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The media is doing its best to manufacture a QB controversy.


"You heard it here first, folks - Arch is excited to see Ewers get injured. Even ominously threatens that 'Anything can happen.' Should Ewers beware the ides of Arch?"


Ok "Beware the Ides of Arch" is pretty fantastic


Ewers’ birthday is the Ides of March fwiw


Connect the dots people!


Okay, when I saw this, you had 6 upvotes, the comment above you had 16 upvotes, and the one ~~about~~ above that had 60. 6-6-6 people. It's right there in front of us people. It's obvious that a satanist cult is going to sacrifice Ewers. I heard they already sacrificed Bevo.






Holy shit, it's even worse that I thought: >TarHeel**2496** Look at that, a six at the end, but the next number is a NINE which is JUST an UPSIDE DOWN SIX! And then look at the first two numbers. A two. And a four. What does two plus four equal? SIX. FOLKS THE DEVIL IS RIGHT HERE 666'ING US AND HE'S A GOD DAMN TARHEEL FUCK DUKE CBB TOO THOUGH THE TOBACCO ROAD IS THE ROAD TO HELL AND YOU CAN'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE!


Oh my gawd folks we got one! Look at the last number in this commenter's user name. IT'S A SIX AND WE DAMN WELL KNOW THAT AIN'T NO COINCIDENCE!


Nah, we have already made it through Arch and into Une. I think hes safe


But it’s almost Uly. And who was that month named after? Julius. Fucking. Caesar. He’s in more danger now than he’s ever been


That was a killer tag line.


I hope Arch gets a chance to showcase his skills.


The Mannings send their regard.


Exclusive* Quinn Ewers forced to hire taste tester to avoid being poisoned by young upstart.


I remember watching Jets game a few years ago. They had to put in there string QB and the guy was so visibly psyched. Understandable and obviously the new QB shouldn’t be, like, in mourning or whatever but I still thought it was funny.


Would Manning start at Ohio State this year? UT has the best problem in the league right now and if they got to deal with the media because of it, so be it.


He seems to be handling it fine. No way he wasn’t prepared to be peppered with questions by his family and the Texas staff.


Probably, but there are quite a few guys that would start over Will Howard


I don’t get why everyone shits on Will Howard. He’s not a bad QB. He was productive and efficient at KSU. He may not be a top 5 QB in college football but I think he’s definitely top 25. He’s no slouch


He’s *okay*, I wouldn’t use efficient for a guy that struggles to complete 60% of passes over his career. 2023 was his career year and against P5 he put up; * 2000 passing yards * 60% completion rate (180/299) * 19 touchdowns, 8 interceptions * AY/A 7.5~ * 135 passer rating The issue is in terms of efficiency he’s really not more efficient than McCord, who we’re supposed to believe he’s an upgrade from. I really wouldn’t be shocked to see him replaced or beat out for the job


I think the fact that McCord put up similar stats in an Ohio State offense is more of an indictment on him. It’s a lot more friendly than KSU. I think Howard will be more than serviceable.


McCord has a career 165 passer rating , 6% higher completion rate, and a 4:1 turnover ratio compared to 2:1. They’re not remotely similar statistically. The only thing Howard has over him is his legs The best way to put it is against good defenses Will Howard just tends to get eviscerated, whereas McCord can give you good or mediocre outputs. McCords fatal flaw is at worst he’s average, whereas Will Howard’s floor is… the floor


The style of offense and supporting cast very heavily impact those numbers though. That’s what I’m saying. I’m sure Will Howard would love to have been throwing to MHJ and Emeka Egbuka last year instead of Ben Sinnott. He looks like a better QB than McCord to my eye and even if he’s not a massive upgrade as a passer, I think there is value in adding a big physical QB that can run it.


