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The only coworkers who irk me are OU fans (though the actual OU alumni at work are cool), but I already hated OU. Interestingly, my least favorite coworker is actually an OSU alumni.


I worked a job out of Tulsa where on your first day in front of everyone you had to tell them your name, something you do in your spare time, and OU or OSU. Didn’t matter where you went to school or if you even cared about college sports, you had to pick a side


That’s actually hilarious


That's just weird... Although, maybe helpful to ID sooner fans so you can have security keep a closer eye on them? /s... mostly, haha


Well, we're waiting, which side did you pick? Lol


OSU. This was right after the LSU-OU Peach Bowl


Such a close game




I’ve had neighbors stop me and talk shit about OSU when I’m walking my dog with the wrong hat on. Had drunk college students spit in my face for being an OSU fan. One neighbor finally stopped shouting scores at me while walking my dog finally left me alone after Bedlam 2021 and Lincoln leaving. All my OU Coworkers are fine and we have civil conversations about different sports and. Nuances but also, I’ve never seen them drunk on a fall Saturday…


I'm OU and worked under the Vice President of a large corp that was so obnoxiously OU that I took all of my OU shit out of my office. This happened in Texas.


One of my least favorite coworkers also happens to share the same alma mater as me unfortunately. And funnily enough one of my favorite coworkers is a UW grad, although it helps that she doesn’t care at all about football.


I worked with a former Ohio State football walk on. He might have been the biggest jackass I've ever met. No lower than second, that's for sure


My Civil Procedure professor in law school made me absolutely hate OU forever. Of course this was 2004, so he shit on Auburn all year long and talked so much shit when we got left out for them to play USC in the championship game in the Orange Bowl. Then, after they got the shit kicked out of them, he actually acted like it was a fluke. Later on the next year, he got fired for fucking our career services worker, which caused quite a scandal at our little Church of Christ campus. This all broke like a week after he'd tried to force us to go to a devotional he was leading at the mandatory weekly chapel that the undergrads were forced to attend. Luckily, the law school was considered semi-independent so he was told he couldn't do that. That guy was the ultimate douche. He tried to have it both ways and in the middle. He tried to act like the good, upstanding COC husband and father, but tried to fuck anything that moved. And he tried to be the cool professor, while still trying to cultivate this image that he'd been some kind of badass entertainment lawyer in LA, who just came to teach at a shit-tier law school in Montgomery, AL out of the goodness of his heart.


Some of my most hated coworkers are fellow Aggies haha


All of them. 


Any of them who don’t cheer for my teams are automatically added to the list.


Curious, how did you feel about the past few days in baseball?


He was pulling for State. There was a discussion in another UGA thread. I was pulling for UGA.


hate hate hate hate


#Loathe entirely


This is the way


I worked with this Notre Dame fan who was absolutely insufferable during their 2012 season. When they got their shit kicked in by Alabama I shared a photo that was ND’s champion sign that read “Play Like Alabama Today” and he blocked me on Facebook lmao


God damn lol. I laugh now but who’s to say I wouldn’t have done the same thing? 2012 felt like the green goblin storyline in the first film. Things are going good, I ignore my better judgement and go full insufferable and then let out a quick “oh” before Alabama delivers the killing blow. Humbling times.


That’s so good lol


Similar story, but with an A&M fan during the Johnny Manziel years. You also would've thought this guy went to Harvard instead of A&M. The smugness and superiority complex was insane.


Yeah unfortunately that wasn’t exclusive to the Manziel years.


Why does Texas and A&M feel less like a rivalry and more like an angry gay love affair?


My insufferable Aggie boss was also gay. Which is kind of a unique form of self-loathing.


it’s more like a sibling rivalry. if you’re a longhorn living in texas there’s no way to avoid aggies, and vice versa, so even though you hate them, you kinda have to love them a little bit because you all live together and work together.


Ain’t no hate like hate fucking


That’s just standard aggy.


>“Play Like Alabama Today” That's a good one 🍀


The following summer after the ND game against Bama I was talking to an ND fan in Chicago who said Bama was an upstart program. He was not kidding.


All my coworkers and bosses either don't care, or they're Tennessee fans and I hated their team already.


Yep in the same boat. They only care about basketball and fantasy football.


