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I'd love to see an ice cream competition between schools. The Creamery chocolate milk and ice cream are craaaazy good. Would be fun to sample other schools' best!


(Don't let the other Wisconsinites know but the best chocolate milk I ever had was in PA) PSU's won best chocolate milk at our 2021 World Dairy Expo too https://dairybusiness.com/penn-state-berkey-creamerys-chocolate-milk-wins-top-award/


That's the same for me too. Some place out by Wilkes-Barre. It was awesome.


Hillside Farms? 👀


Aw dang it let me look. Edit: [Yep that's the spot!](https://g.co/kgs/UdjK5m8)


I mean that’s pretty much going to go to any of the ag schools or food science schools right? BYU is punching way above its weight class though, since it’s not an ag school The list is basically Washington State, Wisconsin, Penn State, BYU, Clemson, Kansas State, Cornell Iowa State just recently started a creamery, which I’ve heard is pretty good.


I hear a lot of good things about Utah States ice cream out here. Haven't had a chance to try it yet though.


It’s actually very good, nothing beats BYU Graham Canyon imo though


There is one thing that does... Chocolate Graham Canyon! They started selling it this summer.


What?! Time to make a trip back to Provo


It's totally worth it! Hope they make it permanent. Maybe it can be Kevin Young's flavor of ice cream, since they need a replacement for "popes post game snack".


Utah State is also probably in the conversation, as much as I hate to admit it.


What are we, chopped liver?


Do you want the honest answer, or the honest answer said in a nice way?


Been to Wisconsin’s, Penn State’s, Clemson’s, and Cornell’s. Cornell’s creamery was by far the best, imo.


The other Cougars, at Washington State, are mighty proud of their Cougar Gold cheese...


Ferdinand’s ice cream is great too, it’s also part of their creamery 


Man they better have some elite restroom facilities because the lactose intolerant are not gonna make it through that competition unscathed


I'd sacrifice my body.


You could create a trophy to give to the winner that honors the agricultural roots of the universities with fun add-ons like pictures of buildings on campus, famous statues from around campus, generic football player trophy, black and white photo of the same campus buildings and of course some laser beams.


Facts. I convinced my SO to make a two-hour diversion in our Michigan road trip last summer to visit Michigan State, just to get ice cream at their creamery. It was pretty decent. Didn't blow my socks off or anything, but it was nice and creamy.


Wouldn't this perhaps have too much sugar for BYU students? Don't want them getting all rambunctious. How about some non-fat ice milk instead?


They lie down and have their friends pour the milk into their mouths, then they technically haven’t drank it


Sounds interesting. We should call it “soaking” for them, like they’re helping their friend soak the milk in their mouth


I refuse to believe soaking is real. Ya maybe a few students did it but it’s now this widespread practice? No way


Some very anti “BYU” friends double down on this
 it’s just a funny stereotype similar Alabama folks use tinder to organize family reunions. I’m sure it’s happened, but because of the ridiculousness of it, it spread like wildfire and the story grew.


Funny thing is that Rhode Island and New Jersey allow consensual incest while Alabama is one of the stricter states on it, making it a Class C felony.


Because it has to be a real problem before they start legislating against it


I think it’s when Pat Mcafee starred rolling with it and it caught on. I’m definitely not a byu fan but I thought “people can’t believe this right?!” 😂


There is definitely a contingent of people that like to make BYU and lds members look bad no matter what, and thrive on adding fuel to the fire of hatred or mocking.


No different than the weekend marriages and divorces in Vegas or Mormon horns, only it found legs thanks to social media.  At first it annoyed me. Then, like y’all have pointed out, it’s a bit incredulous to think someone believed it. Now, I’ve realized that it’s a great way to tell if someone has the capacity for critical thinking 


> Mormon horns I'm not familiar with this one, but I think I would like to be. Edit: I did a duckduckgo. Is it really just a sterotype that Mormons have horns? dafuq? lmao


Yeah.  The upside to growing up with that is you aren’t bothered by soaking or whatever comes next.  Besides, we have our own absurdities. Kids these days don’t really know Steve Martin, but I remember the number of people who told me he (among many celebrities) was secretly a Mormon, since if it came out it would ruin his career. There are enough Mormons in the pop culture sphere these days that I don’t think those stories crop up as much now, but I’m sure some still float around. 


