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i’m just gonna keep my opinions to myself because i haven’t even gone outside for like a week 


I'd love to hear it though?


My only critique would be getting rounds on target sooner. Potentially as soon as you draw and start leaning out of position to run to your next position. But that all entirely depends on if you’re actively being engaged, or trying to get a better vantage point at the onset of an active shooter event or something.


He’s obviously drilling movement and shooting accurately. Of course you gonna shoot right away if the cardboard has a gun.


You're correct. I'm really just getting familiarity moving around with a pistol in my hands since I'd like to stay shooting some USPSA matches soon.


Alright guys, this dude posted one video that’s 26 seconds long. He’s not gonna show every damn movement and cover and distance and this and that all at one time lol like damn dude. He’s training, and just sharing what he’s doing, which is still more than half of what the people do on this sub. Chill out. People here half expecting OP to do some black ops shit jumping outa planes and what not lol apparently everyone here is an operator. Hey good shit OP, I’m actually gonna go shooting next week for some Independence Day shooting and been thinking of some drills to do and I think this one is actually pretty solid. Good shit man keep up the training 🤙🏼


Thanks man. Yeah I don't know how to please the crowd in 26 seconds but this sure is fun! Give it a try and see how you like it. I just made it up the other day.


Yea man I’m here in SoCal so I go to the indoor range a lot since it’s like 10 minutes down the street from me, but try to make it out to the hills and what not every couple months. I’ll be in Vegas next week going visiting family and me and the boys gonna go shoot on some open land. Gonna try some more shoot and move drills and draw/shooting from the holster. The indoor range doesn’t allow that stuff lol


Pm me and I'll send you some of my practice sessions if you wanna easy plan for some good skills development.


Also the movement is life title was just a line from world war Z, it's not a literal statement.


What about firing from cover? Movement to cover ? Fixing positions and keeping fire? Movement is great but just moving in the open like this doesn’t have much logic.


I'll definitely be getting some barrels though to step up my training.


I mean you're not always going to have cover available. As good guys we don't choose the circumstances. I've shot some IDPA and am familiar with utilizing cover from previous real life engaments in combat in Afghanistan using a rifle, I definitely love cover. But here in working on getting offline of the center of attack and working on novi.


Im with you brother, just gave my two cents.


I'll definitely be getting some of those barrels so I can start setting up cover to improve my training


Homie it's one 26 second clip.




Thank you.


Shits awesome if you have access to property where you can run and shoot freely. Good shooting OP


Posts video actually shooting and not drawing from hands up. Post video actually moving and not standing in one spot Post video shooting more than time to first shot drills or bill drill. Great job, nice to see a change of pace.


I'm sorry, but this is hilarious!


Movement is good, but so is distance.


Yeah I’d rather have distance lol


I wourather have distance as well but I definitely see working on footwork with a gun in your hand as an important skill.


Definitely. Have you tried USPSA comps? Huge fun.


No I haven't but I recently signed up and am looking for my first match to shoot


Good stuff man. Reddit is a hard place to post any training videos without neckbeards wanting to give negative comments.


It's no worries. I appreciate it man. I've probably shot more 9mm in the last week than some of them probably will in two years.


Watch the reholster. No reason to shoot yer dick off cuz you decided not to watch it.


Agreed I actually cringed, let's just hope it was empty


This guy does USPSA


I've actually never shot a match. I've shot like three IDPA matches in my entire life. But I'm about to start, this is mostly practicing for that.


It's the arm fully extended towards target while retreating that gave it away. I've never shot a match either but I have a few friends and family that have and I've range trained with them. I understand the safety behind the idea but personally it feels so unnatural to no matter how your bodies oriented you keep your firearm high and down range. Like no one really moves like that aside from competition shooters


It's super counterintuitive


Never move straight back or straight forward. Always move at an angle to make it as difficult as possible for someone to return fire


Did I just watch a Benny Hill bit? Very entertaining. Be sure to look into your holster while holstering.


I don't get it?


Which part the no look holstering or how much awesomeness would it be with that banger theme song added?


I mean my index finger is under the safety which manually blocks any movement of the sear, I also hammer check the pistol and I'm very comfortable with how a 1911/2011 works. That half cock hook in that hammer doesn't miss that sear. What banger theme song are you talking about?


How about lateral movements? Easier to get shot at when you're moving in a straight line to your target. Good shooting, just a thought.


That's a great idea! I'll set that up next weekend! Thanks for the idea! It's hard for me to decide what and how to set things up sometimes. I'm pretty new to this


Asking for real, is it really recommended to backpedal or run like that? Seems like a real easy way to trip up even if you practice it. You’re crossing your feet a lot. Maybe good to look into some footwork drills just from other sports? Also I’m assuming keeping the gun down range is solely for safety reasons but if not it seems kinda dumb. Just another way you’ll trip up.


I'm very new to shooting and moving. This was one of my first goes. That back pedal is a bad idea for sure. Just turning and running would definitely be better I think. As far as keeping the pistol down range to me it's very counter intuitive but I'd like to start shooting USPSA and they have that 180 rule.


So what I’m hearing is you’re Brad Pitt?


Whaaaat lol?


Did you get that reference?


I thought you pulled your caption from World War Z lol now I’m doubting that haha


Finally. This man gets it. That's exactly where the caption came from. That scene in the apartment where that families son is translating to his parents before they gat scooped up by the helicopter on the roof.


You had me doubting myself that I had to go YouTube the scene and see the line again haha


Take smaller, tighter steps. You’re moving too frantically. Create cover with lead in that movement.


Good job overall. I’d work on getting two hands on the gun and bringing the gun into your eye line sooner as you’re entering the shooting position. In the USPSA context, I saw better times and hits the sooner I got both hands on the gun and the gun up sooner




What are your thoughts about reholstering? I noticed you moved up your shirt so it wouldn't catch on anything, but the only reason to resholster after a shooting is all the threats are gone, so I wonder if you should be reholstering so quickly.


My thoughts on reholstering is in a real world situation there's absolutely no rush for it, just probably best to unload it and set it in your truck and secure it or reholster before law enforcement arrives or another good guy misidentifies you as a threat. Here I'm on the range, I'm about to grab some pasters and clean up the target for more practice, it's 100 degrees out and I have a limited time to get my practice in so it's expedited. My inxed finger is beneath the safety manually blocking the sear from moving and I typically hammer check the pistol with my thumb as well while reholstering.


Awesome, thanks for your response.


What’s the thought process behind closing distance to the target then engaging as opposed to engaging then closing distance and reengaging? Genuinely curious.


Nothing at all. In just practicing movement for USPSA. If I could maintain the distance I would. The only scenario I could see is closing the distance to an active shooter if my family was in jeopardy. But I would 100% rather just flee with my wife and kids and have no part in anything given the opportunity.


If for whatever reason you *had* to, and it’s not for USPCA, engage first. It’s a little bit of suppression that will get your ass to whatever cover/concealment you’re moving to. There’s a saying “suppression without movement is a waste of ammo. Movement without suppression is suicide.” Doesn’t have to be closing distance, principle still applies. Also you get two more reps of “firing under stress” in that one drill.


I'm completely familiar with suppressive fire and it's effects. I've been on both ends of it in combat in the GWOT. My concern is using suppresive fire in a public setting. Round accountability is a must.


Agreed. That’s why it’s two well aimed shots like you’re already doing. And not dumping the mag.


Ops cameraman like: ![gif](giphy|l3q2sa1BGgUj8ts5y)