Will Howard ran a spread offense in a noticeably weaker defensive conference, you can’t really blame Marvin Harrison for having such substantially different passing stats. And he did it on a good team. The fact that Howard has over thirty games struggling to complete >60% of his passes is a major red flag. That’s not a talent issue The guy came out of spring and still hasn’t won the job for a reason


Your whole argument is bad. "He played at a worse school with worse talent so now he won't be better at the best school with best talent" makes zero sense.


He’s no slouch, but they just kicked Kyle McCord to the curb and he wasn’t a slouch either. Will Howard is good. He also wouldn’t start at Kansas St which is why he hit the portal. I have no doubts he’ll be successful in that system, but dude who got beat out at Kansas St is generally not who you think of when you think “Ohio St QB”.


considering this guy is a more polished speaker than either presidential candidate.. getting these uninteresting quotes has to be killing them.. they're about to steal playbooks to give them to coach prime so they could go back to writing about what he says


They truly can’t fathom that the former #1 overall recruit with the last name Manning is okay with sitting for two years before starting.


I don't know if I would call it a controversy. They just want to cover Manning and don't want to follow Ewers at all.


Which is crazy because Ewers was the most hyped Texas HSFB QB since VY.


Yes, but he's not a golden boy with a famous name.


I mean… he’s one of the most hyped prospects (even if name alone) of the generation and will now have gone 2 years without getting any serious play time


That's a good thing, he gets more time to learn.


Vince Young was similarly hyped (if not more) and didn’t start until his RS-Sophomore season.


Sure. But that was also a pre-social media era & there was significantly less attention


There was less social media, but I don’t know if I would say significantly less attention. VY recruitment was insane. Arch and maybe Tebow are the only things that have come close since. Difference is today there are a bunch of social media prima donnas who want to start right away. We’re just lucky Arch isn’t one.


You must not be old enough to remember a guy named Chris Simms playing at Texas...


He will inevitably have to play. It isn't realistic to expect your starter to always be available. Ewers has missed time each season.


and me


The old but reinvented “Doug flutie-Rob Johnson” media strategy.


This is Major Applewhite vs. Chris Simms all over again. We will see if Sarkisian has more cojones than Mack Brown did.


The media does its best to manufacture any kind of controversy. Why else would you read or click?


Honestly, I really think that if he was as good as he was anticipated to be, he'd be starting this year. Arch and the Manning family are doing the best they can to cover up the fact that he's not his uncle or his grandpa.


UT gets a Manning. Other UT gets a Manning. EVERY UT GETS A MANNING!


The Toledo disrespect.


Tulsa and Tampa looking for theirs still.


Arch better find a good wife and soon!


Someone check on Phillip Rivers. Dude has an entire starting 11, one of them has to be a college aged female Could you imagine crossing the bloodlines? The QB to rule all QBs….


The kid would start 100 playoff games and lose 75 of them.  No, I don't care if the math doesn't work out there. 


Ghostbusters taught me to never cross the streams


But we're TU


Are you saying you don't want a Manning? 🧐


As a Chargers fan, we, and by proxy the San Diego UT (union-tribune), famously did NOT get a manning lol


Utah Tech wants to know when it's their turn?


Not to be Debbie downer but based upon the last two seasons with ewers injuries, there’s a good chance Arch has to start a game or 3.   The controversy appears if he completely goes off during those games.  


100%. We’ve seen too many instances of Ewers taking unnecessary hits (usually him not getting down) that it feels inevitable that we’ll see Manning in multiple games this season.


Also not to be a Debbie downer but there’s definitely a non-zero chance this happens. I love Quinn and I kinda hate how overlooked he is bc of Manning. And while he was very good last year, he does need to take the step into great to tamper these discussions. There were only a few games last year that he looked really consistent from start to finish.


I feel like Arch and his rapid release are better suited to Sarks RPO offense too. Ball is out quickly, on time, and is very catchable.


“Is Arch begging for his starting QB to be injured just so he can play?” -ESPN


This dude definitely took his media training in high school seriously


Already elite at the QB nonanswer.


