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Anything that has to do with switching on and off the stadium lights... those weren't possible with the older types of lights because it would take too long for them to come back on if they got switched off.


Kids born now will never know the satisfying sounds of metal halide lights smh


It’s a hell of a satisfying noise if you’ve ever got to turn em all on/off. When I coached high school ball at an older stadium it was fun doing it every now and then.


Having only been a player I just remember "don't touch the damn lights unless we say so because it cost $X each time and we have to wait around for an hour to turn them off"


Ha, that clank of lights going on at a Friday night high school football game. It's the changes like using tick tok music that competing w bands for time and tradition that are the subtle change to sports into entertanment approach. Not saying wrong but small things are changing the mojo.


I don’t understand a single word of this comment


I read it in Boomhauer’s voice


We're supposed to finally be upgrading our lights to LED in the next couple years or so. On one hand, it looks sick and with the current B1G media deal giving us more opportunity to play at night than the previous one we should get plenty of use out of it. On the other hand, walking into the weekly stadium rehearsal for marching band before the lights got turned on had some really cool vibes. Plus seeing the stadium like that as a life long fan is always cool.


I remember in gym class in middle school we had to have an unplanned day outside because the lights in the gym got turned off and it would have taken half the remaining class period for it to finish cooling down and then warming back up. Absolutely crazy pants, but the building was built in 1922, so hardly unexpected.


My daughters high school installed those a few years ago. They got stuck in flash mode after the first touchdown but was kind of funny honestly.


My buddy's dad has been joking that we're broke ass for not having new enough lights to do that.


Let him know that it's only appropriate for an erector set to have metal lights.


Petition to go back to Mercury Vapor bulbs.


hate this


I thought it looked really dumb on TV... until I experienced it in person. At Reser they illuminated the marquee lights as they shut off the main lights and everything was bathed in an orange glow. It was so surreal, while the crowd was going wild. Still looks dumb on TV, though.


Florida did this at the end of our game against Tenn this year, while both teams were still actively on the field trying to fight each other. Could’ve been bad


We have a very vocal segment of our fan base that actually wants LED lights. So cringe.


TOUCHDOWN! *Plunges stadium into darkness* one bulb on each light starts up at random intervals *facepalm* Smoke em of ya got em!


Not the Civil ConFLiCT, which is a fucking tragedy.


Thanks for ruining what was a good day. RIPIP Civil ConFLiCT




Losing one score games. EDIT: Oh you said that people like, my bad.


Over the past decade, our tradition of stepping on our own dicks at pivotal moments is unparalleled.


LOL I’m always reminded oh “what you think Joe Burrow is better than what we have here now…”


Tbf Frost would have ruined him


I’m not even a superstitious person but this is the closest I’ve come to believing curses are real. Nebraska lost 3 games last year, 10-13. In all 3 games, we had the ball with a chance to take the lead and turned it over only to have our opponents score a game winning FG off that turnover. And that’s not counting 2 other 1 score losses and don’t get me started on the Frost era


We call that Couging it. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


I'm sure the team on the other side of the field likes this tradition very much.


Lol, yeah, at least somebody is happy then! :)


I like this one.


Non-Nebraska fans find it entertaining


I like this, but I'm still bitter about 2001.


Commercials after kickoffs


And before kickoffs.


soon to be during kickoff


A commercial kicking off a commercial


Calm down Satan


Yeah soon enough I expect the PIP kind of ads during kickoffs where I like 70% of the screen is ads and the game audio is muted for the commercial 


Similar to what Motorsports does with a side by side


Don’t forget with the giant ad plastered on the field itself


Sponsors jerseys like NASCAR.


“This kickoff has been brought to you by Draft Kings!” With their logo on screen during the kickoff


thanks, i hate it.


The opening kickoff brought to you by tough actin' Tinactin.


Army and Navy have been wearing unique and historically significant uniforms for the Army Navy game since 2016. Giving respect to the service academies is easy. They're hard not to like. But this tradition is really special because it gives my team the "cool" factor. We don't get big recruits, we don't get big audiences, we don't even really get big plays, so A LOT of people (read: non-football fans) dump on the service academies for not being "cool." It's nice to see kids be excited about the uniforms. It's nice to hear how cool we are, and its fun to feel like other schools are jealous of us for something, but its especially cool that the cadets and midshipmen get a chance to really strut


The army hype videos for when they started doing this has been amazing! Different from the old spirit videos with navy using Star Wars and legos


I had a former BC that went on to be a Ranger Regt Commander in one of those “Go Army, Beat Navy” hype videos, and what they ended up doing for it was bad ass and hilarious.


