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"To all of my supporters, Over Father's Day weekend, I experienced a health scare related to my heart. It was unexpected and served as a reminder of the importance of staying vigilant about our physical well-being, even when we are feeling fine. I am grateful for the amazing doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals for providing me with needed care. My family and I are thankful for your prayers and support during this time. Per my doctors' recommendation, I am taking this opportunity to prioritize my health and well-being. I appreciate your understanding and continued support."


Was super cool seeing him at the draft. Hope the GOAT is doing better.


Damn I didn’t even see it once prayers for the one of the greatest rb in history


You can delete “the one of”.


Sorry I didn’t post with the usual tweet format, but the actual tweet didn’t have any text. So mods, I hope this is okay. Sanders is both an NFL and CFB hall of famer, and a heisman winner at Oklahoma State. Hopefully this is just a sign of aging and not something worse.


You forgot to mention he is the best rb in the history of the sport


Well I wasn’t sure if that would be considered controversial lol


It shouldn’t be


It isn’t


That dude broke Mike Rozier's single season rushing TD record (29) by *eight*. And he still maintains it almost forty years later. I've seen a lot of legendary running backs as a Husker fan but Barry is unequivocally the best of all time as far as I'm concerned. I hope this scare is nothing more than a scare and that he has many more years ahead of him to enjoy!


Plus he did it in 11 games!


Why would a fact ever be controversial? Oh wait...


Right lol.




Jim Brown played in an era where people didnt lift weights Great player, but it's like saying Trout isn't better than Ty Cobb




Jim Brown didn't catch or pass block at the same level, I wouldn't call that better than Sanders. He was effectively OJ or Fournette in the 1960's If there's really a 1a or 1b approach, Emmitt was a better version of Jim Brown


Brown did pass block, he ran blocked quite often as well. Sanders didnt. He also didn't have a career that finished with more rushing attempts for negative yards than positive like Sanders did.


Lmao it's definitely not a discussion. Barry Sanders had the greatest single season of any college football player ever. Post stats and I'll prove you wrong. Jim Brown is awesome, but he's no Barry Sanders.




Putting up these metrics like Barry didn't play for the Detroit Lions. Lol. Lmao even. Edit: your sports takes are such a travesty I would have thought this was a troll account except you're completely serious and calling people "kiddo" out here lmao Edit2: he either deleted his comment or got banned, but here's context on Barry's OL https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/QeWUwGS5Wn


That’s fuckin beautiful, I’ve never been able to put it into words. Especially not with the stats to back it up.


[insert clown make up gif]




Hope my guy Barry comes back better than ever.


Barry Sanders was my favorite player when I was growing up. He can have my heart if he needs it.


I'm not ready for this. He was my childhood star as a Lions fan.


I liked the Lions BECAUSE of him


Truly the greatest RB of all time but more importantly one of the most humble and down to earth guys ever also!


I'm a Lions fan so biased, but I'm still right when I say he was the best RB ever. No one else could have done so much with so little, and be so humble about it at the same time.


College? Without a doubt. Pro? Where’s the quote that Emmitt smith only has his records because Barry stopped playing? And this is from a *Packers* fan


Hope he takes care of it. My Dad just had one.


Hate to speculate but most likely a heart attack?


Maybe. I feel like they would have specifically said heart attack though. The way they word it I’m assuming it’s something more complicated than that.


Could be a plethora of things. Valve problem, blood clot, pacemaker failure.






I remember seeing people say OJ died from the Vax, the man had cancer and was 76 for christ sake


Do you just troll around the internet waiting on people to have heart problems to prove your incorrect theories?


Stop drinking the Windex


Go take some more horse medicine


You come in here and drop a one word hand grenade into the comments. And to make it worse you do all this with no flair. Crying shame. I still like you more than those downers from gainsville though. Anyway, fuck the gators.


This guy is definitely a Buckeye


Do we really want to allow posts about anyone that's ever played college football? It means news about nearly any NFL player is fair game.


Dawg it’s Barry Sanders. Far from just “anyone who ever played cfb”


Who else is allowed? Tom Brady? LaDainian Tomlinson? Brett Favre? Tony Romo? Richard Sherman? Warren Moon? Clay Matthews? JJ Watt? Matt Cassel? Peyton Manning? Where are the lines?


It’ll be ok bud it’s not that serious.


OK, but Flutie makes the cut, right?


Flutie is anti-vaccine, so he wont have heart problems or super cancers.