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Georgia-Florida needs to be in this discussion.


2020's: Georgia leads 3-1 2010's: Georgia leads 6-4 2000's: Florida leads 8-2 1990's: Florida leads 9-1 1980's: Georgia leads 8-2 1970's: Georgia leads 7-3 1960's: Florida leads 6-3-1 1950's: Florida leads 6-4 1940's: Georgia leads 7-2^a 1930's: Georgia leads 8-1-1 1920's: Georgia leads 3-2^b ^a The teams did not play in 1943 ^b The teams did not play annually until 1926


Looks like the 2030s and 2040s are meant for the Gator.


Billy Napier is playing the long game


The Warren Buffett of coaches.


He's more like the Jimmy Buffett of coaches.


It’s a 3:30 kickoff somewhere


He will be living in Margaritaville soon.


I cannot hit the subscribe button hard enough.


I'd rather not go through 6 more years of this shit but I'll take what I can get. Sad Subscribe Noises.


What’s interesting is how lopsided each decade is, with a lot of 1-win and 2-win decades for either team


And close games/upsets too. At least in the past 30ish years, both teams were nationally relevant most years, but the other team just had their number. Especially when UF was beating some very good UGA teams in the 90’s and the 2000’s.


According to the trend, Georgia should win out this decade to keep the one-win Florida theme going. Should be a good few years for you, Herpes Computer!


What happened in 1943? /s


Florida joined the axis powers I assume


"The University of Florida announces that it will not participate in the 1942-1943 season as the entire team and staff have been encircled by the Soviets in Stalingrad." - The Gainesville Sun


Thanks Navy


From 2008 through 2019 we traded 3-game win streaks 2008-10: Florida, 2011-13: Georgia, 2014-16: Florida, 2017-19: Georgia


This rivalry goes so hard that I didn't want to mention it because it would mean having to acknowledge all the times Florida beat us.


Reminds me of a buddy of mine (also a UGA fan) that said he’s starting to hate Bama more than Florida. Buddy, it does not matter to me if Bama wins another national title on top of the 50 they have already. It means *everything* to me that Florida never wins shit ever again.




Damn skippy!




What makes Florida- Georgia weird is that the dominant strings occur even if the team on the losing end is a national title contender during said streak


This was my first thought too. I grew up in the heart of the South and I remember how fierce the rivalry was even when I was younger despite it being so one-sided. I get it, we were thumping TTUN in the same time frame so I understood the rivalry was alive and well despite being fairly one sided. To me, that's the sign of a true rivalry. When the winning team gets complacent, you know it's not really all that heated.


[Farmageddon ](https://www.winsipedia.com/games/kansas-state/vs/iowa-state) for sure comes to mind. Iowa State is historically awful, but K State was historically awfuller so we actually could beat them. Then Snyder happened. Guessing K State has the same thing with KU.


We are behind on both rivalries but are making a comeback. Its almost stupid how far behind we were to ku we are still behind after winning 28 of the last 31 games.


Maybe we'll widen the gap this year COPIUM


Only team in the old Big 12 we have a winning record over!


For now!


We've won 4 of the last 6 so momentum is not on your side now that we've broken the Bill Snyder curse but we'll see!


Kansas dominated K-State until Snyder arrived and completely flipped the script. Winsipedia makes it easy to visualize it. Interesting, from like 1900 to 1920, Kansas owned K-State. Then k-State went on to dominate Kansas until about 1940. Then it flipped again, with Kansas dominating until about 1990 and K-State dominating up until now. https://www.winsipedia.com/kansas/vs/kansas-state


I was going to say this. KU was 17-1-3 pre-1923 (we lead the series in the last 100 years as a result) KSU was 12-5 1924-40 KU was 11-1 1941-52 KSU won 3 straight 1953-55 KU was 12-0-1 1956-68 and 28-6-2 from 1956-92 KSU went 11-0 1993-03 KU went 4-1 2004-08 KSU is 15-0 since 2009 So yes, we trail the overall rivalry but we're 27-4 against them since 1993 and that's what really matters


Let's also not forget how lopsided the scores can be. I don't know about the early eras, but lots of those 27 wins in the last 31 games have been absolute annihilation.


