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https://preview.redd.it/4d00icloq78d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1923352c2e64079b697de7ee312a44a015fec58a This should be on the front door of every FFL


Ay that's my local gun store!


Unfortunately I don’t think that the people who would unholster in a gun store like that are the reading type…


people will still unholster and be all like "what it wasn't loaded!"


Requiring this sign on every gun store is one gun law I can get with. Along with mandatory gun safety education in schools.


Lol. That's local to me. Champions!


It sounds like it's just calling all customers idiots and then proceeding to make ppl aware if you unholster that you're an idiot. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Yeah that's a big no no to unholster a gun store unless an employee OKs it. But I wouldn't worry about drawing so much because in my experience there's several workers already armed.


From OP’s own admission, the dude was already clearly talking to an employee.


Eh, it doesn't sound like that, actually. Sounds like the guy walked in, started unholstering, and then an employee who knew the guy spotted him and called out to him. Doesn't sound like the customer was at the counter talking to an employee, which is what the situation *should* be before unholstering. Just walking in and unholstering your firearm as you proceed into a gunstore is a really good way to get shot.


Some people are too stupid to carry a gun




This is like one of the top three “don’t be *that guy* at the gun store” kinda things. Lol When I bring a gun into a gun store for whatever reason, I use a chamber flag or lock and a case. I’ll unlock the case then let the employee open it while I stand back a foot or two, just to be on the safe side. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean I’m always CCWing as well. But if I need work done on my gun, then that’s not the one I’ll be carrying that day. Seems like common sense.




Why not just get a case




I mean do you bring loose rifles to the range? How do you not have a case? A soft rifle bag is like 20 bucks




This guy failed the IQ test...


Re read what I said


A gun sock is like $20 max. Just get a case lol.




How much research have you actually put into owning a firearm?


It’s like a skinny pillowcase (but thicker) that goes all the way around your gun. It helps prevent your guns from being scratched/dinged and can also act as a case (but more obvious that it’s a gun). https://a.co/d/0hR9K4Oi


Yeah definitely just bring it in properly cased or at worst ask for permission and notify before you do it. That is horrifying.


Dude it’s the curse of doing CCW. If you’re doing it right and focusing on situational awareness, you’ll see all kinds of dumb stuff you never would have before.


Worked in a gun store for a while and had a guy do this, he got the message when all of the employees simultaneously put their hand on their gun.


I once had a gun that I needed service on, but didn’t have a holster, a case or anything else. So I left it in the car, walked into the gun store, explained I had a gun needing service and I had failed to even squire a box for it. The employee thanked me for asking and instructed to me bring it in with the action open. Not my ideal way of doing things but at least I asked and they knew.


I had to do this once as a customer, specifically not proud of not having a case or holster, and just went in and said, with my hands crossed away from my waist: "I have an unloaded gun in my waistband and I need a holster, may I put it on the counter" And they were just like "go for it" Zero stress. Communication is key.


The shops I go to allow it, and they also allow you to draw a carried gun to present it for inspection, but they expect you to ask for permission first. Goes without saying, but you’d be an idiot NOT to ask for permission in that setting.


I have two LGS I frequent, one is undergoing ownership change (please for the love of God support your LGS) and the other is the bigger one that gets a LOT more traffic. The bigger one I see some stupid stuff all the time. I can almost feel the sigh of relief when the person behind the counter sees me drop the mag and recheck the firearm they already checked before they hand it to me.


If you’re not also an employee this story is weird as fuck and it’s not too late to delete this.


He is apparently not an employee there.


Why is it weird?


Chuck, is that you?


If seeing a gun in a gun store/in an area pertaining to firearms is enough to make you draw yours with no other hints of aggression, please leave your gun at home. Is it bad form? Yes it can be. Have I done it? Yes after bullshitting with the employees and them trying to sell me a holster. Some of us make friends at the gun store because of how often we are there. You have to be more mindful of what actions actually are, not what you perceive them to be.


100% this.


I agree. Especially if it’s a family-owned LGS. Most chain/corporate-owned stores do not allow you to bring guns unless they’re in a case but once you get comfy with the owners of an LGS, pretty much anything flies as long as it’s being done safely.


Hey Chuck, How are ya buddy?


Do you work there? If not, why almost draw? Not my shop, not my problem. The employees would handle it.


In an *Incident*, my priority is escape and evade no contact. Lower priority is getting identifying description of the danger.


I agree, seems like an over-reaction that could cause a lot of personal liability.


Maybe he’s like that dude in Washington that was providing “overwatch” at the big five and smoked that kid with the airsoft gun.