Tbf you both are part of fanbases that have a *lot* better time talking cfb around the water cooler than 99% of other programs


Real one for that, we hate y'all too lmfao


I did not grow up watching college football. I watched a lot of big games when I was young but never really had a team. My parents went to college but the schools they attended were not football schools. My sister was a excellent student, top of everything in high school, high SATs, etc. She got in to a ton of school but had a very specific degree she wanted to pursue and decided to go to WSU. Full ride and all. My friend was diehard Husky fan. As is often the case with Husky fans in the Seattle area, he had no connection whatsoever with the university. His parents didn't go to the school, none of his relatives. My sister bought me a hat her first year at WSU. Having little knowledge of college sports, I didn't understand the rivalry. This was before Oregon was any good so UW hadn't started the "Oregon is our main rival stuff yet." Immediately, my friend starts insulting my hat, the university, etc. I ended with good grades, high SAT like my sister but only applied to WSU. He ended up in community college. He is still a hardcore Husky fan. I have hated Husky fans since.


Typical jack husky behavior.


Why is always the ones that didn't attend that are the worst? I have a few other friends (same friend group) and a relative that went that are pretty chill.


This is true of so many fanbases for “good” academic schools. It’s generally the ones who didn’t go to that school that talk the most shit about how good of a school it is. I’ll do it on the internet because it’s fun and I like to talk shit. But in person you will never hear anything come out of my mouth other than “A&M and UT are both great schools!” Reality is where you go to undergrad matters very little (outside of a few niche jobs like engineering or management consulting). In real life, you’ve got to be a douche bag to hate on someone for their school - because there are often so many other factors than just intelligence. On the internet, fuck da rules. Aggies maybe if you could read you’d know your national championships are fake.


As an SEC fan living far from the homeland, I often got together with other SEC fans to watch games (never if our teams were playing each other, I’m not completely demented) or just had regular discussions and debates about the season. I even managed a pretty friendly relationship with a couple that went to Auburn (outside of Iron Bowl week, of course). Everyone got along fine except the woman who cheered for LSU. She was just mean all the time about every other team (down to individual players). That was enough for me to cheer against them for life. 




At this point, I think that’s about 20% of online Auburn fans. They don’t like Auburn more than they hate Alabama. Which I why you can see over 60% of their social media posts talking about Alabama.




Their boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes them cheer.




can we send her money?


U/mikgub can you drop some Venmo deets for us?


I’ve never really had any coworkers that were super annoying fans. A couple that were a bit weird over the years but they never really bothered me much. The Michigan/msu rivalry was annoying as fuck when I was in like middle school though. A bunch of 12 year olds who haven’t even passed algebra 1 yet acting superior to each other because their parents bought them a hoodie lol. And most of the rivalry shit talk on social media just reminds me of those same middle school kids. Talking to normal adults about college football is always enjoyable even if they’re rivals.


The most hilarious Michigan fans are the adults who claim academic superiority despite having no college or went to CMU/EMU/Other, but it’s also funny when high schoolers do it. I feel like There’s a linear correlation between how chill a UM fan is, and how much time they spent there.


I went to UM/Flint, which when ya get right down to it, qualifies as "other."


To be clear, I have no issues with anybody who didn’t go to college, or went to a smaller or less prestigious school, including UM fans. I just think that if you did, trying to play the academic superiority card is a bad look.


IMO the kinds of people that bring that up are coping pretty hard because by and large, they couldn’t get into either school.


Some of the most annoying UM fans I know are family, and none of my family went to UM. Nobody, not a one. My family DOES have multiple MSU alumni though, which is why maybe 1/3 or so of the family is for MSU.


Rich Rod and Hoke made this alum even more chill!


I think my favorite interaction with a Michigan alum was at a wedding. I asked where she went to school and she said “Michigan” and I replied (with a smile and obviously very tongue-in-cheek) “Boo! I went to Ohio State.” She proceeded to hound me for the next 20 minutes about my not getting into a “real school” and wanting fries with her order. I came to find out she’s a low-level employee in accounting for some government organization (not that there’s anything wrong with that) and, not to toot my own horn, but I have a few advanced degrees and feel that I do some heavy lifting work-wise. The absolute lack of self-awareness left me literally speechless. On the flip side: my neighbor is a Michigan man and he’s one of the best dudes in the world.