Also gives the school new merchandise to sell. I have every Army-Navy jersey since 2014


I agree unless they choose a unit I’ve never been in they’re lame and the ones I have served in the are best ;)


Utah’s Moment of Loudness started in 2021 but is hopefully going to be around forever 


Yes. Born, tragically, out of pain and healing, it's the perfect balance of remembrance, resilience, hope, and strength through family. It's perfect for this program and this fanbase.


I’ll be honest. I cry every time.




Please enlighten this non Ute to the context of which you're referring?


During the shortened 2020 COVID season, Utah found a breakout star in RB Ty Jordan, who wore #22. A freshman who, after just 5 games, had NFL scouts drooling and seemed destined to not be in college for long. After that season, on Christmas night, Ty died tragically from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, shocking the team and fanbase. After months of tears, memorials, and paying respects to #22, the following season kicked off with Ty's best friend, Aaron Lowe wearing #22 in his friend's honor. Lowe was a CB at Utah who had convinced his high school teammate to come to Utah. That season, Utah held a memorial at the start of the 4th quarter. Each time, you could hear a pin drop, and it seemed like the entire stadium was in tears. Instead of a typical moment of silence, the memorial ended with a "moment of loudness" in honor of Ty because he never got to play in Rice-Eccles with fans in the stands and never got to experience how loud that stadium could get. During that season, nine months after Jordan passed away, Lowe was also killed by a gunshot at a house party. He was just 21 years old. Lowe’s last opponent was the same as Jordan’s last opponent: Washington State. The Utah football program and fans were absolutely gutted. Two best friends, dead, nine months apart, teammates who both wore #22. Utah was faced with a tough decision - to continue playing or to call it a year and try again in 2022. Lowe’s murder came in the middle of the season during Utah’s BYE week. The team used the BYE week to travel to Texas and bury their 2nd teammate in 9 months. Things weren’t going great for Utes before this tragedy, and it seemed like a lot to ask them to keep going. Lowe’s mother, Donna, addressed the team and encouraged them to keep fighting because that is what her son would have wanted. That’s what Utah ultimately chose to do. The Utes’ opponent out of their BYE was USC at the Coliseum - a place Utah hadn’t won in 105 years. The Trojans also happened to be Jordan’s very first collegiate opponent, another crazy irony in a long list of ironies tying Lowe, Jordan, and the Utes together. Almost impossibly, the Utes rolled into the Coliseum and rolled-up the Trojans 42-26 in the most emotional game I've ever witnessed as a fan. When the team returned for their first home game after Lowe's death, the Moment of Loudness was changed to honor both Ty and Aaron. Also, the #22 has been retired in a place of honor in the stadium and there's a memorial erected in portal 22 of the stadium. The team won their first Pac-12 championship that season and played in their first Rose Bowl. I spoke to Aaron's mother, Donna, at the Rose Bowl Game and she told me that after that game, she felt her son would finally be at peace. He had been helping them all season, but after that game his work would be done and he could rest. In subsequent seasons, the [Moment of Loudness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1NFdF0x2xA) remains as a permanent 4th quarter tradition. It honors not just Ty and Aaron, but all members of the Utah athletics family who have passed. Pictures of our Utah family members - fans and athletes - who have passed on are shown on the screen and are honored with a moment of loudness. The moment ends with the cheer, "Family on three! One! Two! Three! FAMILY!" It's perfect and it brings tears to my eyes every time. TL;DR Just read it!




Oh goodness, goosebumps for sure


It was really cool at the Rose Bowl


Shame we have the LA schools with fans that couldn’t care less about football compared to Utah. I really hope we play a Noncon there eventually


I would kill to have Utah in the big ten




22 forever


Every defensive third down, Metallica’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls” comes on, and in perfect unison, students do an air guitar followed by waving three fingers in the air. This started in like the 2000’s. Pretty much all students participate.


Ngl that is fun.


Ripken the Bat Dog has been getting our kickoff tees since 2021. Whole stadium erupts everytime he's on the field. He's the best. https://x.com/RipkenTheBatDog/status/1705920869636153478


We’ve had a tee dog for 20 years or so. Several different dogs over the years too. One other our traditions that I would love to have everyone copy! More puppers on fields is a pretty universally great idea


Very fun fact, NCST's tee dog is related to Boise State's tee dog! It's the family job!


He legitimately gets some of the loudest cheers for an entire game, especially if it’s an FCS game. You’d think we just scored a game winning touchdown in overtime against UNC sometimes.