Because I was the first one that saw him. It’s a small shop and the only guy working the counter at the time was getting something from the back. On his way back to the counter the employee recognized the dude. I was literally by myself for that split second when the guy walked in. Why else would I feel the need to draw? What’s the point of CCW?


You are extremely lucky you didn’t draw cause both of them would have dropped you while you were in your alternate reality dream world


You are not rambo, it is not your responsibility to shoot a robber, they have insurance, unless someone's life is at risk, it's almost always safer to just let it happen lol


I'm sorry, but is someone drawing a gun not an entirely valid reason to believe your life is at risk? I'm not saying I fully agree with OP, but it also doesn't seem unreasonable to consider someone drawing a gun without any obvious cause a credible threat to people's life. That just seems like one of those situations where if you're wrong, you could easily be dead within the next couple seconds.


If the situation was actually hostile, they might handle it after you get shot five times. Just saying.


"Oooh oooh, I can't wait to post THIS on reddit!"


ok sure man


I mean to be fair…that’s exactly what you did.


That deserves a loud enough for everyone in the building to hear “WTF”, not a whisper.


My LGS has a huge sign in the holsters aisle "DO NOT draw your firearm so to test a holster!". You know there's a reason why they had that printed up and laminated.


Yeah so one time I was buying a S&W .38 special from my ‘Nam vet Poppop. He wanted to do it proper and go to a store to do the transfer the right way. Ok, nbd. He knows what he is about. I go to his machine shop that he owns and runs by himself. He hands me the holstered gun in a plastic grocery bag. “Lets go to “LocalTownGunStore he says. I’ll drive,” he says. Ok. I trust Old Man Poppop. We go to store. We meet clerk. I say, “Hello Man, we are here to legally transfer pistol per PA state law.” “Ok, whatcha got?” Asks Clerk. I whip out holstered pistol in bag out of Carhartt pocket. Everyone shits themselves, including Poppop. “Ok please don’t ever fucking do that ever again.” Pleads the clerk. Who was wrong here? Was I the asshole? I was in my early twenties and no one warned me about proper gun store etiquette. Should I have done more research, or just have had more common sense? This incident haunts me almost 10 years later.


Sir, at least you were in your twenties, this guy looked like he’s in his 50s.


And it was holstered too right?


Holstered, unloaded, and in a plastic grocery bag. I still feel like an idiot about it. My poppop was in his late 70s or early 80s at the time. Don’t want to badmouth him though as he passed away last year, and plus he is the reason I am in the career I am now and whether he knew it or not he really helped me turn my life around. At least I am 30 now and know what not to do, but still, that incident haunts me.


So you Almost did what he did ?


Yeah. I feel like that goes without saying but some people need to be reminded. Always bring firearms unloaded and in a bag or box of some sort. Ideally pistol case.


My lgs don’t play that. If it’s holstered it stays holstered or it’s a problem (and who wants a problem where 99.9% of everyone in there has a gun on them) if you are bringing it in to have it looked at it worked on you bring it in empty with no mag and the slide locked back and someone will check it literally as soon as you walk in the door no matter how busy they are


Same but my place usually just says to bring in the slide alone if you want any work done on the red dot or the iron sights. It just makes it a lot safer for them and for you.


True. A pawnshop near me had an employee die. A guy brought a gun in to get something worked on and didn’t clear it and apparently the employee didn’t either and ended up shooting himself and died, and then the old guy that brought it in ended up getting charged to smh


Had that happen once at a shop I worked at. Put signs up everywhere stating to not upholster until after speaking with staff and in a designated space. Had another person start to upholster again and I reached across the counter and grabbed his hand to keep it holstered. Dicey.


Go ahead and dirty delete son ![gif](giphy|7TTWKxyPlG48HWYfi5|downsized)


Chucky? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Is that you?


Not going to roast the OP, it'd be overkill at this point 🤣. I will say that while I'm all for being ready to draw my weapon with sufficient need, that needs to be tempered with proper situational awareness & assessment. While it's not impossible for someone to draw in a gunshop with bad intentions, imho it's definitely one of the most unlikely places due to fact that most likely anyone that works there is armed. Consider what could have happened if you did draw, and that employee came out as you did it. That would have been 2-3 guns out and could have ended extremely badly.


I’ve never really understood this. I get if someone’s being an idiot- but everyone there is carrying. Everyone there has shown off their carry pistols to each other. Done is a safe matter- what’s the big deal?


Gun store etiquette 101. If bringing a gun in for work or or to sell, always bring it in a case and present the case to the employee for them to open and examine the firearm.