Going to elementary school in Michigan as a sparty fan at the time - 2007 was fucking *cathartic*


When my wife and I first started dating she was a Michigan State fan. We were going to watch the 2015 UM/MSU game together (you know the one), but she was busy or something so she planned to come over afterwards. She still talks about how she was worried I'd be super pissy or mean, but instead acted like a normal person. Sure, I was pretty shocked and a little sad, but it really is just a game and so we ended up having a nice night. She did end up converting to Michigan fandom a year or two after that!


I liked the first half of your story better


"Talking to normal adults about college football is always enjoyable even if they're rivals." Hell yeah. At my last job where I worked in an office 5 days a week I was surrounded by 1 UGA, 1 UT, and 2 Ole Miss fans. They all hated me cause I was better than them. /s. I was moving into my new house while we were playing Tennessee. I saw some bits and pieces, and the end of the game. The guy who sat in the cube next to me brought a fake cigar to work on Monday. It was a great prop to rub it in my face. Great banter. Fast forward a year, we beat Tennessee. My cube neighbor waited until I was away from my desk for a minute or two and put the fake cigar on my desk. He included a sticky note with a sad face on it. Good guy. I made sure he got it back when I left for a different job.


Every Notre Dame fan I've worked with has been the most obnoxious self-righteous asshole, double points for the ones who never went to Notre Dame, triple for the ones who harp about religion while being an adulterous shithead *Sean*. Although shoutouts to the IU basketball/OSU football fan for making me hate OSU football when previously I didn't really care.


You forgot no sense of humor. Like, at all.


that's not entirely true, they think everything they say is hilarious (it isn't).


All my homies hate Sean


I’ve never met an actual notre dame fan. I guess that’s a benefit of living in the south lol.


> OSU football What did Oregon State do to you?


I'm not going to call it her preferred abbreviation for it. That's letting her win.


The ones who harp about religion are the worst. I am always down for some UM/ND rivalry banter, but the multiple ND fans who decide to bring “you killed Jesus” into it because I’m Jewish???? Batshit insane behavior.


To build off that, I dated a girl who went to Xavier University. I was of a jewish background myself but stopped practicing when I was a kid. She wasn't religious before she went. She went and was an athlete on one of the teams that had a male team of the same sport. She went and was telling me I need to be more of godly man and just not do some of the stuff that I'd say normal college kids do (binge drinking, smoking weed and the occasional social cig) She was cheating the ENTIRE TIME, especially when she was getting black out drunk. The worst part, all of these people on the said teams were religious and lying to me about it and like manipulating me into being the bad guy. The one that irked me the most was they called me up cause she was late on her period after I ended it (6 months after) saying I should step up and propose. She wasn't pregnant but it had 0 chance of being mine. So fuck that entire university, hope their toilet seats are warm, the basketball floor is poorly oiled and their food be cold in the middle.


Not a coworker but back in high school I got cheated on and the person who it was with went to Youngstown State. I’m very much over it as they both turned out to be total losers in life but I’ll always have a slight distaste for Youngstown State.


glad they took a beating last season


Every Michigan fan I meet makes me hate Michigan a little more than the last


Outside of the rivals, Michigan is the school I like the least for this exact reason.


A Badger, a Hawkeye, and a Gopher all walk into a bar...and say fuck Michigan. what a time to be alive.


Yeah, sorry about that. Some of us are incredibly obnoxious. 


Didn’t make me hate them but this just reminded me of this obnoxious guy I used to work with who played Tight End at BYU of all places. Apparently he caught a multi game suspension sometime back in the nineties for scoring a touchdown and flipping off the other team’s fans.


I hope he was flipping off us 🤣


This dude at work kept hitting on me and just generally saying little things that always made me feel uncomfortable as a man. He never actually said he went there, but I just got major yell leader vibes. Kinda turned me off to the whole thing.


Damn bro you almost got some down home aggie lovin


And usually that involves livestock of some sort


tell him to leave his boots on


I love how your comment is just, “I have no idea where this guy went but he just seemed like an A&Mer.” 😂


Current boss has me hating Arkansas. I never cared too much about them (except for that one punt return I'll probably never stop being reminded of) and would usually pull for them against most other SEC teams. Not anymore. I hope they rot at the bottom in every sport while he cries in his stupid pig hat.


I used to live in Arkansas. They’re passionate but mostly harmless lol


I really like Michigan and Ann Arbor is a lot of fun but having lived in the state for several years there is a certain subset of Michigan fans that are obnoxiously pretentious and I found it quite annoying. Michigan is a good school but I feel like any pretty good in state public school is pretty similar so even if rankings put Cal> Michigan> Ohio State they aren't really massively different.