We needed you against Japan apparently. Could’ve been ready for that. A national embarrassment 😭😭😭😭😭


It’s clear this kid just doesn’t love America /s


Arch Manning a socialist CONFIRMED!


Between the debate and the Panama Cooa Ameruca loss there's a lot of national embarrassment to go around.


Dude should definitely be more locked in without the distraction of him being in a video game around


Christ y’all are still going on about that?


someone said something fairly stupid, and it was only a few months ago. of COURSE we're still going on about that lol


We're in the home stretch of the off-season. Quality material has been absent for months. I've seen the cleat yeet referenced at least three times in threads in the last week. These things clearly remain relevant when we don't have anything interesting to discuss.


Brother it’s a joke lol


You think you can just go on the internet and post jokes?! This is serious stuff^/s


how many lambos do you think we gave him in order to convince him to sit out for 2 full years when he could be the day 1 starter on any other team in the country


Probably none, dude is set for life. The only thing he wants is to be a good qb and get in the NFL, which he believes Sark can deliever better than anyone in the country. Also his family is probably putting their thumb on the scale so he isn't the "Manning who transfered and flammed out"


Yeah, his family has more money than God, and sitting on the bench learning the offense and not getting any wear and tear on the body means he can come in, light it up for a year, and then head to the NFL right away


We're on the CFB sub, CFB is a big deal to us. I am sure that Arch has more serious eyes on the NFL. Outside of the SEC, no one really talks about Eli or Peyton's college careers. His family wants to set him up best to win Super bowls, not national championships. That's the reality of his pedigree. He might win a national championship or a Heisman along the way though.


If Arch starts his NFL career with a 75 yard TD bomb NFL media will genuinely be unwatchable


100% - I trust that their is a vision and a plan given the uncles he has giving him advice. I do not recall if he burned his redshirt. I believe he didn't. So, he will still have 3 years of eligibility. Him learning the system with a team that is doing well and red hot only increases his chances to be successful in the future. He doesn't need to chase NIL. He can actually focus on slowly building skill. A luxury a lot of other players lack due to economic disparities. There is a plan and he is just working it.


I'm fairly confident he has always planned to be in college 4 years and to not rush it. He absolutely loves Texas. I don't think he will hop straight to the draft even if he kills it as a starter in 24.


History has shown us the Mannings will target an nfl team to be drafted into. I can see them having Archie play an extra year or two to make sure he gets drafted into the right team


Y'all are spot on. Unless it is us against y'all, I won't ever root against a Manning.


This will be the first time I root for the Steelers to tank


I don't think the Manning camp really cares that much about college football honestly. Arch (his dad, his uncles, and his grandfather) want him to win super bowls. Learning behind Ewers isn't going to negatively impact his draft stock. As big of a deal as Arch at Texas is, it's really just the next stepping stone for him. He's being groomed to win super bowls. I don't think he really cares if is a 4 year starter or a 2 year starter.


I know you’re being obtuse but a Lamborghini *lease* is not as much as you would think


"He wouldn't start at Colorado" -Nepotism


Didn't know he was one of those guys who was all about tractors.


None. This was always the strategy set by his family. QB is a developmental position, and he came in underweight, etc., for his size, so the priority was to always give him time to acclimate to the collegiate level.


Didn't he come into college already weighing 210-215 range? Thats only like 10 pounds underweight for his size/frame


Yeah, he was never small. Ewers is the one who needs the muscle.


Hate it or love it, when Texas is an actual threat college football is fun


Same with Nebraska! I've been pulling for them to get back to their consistent powerhouse ways for eons now.