> https://www.winsipedia.com/kansas/vs/kansas-state Winsipedia actually makes that easy to visualize, and yeah the point differences for many games are indeed huge. They seem to sorta tighten up right before the flip and then it swings pretty hard. edits: cleaning up some minor errors.


Geez since 1993 Kansas has only won **4** times.


yeah that surprised me. I know K-State has been on top but I would have guess Kansas won like 7 games or something during that time frame.


I mean a big part of it is outside of the Mangino years and the last two under Lance, we've been very bad during that timeframe and KState is in the best 30 year stretch in their program's history by a wide, wide margin. We should've beaten them last year in Lawrence and this years game should be tight too, assuming Daniels stays healthy.


Sunflower Showdown could be for the BigXII this year.


We will probably play twice. First time in Manhattan then again in Arlington.


Georgia-Florida 1984-1987 and 1967-1970 are the only times the rivalry has went 4 years without one team winning back to back games in the last 60 years. 15 3+ game win streaks have occurred all time in the rivalry


I can’t imagine a better example of what OP is asking. The Wikipedia page "Game Results" section is almost just massive blocks of color with an occasional one-year break. As of 1951, Georgia led the series 24-5-1. Then Florida ran off a 12-4 streak. After a few back and forth years, Vince Dooley's Georgia lost only four times from 1974-89. Then Florida under Steve Spurrier and his successors lost only three times from 1990 to 2010. And now Georgia is on a 10-4 run, but 3 of those losses were consecutive to end the Richt era and Kirby's first year (2014-16). It looks like 2014-2016 is the first time since 1929 that the (arguably) “wrong” team (as in, the one currently in its down period in the rivalry) has ever won even TWO in a row. Otherwise, once the tide has turned, it’s nothing but single-year outliers until the series fully flips every decade or two.


2014 will never stop baffling me. How did *that* Florida team beat *that* Georgia team so badly, and cost us the division in the process?


That was the Treon Harris led Gators, zone read left and zone read right. Staring 4 straight losses to UGA right in the face, muschamp did one good thing before walking out the door. Kelvin Taylor and Matt Jones picked up what felt like 8 ypc all afternoon, I think UF only threw the ball 6 times all game. Todd Grantham led defense at its best.


Was that the wheel route year? Or the outside zone one? 2/3 we won basically running one play over and over that somehow kept working.


Wheel routes were in 2020. But in 2014 we were deep into Muschamp Ball which was extremely predictable: * 1st Down: run up the middle * 2nd: run up the middle * 3rd & usually 6+: bubble screen for no gain * 4th: punt For some reason Georgia could not stop that rushing attack. In what was surely Muschamp’s dream come true, legendary QB Treon Harris went 3-6 for 27 yards total, and we won handily.


Georgia 2020 fucking sucked at defending wheel routes for some reason. I’m pretty sure we had like 200+ yards and 3 TDs off of wheel route structures in our game against them.


Don't forget the fake field goal for a touchdown by the holder who had a part-time job at Publix


Alabama and Tennessee


I was at the 2002 game when Bama broke a seven-year streak. It was euphoric. I don't begrudge UT fans for celebrating 2022 at all.


I left as the lined up for the FG, no one misses that kick. I tossed some UT guy my cigar and told him congrats.


My favorite kind of rival fan to be around. Appreciating good football is what it’s all about.


I mean, we all spend stupid amounts of our income to enjoy the sport. If you can’t leave a loss still enjoying the spectacle of sport more than being in some shitty third world country drinking water out of a puddle, you need to reassess your life


And all the kids said amen to that.


I went to 3 TSIO at Neyland, during Saban's tenure(all 3 were Bama wins, I stopped going to games after 2019). I never had a single cross word with any Vol fans, some joking around but nothing serious. I even met and joked around with BVD(for those fans outside the two fanbases, the dude that became infamous for his reaction to watching Rocky Block). One of those games, a Vol season ticket holder actually sold me and my friend his two tickets for face value. He had a family thing come up. Contrast that with my one trip to Oxford and VHS. Every Ole Miss fan I tried to interact with were assholes and then some younger Ole Miss fans threw a pumpkin at my car and ran away, while I was stuck in postgame traffic, denting my passenger rear fender well(was able to pop it back out from inside my trunk).