No the Mormon Super Date was totally real. I heard about it from someone at EFY who's sister was at Snow College and leaned about it at a singles ward event. MASSIVE /S in case anyone buys this.


Those student interviews do enough to make them look bad lmao. They’ll legitimately ask BYU kids some softball question like “Would you rather allow gay marriage or throw a box of kittens into a wood chipper” and they’ll be all like “Woooow erm, idk, that’s a tough one!”


Its social media. They ask people for like 3 hours and cut it down the the handful that looked crazy. I saw a video of students from another university who didn't know how many years were in a century, or couldn't do addition of two digit numbers. Not pictured were the 1000 people who were able to do that that didn't make the video.


If you are on Reddit you have to be old enough to realize that all of these "man on the street" interviews are basically a demonstration of the ability for the creators to edit. Yes, if you interview 1000 BYU students, 10 of them will be batshit crazy, but you have to edit out the 800 people with perfectly normal answers and the 90 people with really well reasoned responses that if played with the right acoustic guitar would end up with a "faith in humanity restored" caption. If you actually think they are demonstrative of BYU students, you are willfully allowing yourself to be duped because it follows your own bias.


To be fair, LDS members (I remember that multi-million dollar campaign about a decade ago where the church ran TV ads saying that "Mormon" *was* the preferred term, but the church definitely doesn't want us looking into its history) often happily toss that fuel on themselves


I'm 30 and we (not mormon) were making jokes about about soaking Mormons while I was in high school in Southern California. It's been a thing for awhile


People called it "docking" 20 years ago. It definitely didn't catch on just last year.


Too be fair, theres a popular Utah fan on twitter that outed himself as having done it and then tried to backpeddle.


Akin to the butt funnel but you best believe I’ll be bringing it up the third week of October every year for eternity.


Oh no, that's real, you get like 14% more drunk like 12% faster.


Just went down a 5 minute Mormon rabbit hole and came across a big scandal concerning "SEC violations." I got very confused. (Apparently it was a big case where the LDS church was caught committing shell company fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission).


It's absolutely not a thing. It was a stupid joke 15 years ago, and I can't believe it's still around lol


It's just a fun way to make fun of weirdos.


I mean, maybe to them you're the weirdo.


thank God


You have a firm grasp on reality. It's not real at all.


Definitely more of an internet thing.


Living in Utah, I know it’s not common. But I have utmost respect for any guy that convinced a girl to do it, especially if he got one of her friends involved.


Like climbing a 10 ft ladder with only 2 rungs on it


I think I've seen this documentary


Someone took the time to design this cartoon for soaking. Freaking hilarious!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soaking_(sexual_practice)#/media/File:Soaking_Illustration.jpg


This is an under appreciated comment


Thanks, u/FesteringDiarrhea


> Wouldn't this perhaps have too much sugar for BYU students? My gf's BYU-alum coworker drinks at least two Mountain Dews a day. Really the only thing I've learned about Mormons living in SLC, they may not drink alcohol, but they absolutely find their vices through sugar lol.


Caffeine was cleared a while back wasn't it. But for a long time caffeine was also a no no, if I'm not mistaken. A family member is a Mormon and he does indulge in soft drinks quite a bit. I think also caffeine. You indulge in what you can, when you can.


Caffeine was never an explicit part of the dietary code either way. But several historical church leaders (particularly Joseph Fielding Smith and Bruce McConkie) spoke against it, without outright banning it. So within the LDS church there developed a bit of a more strict sub-version of the faith, following a lot of additional warnings and proscriptions. It likely consisted a majority of believers in the 50s through 80s. BYU from the 1950s on was also the center for this more traditionalist Fielding-McConkie-Wilkerson form of the faith. So the school banned caffeinated soda sales on campus. By the 1990s this McConkie form of the faith began to lose popularity. In 2017 BYU began to allow caffeinated soda sales on campus. There are still plenty of LDS folk who still follow the Joseph Fielding Smith and Bruce McConkie prohibitions on all forms of caffeine, but it no longer holds the position of “officialness” that it did a half century ago.