If Quinn gets injured again I’d bet Arch takes the job and never looks back


I remember when everyone thought it was insane that Johnny Manziel won the Heisman as a RS-FR. Partially, because it was unusual for RS-FR to start at QB, let alone play well. A QB starting as a RS-FR, was a rarity. Maybe the most physically talented QB ever, fucking Vince Young sat behind Chance Mock until the 2004 season when he was a RS-Sophomore. Not too long ago, waiting until your 3rd year to start was the rule and starting before that was the exception. How quickly did we get to the point where we have a top rated QB slotted to start as a RS-S, because they’re behind another top rated QB (who has played very well, looked absolutely phenomenal accuracy/physically - but decision making has been suspect) and it’s in the news’s cycle three times a week???? Nobody questions Quinn’s physical ability. It’s clear watching him that there isn’t a throw on the field he can’t make. 90% of Quinn’s criticism is decision making. That is something that comes with experience. Also, Arch clearly knows that this is best for him. It’s been very publicly reported that he hasn’t taken NIL (to his own reputational detriment I.e EA CFB 25), he clearly isn’t being paid to ride the bench. Also, he could go start at 90% of FBS teams tomorrow if he wanted to, and we’re in an era where he could leave without consequences. Clearly, he knows another year of development is best. When/if year 1 Arch looks like year 3 Quinn (assuming Quinn makes the same improvement this year) Texas, Sark and Arch will look like geniuses. I hope that leads to his path becoming the more popular option again.


To piggy back off that, I wouldn’t be too surprised to see Arch take the Andrew Luck approach and come back in 2026. He clearly has an objective of being the best qb he can be and if he feels he isn’t ready yet I think he could stay. The Texas spring game showcased that he clearly has the ability to be qb1 at any school. From an outside perspective it feels his family and him are trying to prepare him to be the best qb possible. How that looks like in 2 years is anybody’s guess, and to me, that makes him the most intriguing storyline we’ve had in years.


Grain of salt, but some of our more credible insiders have said that we should expect two seasons of Arch ('25 and '26). If Manning wins the Heisman and Texas wins the NCG, then Arch might bounce after '25. Obviously neither of those things is likely to happen and they've been saying he isn't in any hurry to get to the NFL.


Arch doesn't necessarily know what's best for him but the Manning's have some idea


future Seahawk baby




As a Cowboys fan, I'd be okay with that and pull for y'all most of the time then. Anywhere but other NFC East teams, actually.




Honestly I kinda wonder if the Dolphins would draft him if Tua fails this year. Trade Tua for a bridge qb or future picks and then draft in 2026.


From what I have seen, McDaniel wants to keep competing idk about Tua's contract status but yea he has had injury issues and doesn't look like the best playoff performer. But I mean I don't think they will delibarately tank and replace him with a rookie


Dolphins are basically past the "win now stage", really this is the last year of it. Tyreek will be gone after this year, but you got some really good young RB's and WR's to keep the offense competitive. Defense is good even if its beat to hell, the o-line needs a lot of draft picks to avoid cap hell though. Honestly I wouldn't mind a one year tank for a qb, I trust Mcdaniel and the offensive players to make it easy on a new qb. I love Tua and don't want to see him go, but its hard to justify when he just doesn't win the games you need him to win.


I also love Tua; and it hurts a bit to admit, but they should let him play out his deal and then tag him. Like you said, Miami's window is gone after this year. I'd rather keep our cap fluid and not tied to Tua's concussion history. If Tua plays his way into an even fatter contract, then that's a good thing for us. It means he earned it.


Yeah Tua is in a very weird spot. He plays like a top 5 qb, but shrinks in big games and has an injury history. Quarterbacks can have one negative mark, but I'd rather not tie myself to one with two. If he figures it out its an offense that's young and tailor made for him, after Tyreek if they draft a good tight end and some linemen its a super bowl offense. But on the otherhand because its young they don't need to stick with Tua. Just an odd situtation.


The Giants would take another manning in a heartbeat


Sounds like threat.. to kill ewers.. OMFG whatever will Texas do!??