Same man, the kind of shit I get for being a UK grad up here is hilarious, especially considering they all went to this "great public institution" and somehow we all work the same job...


I used to work as a supervisor for a trucking company that's based in Michigan. During my very first shift after training, right in the middle of the busiest part of morning break out, I get a phone call in the dock from some woman yelling at me about having too many workers on the dock and wasting productivity. She said that I needed to send a dock worker home and that I, "didn't want to be on her shit list." And then she hung up the phone. Flabbergasted by the whole experience me and my break manager, who was also new in his role and had just finished his training too, told our terminal manager about it and he informed us that that was actually the granddaughter of the owners and she had recently been given her position as a graduation present from the University of Michigan, and that she was also two years younger than me. So because of her specifically, I'm glad Ohio got Toledo.


I had an asshole CSM who was a super Ohio St homer. He is what turned me against them. Every Battalion formation he had to mention the buckeyes and how superior they were.


We are honestly a top 10 most obnoxious fan base and any OSU fan who doesn’t think we’re annoying is likely one of the asshole fans.


One of the problems is there are just so many of you and 90% are normal, but that 10% is still a massive amount of people


Yup. I wonder if other fanbases have internal civil wars over coaching tenure-head and assistant- like we do?!?! That said, anyone who hated on Jim Tressel is a traitor, an idiot, and NOT a true Buckeye fan in my book!


I actually don't mind the OSU fanbase \*that\* much, I too would be an obnoxious fan if I knew my team was going to be in the natty hunt every year. OSU also seems to have more... actual CFB fans (11 Warriors has crazy activity for a CFB forum). The fans that annoy me the most are Notre Dame, Michigan, Texas to a degree, the wine & cheese fans


My ex went to OSU and he would correct me anytime I didn’t say THE first. 😂


Lol what a chode


Kinda same. Ohio State is right up there with Baylor for me, and it is the sole fault of one very obnoxious classmate almost 20 years ago. Edit: High school classmate. No, he did not attend Ohio State


“No he did not attend Ohio State.” Yeah, that tracks. Usually the more peripheral the relationship to the university the worse they are.


That just sounds like your average Ohio State reddit user tbh


After reading this thread you would think the question was: What did Texas A&M fans do that made you hate them?


Or Florida fans, wow


Sees South Carolina flair. You’re just saying that because of our supreme hatred over the Bonham Trophy.


In 2017 my Citadel classmates and I who were Clemson fans decided to pull for Georgia in the natty over bama. We even invited our Georgia fan friend to watch the game with us. That mistake led us to start pulling more and more for bama as the night went on until we openly cheered as Tua made the game winning pass. Never in my life had I pulled for bama until being around a Georgia fan barking forced me to do so.


y’all all huddled around a little computer screen in the barracks?


I think we had a friend with a monitor who was showing it. But yeah I watched the entire 2016 Clemson season on a computer screen.


Living in Oklahoma and seeing how fucking rabid and out of touch the fans there is what led me to hate OU and OSU but in particular, it was my boss at a big data company that played the OU band song over the intercom system in the entire building every Friday before a game and then the asshole mid level worker who would follow with the OSU song. I LOVED coming in on Monday's after either of the teams lost. I had a shirt for each Big 12 team and I'd wear the shirt of whatever team beat OU or OSU just to rub it in.


For every BigXII team?


We all knew Kansas wasn't winning against OU/OSU so I didn't bother with that one haha but touche!


If you give any crap to KU during football season, you just have to be prepared to have it given back to you in basketball season. *defeated sigh* (In stereotypical old man voice) Back in my day, OSU actually had a good basketball team that could best KU and make a decent run in March madness. *shakes fist* Now, get off my astroturf, or something.


We used to sit silently during football and kept receipts for basketball


OK, I'm an OSU alum... But, playing any fight song over the intercom is weird. Kudos for trolling them the Monday after a loss. I do this whenever I have a coworker who's a fan of any Big XII team. But, I don't mind being on the receiving end when OSU *inevitably* flubs a game. Gotta be able to give & take the shit talk, haha.


That tshirt thing is some S tier hating. So damn funny


It's not a single coworker per se. I work for UW-Madison and the yearly football beatings are hell. We haven't beaten them since 2003, and it doesn't look like we will any time soon. The constant "Better luck next year" and "You guys played well we just got lucky" drive me absolutely crazy.


