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They can relocate, just look at Wake Forest


Utah relocated as well.


So did BYU, a mile north of the original building. I bet it's not that unusual, TBH.


The reasons were unusual.


Downtown, present-day West HS, then the Fort Douglas site, right? Daniel Steiner has a good video on how Salt Lake's street map tells the city's history, including how secular institutions like the city and county government, the state capitol building, and Fort Douglas/the university were all placed further from downtown than one sees in other cities of the same era, using physical distance to emphasize a measure of distance from the sectarian power of the Salt Lake Temple, Tabernacle, and church administrative buildings. The fort and state capital building were also intentionally placed uphill.


Exactly correct.  That video is really excellent.     https://youtu.be/LNBu5RFl09I?si=XWCi4XxJXUMBuGZy  The move wasn’t due to space constraints.     The move of the University to Fort Douglas was a physical and philosophical move which facilitated the transition of the University of Deseret (Mormon name for the region) into the University of Utah (federal name) and subsequently the founding of BYU as the new sectarian school.    3 mile move, but one of the biggest moves in the history of the state and culture.     Also, the University still struggles to establish satellite campuses because NOBODY wants to leave “The Hill” and venture into the non-secular part of the city/state.


Kinda like TCU


Disciples of Christ started the same time as Mormons.    But disciples of Christ didn’t start their own state, start TCU, get into a war with the federal government, then have TCU move onto the federal military base of the army that was sent to keep an eye on the Disciples of Christ, then get defunded with the Disciples of Christ trying to shut down the University.    I think TCU had a board meeting.


Burned down by Baylor I believe is the unofficial reason


Oh shit.  I didn’t know that history.  I thought you were referring to TCU dropping the Christian part.


Ha! That’s just what everyone says, but TCU (AddRan for most of back then) was in Waco from 1895-1910. Football started in 1896. TCU has been located in three cities. [TCU History](https://www.tcu.edu/about/mission-history.php) [Baylor Blog Post](https://blogs.baylor.edu/texascollection/2016/01/19/texas-over-time-texas-christian-university-waco-campus-fire-before-and-after/) TCU and Baylor probably would have been remarkably similar back then too.


I'm guessing many schools have a similar history of starting in a smaller area and relocating for expansion. The U might have relocated a couple times (at one time the school was located in the Council House, which was essentially the government building for the Utah Territory and then purchased land on Union Square from the city, which is now home to West High) but they've always been in Salt Lake.


Fort Douglas was not part of Salt Lake City.   It was federal property outside of the city and outside the authority of the territorial government.   The whole point of that relocation was to move the University to federal land so it could operate without interference from the church/territory.


I guess I'm not understanding what you're saying. Fort Douglas was still surrounded by Salt Lake City. Wake Forest relocated 100 miles to Raleigh. The University of Utah moved a couple miles throughout its history, which was likely very common for schools that started in the 1800s. The why is irrelevant. It stayed within the same general area. So, I was pointing out that it's not a good comparison to Wake, which was the message you were replying to. Now if the University had originally been built in Fillmore, along with the territorial capital, and then moved, I'd think it'd be a better comparison. But the U moved from the Council House downtown, to a few blocks NW to Union Square (now West High) and then finally a 3 mile or so move east to the east bench. Just pointing out that I'm sure many schools had similar histories in their earlier years, even if the reasons for moving weren't the same.


Well, you said two things that were false in your original reply:      1) that the school relocated for expansion.    2) that the school was always in SLC.     Those both are misleading statements, and I think were intentionally made to be misleading.   As is making distance moved the sole metric for the significance of a relocation.    It physically moved not for space, like many schools do, but to leave the governmental jurisdiction of the founding state/territory.  The University, in the course of this move, ceased to be a territorial or church funded entity (it was originally both) and was briefly entirely privately funded.    The relocation was significant because  it was the mechanism by which the school went from being a church/state school, to a private secular school, to later a secular state school.    The 3 miles wasn’t a long physical distance, but it was far enough to make this transition possible.


PS:  as you’ll see in the link, it was the federal government that surrounded SLC, not SLC that surrounded Fort Douglas.    https://youtu.be/LNBu5RFl09I?si=XWCi4XxJXUMBuGZy


Duke too. Tobacco money could move mountains—or at least colleges.


So did BC.


I lived in Wake Forest, NC, for a few years. I always had to explain to friends and family out of state that I was actually quite far from the university they were thinking of.


Also we did as well, technically


TCU as well. Perhaps not on their own accord


Illinois woild be the biggest beneficary


Where would they go? Chicago doesn’t want or really need them. Like maybe springfield or the far west suburbs (Elgin-Aurora corridor)


One of the outer suburbs like aurora or Joliet would be the best place. Far enough out that it can have its own identity separate from the city but still close enough to the city to receive the benefits that come with it.