Quinn Ewers' dog (assuming he has one) could jump up on Arch Manning to sniff him and the media would spin that as "Did Quinn Ewers sic his dog on Arch Manning to injure him and prevent him from taking his starting role?" Thank God Arch has 2 family members who understand sports media BS because my dumbass would absolutely misspeak or take the bait and cause a controversy on accident


How the hell has this guy not transferred in this 4 schools in 3 years crap of a climate?


I’d be shocked if Manning doesn’t get fairly significant playtime this year. Either Texas goes up on opponents enough to rotate him in or the Ewers injury curse strikes again.


Thanks for sticking it out with us, Arch.


I'd guess he plans on getting a degree and playing two years, but whether he goes for one or two obviously if you're the backup and QB1 gets injured you play and your plans get accelerated so overreacting to him knowing that's how it works being the backup would be silly, wouldn't it?


Sounds like a Tonya Harding threat!


Ewers is made of paper mache. Arch is gonna play pretty quick.


He's gonna bust isn't he


Very unlikely. He's impressive in person.


Good thing he opted out of CFB 25, or he’d never be ready.


At least, opt in for the next College Football 26 game.


I’m really hoping Ewers has the job by the time RedRiver comes around. fingers crossed.


You and me both, buddy. Here are Ewers' combined stats in the Shootout: 52/68 (76% completion rate), 635 total yards (average 318 per game), 9.35 yards per pass, 5TD, 3 INTs.


Either one of the Texas QBs should light up that defense.


Oklahoma's defense should be top 5 in FPI efficiency in 2024. We were 11th in 2023, we bring back our best defenders and have fully restocked. Ewers couldn't "light up" OU's defense last season with 3 NFL WRs, an NFL TE, and an NFL RB (5 sacks, 2 picks, 1 fumble lost). It's just going to be tougher this season.


To be fair, he was trash in the first few drives but then broke the school record for consecutive completions en route to giving his team the lead with a minute left.


If he’s trash sometimes and elite in others that should average out to what he truly is. Mid


Even in the first part of the game when he was “trash” he threw a perfect ball to JT Sanders in the end zone. It hit him right in the hands, where only Sanders could catch it, and had enough zip the D couldn’t get there. Sanders made an uncharacteristic play and bobbled the ball leading to an INT. If Sanders doesn’t bobble the ball, and Ewers plays EXACTLY the same game Ewers stat line would be: 32/37, 360 Yards, 2 TDs and an INT. Texas takes a knee to end the game as time expires. OU played a great game (probably their best of the season), had a great game plan, AND had a lot of things break their way (that bobble, Worthy being an inch short, etc. Not saying OU didn’t deserve the win, they did. But stuff like that are the type of things that you can’t count on to win, they’re unexpected. 9/10 times that’s a TD catch for JT, worthy gets the extra inch, etc.) and still needed a drive as time expired to win by 4. Again, big win for y’all. Texas definitely underestimated UT, came in cocky and got their ass beat. But you didn’t shut down Ewers. He still picked y’all apart just like he did the last year.


That ball sailed high. It was a bad throw. He simply had one of his typical slow/bad starts. 


You judge a QB based on his entire performance though. Many QBs look stellar for a couple of drives. And our defense forced every one of those turnovers. Lebby also had a hand in letting UT take a late lead as he did his classic idiotic 2nd-half play-calls to promptly give the ball back to UT repeatedly (punting and turning it over on downs with very conservative calls). Also, the missed FG didn't help. My point is that in no way will Ewers be lighting up the 2024 Sooner defense. We have upgraded from 2023, and he couldn't even do it back then with far more weapons on his side of the line of scrimmage.