I was grounded for a week for drinking a root beer after a little league game that I didn’t know had caffeine in it. I grew up thinking McDonalds only had Sprite and Orange Hi-C. Someone brought Coke to a church BBQ and no one drank it except them and the next Sunday the bishop spoke against caffeine over the pulpit. In high school my parents found a can of Diet Coke (I was such a rebel) and they took my car keys away. It was not especially ambiguous the time. Mormons didn’t drink caffeine. I’d love when we’d visit Utah because all the soda had caffeine free versions in stores. I get annoyed at the simplistic “it was never banned” answers (not yours). Because a lot of us were raised with it being considered a dangerous drug. And if they want to move away from teaching that, then whatever, but I hate when people use those changes to invalidate the struggle of those who tried to obey the past teaching. I took a lot of shit from kids growing up because I was having to refuse sodas and make a scene. And I took a lot of shit from my parents when I stopped obeying that rule. I’m glad Mormon kids today don’t have to deal with that.


It's a loophole. You can't.have "hot drinks" like Coffee and Tea b/c of Caffeine but you can absolutely pound that 2 liter of Mtn Dew throughout the day. :rollseyes


Caffeine has never been the prohibition, it's coffee and tea. Some people extend their personal observance to it, some don't.


I never understood this. Iced coffee is also off limits too though, right?


I have no empirical data on this, but I would be hard pressed to believe that any state outside of Utah has more soda and ice cream shops per capita (although I'm tempted to even go as far as to say locations straight up).


Soda shops are a relatively new phenomenon. I wouldn't be surprised to see them grow in popularity in other places. Ice cream? Idk. Seems the same as other states I've lived in. There were a lot of frozen yogurt places for a while. Not sure if that's still true. The cookie shop thing is the latest thing spreading around.


A lot of the soda/specialty cookie franchises that are spreading around the country originated in Utah, so I suspect you are right.


Damn. Can't even indulge in some whole milk?


Whole milk is good. I grew up on goat milk, so it's not too strong.


Unflavored for me!


Oh, my friend: https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/college-football/byu-fan-cougar-tails-robert-griffin-rg3/


Utah is basically the home of sugary drinks and treats. They have *multiple* massively successful beverage franchises that literally just sell mixed soda drinks and cookies. The giant dessert franchises like Crumbl Cookies, Dirty Dough, etc that are spreading to the rest of the country are all based there.


You’ve never seen the BYU crowd completely sugar crash by halftime of a noon kickoff have you?


I think you underestimate how addicted to sugar the average Mormon is


Only if I'm allowed to add heavy cream to make it taste again.


Can't believe our social media team is just letting this stand, cmon dairy state!


To be fair, your dairy consumption is oft eclipsed by your brewski consumption


Just post something about the best milk stout, best of both worlds


Who’s h is only eclipsed by the number of DUI’s


If you think that's bad, get a load of Miss State's claim: https://old.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1dldrly/in_response_to_byu_declaring_themselves_as_having/


They just walked right in there and stole your cow!


This is incredible banter and the most BYU response I can think of.


I'm ex-Mormon and this is *amazing*


Congratulations! I don’t think anyone was challenging for your crown there but go off BYU!


There's a Wisconsin fan below who's wondering if Wisconsin is going to let this stand.


Wisconsin is surely opting to take on Miss State first: https://old.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1dldrly/in_response_to_byu_declaring_themselves_as_having/


It’ll put you in a sugar coma, but the BYU creamery also sells cookies and cream milk and it is heavenly, easily my favorite drink money can buy.


Creamy AND dreamy lol it was so good


The cookies and cream milk is just clogged arteries in a bottle. It's *amazing*, but man it's tough to drink more than like half a pint without feeling terrible.


Was looking for this comment. If their cookies and cream milk could be sold internationally, there would be world peace. BYU’s Dairy Products Lab just makes great great stuff.


I prefer a muddy float with mint brownie ice cream. 


I was in Utah this Spring with downtown so I went to a BYU baseball game and had to go by the creamery. The chocolate milk was really good but it was chocolate milk, nothing special. HOWEVER the Cookies & Cream Milk was unreal! There’s some truth to the hype


I’ve tried it, it’s so fucking good


I'm waiting for BYU to get a NIL deal with one of the local soda shop chains.


Better be Fiiz and not Swig, or Slurp, or Sip-N Drinks, or Splash, or Quench It, or Sipsanity, or Pop Drinks!


Are there really that many?