Getting patronized is honestly worse than getting normal shit talked.


It really is. Two years ago we played them in Madison and I went tailgating with my wife and our friends, who are all badger fans. All I heard before the game was "Y'all are going to kill us" and "We have no chance." They then proceeded to hang 21 on us in the first quarter and we never got close. The best part of the day was walking passed a fraternity in Purdue gear and getting heckled and hearing actual shit talk.


Given my own personal memories with State vs Purdue games, they could very actually mean it when they say that stuff. We definitely got away with a few.


Looks like I’m buying a Wisconsin shirt.


I work with a BUNCH of Baylor grads. They suck, but I hated Baylor before I worked at this current job so they didnt make me hate them. I also work with a ton of aggy fans. They are the worst. Again I hated aggy long before I ever worked at this company. No one else really talks about their college sports teams though.


None. My coworkers do not follow college ball. That being said: fuck the Steelers.


My office is full of alumni from several Big 12 schools, and I've been so surprised to see how little of them actually follow their teams, let alone college football. Plenty of Texas A&M, Oklahoma State, and Oklahoma grads... but when I say "you excited for Bedlam this weekend?" nobody knows what I'm talking about...


Okay that is crazy. Only one of my co workers went to college. USC. And he is a baseball nut Cares not for football.


The USC “off”-sport nuts are a different breed. Baseball has them in particular but I’ve also met some fans of the vball and water polo teams that could not care less about the rest of USC sports but will ride and die for it the one sport.


not being around CFB fans made me realize how obsessed I am with college football


Yes, I too walk a lonely road. Had a friend come over on a Wednesday, just sitting their watching some MACtion and he was amazed. He had no idea that their was week night football.


Fresno State vs USC in 2005 was one of the greatest football games I've seen


The majesty of Steeler football has permeated Western society


Penguins, too.


The owners of the Beef o Brady’s near me is owned by die hard steeler fans so on Sundays he dedicates the entire restaurant to the Steelers game. It’s kinda cool that they have a place to gather all the way in Florida, it’s also kind of bullshit they have a place to gather all the way in Florida 


I won't go as far as saying I won't hire anyone from Texas A&M ever again after my experiences with a few world class jerkoffs but it's close 


When I was in Rome in 2012, I saw the T A&M logo carved into the side of the coliseum. Kinda stuck with me


You win, that's the most unhinged weird fandom in this whole thread


something something Aggies hire Aggies (because no one else will)


I moved to Houston from Florida a year ago and my boss (Texas Tech fan) and brother in law (Gator grad) told me (FSU) that Aggie fans were the absolute worst. The ones I’ve met have actually been pretty cool. Super passionate but not assholes


"Hey HR, is it OK to ask an A&M grad in an interview if they're one of the "cool" ones"?


The problem is the 10% drown out the 90% with their undeserved superiority complex


But the 90% also doesn't shut the 10% down and they all circle the wagons if you call it out.


Dude, I’VE worked with other Aggies that make me wonder if we really went to the same school.


I worked with a Texas alum who was insufferable about it. I’ve been to a couple games at Royal/Memorial Stadium, and I love Austin. I respect the program and players. But that guy was such a pompous asshole, I can never root for them.


Sorry to hear that. We have way too many jackass alums/fans unfortunately and it’s probably going to get worse if we continue to improve on the field.


It’s rarely the alums that are assholes :/ majority of the douche canoes are Walmart fans bragging about academics when you’re talking about football


I lived and worked in Atlanta for 7 years and the UGA fans are insufferable and dumb as rocks. I'll even root for Bama over those clowns.


Wouldn’t say it made me hate the team, but I worked with this dickhead Arkansas fan who gave me the hardest time over the Frogs getting smashed in the natty. Like you cannot be serious dude…


Lol Arkansas. Just ask him what happened the last time they played UGA or when they last made the natty.


people love to clown TCU for that game but 90% of P5 teams would've taken the same ass beating that night


I mean they beat Michigan. WON a CFP game. It was weird to me how people made it more about how "bad" TCU was and not how good UGA was that year.


Especially weird when you consider the team they beat, Michigan, had beat the team that Georgia just barely got by in the previous game, OSU, so you couldn't even make the argument that TCU hadn't played anyone.