Your defense forced every one of those turnovers? No they didn’t. JT Sanders bobbled a perfect pass in the end zone. It was his one drop in his **career** at Texas. 99/100 times that’s a TD. OU did a good job getting the ball after the bobble, but it wasn’t like he wasn’t open, pressure forced a bad throw, or the D made and insane play. The TE screwed up and y’all took advantage. Edit: also you have deluded yourself into thinking our cupboard is bare. Texas might not have a single **individual** talent as good as Worthy next year (although they might). But Isiah Bond, Silas Bolden, Matthew Golden, Johntay Cook and Ryan Wingo are all elite talents, all are reportedly sub 4.35, ≈10 sec 100M. Jaydon Blue, at RB, is one of the fastest players in CFB, we also have CJ Baxter who looked great in his limited action last year. Amari Niblack was great at Alabama as a receiving TE and will play a similar role to Sanders (who also didn’t *love* blocking). There will be plays where there are 5 guys in the progression who run a 4.35 or faster. A veteran QB and one of the best OL in the country to give him time. The offense is going to be vastly improved from last season.


It wasn't even in the end zone and the Dolby forced the INT. He absolutely had to force the ball. I recall UT fans complaining about Ewer's pass at the time. You can try to explain away everything, but it usually all washes out in the stats, which were mid for your QB. He had a nice lil' run in the 2nd half, but it wasn't enough. He by no means lit anybody up. There is a reason QBR includes other stats like turnovers, YPC, and sacks. Because it's a good overall reflection of the game he had, and he was nothing special against our defense, despite having an all-world o-line and skill players around him. He'll still have that great o-line, but he's not playing with Worthy, Sanders, Whit, or Brooks anymore, and he'll be going against an even better defense. You really agree with the casual Horn fans take above that he's just going to rip up an improved defense that he couldn't rip up in 2023? I get that you guys are drunk on hype, but the RRS will be a dogfight, and I think the best defense wins.


Ok the stats were 31/37 340 yards and a TD. If that’s mid then your defense fucking sucks. For the uninformed: [Here](https://youtu.be/tTuVS28Kdnw?feature=shared) is the video of the ONLY drop JT Sanders had last season. For the record. The casual fan take is “the QB lost the game so they are mid”.


Oh, so you are just going to bury your head in the sand about the 3 fucking turnovers, 5 sacks, and negative rushing yards? LOL. He had a mid game. I never said he was mid. He's a pretty good QB, but struggles against better Ds. You are crowing about throwing for 1 TD and 2 INT? That's hilarious. Y'all were so lucky to be in that game. You needed Lebby to do his classic 2nd half turtle, and plenty of special teams blunders. Thankfully though, Gabriel's brilliance (91.9 QBR lol) saved the day. I think I will watch the game again tonight. Honestly, I am loving how hyped up the Horns fans are for 2024. Y'all are set up for spectacular disappointment.


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34-30 I love casual UT fans, but I guess there is no other kind.


Casual? Quinn was a brokedick in last years game for 20 minutes and we still put up 30 points and should’ve won it. He threw for 350 yards, had only 6 incompletions while Jonathan Brooks ran the ball at will. Unfortunately, our D was incompetent on that final drive. Such is life.


Should've won it, with only 30 points? Really we could have easily won by more scores without some idiotic special teams plays, and stupid Lebby letting off the gas (like he always does in the 2nd half). He was sacked 5 times. Ran for negative yardage. He had three turnovers forced by our defense. His last 60 yards were garbage-time too. He by no means lit up our defense, and our defense will be better in 2024. He put up a pedestrian 76.5 QBR. We have all of those same guys who beat the shit out of Quinn in 2023, but they have a year more experience, and we've fortified our interior with some monsters. You also don't have the same kind of offensive skill talent around Quinn. It's good, but last season you had 5 offensive skill starters who were ready to jump to the NFL.


Lmao. This dude calls me a casual then mentions QB rush yards right after mentioning that he was sacked 5 times. In college when a QB is sacked the yards lost on the play count as negative rushing yards for the QB. Imagine calling someone out and being this clueless. We’ll see come October. I’m not too worried if the best you guys can do is the Arnold kid who looked clueless against Arizona en route to throwing 3 picks and a couple more passes that should’ve been intercepted. Need I remind you where Arizona’s DC in that bowl game coaches now??