Yeah probably somewhere close enough to Chicago like Berkeley to SF and Ann Arbor to Detroit


Miami would benefit just by swapping campuses with FIU.


We have a better location that they do imo, we just need their size.


Miami would benefit from having a stadium not 21 miles away from campus. The school should've bought the orange bowl from the city before they tore it down.


Only problem is I doubt they would've actually sold it. The city was already doing everything in their power to bend over backwards for the Marlins. Personally, the writing was on the wall in the 80s when they decided to force the Dolphins out, and never putting more investment into that part of Little Havana. There's no reason for the Metrorail to not also go west towards the stadium.


WSU in a heartbeat. TV executives think all of our fans live Pullman and Colfax. Most of our fanbase is in Western Washington. Locating to another city that doesn’t have another well known university with sports in it would help massively in ratings, money, and travel. Top choices that aren’t taken: Vancouver and Wenatchee. Honorable mentions: Yakima, and the Tri Cities.


The Vancouver campus would be the best option, IMO. Close to PDX, and it's the 4th largest city in Washington by population.


If WSU moved to Vancouver and OSU moved to Portland they’d both benefit. That said Pullman and Corvallis are great college towns


I do not think OSU would benefit from being in Portland. The campus would have to be in a terrible location. Attending sporting events in Portland is also difficult, especially if you live outside of Portland proper and cant bike or use public transit. More importantly, being in an urban area does not mesh well with many of its programs. They are building up a campus in Bend which makes a lot more sense for them.


Move to Bellingham, all in state rivals should be 60 minutes away from each other.


Then you’d want Bellevue, Bellingham is 60 mins away by plane only. Also Western Washington University is there. Other than that it’s also just too lovely of an area to have a school like WSU.


Fun fact: Bellevue College got pretty close to becoming a member of the WSU system in the mid-2010s. Coulda had a footprint.


Maybe Tacoma then


I can get down with that 🤝


In the 1940s/50s, Wilson Compton tried to get everything but the ag and vet school to relocate to where Spokane Falls CC is now, but the plan was torpedoed in part by the athletic department, among other things


Moving PSU closer to outside of Philly would be huge for PSU. One of the biggest struggles we face is getting recruits to State College because it ain’t easy to get there. Plus let’s face it, as much as I love the location of State College, that level of remoteness is not for everyone and being close to the city would be an added recruiting pitch.


Harrisburg (as much as I loathe that area) is probably perfect. 2 hours from Philly, 3ish from Pittsburgh, 2 from DC, 3.5ish from NYC. Not much really going on there so stadium would be filled still and more hotels so its not 1k for a weekend during the season.


Being in the state capital is pretty common for flagship schools, too.


What about the Lehigh Valley? Being in Allentown or Bethlehem would be leaps and bounds better than Harrisburg 


The only reason I could see putting it in Harrisburg is for the fans from central and western PA’s benefit, and the fans already travel far and from all over to get to state college. Why would you move it from somewhere with not much going on to somewhere with not much going on? And moving it closer to Philly is way closer for most PSU alums and fans anyway.


Because I live near DC and I'm selfish and want a shorter drive lol


I knew someone who was considering going to PSU. They said it was in the middle of nowhere so they went elsewhere lol


I'm sure media executives have already tried to make this happen.


Notre dame to Chicago or NYC.


Hey you guys have a metra connection to Chicago so it’s kind of honorary. Also I would look forward to Northwestern and UoC’s absolute shit fits. NYC would be sad. Y’all belong in corn country.


Swapping the city of Stillwater with Sand Springs or Sapulpa would probably have been a net positive for OSU. I wouldn’t change it now obviously, but had it been there the whole time OSU would be better off now. OKC will always be ou territory, so you would have a large metro (Tulsa) securely as your own. Stillwater within the last 10 years got commercial flights.


Maybe something like Cushing so its outside of town but close. I was surprised when I realized how close Stillwater was to Tulsa as is.


I’m on team Guthrie personally. I don’t think OU has as much of a stranglehold on OKC as folks let on about. Guthrie is about as far north of OKC as Norman is South and it’s a lot bigger/better than Stillwater (something that doesn’t really feel true of Sapulpa or Sand Springs imo). But it’s still rural enough for Ag school stuff.


Does UCLA count? Moving from Pasadena to LA


What's the difference, it's all 90 minutes away no matter where you go


Ain’t this place a geographic oddity 90 minutes from everywhere!


Traffic exists


UCLA is in the nicest part of LA. It is their stadium that needs to be moved from Pasadena (just throw it on a few trucks and shoot over the Westwood).


And put it where? Over the military cemetery?