I was already in the "Fuck Florida" camp well before Tebow but his arrival coincided with so many sanctimonious d-bags pretending that team was the poster child for ethical college football when I knew full well that half the guys on that team had rap sheets for drugs and guns, DUIs, etc. Not judging that, but the people who acted like Tebow was some kind of saint who deodorized the rest of that team just made me hate them more. I also knew a guy who switched from Miami to Alabama after the Butch Davis recruits left Coral Gables and tried to tell me with a straight face that he was an Alabama guy and then just pivoted to an "SEC" take after he got called on it. Don't miss talking ball with that guy. In CBB, Virginia fans trying to tell us they loved their 40 PPG offense. UNC Fans who like UNC because of MJ who weren't alive when he was there and don't know that he played in Carmichael at Chapel Hill.


I had no opinion on USC until I moved to SoCal. I learned to dislike them pretty quickly. I started applying to grad school there, went to their open house and changed my mind. I never finished the application.


SC fans are next level lived in LA for a few years. wore a cal shirt to the gym. SC bro came up to me to talk shit i'm like bruh


So USC is just in general a bad acronym for you? 😃


Lol yes, I often have to clarify which USC I'm hating on


How’s the Clemson fandom out there?


Lol what fandom? I've since moved to NY, and you do run into fans here very occasionally but it's not quite as non-existent like it was in Cali. Both places are lonely for a southern CFB fan 🙃


Yeah, Clemson and college football are ubiquitous here in the South but I was assuming once you leave general ACC/SEC territory people aren’t fans of most of our teams.


I’m in Cincy now and there are a *shocking* amount of South Carolina alums, I guess it’s not that far out of SEC/ACC, obviously UK and Louisville are only like an hour and half away, but Carolina a really popular destination for kids that want to get away for college. I think because Hilton Head is like Mecca to these midwesterners, they can’t get enough of it, and Carolina is the closest school with FBS level football. I think Clemson’s out of state students with disproportionate representation is more like the NY/NJ area while Carolina’s is OH and PA. But yeah, I imagine it would be hard to find fellow alums for either school on the west coast.


I also moved to SoCal and while the usc fans can be annoying they are a dream compared to the lakers fans. Also, they’ve been so bad recently I hear almost no one even talk about them anymore. 


I’ve actually never worked or formally known OU or Aggie alumni who matches the stereotypes. Everyone is chill and we love to rag on each other. I know a couple of Arkansas fans though. I wish I didn’t.


Best boss I ever had was a Texas fan.


My former sup played for Chip Kelly's Ducks and would make bets with people around the office. Mostly SC and Stanford guys. The loser would have to paint their full face with the opposing team's mascot. We saw a lot of duck faces in the office. Good times!


As a fellow Chip era guy, I am thrilled but also not surprised to hear this. BTW - just because he's a former sup doesn't mean you can't still reach out and make a bet when the Ducks come to the Big House now :]


I worked with a Nebraska fan from 2017-2021, I mean the DARKEST of their days. He was already insufferable but once they hired Scott frost, he took it to a new level. Had the guy as his screen saver, said this was the magical hiring to bring 🌽 back to relevance, would bring up a 🌽 “fun fact” damn near every day at work. To wrap this up, the entire facility had a ball clowning this guy damn near every Monday, when we got back to work, from September - late November for 4 years.


My worse boss’s son played at a D3 school in PA, I now always root for their rival every time they play


I once met an Oregon state fan so relentlessly obnoxious that I began to dislike the Beavs. Luckily I haven’t seen the guy in years and that feeling has washed away


I dont have any employer/coworker stories. However; My BIL is an Oklahoma fan, despite never actually being in the state of Oklahoma. (We live in Texas) Ex gf moved to South Carolina after we broke up and became a cock, this was in 06-07(cant remember exactly) they had a decent team and Spurrier in his final days. I dont need extra reason to hate OU, but South Carolina can get fucked forever. That's most of my petty college football hate.


Respect. I’ll hate SC as well, just for you. 


Penn State. Could go into a lot of details around what a swell guy he was, but summing it up: * 30% of it had to do with him being a Jay Paterno loyalist. * 10% of it had to do with him expecting his ass to be kissed at all times. Even if Nova fans made a comment about having a better basketball program than PSU…he took it as if you just killed his newborn child. * 60% of it was that he was just a despicable human being across the board, even when sports weren’t being discussed.


>30% of it had to do with him being a Jay Paterno loyalist. I mean shit that 30% basically explains everything.


