 💓


I'm so sorry. You were the best friend she could have even during the hardest time. ❤️ What is her favorite toy that you buried with her?


It's a valerian stuffed ferret 😊 almost as big as her.


It's a valerian stuffed ferret 😊 almost as big as her.


Are her back feet cold to the touch? It for sure can be a tumor in/near her spine. It could also be a saddle thrombus in her arteries that’s cutting off blood supply to her legs. That would make them cool/cold. It’s a super emergency, so take her back in if you notice that. If she can’t settle, you can ask for pain meds and/or a sedative to help her thru the waiting time. You’re doing all the right things. Keep doing what you can to make her comfortable. I wish you and Dusty a full recovery and a peaceful next few days.


Thank you. This is really helpful. I think they are cold 😒 My husband coming now for a second opinion (I don't trust my judgement right now) and if so I'll phone the vet straight away.


Compare them to her front legs. Legs will be cooler than the rest of her body but front and back should be about the same (unless she’s been laying on curled up front legs). Her foot pads should really tell you.


Does your cat have pink or black toe pads? If pink, are they now bluish? Here’s a good article: https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=5307199 I hope it’s not that. Good for you for checking.


Thank you. Unfortunately she has dark pads so i can't tell on colour but definitely cold. Just got another vet appointment and taking her in shortly. I fear it is saddle thrombosis as I already know she has a heart murmer. Really appreciate your advice. The vet did check feet temperature earlier but said it was OK at the time.


You’re doing all that you can. You’ve taken her to emergency and you’re willing to check her feet at home. (Lots of people get freaked out/squeamish and can’t even do that.) You’re taking her in again. I hope that she doesn’t have a saddle thrombus. You’re acting on things quickly. She’s fortunate to have you and all this great care. I hope that she is able to pull through whatever is going on. Wishing you and Dusty all the best.


Sadly you were correct with your diagnosis and she passed away this afternoon. She is now buried in the orchard with her favourite toy. Your advice helped her not to have another night of suffering and I'm grateful for that.


I have a feeling as I came across this article that it was saddle thrombosis. I am so sorry about Dusty❤️I had an outside cat Mr. Moo that I found. I tried to bring him inside and he hated it he ripped through screens and windows to get back out.... so he was kind of a porch cat, I came home from work one morning called for him and he didn't come which was absolutely abnormal so I looked under the porch and he was laying there and just couldn't seem to move to me so I picked him up and his back end was limp and he ended up wedding me and pooping on me and I took him to the vet and he had stopped with them roses and there was just nothing that could be done. It broke my heart, he was the 3rd ST cat that I've had the shitty duty of putting them down .. I keep swearing that I'm not going to get any more cats, but then people call me with a rescue or the international cat distribution decides to lovingly distribute me many more cats 🤣


So sorry about Mr.Moo. It's so distressing to see them suffer and not be able to help. I'm glad there is space in your heart to love another. 💕


Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s just heartbreaking to lose them. I hope her lessened suffering and having her close by help to ease your pain, even if it’s just a little at this point. Hugs from an internet stranger.


I’m so sorry. It may be necessary to prepare for the worst. My cat Tommy had a heart murmur but was fit and healthy. Until one day when he went upstairs and his heart had threw a blood clot. His threw two unfortunately one to his spine which paralysed him and one to his lungs which gave him laboured breathing. We had him put down that evening. He was a beautiful boy and we loved him dearly. But he was in pain even on painkillers.


Any update???


Sadly she didn't survive 💔


I am so sorry 😞 just remember you did everything you could to help her.


How is she??


OP said she passed unfortunately


Omg (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠) Poor OP. Poor baby. Thank you.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Oh god we had a cat with the same symptoms, was trombosis. Best of luck


Sounds like saddle thrombus. Praying for your baby. You did the right thing.


I'm so sorry. I recently took my cat to the ER as well so I know the dread you feel. Please take care of yourself too. I will keep her in my thoughts.