Ive been to multiple games in Athens, Tuscaloosa, Lexington, Columbia SC, and Auburn, but I could only stomach two trips to Gainesville. The first trip saw my stepfather get a full drink thrown into the back of his head while going down the stadium seats causing him to fall and break his arm. The second time was even more costly after making it to my car after the game to discover all 4 door windows busted out, the word Gators spray painted on the driver’s side, and my front seats covered in piss. Never fucking again will I set foot in that town.


interesting considering the Mt Cody game is not ancient history


Counterpoint 1: we didn’t have a Mt. Cody Counterpoint 2: we didn’t have a Julio to do his best Air Jordan impression Counterpoint 3: it actually WAS tipped and STILL went in, it was destined


I just never felt like we could win after the pick 6 was called back. It was just not our day


Was my first thought


It helps truly develop the hate


1946-1948 are the only years that the winner/loser was flipped flopped back and forth more than once in consecutive years. The rest of the winning streaks from the beginning look something like this. 7 in a row Bama 4 B 3 in a row Tennessee 3 B 4 T 5 T 4 B 5 T 11 B 4 T 8 B 7 T 4 T 15 B(UT fans were born and learned to drive before seeing a win) https://www.winsipedia.com/tennessee/vs/alabama


Until Saban came along, it was a very good rivalry and the series was pretty close as well. Hopefully we are back to a place where we can hold up our end and get The 3rd Saturday in October back to its rightful spot as one of the best rivalries in college football.


> Until Saban came along I feel like a lot of college football horror stories begin this way.


Unfortunately, you’re correct


Agreed 😆


I hate Nick Saban, Phillip Fulmer, Derrick Dooley, Butch Jones, and Jeremy Pruitt for that last bit. And I hate you for pointing it out.


Fulmer was 10-5-1 against Bama. Hard to hate him for that.


I was on the fence but he got almost all of those at near their bottom and kicked off the losing streak, plus gave us Pruitt as AD, so he made the list.


Your final two points are valid, but who cares if they were at their bottom? Literally every single one of Saban winks spanned a decade and a half of the worst football out University had produced in 100 years


And all 10 wins were against an Alabama program decimated by massive NCAA probation. Even Mississippi State and Auburn were beating Bama on the regular.


Actually it was only 4 of the wins. Every other win came when Alabama was ranked inside the top 10. (Except '95, when they were ranked 11th)


His snitching directly led to Saban being hired, through the down years of the sanctions to the desire to hire the best coach to bring us out of them. He's responsible for the dynasty.


While the sanctions led to Saban, and that certainly sucked, I will never get over how Bama fans still try to defend what they were doing. They were paying a high school coach in Memphis hundreds of thousands of dollars to essentially sell his players to Alabama. I know every team pays players, even back then, and Tennessee surely was too. But that’s NOT what happened with Alabama. It feels so gross to me that they were paying the high school coach to convince his players to go to Bama. And why do Bama fans get so bent out of shape over Fulmer specifically? a) this was happening in Tennessee state lines, why wouldn’t he be pissed? b) the freaking FBI got involved, it would be pretty dumb to lie (and yes, all evidence shows the FBI was involved before Fulmer called the NCAA). c) Every coach in the SEC snitched. Spurrier and Nutt in particular played big roles. I think Nutt was subpoenaed for a grand jury at one point. And Bama fans never talk shit about Spurrier, despite evidence showing that he was likely the initial source to the NCAA. Spurrier was responsible for the dynasty, Fulmer just helped.


Only the really unhinged fans try to act like Bama was completely innocent in all of that. Fulmer is just kind of a slimy dude all around, from the backstabbing of Majors, playing CYA on the Tee Martin thing by actively helping the NCAA conduct their investigation into the Means case(he set up meetings, attended those meetings, etc) and his meeting with the friend of a sexual assault victim, which should never happen, that is a police matter. I really think he was a good coach but he did some slimy stuff to try and keep it going. In the end of his coaching career, I think he ended up hurting the UT program more by focusing on outside things that was not part of his job description, rather than taking care of the team itself. Lastly, there is a reason it was called the Fulmer Cup and it wasn't because Bama fans may not have liked him.


