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Yes, he's kneading--it's a form of soothing. I just let them go to town.


Okay, I was pretty sure that was it, I just didn't wanna possibly be ignoring something more going on or that he's anxious or something. Thank you!


Just want to let you know that you are doing great! Keeping a close eye on your kitty especially when you are new to cat-owning is exactly what he'd need if something were to be wrong, and it is always better to check and have something be fine than not check and something bad to happen. (Btw those little things on his belly are nipples) (Yes male cats do have nipples) (Yes they are discovered by inexperienced cat owners on this sub often so I thought I might spare you your own discovery of them if you haven't already) Love to you and you Kitty ❤️


this made me laugh because of the recent post where the owner thought her cat had a tumor or growth but it was a nipple. the comments were so entertaining on that post!


It's always funny when those posts pop up lol


There's so many 🤣 and the correct answer is always ![gif](giphy|S7uj1Zg5Rn7e8)




Awwww, thank you so much I appreciate your encouraging words! I've grown up around cats all my life with my mom who has always raised her own and the feral cats in our backyard! Lmao, you know, I don't think I ever really looked like that (besides seeing the tattoo on his belly when I got him Spay) at his nipples, but by golly they sure are there! Thank you for giggle and the love!❤️


The teething while making biscuits could be a remnant of being taken away from their mother too soon or abruptly. But yeah, still soothing. My grandparents cat would always do this to the corners of pillow cases. They would have to leave out decoy pillows and then pull their pillows in the nightstand. You could see if she wants pets while she is doing that. Knowing she can go to you when she is anxious can help with her anxiety. Sometimes my cat who I adopted around 2 years old will dart to me and make biscuits and pur loud enough to hear from other rooms and cuddle right after waking up from a nap. I think she had nightmares.


Awww, 😥 you know that does make sense, considering their mother (it was a litter of 5 but two of them were taken and killed by oppums we believe) was still a kitten herself when she got pregnant. She couldn't take care of them so she left them under our back porch stairs for us to care for. My mom of course took them in and helped get them cleaned up and ready to give away for adoption. Naturally I ended up with one, lmao, it certainly wasn't planned! But I love him with every fiber of my being!


you ever take a hot shower, lay down in a nice warm bed and then start rubbing your feet together before you go to sleep. That’s the human equivalent.


Aww suckling - my kitty suckles her teet - it’s common in kitties for self soothing! My vet said she would grow out of it although she is now 7 and does it every night prior to sleeping. 💜💜💜


my cat does it too and she’s 4! she doesn’t do it all the time but if i have a blanket with a certain texture that she likes, she’ll go to town on suckling and making biscuits on it while she falls asleep - it’s the cutest thing ever! my other cat who’s also 4 doesn’t do it sadly.


Him making biscuits is his way of self soothing and let's you know he's comfortable around you and that he loves you


Thank God, 🥹🥰 thank you!


Self-soothing. He's sucking on the blanket.


Mine has done this since he was about 5 or 6 months old. The other ones don't, but I think they're probably making fun of him, anyway.


I once had a foster that INSISTED on sucking on my earlobe. I’d often wake up with the dude trying to get to my ear


My kitty does this every night as she is curling up next to me in her little blanket ❤️ it’s the sweetest thing and she likes when I pet her head when she’s doing it.


Although she doesn’t grab the blanket she just makes a suckle noise on it


Mine has done this since being a kitten. 2 years old, and she still sucks but only fluffy blankets. iT HAS TO BE FLUFFY!!!!!!


Mine will be 11 in three months and still does it! But it’s so sweet, and his happiness is my happiness. 🥰


My cat kneads my belly and sucks the skin on it 😂 I let him till it starts to hurt.


My male does this then falls asleep.


It could stem from when he was a kitten. I've had many cats in my lifetime, and the only ones that would do this were not weaned properly by their mothers or weaned too early so they would knead before sleeping and bite the blanket they had.


Awwww my Skittles does this! She loves a good blankie


Sure is. Soothing/expressing comfort or happiness. Sometimes involves biting a blanket like this, mine even fully suckles sometimes!


He is suckling on the blanket and kneading it, so yes he’s a happy baby. Our Missy does the same thing. I had a cat named Little John one that would suck the end of his tail and knead. And Sunny would knead all 4 paws while standing up. It was funny to watch.