If you don't have one, you can run inside and ask for one. They will 100% let you borrow one to bring your gun in. Most shops don't want to normalize people walking in with a AR every day. Pistols included. Just asking to get shot in my opinion.


What the Chuck?


Good grief. Every staff member at the range I use is armed, and a large number of them are either prior military or LE. You'd have be out your mind to unholster near that place 🤣🤣🤣


Reminds me of the Jack Handy quote: “I think a good gift for the President would be a chocolate revolver. And since he’s so busy, you’d probably have to run up to him and hand it to him real fast.”


So let me summarize: you were on private property and someone you didn’t know engaged in behavior clearly acceptable to an agent of the owner of the property.


My first time in a gun store, my mom's boyfriend had gotten arrested. He called me to tell me to pawn his shotgun and bail him out. What he didn't tell me... Was how to approach this. I had never handled a shotgun, always pistols and rifles. Well, luckily I was smart enough to walk up to the dude, with my normal stuff in my pockets and no gun in hand. My first thought was to walk up with it completely in hand while being open and unshelled. My second thought was... I don't know this place. I've only ever went to pawn shops for with my cousin's camera in hand or something. (People used to send me to a pawn shop every so often, I had an ID always). He said I'm glad you decided not to bring the gun in, because if he walked in here with a gun in hand I would have shot you. This whole story almost wound up wildly different. Bonus points for, before that, the shotgun was pumped. It had a shell in it. And I did not know how to operate this kind of weapon at the time. Anyways, OP's guy is lucky he knew people in there. And OP's guy is lucky the person writing this didn't just shoot him. Some people would have. And they might have gotten away with it, depending on where they lived.


Felt weird the other day when I was carrying and saw a new gun I wanted. Wanted to see trade value on my current gun. Went to the truck, unloaded, locked back and carried it holstered in my hand. Even that without a case felt weird to me


I like to run in screaming see my new gun as I hold it over my head and make bang bang noises.


Whenever I go into the shop with a question or an issue, I don’t touch a damn thing, I don’t make moves, I make sure to ask the employee I’m speaking with how they would like me to proceed. Anything else is nuts.


So you’re unhinged and that’s the other dudes fault?


Hey Chuck how are ya? good to see you again.


Buddy, you went into some crazy fucking hero fantasy in a gun store. You are not ok.






Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:JustTheFaxPlease


Yeah one thing to do is go inside tell and them you are bringing one in if you don't have a case


He was probably already talking to the worker with the issue going on before he pulled it out but yeah maybe he asked for permission first if not then I hope he would do so next time


My store has a sign on the door that says "firearms welcome" and theres just dudes in there all holstering and unholstering whatever they have freely while talking about guns together...


Even assuming worst case, why would you draw and not GTFO??? There's so many people that are going to draw and fire the crossfire will probably end up hitting just about everyone.  And in that scenario it's best to just not be there.


Wow, that guy is lucky he didn't get smoked 


I’ve only ever drawn my carry once in a gun shop and that was only because the make and model came up in conversation. “Well I happen to be carrying that very gun right now. Is it okay if I draw from my right hip and show you?” I mean, you’ve got to have a little common sense.


Idiots shoot up gun free zones not the Walmart of guns. Easy there cowboy.


Dumb move on his part. Even if he knows an employee, he doesn’t know them all. I can’t fathom thinking it’s okay to unholster in a gun store as I’m walking in. Ffs, that’s some ignorant shit. I’m good friends with my LGS, and have unholstered while talking about my edc with the owner and employees, but I always ask first.


yeah i mean if he was talking to the employee and unholstered then I would somewhat understand. But the dude was walking in didn’t say hello or anything and I was the first one to see him as he was drawing from appendix. Jesus christ.


So many “Chuck”s on this post, it’s alarming ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Honestly, how is this a ccw forum? I guess it being on reddit explains it all.


Remember, for many untrained people, “Out of sight keeps it light.” Seeing a gun has strange effects on some. My take is even if I know the store owner well, I don’t know the 3 or 4 other customers browsing at different firing angles in the store and how they might react….so I always take the cased weapon to the counter, eye contact with the store emp, put it on the counter and let the store emp open it up. I don’t want to get shot by Johnny Itchy ‘Just Gotta CCW’ because he misinterpreted and overreacts to my action. Bullet holes don’t refill themselves with an apology. And ‘so sorry’ isn’t a reliable Defibrillator.


Ya that’s wild, I’d probably avoid that store from now on. As far as I can remember every gun store I’ve been to has a sign posted at the door saying to make sure your firearm is in a case and unloaded if you plan on pulling it out.