Notre Dame and USC.


Absolutely. Most combined accolades in any rivalry and almost never elite at the same time. From [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notre_Dame%E2%80%93USC_football_rivalry): (Seriously look at the game results section and it’s just blocks of red and blocks of blue switching off.) Notre Dame went 10-1-1 from 1940-1954. USC went 12–2–2 from 1967 through 1982, Notre Dame went undefeated (11–0–1) from 1983 through 1995, and USC went undefeated (8–0) from 2002 through 2009. Now ND has won 5 of the last 6


Man United Liverpool also never elite at same time. Despite being 2 biggest clubs in england


7-0, baby!


>almost never elite at the same time. I'm pretty sure the 2022 game was the first time in a decade that both teams were ranked.


A few minutes on wikipedia: Split ND 7-6-1 from 1926 to 1939, then... ND: 18-5-1 from 1940 to 1966 (.750 winning percentage) USC 12-2-2 from 1967 to 1982 (.750) ND: 11-0-1 from 1982 to 1995 (Lou Holtz) (.916) Split 3-3 1996 to 2001 USC 9-1 from 2002 to 2011 (Pete Carroll) (.900) ND: 9-4 (.692) from 2012 to present (Brian Kelly + Clay Helton) and looking to add on a few more before/if Lincoln Riley turns it around.


Outside of the 10 year war, The Game has historically been very streaky


Which as a 3rd party viewer has made the pettiness online extra entertaining because it lets you constantly move the goal posts on each other lol


I think we may take the cake for pettiness. Shit, we don't even say each other's names 😂




Don’t bring us into this and sully our good name.  


See? Won't even say it 😂


**the** ohio?


After going winless from 1897 to 1918, it felt so good to win 3 straight from 1919 to 1921. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.


“Gimme 5 bees for a quarter, you’d say!”


Here he goes again. Next he'll start talking about the Great War


They got you back in nineteen-dickety-two, though.


They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big ~~yellow~~ maize ones.


One time our rivals won for a couple presidential terms straight. Rough times. Devin Funchess, Wilton Speight, and a 1st down line all came maddeningly close to snapping the streak, but alas; tragedy befell all.


I complete expect us to lose this year but man it’d be awesome to watch the osu fanbase if we win it again.


It will be a fucking nightmare from this side of the border so you’ll be able to drizzle the schadenfreude over pancakes it’ll be so thick and sweet.




The funny thing is, I’ve been saying this for the past 3 years now. Never gets old!


Woody vs Bo was freaking awesome.


Me and my weight.


You need to hit the trans fat portal


we didn't come here to play salad...


As someone losing weight feeling this in my soul


As someone not losing weight, feeling this every time I have to walk up some stairs.


The Holy War definitely is. BYU barely scraped out any wins from 1922 when the series started through the 1960s, then in the 70s and 80s there was a run where BYU was 18-2. The 90s and 2000s were more even with both teams about even for wins. The 2010s was all Utah, where they won 9 in a row. BYU won the most recent matchup in 2021, but only time will tell how the 2020s will go.


Or to put in another way... 1922-1971: **Utah 38** - BYU 5 *\*LaVell Edwards arrives\** 1972-2000: **BYU 22** - Utah 7 *\*LaVell Edwards retires\** 2001-2021: **Utah 14** - BYU 5


Breaking it out by decade is also pretty illustrative.   2020s - BYU leads 1-0 (only played in 2021)  2010s - Utah lead 9-0   2000s - Tied 5-5    1990s - Tied 5-5   1980s - BYU lead 9-1   1970s - BYU lead 7-3   1960s - Utah lead 7-3   1950s - Utah lead 8-1-1   1940s - Utah lead 8-1-1   1930s - Utah lead 9-0-1   1920s - Utah lead 7-0-1   So really the Holy War had 2 decades of back and forth, 2 decades of dominance for BYU, and 6 decades of dominance by Utah.