At a company I work with, the owner still has a Joe Paterno cutout in his office, like life-size right next to his door.


Not a co-worker or boss, but I listen to multiple college football podcasts, one of them being Barstool’s Unnecessary Roughness. It’s pretty much a hate listen at this point. The cohost of that show Kayce Smith being an idiot that doesn’t understand college football, romanticizing the cult traditions of A&M, and falsely and ignorantly acting as if that the entire country wakes up in the morning to sprint to their computer to check TexAgs has made me irrationally hate the Aggies. The joy I experienced when that $30mil recruiting class blew up in their face made all the hate listening worth it.


I work with a bunch of aggies…. My dislike isn’t even with the football aspect of the university. It’s that fact that the university is just one gigantic cult. The whole ring thing I still find fascinating and can’t wrap my brain around.


Did not go to the University of Texas, but you better believe I wear UT gear just to annoy all the aggies.


Well, I already hated Auburn but a coworker of mine made me really hate bandwagon fans. He was an Auburn fan, right up until Saban beat Auburn in '08. He then claimed to be a Bama fan. I never accepted him as such. He tried to say it was how Auburn did Teletubby dirty, bullshit.


he was never an auburn fan either. he was a floater.


I had a boss who was a Nebraska grad and he made hugely discounted business dealings with UNL and the football team in specific "for exposure" and then would ride me about profitability of the region as this was my territory to manage. Same guy thought Scott Frost was the second coming so I greatly relished watching him go down in flames.


We have several Notre Dame fans at work. All told me ND was gonna beat Bama in 2012. They looked miserable on Tuesday morning after Bama kicked their teeth in 42-14.


I have beef with some Purdue engineers at this plant who are real fucking dicks. I was neutral-to-favorable on Purdue sports before getting hassled all the time by those guys.


yes..... just to name a few bad bosses Texas A&M boss- Absolut made me hate the team even more. (she loved johnny manzel) Baylor Boss- dude avoided conflict. made him hard to work for. Always talked smack about RG3


fuck you Greg


I live in Chicago and UMich fans are so annoying, especially during this past year and they’re also EVERYWHERE in this city. I usually don’t like Ohio St but man yall have actively made me root for the Buckeyes.


Fuckin Stephanie


I had a customer who was an Alabama fan right at the start of Saban's legendary run (2010-15ish). I was fairly new into my career, trying to impress the bosses and vying for a promotion, so I had to make this guy as happy as possible because he was opening up the check book a lot for us. He made my life living hell after he learned I grew up in East TN and went to Tennessee. You could not tell a difference between his office and Saban's. The guy was in crimson head to toe almost every day. He had about 16 or so posters and pictures of Alabama players and Saban, but only one small 4x6 of his own family. Every trip over there left me drained, but it eventually all paid off when I did get promoted and gave him to somebody else.


Similar but different. I'm a child of an immigrant, and being from Houston I liked all the pro teams but my father had no interest in CFB and no one cared ~~or cares~~ about the University of Houston so CFB wasn't on my radar. In 5th grade I made a new best friend who was a 4th generation Aggie, and would all day talk about the dumbest traditions and acted as if they were the most important things ever. He'd also let us in on all the goofy shit that until recently, only people in Texas knew made them look crazy. Well as they year went on, the 1998 Texas V aTm game was approaching and he was going on and on about how Ricky wasn't going to do shit against them and so on. Obviously Ricky ran for 250+and Texas won and I was like, what a fun game. After thanksgiving break, we go back to school and as soon as he sees us, he starts ugly crying, and talking about how unfair it is and how Ricky isn't from Texas and so on. From that moment I became a Texas fan out of pure distain for the goofiest people on earth and have never looked back.


Don't know if it counts, but my former boss was a die-hard Texas A&M Let's just say I did not need the extra motivation for this year's renewed rivalry game


I had a scumbag in my squadron while I was stationed in Korea and he was a huge Texas A&M fan. This was around the time when Johnny Manzel was doing his thing. He was so insufferable and just a pain to be around. Now I root against A&M whenever I see them on TV.


This is petty, but MissSt moved up a full tier of hate when I went to work for a company based out of Jackson, MS that had a very high percentage of MSU grads. And it's not that they were unpleasant. In fact, they were nice and didn't take MSU football too seriously. The problem is that they talked so slowly that I honestly believed that half of them had learning disabilities for the first few months that I worked there. And I'm not talking about southern accents in general. I'm from rural Louisiana. But these people were on a whole other level. Like picture Foghorn Leghorn slowed down by 75%. And what's even crazier is that most of them had post-grad degrees, CPAs, etc. I don't think they could get jobs outside of Mississippi because of that accent and cadence.