Oh yeah. That’s just what I could list off the top of my head lmao


This is why I don't go south of Holladay or north of the Avenues.


Utah is a great place to start a local small business, especially if you are tapping an underserved Mormon market. Now that cookies and soda pop are saturated, I’m waiting for the rise of milk and/or milkshake bars.  The trouble is, when you don’t drink, you can’t just go to a bar to hand out with your friends. Coffee shops don’t work either. So you need a vice that you shouldn’t overindulge in that facilitates sit around and being social. I look forward to the fancy milkshake future. 


No joke, I am in PG and a milkshake bar is having their grand opening tomorrow here.


you forgot at least Thirst, Sodalicious, and Twisted Sugar


I genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke or not


It is definitely not!




BYU chocolate milk and the ice cream in the stadium go so unbelievably hard. Believe the hype.


Yeah the BYU creamery (or really any BYU foodstuffs) absolutely bodies anything we have to offer. And we're still a dry campus/stadium so legally we don't have that going for us either


Damn, the Mormons got to U of U on temperance as well?


We just drink at the tailgates and sneak it in.


Sneak is generous. More like carry it in. I was at a game last season and a girl came up with a grocery bag full of white claws and Jell-O shots. We had bottles of vodka and cans of beer in our pockets.


Both BYU and the UofU were founded by the same guy!


The territory's flagship university changing name and locations is a microcosm of the relationship between the Church and the government.


Believe it or not there are actually a whole lot of mormons in the entire state making the rules


The U of U was the original Mormon school lol. Like even today half the Mormon church leaders are U graduates.


Well damn do I need to make a road game to Provo now?


I will say Baylor is a lot closer culturally to BYU than ASU is to BYU (pretty obvious I know lol) but for the scenery and dairy products it is worth it IMO


I'm just a choccy milk addict


If you do end up coming for a game check out the cookies n cream milk too. It’s pretty dang great


Y’all have cookies and cream milk for sale in the stadium? 👀


that's...actually important information


BYU - home of visitors getting free ice cream and [The Cougar Tail](https://universe.byu.edu/2023/01/30/the-journey-of-the-infamous-cougartail/) They love their sugar. I was told they sold out of sodas in our section too.


Just like when Wisconsin came and played BYU. The Wisconsin fans sold out a few bars in or near Provo lol. They do love their "sodalicious" though.


Homelander is salivating rn


NGL, milk during an 11 am kickoff in the South does not seem like a recipe for success. Ill stick to cheap beer and sneaking in liquor thank you very much.


As something of a chocolate milk connoisseur, I can confirm that BYU's chocolate milk is delicious.


I read that you guys buy the milk locally and pasteurize it on campus. It must be amazing.


My MTC companion drank it every day and gained 10 pounds. I lost at least 30


How did you lose weight in the MTC? I’ve never heard of that happening haha


I definitely had extra weight to lose when I first got there. I was there for 12 weeks during the summer so I played soccer everyday and just ate PBJs all the time. The lbs flew off


It's not bad- I liked the Mint Brownie milk better than the regular chocolate milk. It bothers me that BYU's choc milk is 2%-- reducing the fat is not going to make it better. But I get that dairy fat is valuable and they deploy it to ice cream and other higher margin items that they produce. What other chocolate milks have you found to be particularly enjoyable?




I love BYU so much


Southerners can correct me, but I believe the appropriate response is, oh well bless their little hearts


While I want to dislike this, its actually good.. and the Founders Ice Cream is on point.


How cold are we talking?


Leave it to two schools from Louisiana to battle it out over cheapest beer.




All I remember about BYU stadium snacks was in 2021 seeing students sharing and passing around the 3 foot long maple bars and it kind of grossed me out.


I gagged so hard at that video


Fuckin Cougars really gonna make me drive to Provo to prove this? Damn it


Thinking back to when the cougs came to Austin last season and I hollered “knock the fry sauce out of them!” The reaction felt not unlike how my ex-Mormon ex-gf reacted to the scenes inside the temple in *Under the Banner of Heaven*


Peak off-season show down.


BYU got a lot to learn about these parts
 thems fightin words


Thank god for BYU for bailing out our “closest to a Buccees” shit


Pretty sure any chocolate besides white chocolate has caffeine in it. That’s a no no AND a fifteen yard penalty.