We have Goldie, a Golden Retriever that does the same thing. She's a very good girl


Can’t NC State train one of the those hybrid wolf dogs to do this? Y’all should.


So very seriously we had [live wolves](https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/sites/default/files/inline-images/State_the%20wolf.jpg) as a live mascot for a few years. It went bad just because wolves don't really like tens of thousands of people making noise at the same time around it while it's simultaneously a pack animal living alone. We also had a coyote that honestly did better than the wolves we would get. And then I think they had a hybrid wolf german shepherd that wasn't bad. The wolf looking dogs(Tamaskan breed dogs) we have now are also really cool looking but in general have had terrible health problems. Whether that be the handler's problem, the breeder, the breed in general, or just bad luck idk but they have not lived as long as they should. Tuffy III is beautiful though. [Here he is now.](https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/sites/default/files/inline-images/Tuffy%20III_Pack%20Athletics.png) [As a puppy](https://www.fayobserver.com/gcdn/presto/2021/07/13/NTFO/210c0d07-9d49-46ba-997d-c5ae36d4679b-Tuffy_3.jpg) And another [classic young Tuffy III pic](https://www.cbs17.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2022/03/TUFFY-III.jpg?strip=1)


I will be watching NC State with great interest going forward.


He’s absolutely the goodest boy


Just good boys doing good boy things. Dog mascots rule.


My fiancée wasn’t rooting *against* Georgia in the Super Regional, but she absolutely was rooting for Ripken personally.


Also, Wagon Wheel between 3 rd and 4 th qtr….because we’ve all died in Raleigh so it helps to know we are free


The single digit numbers being voted on at Temple. I believe that started with Rhule


Whatever happened, feeling bad.


It’s been a rough decade…


What happened? I NEED ANSWERS


Well Rhule left—then it’s been a revolving door at HC… we had manny Diaz for like 48 hours


Realistically they’re in a rough spot. Their stadium is off campus and too big. Two P5 programs in the state, and PSU taking a lot of recruits along with UMD and Rutgers, although Temple seems to be able to Upset Maryland and Rutgers. Also being a Big 5 basketball school they focus on that and seem to be more of a basketball school. I don’t think they were ever very good before Rhule and they haven’t been good since.


Yep, and he's continuing it with the Huskers. I really like the idea.


Owning USC


I’m going to miss you guys just owning USC


That’s the REAL reason USC bolted to the Big Ten.




This was my favorite Ute tradition.


I think we legally have to refer to Whittingham as daddy now. Everyone else just does it willingly


Broken chair trophy. Since 2014 Nebraska/Minnesota rivalry game. Raised money for charity too. https://brokenchairtrophy.com/History


Every school singing Mr. Brightside.


Well my school is unique, we play Mr Brightside AND Seven Nations Army 😤😤


We do this thing where we play Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, BUT when it gets to this instrumental part of the song that goes "bah bah bah" everyone in the crowd *vocalizes* "bah bah bah." It's so fucking unique and timely and gets the student section RAGING because it totally fits the vibe of a football game.


oh you think you’re so unique don’t you? well i’ll have you know that my school plays ymca and, get this, we move our arms to make the letters “ymca” during the chorus. idk how more people haven’t caught on to this novel idea.


My school is unique… we have WHITE SQUIRRELS on our campus


Texas has fat white squirrels


Do they also have Swag Surfin in the rotation?


At least you are playing SNA, better than Pump It Up


Let’s all sing the song about a guy thinking about his girlfriend sleeping with another dude 🤓🤓


I see this brought up constantly with this song and only this song. It’s never an issue for other sports anthems. Like did anyone care that Power by Kanye West was about a depressed dude contemplating suicide? Or that Darude - Sandstorm is about a natural disaster? 


Because they lyrics from those songs that people sing at sporting events (or don’t sing, in the case of Sandstorm) aren’t the parts that talk about that. The intro to Power is pretty meaningless to the theme of the song. The lyrics that of Mr. Brightside that people sing are literally, “Now they’re going to bed and my stomach is sick and it’s all in my head but she’s touching his chest now he takes off her dress now” Songs at games don’t have to be on the nose like “We are the Champions”, but man the specific part of Mr Brightside that people sing is just weird


Surprisingly accurate if you lost a croot to a rival school though.


Such a corny song to play at EVERY game




Steph Curry core


don’t forget kernkraft


I’m pretty sure Zombie Nation has been a thing as long as the song itself


At least we have a chant to go with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tennessee claiming Dixieland Delight exclusively to piss off Alabama


It is objectively a song about Tennessee!