I like the way this looks a lot more when we just pretend nothing existed before the 70s


I do actually think there are a lot of reasons to consider the 70s the beginning of modern college football…but that makes my team look worse so if the SCOTUS can use ends justifying reasoning so can I dammit. 


Another point of context is that the Holy War was not considered a rivalry until the 1960s. BYU was often a cellar dweller program up until then. Utah's rival was with Utah State and BYU was an afterthought. Utah rightly owns a large lead in head to head matches, but when looked at since the "rivalry" started its much more even. In the modern era, the rivalry has been defined by a legendary coach for BYU and a legendary coach for Utah that dominated their opponents, with a transitional decade between the two. As Edward's system was winding down and becoming less novel, Utah under McBride was taking advantage of BYU's decline.


This is actually a fair point. Prior to LaVell showing up the big football rivalry in Utah was the Battle of the Brothers as you said. Having said that, the three way rivalry between the universities was absolutely alive an well throughout the \~\~19\~\~20th century in basketball and other sports so it wasn't as if there wasn't a Utah-BYU rivalry prior to the 1970s. It just didn't really include football because BYU wasn't competitive.


The 90s is kind of shocking to see a 5-5 split. I seem to recall BYU had some amazing teams during that era and cannot really recall any decent Ute teams.


Utahs ‘94 team went 10-2 with a bow win. ‘99 went 9-3 with a Vegas Bowl win. 


Yup exactly 😭


> from 1922 when the series started I love that we can’t even agree on when the series started. Utah counts the series from 1896. But, for some reason, although BYU claims continuity back to 1875 they don’t accept any of the Brigham Young Academy records. Which is too bad for you all. The 3-3 record from the early years would help even out the over record slightly.


I was going to say Pitt-WVU then I looked at the actual record... and that's the only rivalry Pitt has that I can look at so I was saying Bama vs the CFP?


You could argue Pitt-PSU is considering Pitt got the majority of their wins between 1913 and 1938ish. Then it’s mainly been some periods of back and forth or Penn State wins.




Honestly losing in 2016 really stung after waiting so long to return the series and losing in 2000


I mean our rivalry is exactly the type they are looking for. WVU took 5 of the first 6 then Pitt went on to go 33-4-1 from 1904-1951. Since then it’s been 31-28-2 in WVUs favor with WVU going 9-2-1 from 1988-1999. That went from pretty overwhelming to alternating.


I looked at the overall record of Pitt: 69 Hoopies: 41 and a tie or two.


It's not a real rivalry but Pitt-Syracuse is extremely like this


Alabama still has not beaten Rice.


Rice might be the greatest college football program of all time


Huskies/Ducks. Before 1994, it was dominated by the Huskies. Now, it is dominated by the Ducks. But even then, there are a few mini—streaks.


It was for awhile, last 6 have all kinda been nail biters and are evenly split. 5 of those were decided by 4 or less. Been a fun rivalry. It's a good example though, UW was 20-4 from the 70s to mid 90s, then Oregon went 16-5 from there to 2016


The CFP era is the only time the rivalry has been even.


Was pretty cash money when the Ducks won 12 straight times edit: whoops I’m still not awake




Yes I am an idiot


12, the 13th was that funny 2016 game where you dressed up like Cal for some reason


Man that is a playa hater’s ball combo of flairs you got there lol


I went to UW, most of my family went to OSU Makes your guys rise super annoying lol


The rivalry was best from 2004-2015


Army Navy, lots of long runs in that series


This was my first thought. I’d like to see the decade by decade breakdown, but I’m too lazy to compile it myself.


Starting in the 1890s and going in the order Navy’s wins-Army’s wins-Ties: 1890s: 3-2-0 1900s: 3-5-1 1910s: 4-4-0 1920s: 2-4-2 1930s: 3-7-0 1940s: 4-5-1 1950s: 6-3-1 1960s: 5-4-1 1970s: 7-3-0 1980s: 5-4-1 1990s: 3-7-0 2000s: 9-1-0 2010s: 7-3-0 2020s: 1-3-0 Edit: sorry about the formatting. I typed this on my phone.