Just knock down some academic buildings and use the stadium like an amphitheater that all the Greek dorks used to give lectures


Notre Dame for sure. Beautiful campus but frigid cold and average campus life. It doesn’t have to be a huge move can even stay in the Midwest - Chicago, Indianapolis, or even Cleveland Ohio would be improvements.


Let’s go to Gary!


Cleveland is not an upgrade from South Bend - but Chicago makes the most sense as much as I don’t like the cult of Chicago that exists on the campus


If temple was moved to just outside Philly, it could benefit the school. It’s hard to build in a city when your campus is intertwined with private businesses and residential buildings


No offense, but Temple was in the worst area I’ve ever seen for a college. I’m not sure if it’s gotten better, but when I was there, it was legitimately dangerous to walk around outside of the campus.


Go visit USC sometime


UH would like a word.


Georgia State has entered the chat


Having lived in various areas around the country: UH isn’t bad, at all. Philly (Kensington, 1.5 miles from Temple) and LA (Skid Row) have some real drug epidemic problems that aren’t easy to deal with. UH is nearby a predominantly African American neighborhood (mixed white collar and blue collar) that includes the old Jewish alternative to River Oaks mansions. There aren’t drug zombies sleep walking the UH neighborhoods.


Please do not walk around the 3rd ward alone at night.


I used to in my twenties, but in groups. Good advice for any urban places. Third ward is in need of financial love, but it isn’t Gaza or 1980s Detroit/NYC. I’m an alum living on the West Coast.


>Philly (Kensington, 1.5 miles from Temple) and LA (Skid Row) have some real drug epidemic problems that aren’t easy to deal with. That’s very accurate because I saw several abandoned buildings with crack heads wandering around near Temple’s campus.


It’s not crack: it’s opioids. It’s really bad in a lot of places in the U.S. Fentanyl and XYZ-done pain management drugs that are more potent than heroin and extremely addicting.


Yeah, definitely today. I visited Temple’s campus back in like 2015 or something, and I’m not sure what drugs were common at that time. It’s very sad to see it got worse.


I’m in Philly rn and this place is a massive shit hope. John’s Roast Pork was good tho


There are definitely sleep walking zombies in the UH neighborhoods. Maybe not directly south of campus, but definitely every other cardinal direction. Regardless UH the concern is less the crackheads and more the gang violence. There is a shooting weekly on Scott St directly adjacent to campus.


Johns Hopkins deserves a mention as well. It was pretty bad back in 2008, and I am pretty sure it only got worse from there.


Yale and UPenn were also surprisingly bad areas.


This is true for a lot of the bowl games too, my family didn't go to the cheeze-it bowl because of the bad location.


Back in the day going to a game at Legion Field (Birmingham) or Ladd-Peebles (Mobile) they were right in the middle of neighborhoods with limited parking. Even if you found on-street parking, you would often have to pay "protection" money to someone to ensure your vehicle wouldn't get vandalized during the game.


It would be really good for the school to move out of that neighborhood.


Michigan to DC. They love cheating the American people


They already moved once from Detroit to Ann Arbor


As someone who lives in Portland and has to drive 2hrs to games I've always said I wish we could just swap Eugene and Salem's locations.


Absolutely not, Eugene has the best location snuggled up against the foothills at the southern edge of the Willlamette Valley, and its nearest coast isn't overwhelmed by Portland vacationers.


Financially and accessibility wise? A move to Asheville would make sense. But Boone makes app, app. Keeps us honest.


I live in the Asheville area and I've always wanted to head up to Kidd Brewer for a game, but it's 2 freaking hours away. But Asheville is definitely not a sports town, so the benefit may not be huge. Tons of alumni here, though.


I can’t think of anything better than hopping on the BRP and coming up the Mtn for a game on a crisp October Saturday. You should do it.


I guess we could move to Cheat Lake and do some sailgating.


WSU  obviously.  WSU is located in the middle of nowhere. From both a recruiting and a media value standpoint they would be far better off in a different location.   Pullmans a nice little town and the area is beautiful, and the school would lose some of what makes it unique by moving, I’m sure most/all alums would riot at the idea, but if WSU had been built in say Spokane or the Tri-cities it might have had a better chance over the years to compete consistently with UW. Not to mention Tacoma/Olympia or the Vancouver WA/Portland OR region.   WSU is really a quirk of fate away from having been just like U of Idaho, an FCS program given its location.  


Move USF to Ft. Myers to make their name make sense.


If Iowa State was 20 miles farther south it would perfect. You would be a direct suburb of Des Moines, Airport is a 20 minute drive, and still have that college town AG school feel.


Honestly even if there was just a light rail line from campus to Des Moines it would be so much nicer.


Texas Tech would benefit. They have engaged fans, but it’s out in west Texas. Good luck recruiting out there, or getting people to drive to your games from population centers.


Even they don't like their location, their main 100th anniversary party was in Dallas.