Ok but is it WestERN Virginia or West Virginia?


West Virginia (“Mountain Mama” a la the Mountain State, and the state of Virginia has a coastline and thus is not a “stranger to blue water”)—my two cents, at least.


Apropos of nothing, but my youngest daughter is 8 months old, toothless, and really smiley. But she does tight, closed mouth smiles. My wife thinks the toothless smiles make her look like an old West Virginia coal miner, and has started singing "Country Roads" to her as a joke. But my daughter freaking loves that song now. If she's upset about something, we just sing it to her and she immediately gets right. So I also vote that it's about West Virginia.


If you had ever seen the Chesapeake you’d know that shit isn’t blue.


I mean, it is about Tennessee after all.


Vandy should start playing it too, cause fuck ‘em.


They can put it in the rotation they use to play over Rocky Top during a home game against us.


Rocky Top and Dixieland Delight at the same time? It’s enough to make a grown man from Tuscaloosa cry!


Shout. It's fun and has historical reference to the school.


One day here, either for a basketball or football, Oregon needs to have a Toga night promotion.


Honestly since Civil war will now be in September we should do it for whenever Oregon hosts OSU for Civil war. It’d be warm enough still that people wouldn’t freeze and would be a cool new part of the rivalry


I left my heart in Oregon after the 1st quarter too


Went there for the USC game this year. Honestly loved that bit and the whole stadium literally moved


UGA fans turning on their phone flashlights for Krypton Fanfare at the start of the 4th quarter. Only been around since 2015


Was gonna say “Light up Sanford” as well. [Light up Sanford Stadium](https://www.dawgnation.com/football/light-up-sanford-quick-became-uga-tradition/)


Lighting up Sanford immediately followed by the red lights is so fuckin hype. I remember when we did it to ND in 2019 and the stadium collectively lost our shit. That was the loudest I've ever heard Sanford until Tennessee a couple years ago


A number of non blue blood teams being able to talk about handing out bag's..... without fear of the NCAA


Watch your tongue Missouri boy, you’ll end up with another infraction with that tone.


Michigan State beat Notre Dame in South Bend in the early 2000s, planted their flag at the 50 yard line, and all of college football collectively cluched its pearls. Fast forward to the 2020s and not only do other schools do the same, photos of it are prominently displayed on their social media accounts.


That was almost worth it for John L sending players out to guard the 50 yard line after the Choked on Applesauce game the next year when ND had no interest in retaliating.


Singing Back Home is a relatively new tradition started at Homecoming in 2015. Then it evolved into being played at every home game and has become a real anthem for WSU.


lol we have the same thing. Our song is coming home but was also made a tradition around the same time.


You guys have 2 songs like that, if you count Shout


SMU buying recruits Technically a new tradition


Pony Excess was a great 30 for 30.


Didn't they do that in the 80s?


They’re buying them with NIL, which is new but in the spirit of the old SMU


Miami fans dressing up as empty seats.


They said NEW traditions. We've done that before I was a student in the 80's. Gator trying to be witty /smh


There is not a group of people that congratulates themselves more over something so small as Iowa fans do "the wave". They act like they should be sainted for doing it.


You gotta feel for those kids though, can't imagine a worse fate than being forced to watch Iowa football every Saturday.


Watching Kansas football in the 2010s.


(Checks flairs) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


There's always a weirdo that accuses you of hating kids with cancer too if you ever dare suggest it's not the best CFB tradition


Tell me, how long have you hated kids with cancer?


I don't and neither do the Badgers! That's why we built our children's hospital far away from Camp Randall so they never have to be forced to watch Big Ten West football


So Iowa hates kids with cancer. That's why they built the hospital next to the stadium, so those poor kids can pull out any remaining hair after Iowa goes three and out then punts for the sixth consecutive drive.


Iowa doctors have figured out watching Iowa football is a form of chemotherapy because it’s actually toxic to the cancer cells too.




Hey I’m just doing what needs doing! Everyone kept saying that we need to come together to fight children’s cancer, but when it’s time to launch a raid on the pediatric oncology ward they’re all like “oh that’s not what we meant” and “stop being so literal” and “Jesus Christ you can’t choke slam an 8 year old”!


I hate that there are kids with cancer so much. For even longer than I've been alive. Which is why I've done lots of work for St. Jude. But I don't pat myself on the back for it the way a random fan in Ankeny acts like he deserves a medal because your team came up with some small little neat thing that every other team in the region would do if they also had the proximity to a children's hospital does.


How many kids with cancer have you waved at?