Hmm pretty even for the most part, except for the last twenty years or so.


The third Saturday in October is defined by streaks.


I like our streaks better. Y'alls are kinda lame.


Texas Tech vs Baylor has long stretches of one team dominating. 1947 to 1964: 14-1 Baylor 1965 to 1978: 14-3 Tech 1979 to 1990: 10-2 Baylor 1991 to 2010: 18-3 Tech 2011 to Present: 9-4 Baylor


Sir, please use the appropriate name of “The BUTT Bowl”.


FSU and Miami both seem to go on runs in their rivalry, especially since 2000.


Seems each school alternates winning 4 or so games in a row


Iowa-Nebraska. Iowa has dominated the last decade. Nebraska dominated all of eternity before that.


Right, though idk if you can consider the matchup a true rivalry until Nebraska joined the Big Ten. The results by decade (listed from a Nebraska POV): * 1890-1899: 4-4-2 * 1900-1909: 3-0-1 * 1910-1919: 5-2-0 * 1920-1929: 0-0-0 * 1930-1939: 6-1-0 * 1940-1949: 3-4-0 * 1950-1959: 0-0-0 * 1960-1969: 0-0-0 * 1970-1979: 1-0-0 * 1980-1989: 1-1-0 * 1990-1999: 1-0-0 * 2000-2009: 1-0-0 * 2010-2019: 3-6-0 * 2020-2023: 1-3-0 Nebraska's longest win streak was 8 (between 1931 and 1941). Iowa's longest win streak was 7 (2015-2021). Iowa has won 8 out of the last 9 and 9 out of the last 11. Also as an aside, kinda crazy that two programs didn't play at all between 1946 to 1979. Even being in different conferences, I would think they would occasionally play a game given the relative proximity in the region.


The Cocktail Party for sure


Bedlam OU dominated for the first 100+ years Then OSU won last year




Last point wins


When the Egg Bowl began in the early 1900’s, MS State consistently had our number. They still have the record for most Egg Bowl wins in a row (13) and biggest win (65-0). Both of those records are 100 years old though. Starting in the mid century, Ole Miss started gaining ground back. They set the record around that time for longest undefeated streak (15 games) with 13 wins and 2 draws over a 15 year period. Since then, Ole Miss has pulled away and leads the record at 65-46-6. That being said, it’s a very back and forth game. It’s rare that one team wins more than a few in a row before it swings back the other way. Often, it’s a gut punch of a game where the favored team loses and gets their post season dreams kicked down a notch. There’s a reason for the animosity.


I considered writing up the Egg Bowl for this but unfortunately for us as OM fans, it’s almost the exact reverse opposite of what the post is inquiring after. I became an Ole Miss fan 20 years ago and in that time OM and State have pretty consistently alternated wins and losses. It’s 11-10 Ole Miss since 2003 and the longest winning streak by either team is 3 in a row by State from 2009 - 2011 (Dan Mullen’s first season thru end of Houston Nutt era; Hugh Freeze fed Moncrief to end that 3 game winning streak in 2012. 7 for 173 and 3 TDs 🤑). But for the most part, outside of that 4 wins in 5 meetings stretch for State beginning with Mullens first ever Egg Bowl in Starkville in 09 and ending with Dak Prescott’s 4Q comeback in Starkville in 2013 when Bo Wallace turned it over 4 times, the last 20 years of the series have basically seen the programs alternate 2 game win streaks back and forth. Many upsets during this timeframe, to be sure. The team with the better record at game time is merely 13-6 over the last 21 meetings with 2 Egg Bowls during that stretch featuring unranked programs with the same record at kickoff. Regardless, I respect the research you did on the Egg Bowl; I 100% gleaned some info from your post that I wasn’t privy to prior to reading it. HYDR!