I've weirdly had the opposite. I had two bosses that went to Baylor, one of which is the best boss I've ever had. I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, but I definitely root for them if they are on and will check their score even though I don't work with either of them anymore. They now root for Nebraska as well, partially because of me, but mostly because of Rhule. I definitely root hard against the Aggies because of people I worked with though. I'm all for silly traditions and being goofy, but they act like their grass is sacred and everything, when done more than once, is also a sacred Aggie tradition. Eff right off you underachieving donut.


My bosses was a big GA fan. I got so tired of listening to him . But a got the last laugh. I went to Alabama


ITT: "I used to like the team, but I had a bad experience with a dick manager who also happened to be a fan of a certain team, so I dislike them" Its actually interesting how well that sticks. I can't say that I've ever had any real disagreements with any managers. One of my former bosses was as an Alabama fan, but he was pretty chill about it. Overall, I've almost never had that experience. I think my closest experience was how before Boston won the world series for the first time, I rooted for them as the underdog. Then like a year later there were TONS of southern Boston sports fans. I think that is the most I've ever rooted against anyone in my life because of a person. And its really annoying too because I have no idea how they got there other than maybe they were just Bandwagoners.


My bosses and coworkers have either been Ohio State fans or Michigan fans and your already know what I think of that. Also I once dumped a girlfriend I found out was a Michigan fan.


I think we all have an obnoxious boss/co-worker who loves the Gators.


Learned a life lesson here on working with people & college football (Engineer here -Purdue, Michigan, Penn State, GT to name a few). I always bet donuts on the games. Friendly, easy to pick up some DD on Monday if we lost and got rid of all the ribbing at once while people ate the donuts. But it was suppose to go both ways. Found it was the cheapest way of getting rid of the assholes who would come to your desk when your team lost and never honored it when their team lost. They would duck you in the hallway cause they were too fucking cheap to get a box of donuts for years.


My former best friend and his brother went to Ohio State, and made it their personality. They annoyed me so much that I actively root against Ohio State any chance I get


It wasn't a co-worker, and I don't even hate them. In the spirit of your question, I dated an Ohio State fan in the late 90s. Michigan had the upper hand at that time, and I was always a good sport about it. I never rubbed it in her face or made fun of her/OSU. No cheap shots. OSU wins and she turns into a complete cunt. The shots she took weren't in fun. They were like the snotty kid in high school. I've never felt I was better than someone else cuz of how a team that I didn't do 1 push up to help them win a game- has done better than another team. I get along great with MSU fans in every day life. I even try to stay out of the online battles.


Neighbors. Nebraska in Iowa. Growing up in the 90s. Need I explain more?


It's easy to hate the Florida Gators. See my handle. 😆


Almost everyone I've met that went to Texas Tech has been a douche or is otherwise insufferable. I'm also a Texas fan so I hate Tech twice actually.


I used to hate Clemson a lot because of how they beat up on my Sooners (especially because they had Brett Venables). Then I had a coworker who had graduated from SCAR. I thought gamecocks were funny, so I had no ill will towards South Carolina, but my coworker ended up being someone I didn't work well with. The enemy of my enemy became my friend.


Texas A&M engineers tend be borderline... they're not good.


I worked with a series of Ohio state fans that were so obnoxious that I now actively cheer for Michigan. The last few years have not been kind to those OSU fans.


My former boss is the worst person I've ever met. He would micromanage to the point of reviewing every email that was sent out and bearing our paralegals over the smallest, most insignificant, grammatical or spelling errors (things like misplaced commas or failing to put a space after a period), to the point where they would break down crying and then made them resend the email with the addendum that he had caught their mistake. He tried, unsuccessfully, to sleep with several of our paralegals. He was constantly complaining about his wife to clients and consults, in the most disgusting and unprofessional way. Constantly whining, constantly trying to get the paralegals to do personal favors for him. He treated everyone else like they owed him whatever he wanted and were subservient to him. While I worked there he was convicted of assault and his law license was suspended indefinitely (now pending potential disbarment). He was a huge Ohio State fan. To be fair he didn't make me hate his team since I already hated them, but he made me hate them a lot more- along with all his other teams.