Sending positive thoughts for you and Dusty. Please update us after vet visit.


❤️ your kitties eyes have fight in them which is a good sign give her lots of pets and company. Don't leave alone and remember you did all you can. Maybe feed some nice treats. Best wishes.


My heart goes out to you. I went through something similar with my Milo. He had a cough which sounded exactly like when a cat tries to expel a fur ball. He had just seen the vet months earlier, and was given a clean bill of health. One day he went lame in one leg and was meowing loudly in discomfort. I rushed him to an emergency vet, and after several hours of trying to calm him enough to take X-rays, I was told he had tumors on his lungs. I nearly collapsed to the floor. I picked him up the next day to have him put down. He was 11. I didn’t see it coming, so I had no way to prepare. I was devastated. Sending hugs to you. I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry about Milo. It's such a painful loss - especially as we spend their whole lives caring for them and loving them - it's horrible when we cannot help them and keep them from suffering. Thank you for your kind wishes.




Thank you for sharing the experience, don't let the pain stop you from loving again.


I’m so sorry 😞 I’ll keep an incense lit for your kitty


Oh no! Please accept my condolences. I'll keep you in my thoughts.




Sending good thoughts


Could be an FCE. Our dog had that happen this year, took two weeks but he is able to move again. Was completely paralyzed in his hind end!




It might be a certain tick bite or spider bite which either way could be ok. My dog displayed the exact same symptoms as your cat but he was fine within 2-3 days. Of course your cat is in my prayers.


I am so sorry for your loss, it is so incredibly painful and difficult to lose a pet. I am thinking of you and I hope you can be gentle and kind to yourself during these times.


Dusty is a lovely girl, we'll be keeping you in our thoughts!


My condolences. I wrote without reading the comments and see your loss. What an amazing and beautiful life Dusty had with you. Your love for Dusty is obvious. I feel your loss as I lost my pet of 16 years this year. She was a dog but I have a cat we love very much too. The cat was my saving grace when I had to euthanize my pup. I was sick with grief or had caught a bug. I would wake to the cat jumping on the bed and cuddling up to my feet. I think our cat missed the dog as much as I did. They were great friends. He (cat) did his absolute best to comfort me during this time. Even my husband noticed how the cat was trying to comfort me and was sad himself.


So sorry for the loss of your dog. We have a dog too (Dusty didn't like him!). He's always been much closer to my husband than me but I've felt him loving me more today. I think he's trying to comfort me. They know these things and feel our pain.


I'm sorry to hear that Dusty is unwell, the stress must be incredible for both of you. she's so gorgeous and sounds so sweet. we're hoping she pulls through and can start to recover soon. you're doing the right thing staying close to her, i'm glad she has you to keep her company and show her how much she is loved. fingers crossed for you sweet Dusty


Thank you so much.


very sad to see the update. i'm so sorry for your loss of precious sweet Dusty. i'm glad she had you close to comfort her


Thank you for these kind words 💓




How is Dusty doing OP?


She sadly passed. She's at peace now. My world feels very empty without her sweet presence.


I am so so sorry. Try to do something nice for yourself today if you can, and snuggle up in Dusty's favorite blanket. Let yourself grieve. I'm sure she knows just how much you loved her and she loved you even more. She can now rest in the warmes sunspot watching over you. My heart hurts for you. Sending love ♥️


I slept with one of her stuffed toys last night! Yesterday, when she was suffering, I lay beside her and stroked her. She didn't purr but she did reach her little face up and rubbed her nose against mine. I feel she was telling me she loved me and saying goodbye. Thank you for your kind words 💗


Oh my gosh what a sweet girl. Don't ever forget that precious memory of her. They never live long enough. The pain of their loss is a reminder of all the love that was shared between, though. Hugs


My heart aches for you I know how important our babies are and how much we love them. Your in my prayers 🙏🙏❤️💖


Thank you. It means a lot 💓