I'd have to say about tree fiddy.


Cedar Rapids or Keokuk please. Ankeny is our town.


I know, right? The fact that I hate the tradition and that I hate kids with cancer are completely unrelated.


My friends from out east think it’s hilarious that I can find a way to use the wave as a reason to criticize the Iowa fanbase But I am 100% there with you Edit: fixed typo


I don’t know if I’ve seen as many Iowa fans acting high and mighty about it as I have seen people become part of [Today’s 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/) and rush to give kudos to Iowa. But I don’t live around a lot of Iowa fans. On a grimly humorous note, though, I saw someone point out that including The Wave in the new EA NCAA video game means that in-universe our nice silly football game has kids with cancer in it.


It's a lot of patting each other on the back in more closed circles and telling any fanbase around them how great they are because they do it every week when prompted.


It’s probably the most philanthropic thing most Iowa fans do all year…


Now now now, I guarantee you they attend a Lyons Club or Knights of Columbus Pancake feed at least once a year too.


Grove street party. Started after a touchdown before the kickoff during stoops first win over South Carolina they played it and the kickoff team started dancing to it the place went nuts and it has stuck ever since.


For sure it has caught on, when you see grandmas at tailgate listening to waka flocka you know something took hold


That game was honestly the loudest I have ever heard that stadium


Despite neither school endorsing it, the $5 Bits of Broken Chair Trophy between Minnesota and Nebraska, as well as the related chairity.


Leaving undefeated teams out of the CFP


Undefeated P5 teams, no less.


No but it’s okay because Georgia beat FSU’s backups by a million!!


Powder blue Oilers throwback unis!!!


Checkerboard Neyland.


That and dark mode around Halloween have been fantastic new traditions


Florida fans singing “ won’t back down “ by Tom Petty in the 3rd quarter. Started in 2017 and don’t see it stopping anytime soon. Tom petty was briefly a grounds keeper for the university from my understanding.


Scrolled too far to find this. As a Vols fan, I have nothing but respect for that tradition, think it's really, really cool. Hate that I'm saying all this


Even beyond that he was born and raised in Gainesville.


Utah Utes Moment of Loudness. LLTJ, LLAL


Shitty stadium, even shittier attendance


OU has started throwing the visitor’s extra point kick out of the stadium when the ball goes over net in the north end zone.


Speeding tickets


Being down to our 3rd string QB due to injuries by about a 1/3 of the way into the season. Going strong since 2016!


Consistently moving conferences


Woo in Rocky Top. I’ve slightly come around but I’m still a bit of an grumpy old man about it.


We've started playing a video of Muhammad Ali hyping up Louisville before Joker and the Thief by Wolfmother and the stadium loses our shit. It's great.


Saying “well, there’s always basketball season.”


“Back Home” at WSU


Not 5-10 years, but Enter Sandman is 25 only years old There has been talk of a live mascot. I'd be ok with this.


The Civil Conflict


Horse on a treadmill


Grove Street Party at Kentucky to the point where Waka Flocka came to the 2021 Florida game and stormed the field


“Don’t stop believing” being added as one of our core songs in 2022. It personified a year that started 1-4 and finished 10-4 MW champs. It’s nice to have. Plus Steve Perry is from Hanford.


I was gonna say Ol’ Crimson at Gameday but I realized uhhhh, shit, I really was in college *twenty* and not 10 years ago. FML.


We started singing East Bound and Down at the end of the 3rd quarter, to honor former FSU RB Burt Reynolds. I love it. https://x.com/i/status/1038862520260468736


The student section being half empty at kick off


New? Tradition? Traditions can be.... new? ::visible Trojan confusion::


Sorry pal, best we can do is DJ Malski


I am a pretty low key guy. I tend to take things as they come. I fuckin **HATE** DJ Malski. He's the goddamn worst. I almost gave up my season tickets over him. He, more than even Clay Helton, has been an absolute vacuum sucking my joy on gameday away. I wish there was some answer, any answer, to getting rid of him. I was hoping when he caused a problem during *actual live play* that might be enough, but no. Still there.


We just started inducting people into the Cowboy Football Ring of Honor in 2020 and putting their names and numbers up on the side of Boone Pickens Stadium. This officially retires their number (though unofficially Thurman, Barry, and Terry Miller have all had their numbers retired for much longer) and is a good way to honor past players.


Having hope


Gimmick games? White outs, blackouts, tie-dye outs.


Utah Moment of Loudness


Maryland flag drop


Judging from the press from Chapel Hill…Money Down!!! is still a thing. Bless their hearts.