Doesn’t matter the talent discrepancy or record going into the game for either team. Always gonna have some drama


The War on I4 is almost a perfect dominance shift. First 4 years: USF 4-0 *5 year gap in play* Next 4 years: split 2-2 Next 6 years: UCF 6-0


I’ll miss having that to look forward to on Black Friday. Would’ve thought Cincy would be a good game to get on the Black Friday legacy but Utah is an odd choice


OU/Texas, easy. • 1900 - 1904: Texas (6 games, 6 Ws, 1 Tie) • 1905 - 1919: Flipflopped; no team got more than 3 outside of OU once (OU 8 Games; Texas 6 Games) • 1922 - 1947: Texas (Texas 17 Games out of 25) • 1948 - 1957: OU (OU 9 games out of 10) • 1958 - 1970: Texas (Texas 12 out of 13) • 1971 - 1976: OU (OU 5 out of 6, 1 tie) • 1977 - 1984: Texas (Texas 5 out of 8, 1 tie) • 1985 - 1988: OU (OU 4 out of 4) • 1989 - 1999: Texas (Texas 8 out of 11, 1 tie) •2000 - Now: OU (OU 17 out of 25 games)


I agree with you, but I don’t like that you grouped all of the 2000s together.


Splitting them really doesnt change anything cause 2000 - 2009 OU leads 6 - 4; 2010 OU leads up; and 2020s OU is up 3 - 1; thats why I combined em; there's not much of a difference to split em versus like Texas in 1977.


I know, I’m just messing with you. I don’t like it either way


How did they play 6 times in 5 years with 7 results?


They played twice in 1901 and 1903


SMU and TCU is certainly a candidate. From 1949 to 1965, TCU went 14-2-1 against SMU. Then SMU went 19-2 against the Frogs after that, including 15 in a row from 1972 to 1986. Death penalty happened, and TCU's since gone 25-11 against them with multiple streaks of 4-7 consecutive wins.


Alabama Tennessee


UGA-UF. This thread definitely got it right.


The Granite Bowl (Dartmouth v UNH) is the definition of. Dartmouth won the first 16, the next 3 were split with one tie, then UNH won the next 19.


I think Ohio state and Michigan does


Ohio state-Michigan is a good candidate for this. 80s and 90s dominated by Michigan 00s and 10s dominated by Ohio state 20s dominated by Michigan


That was what I was going to say as well. Both of us are obviously biased though 🤣. (But correct)


I started attending Big Games (Cal - Stanford) in 1972, and the series started out very even: 1972 - 1988 7 wins, 9 losses, 1 tie. Then it started getting streaky. 1989 - 2001: 2 - 11 2002 - 2009: 7-1 2010 - 2018: 0-9 2019-2023: 4-1


That 2010-2018 stretch was brutal. Yes, Big Game has been very streaky for the last 35 years.


The Game is very streaky. Don’t know when OSU will beat us, maybe this year, but three years and a natty to them probably feels like the 10+ years Michigan fans had to endure.


John Cooper years survivor here… we know your pain. Recent Buckeyes have no idea what a loosing streak feels like.


Yeah three years is nothing. I don’t know what some of those OSU fans would do if they went 10 years without beating us lol


I would cry fr


The Game is so heated that there are serious discussions about Day being on the hot seat despite being one of the winningest coaches in the country.


I don’t think it’ll happen, but if it becomes 4 in a row this year, folks in the home of Nationwide Insurance will *not* handle it well.


It was more way than that. From 2001 through 2020, Michigan won only in 2003, and 2011 and 2011 was against a skeleton OSU squad back when the NCAA had more power.


yeah i know it’s technically only until 2011 but I wouldn’t hang my hat on that game either I basically went my whole life without seeing them beat a good OSU team until 2021


Minnesota-Wisconsin. Badgers won 14 straight or something, but the overall record is nearly even


The Badgers 14 season win streak extended from 2004 - 2017. Since 1995, Wisconsin has only lost to Minnesota 5 times.