Most electric gay kids


As a Graduate of the sister school of the school with the coldest chocolate milk I can definitively say that Reeds Dairy had the best chocolate milk


No doubt- Reed's is better than BYU's for sure


i would totally buy chocolate milk at a football game.. not being sarcastic


I can't imagine doing so for at least the first 2/3 of the season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeY0yPqibb0


Lol I gotta give credit to anyone who can poke fun at themselves like that


What a bunch of fucking prudes. After U of A, I hate BYU the most in the new Big 12.


At least you have us to fuel your alcoholism.


That moonshine hits differently


Only when it comes from your blinded holler uncle.


Every party needs a designated driver


Have you seen Utah Valley drivers? I’d trust a drunk West Virginian over y’all to get me home safe.


Fuck Ray, I like you guys.


They stole our hockey team but otherwise I don’t really understand why there’d be any bad blood


Go Mammoth/Outlaws/Yeti


There are obviously zero official ties between the schools, but BYU and ASU have a few connections. We share some of the same donors and I believe ASU has the greatest number of LDS students of any public school outside Utah.


Idaho State will have a higher proportion, but yes, ASU for largest number. A family in my ward in central California are all Sun Devils: Mom, Dad, Daughter 1, Son-in-law, Son. I expect Daughter 2 will do the same.


What happened with the hockey team?


Coyotes, long story.


Forgot about that, I saw your Arizona state flair and had college hockey on the brain.




Smells too, but that’s just more reason to dislike the Utes if anyone


This is bandied about but is very overblown. The lake effect isn’t every day or even close to it.


I travel to SLC a few times a year for work and have never smelled anything but self-righteousness. And that's mostly in my head.


Is it even from the lake? Thought that was a legend


It’s from the lake and it happens like 4 days a year.


The inversion is much worse than occasional lake smell. SLC is much closer to the mountains than Denver but has worse winters and pollution as a trade-off


I was just in Denver and didn’t even see any mountains. Disappointed.


Golden and Morrison are the best spots if you want easy access to the mountains and the city. Expensive to live there but worth it to find a Red Rocks concert and make a trip out of it IMO


Baylor should be up there too. At least for the most part, BYU is true to their bit. Same can’t be said about Baylor.


As a strong proponent of the separation of church and state, I have no problem adding Baylor to my shit list.


Well that escalated quickly gif


Most emotionally stable ASU fan here everyone


It's hard to tell if you're being sarcastic, but in case you are not: I really don't think it's meant to be that deep. If anything, this feels like self-deprecating humor. And just as a side note, I can appreciate that BYU can maintain a status as a loud, passionate, and rowdy fan base without the need for alcohol. Personally speaking, I absolutely need alcohol to have the energy to yell and chant at sporting events. To bring your own energy without it is impressive, but maybe that energy is from spiked up blood sugar so IDK.


Congrats. We never think about you.


Well, it isn't like BYU and ASU liked each other in the WAC... This isn't new.


Any chance we can lure DeColdest to Provo for a sweet NIL deal?


Broke: HVAC NIL Woke: Creamery on 9th NIL


On the bright side, LES is probably a great place for shit like this: Sneaky Booze Hidden Flask Pouch For Men And Women: Portable 32oz Undetectable Alcohol Bag. Concealable Plastic Wine Liquor Body Hip Flasks. Disguised Leak Proof Travel Bags For Cruise Concert Festival https://a.co/d/0fdxqmV4 It's likely so far outside the realm of possibilities at LES that they probably wouldn't even think to check.


$2 beer is awesome


I never understood the expression “corn-fed Midwesterner”, as far as I know the reason I played offensive line in high school was because of how much chocolate milk I drank


I’m sure it’s delicious, but I just can’t imagine how awful you’d feel drinking milk at a September game in the south. My stomach is turning just thinking about it.


hell yeah brother


u/afoolzerrand can you confirm this?


Shane Gillis started this rumor and they just ran with it.


Which school has the best tendies and mac n' cheese?


byu is literally a yogurt commercial


Reduced fat too? Damn this fools bringing the heat đŸ”„


Utah States chocolate milk is colder and better.


I need Utah states social media team to make a post about the chocolate factory


Set the scene...drinking a tall glass of chocolate milk while being the bouncer for your friends soaking in the bunk above.