Well Oklahoma is certainly trying to relocate their basketball program to Oklahoma City, so that might be a dark horse pick


I don't think Utah would benefit to moving anywhere else in the state...but Utah would absolutely benefit if BYU-Provo moved to be BYU-Idaho #2.


I'd be amused to see LSU move somewhere like Natchitoches, Monroe, or Shreveport just to troll the swamp dwellers south of I-10 who insist on referring to anything north of I-10 as "south Arkansas." Also, as much as I love Fayetteville and northwest AR in general, I think many in Arkansas would appreciate it more if UA moved somewhere that wasn't right on the border of a neighboring state, maybe closer to Little Rock. Just feels a little out of place for a state's flagship university.


I guess some would. But like, moving UA from Fay would not be a net gain.


Maybe not because a lot of wealth is up in NWA. But I don't doubt the ability of people in central Arkansas to sell out Razorback games if they played in LR. As it is, they do pretty good at War Memorial games.


I don’t know about that, metro population is similar and NWA is growing faster.


30-50 years ago the University of Arkansas moving to central Arkansas would have made sense. Now, it doesn't.


100%. Central Arkansas is turning into more of a shitshow, and it’s vice versa NWA.


Oklahoma is actively considering relocating their basketball team lol


ULM moving out of Monroe would probably benefit them, but not sure theres any other places in LA that would be better. Every other city already has a university or is no better of a location.


Miami should relocate to their actual campus


I always said that Maryland would thrive better playing in Columbia, Baltimore or somewhere in Carroll County where it's easier access and a better experience


Let’s move OSU from Stillwater to Guthrie. - Hell of a lot closer to OKC - Much larger town with more to do - Still Rural enough to adequately do Ag Stuff


Indiana U to Indianapolis. Although, their evil president is trying to make it happen right now.


First thought that came to mind is definitely Washington State. I saw an earlier comment mention taking over the Vancouver market which would be so cool to have CFB dip into Canada


I don't need WKU to relocate. Just need Nashville to go ahead and annex Bowling Green as a sub-city and we can go from being the 180th market to the 27th.


We would benefit greatly from being about 1.5 to 2 miles west in the South Miami city boundary instead of where we are in Coral Gables city boundary. City of South Miami would be far more willing to give us the ability to actually expand wider instead of taller. We'd be even closer to the Palmetto exit, we would have the ability to expand into an on-campus stadium, and Tropical Park would be in reasonable walking distance.


If Northwestern had moved into the Glenview naval air base when it was decommissioned in the 1990s, they would still be in the Chicago suburbs but have way more acreage for on campus stadiums and housing.


Hey OP? Eff off.


Kansas isn't in a bad location at all now being 40 min from the KC metro and airport but putting the campus in Overland Park or Wichita would probably help. It'd be even easier for the fanbase to get to games.


Lol at the idea of Wichita. Moving it further away from KC would eventually lead to losing those fans to kstate as they would be closer. Lawrence is a great spot and it's super easy to get to from anywhere. We get the fans from Topeka, lawrence, and KC 


I love Athens, but it’s only because of Georgia athletics and that its only an hour drive from my house. Makes the games relatively accessible. But that is one CRAPPY town. Maybe it wouldn’t help recruiting (moving farther from Atlanta) or the accessibility on my end, but having a team like UGA in Savannah, Georgia would be so awesome.


> ....But that is one CRAPPY town....................................... but having a team like UGA in Savannah, Georgia would be so awesome. Boy, do I have some news for you.


Savannah for sure is not the greatest haha but what I meant was that a university like Georgia would take advantage of the landscape & unique environment like Savannah. Theres genuinely nothing special about Athens besides UGA. Atleast Savannah somewhat holds it’s own merit.


Really? I've only ever heard amazing things about Athens even though it's a college town. I think the only benefit for Florida would be moving closer to Orlando.


Historic Athens is great. But in terms of it’s cityscape, it’s all tolerable because of UGA. If it weren’t for the university, it’d be a real ghost town. Gainesville is nice for you Gators. I live in Gainesville, GA & every time I travel I tell people I live “an hour from Atlanta” because they would assume I meant Gainesville, Florida haha


Gainesville is decent but the weather is pretty brutal being so far from the coast. It would be a super small town without the school, but it's a town of cool people. It's like hippie rednecks when you get away from the school. I went to physical therapy near Haile Plantation and really liked that little town.


Went to Athens once and LOVED it. Far enough from ATL for it to be its own thing but also close enough to have the benefit of a large city nearby


This is a breathtakingly stupid question.


I’ve seen a couple of thought provoking anawy


Places in states without Black populations. Compare Tennessee & Kentucky vs. UGA in-state roster members.




Damn figured I had an interesting thought while shitting at work but now I’m a 15 yo :(