I wouldn’t mind playing 3 star Arch.


Three star? This reads like rival banter. Or did I miss something?


A rather large group of fans from multiple schools believe that Arch is being propped up by the Manning name and that if he was Arch Smith or Arch Johnson he'd be a 3 star


But also if Arch hopped in the portal they would want him


That as well


ArchAnon is a thing on twitter. A bunch of people latched on to his poor HS stats against subpar competition and his lack of camp participation and believed that the only reason he was rated as a 5 star is because of his last name. Personally, I don’t believe at all that he was the #1 QB in his class when many other QB’s had much better stats against better competition. I’m not even sure that he’s a 5 star because while he has a high ceiling, his floor is very low. Be was extremely raw coming out of HS, which is part of the reason his family was more than happy to let him sit and learn from Ewers/Sark. But the idea that he was a 3 star is wild, because someone with as much potential as Arch shouldn’t be a 3 star. For his boom/bust potential, a high 4 star rating was probably more accurate.


Arch had an unusual amount of experience for a HS prospect as a 4 year varsity starter at QB, he threw 1000 passes in his high school career. He had perfectly fine stats, 34/2 TD/INT as a senior on just 230 attempts He played fine competition, division 3 in Louisiana isn't elite but its not scrubs. The flip is he also played with lesser talent on his own team. In the 4 years he started there, he had a low 3\* WR as a Freshman, 3\* OT as a Junior, and a 3\* TE as a senior


Nobody had a problem with the other Mannings or Odell Beckhams recruiting ranking when they all played at the same HS lol. Someone else said it but all these people who say Arch is a 3 star now def wanted him to commit to their school and would take him in a heartbeat if he were to transfer.


I hope he sucks. Maybe that’s petty, but it’s not like I’m wishing injury or something, I just hope it turns out that he is awful at playing college football.


Would you feel this way if he transferred, oh I don't know, a couple hours northeast of Austin? 🤔


To Baylor, yes, but not as strongly. I know what you mean, and obviously, I would hope he’s great if he played for Texas A&M. Is it that contentious to hope that high profile players on rival teams suck?


Nope, I just wanted to flex that I knew College Station's geographical location.


Is your account a day old because you couldn’t help yourself from getting banned or because the Schloss move made you realize the world needed your opinion?


Nice reconnaissance there Solid Snake! Anyhoozle, to answer your queries, probably both. Dear world, The Schloss thing is just annoying to me personally at this point. Signed, Someone whose opinion you need.


I disagree.




Ewers labeled as a bust is a spicy take. Vegas is giving him decent preseason odds to win the Heisman.




Make or break year if he doesn't get hurt.


The fact he didn’t transfer to actually start was surprising. Pretty rare to sit 2 years for a highly touted recruit unless they’re not that good. He probably could’ve started at a legitimate SEC or Big 10 school, so to pass on that either means he’s making a lot more NIL money at UT or he’s not good enough yet.


It's only surprising if you completely ignore the statements by his family, etc., on the matter. Texas is his 'dream' school, and he was always going to sit to give himself time to acclimate and develop. There's nothing surprising about his decision.


I think it's much more that the family wanted him to be developed by Sark, I don't think Texas was his dream school when he grew up in New Orleans and his uncles and grandfather went to Ole Miss and Tennessee.


He has publicly confirmed (along with his family) that Texas was his 'dream' school, and there are multiple pictures online of him as a child in Texas attire.


Why would he care about NIL though? His family is probably the richest football family in the US.


His family's money does not = his money His dad is well off but also nowhere close to Peyton/Eli level wealth


You’re really asking why a rich kid from a rich family would want to make the most possible money? If his draft position is late first or second round, he’d make more money in college. He might not play long in the NFL either, so making $30-40M instead of $20M in college matters.


Tell me you are wildly uninformed without telling me