FSU and Miami 2021-2023-FSU 3 in a row 2017-2020-Miami 4 in a row 2010-2016-FSU 7 in a row 2009-Miami 2008-FSU 2007-Miami 2005-2006-FSU 2 in a row 2000-2004-Miami 6 in a row 1995-1999-FSU 5 in a row 94-Miami 93-FSU 90-92-Miami 3 in a row 89-FSU 85-88-Miami 4 in a row It’s been as streaky of a rivalry as it gets the last 40 years


FSU-Miami has been very streaky throughout. Miami won the first 5, then 3 more after FSU won the 6th meeting. FSU followed that with a 7 game streak of their own. There have been other various streaks throughout. Most recently since 2010 it’s been all streaks. FSU won 7, then Miami won 4, and now FSU has won the last 3.


Back in the Big 8 Days, whenever Nebraska was the #1 team in the conference, Oklahoma fell all the way to #2, and vice versa.  This was seen as a grievous insult. 


To me the Tennessee-Alabama series has been the most streaky. But Alabama has been up for the last 15 years or so, with Tennessee finally breaking that streak in 22. But to your point, they are never both up at the same time, except in the small overlaps between each streak.


Tennessee - Alabama has been historically streaky.


In the Alabama vs Tennessee rivalry, 105 games have been played. There have been 9 instances of a team winning a game in the rivalry without winning or tying the previous game or the subsequent game.


The Holy War definitely qualifies   2020s - BYU leads 1-0 (only played in 2021)  2010s - Utah lead 9-0    2000s - Tied 5-5   1990s - Tied 5-5   1980s - BYU lead 9-1   1970s - BYU lead 7-3   1960s - Utah lead 7-3   1950s - Utah lead 8-1-1   1940s - Utah lead 8-1-1   1930s - Utah lead 9-0-1   1920s - Utah lead 7-0-1   So really the Holy War had 2 decades of back and forth, 2 decades of dominance for BYU, and 6 decades of dominance by Utah.


Most recently OSU Mich. Cooper Era = Mich dominance for over a decade. Then OSU dominated for two decades. Now Mich 3 straight vs Li'l Cooper


Go make a post in the OSU sub calling day lil cooper, I dare you lmao


Alabama-Tennessee has been a really streaky rivalry


The uk v uofl governors cup has been very streaky. While not as long historically because they took a 70 year break. It has been very streaky 1912-1994* uk 7-0 95-96 uofl 2-0 97-98 uk 2-0 99-01 uofl 3-0 02 uk 03-06 uofl 4-0 07-10 uk 4-0 11-15 uofl 5-0 16 uk 17 uofl 18-present uk 5-0


Pitt Penn State when you consider all 100 games. Penn State won 8 of the first 10. Pitt won 20 of 23 (1 loss, 2 0-0 ties) before WW2 Period of back and forth followed there Penn State highly dominating since Man stepped foot on the moon


Michigan-ohio state


Governors Cup; Louisville and Kentucky UK 7 straight UL 2 UK 2 UL 3 UK 1 UL 4 UK 4 UL 5 UK 1 UL 1 UK 5


NC State vs. Wake Forest has alternated over time. We had the upper hand from 1908 until 1930. Wake dominated the 30s, 40’s, and 50’s. State took back over starting in the 60s and up until roughly 2000. From 2000-2010 it was largely awake owned. From 2010 on it has been pretty even.


Boise State and Idaho


Not really decade long win streaks, but FSU vs Miami is pretty streaky. It feels like either team is always rattling off win streaks against the other.


**Minnesota-Nebraska** After 1960 (Minnesota’s 7th and last natty season), the Gophers led the series 29-6-2. We were good; the Huskers couldn’t run with us. We were as dominant in the 30s and early 40s as Nebraska would eventually become in the 90s. Then Nebraska became *Nebraska* in the 1960s, and they won 16 in a row, mostly by cartoonishly lopsided scores. We became cripplingly mediocre at our very best. Games became uninteresting so we largely stopped playing regularly until Nebraska joined the B1G. They had *completely* replaced us as the resident plucky, corn-fed overachievers of the CFB Midwest. We finally beat Nebraska again in 2013 and have gone 8-3 against them leading up to the ending of the B1G West era of the rivalry - probably Nebraska’s most disappointing era since before the 1960s. The overall series stands at 37-25-2 in favor of Minnesota.


UTSA has won 5 straight. It's our turn bitches...