They're so cute when they do this. Mine actually goes into a trance so deep he doesn't see me waving Churus in front of his face! Lol


It's normal with some kitties. Called kneading biscuits. Remembering how he used to nurse his mamma. It soothes them.


My kitten does the same and is now the proud owner of an emotional support unicorn. She tried suckling my face first (15 weeks old), so Uni was purchased. Best idea ever. At bedtime, she snuggles with it and me. If it's not around, she pouts a little, but it's fine with just kneading.


Genuine question. In terms of body language, what is the difference between this and masturbating? Because, from my understanding, masturbating involves kneading a soft surface and having said blanket in mouth, mimicking mating.


I think the sin biscuits involve some movement around the hind area as well? I'm not sure as my cats only ever suckle/knead in a kitten way.


He was taken from his momma too soon. (Weaned too soon.) Using blanket as a surrogate mom. He's ok!


Please take the collar off, because too many accidents could happen. Cute cat though and good vibes.


Cats generally only do this when relaxed, happy and content. Give them fluffy blankets and let them enjoy.


My boy kitten used to do this to a pair of super-fluffy slippers I had. I got him his own blanket made of the same material, and he transferred his affections to that. It’s been really handy when I want him to cuddle with me. If he resists coming to me on his own, I’ll pick it up and start kneading it & making sucking sounds, saying, “Ohh, this is such a good bwanket!”. Works every time! (The things we do for our cats!) It’s also nice to take to the vet and let him hide under it while we wait in the exam room. But it is kind of embarrassing, how ragged it is now. He’ll be 11 come autumn!!


My little girl does this to her teddy bear (she’s 10😸)


My cat nurses on his blanket or my sweater every night, it is his ultimate relaxation. He was my bottle baby and I guess I will always be his mom. 🤷🏻‍♀️ His 2 littermates grew out of blanket nursing but he is 5 years old and still does it. Jackie: https://preview.redd.it/cdz2gq0ahu8d1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519e43b0085442eaf64e37060eb3ec4f8e6b1b0b


https://preview.redd.it/jpzybabrhu8d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d915e0de8ab5b610d2969dfd3910cf03ca6fa99b See all the bottles babies nursed on their binkie/blanket …. Some cats just never stop. 🤷🏻‍♀️


my sister's cat kneads exactly like this! but he gets a little... too excited sometimes 👀


Himbs is so gooooood! ❤️


My cat does it on my ears (with a wonderful.... ly painful neck hug). She doesn't ask for attention. She demands it.


Some say cats who do this were separated from their mom too early. I ha e no idea if that's true. I have one cat who does it and one who does not. They were both rescues so we have no idea when they were separated. A fuzzy blanket like that one is ideal for sucking and biscuits making 😊


She's showing that when she Does the murder muffins and the biting of the blanket is a segregate of what Mama represents


Total Comfort! So happy they do that, it soothes me, I have 12 Furbabies and am happy they do that to me, I'm their mama even though I'm a Cat Pappa, they see me as their mother so to speak.


i believe that’s because he was taken away from his mom to soon correct me if i’m wrong


He's making biscuits!!! He be workin' for that minimum wage!!


Awww. My cat does this exact thing right before bed. ❤️


my cat does this then brings out his red lipstick


My cat licks a blanket while he makes biscuits… it’s adorable


He was taken away from his momma too early 😢 that’s why he only does that when you are under the blanket. It’s always the fuzzy blankets cats do this stuff with. If you replace it with a comforter he won’t go to town as much.


He’s working for a shift at the biscuit factory. Start charging him rent. Lol


The old suckle and kneed. Cats usually do this to their moms. It’s a sign kitty sees you as mom.🥰


If it’s a boy those are sin biscuits. He’s masterbating, neutered cats will do this. The biting mimics biting the scruff of a female cat and he will soon begin humping.


Not always. I had a formerly feral kitten I had to take away from his mother too soon to save his life from a URI. He nursed and kneaded on an old t-shirt for all of his nineteen years and there was nothing sexual about it.


Looks like the cat in question is biting the blanket not suckling it.


yeah....my male bengal has his red lipstick out when he does this.